Romney should not be receiving National security briefs


Romney was the person who decided to buy Chinese solar panels for government jobs, paid for with Stimulus money, which was against stimulus rules?
If I were Iran, and a crazed fanatic, I'd say let's get a little fissile material to Hezbollah, have them carry it to Chicago or some other place, and then if anything goes wrong or if America starts acting up, we'll just say, "Guess what, unless you stand down, why we're gonna let off a dirty bomb."
~Mitt Romney

oh for crying out loud,
This man is an idiot. I just can't stress that enough.

On the tape he describes how if HE were Iran he would send someone with a "dirty bomb" to Chicago and tell America to stand down or else.

He's giving advice to terrorists.

You have to be one of the biggest liars and hacks I've ever had the displeasure to come across on any political forum. You take everything and twist it. You deny the truth every single day on this forum and spread lies. There's something seriously wrong with you. TM and Shitting Bull are right there with you. You're deranged and I mean that sincerely.

Mainlining all of that irony appears to be making you irritable.
This man is an idiot. I just can't stress that enough.

On the tape he describes how if HE were Iran he would send someone with a "dirty bomb" to Chicago and tell America to stand down or else.

He's giving advice to terrorists.

You have to be one of the biggest liars and hacks I've ever had the displeasure to come across on any political forum. You take everything and twist it. You deny the truth every single day on this forum and spread lies. There's something seriously wrong with you. TM and Shitting Bull are right there with you. You're deranged and I mean that sincerely.

Mainlining all of that irony appears to be making you irritable.

She didn't say a thing that is's called truth. What's ironic is that you think that you have something intelligent to say in spite of your posts. Maybe passing off stupidity as intelligence like Ravi's and yours... is what's ironic.
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You have to be one of the biggest liars and hacks I've ever had the displeasure to come across on any political forum. You take everything and twist it. You deny the truth every single day on this forum and spread lies. There's something seriously wrong with you. TM and Shitting Bull are right there with you. You're deranged and I mean that sincerely.

Mainlining all of that irony appears to be making you irritable.

She didn't say a thing that is's called truth. What's ironic is that you think that you have something intelligent to say in spite of your posts.

that's the usual
Of course Romney is getting briefings.

Come Nov he'll be the POTUS and will need to hit the ground running.

Nothing weird about it. Happens every election.
Of course the President-Elect ought to be in on daily briefings.

But right now, I see no reason that Romney or any other candidate ought to be brought into them.
This man is an idiot. I just can't stress that enough.

On the tape he describes how if HE were Iran he would send someone with a "dirty bomb" to Chicago and tell America to stand down or else.

He's giving advice to terrorists.

You have to be one of the biggest liars and hacks I've ever had the displeasure to come across on any political forum. You take everything and twist it. You deny the truth every single day on this forum and spread lies. There's something seriously wrong with you. TM and Shitting Bull are right there with you. You're deranged and I mean that sincerely.

Mainlining all of that irony appears to be making you irritable.
In her defense, she makes Stephanie appear rational by comparison.

She's really pissed that I exposed baretta as a liar and she can no longer address a topic of any thread.

It makes me laugh.
This man is an idiot. I just can't stress that enough.

On the tape he describes how if HE were Iran he would send someone with a "dirty bomb" to Chicago and tell America to stand down or else.

He's giving advice to terrorists.
Obamaturd and biden are bigger idiots.
This man is an idiot. I just can't stress that enough.

On the tape he describes how if HE were Iran he would send someone with a "dirty bomb" to Chicago and tell America to stand down or else.

He's giving advice to terrorists.

Worried he is going to actually read the briefs and know more about what's going on than the President does?
This man is an idiot. I just can't stress that enough.

On the tape he describes how if HE were Iran he would send someone with a "dirty bomb" to Chicago and tell America to stand down or else.

He's giving advice to terrorists.

Wow, I mean wow, Advocating that a Presidential Candidate not get Intel Briefings.

To funny.

You are Pathetic sweet heart. Romney has 10 Times the Intellect you do.
If I were Iran, and a crazed fanatic, I'd say let's get a little fissile material to Hezbollah, have them carry it to Chicago or some other place, and then if anything goes wrong or if America starts acting up, we'll just say, "Guess what, unless you stand down, why we're gonna let off a dirty bomb."
~Mitt Romney

In other words, he understands how dangerous it is for Iran to get a nuclear weapon.

Wish our current President realized the dangers.
my gawd, Romney was a GOVONER of a state and Obama was a Community organizer..

now which one should of been getting National Security briefs?

poor ObamaBots really believe the American people are stupid, well the ones who voted for a community organizer to be our President...what can you say

what's a govoner? :confused:

it sounds vaguely french
The Sheer Arrogance of the OP, and Liberal Responses to this Thread is proof we need to Vote every single one of these out of Touch, Left wing loons out of office, and NEVER let them in power again. The World is heading for Disaster thanks in large part to their Hero Presidents Childish, and Short sighted Policies and they are Trying to tell us how stupid a man who turned everything he ever touched in his life into gold is.

Frankly I would rather have the most Filthy Rich, Heartless cocksucker there is as my President, than a Fool that has know fucking Clue what he is doing and is single handedly Over seeing the Fall of America from Power.
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This man is an idiot. I just can't stress that enough.

On the tape he describes how if HE were Iran he would send someone with a "dirty bomb" to Chicago and tell America to stand down or else.

He's giving advice to terrorists.

You have to be one of the biggest liars and hacks I've ever had the displeasure to come across on any political forum. You take everything and twist it. You deny the truth every single day on this forum and spread lies. There's something seriously wrong with you. TM and Shitting Bull are right there with you. You're deranged and I mean that sincerely.


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