Romney joins the long line of politically "Unhinged-R"


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Mitt Romney condemned President Obama’s decision to recall all U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of the year, essentially accusing the administration Friday of increasing the risk that the country will tumble into political chaos or fall under increased Iranian influence.

“President Obama’s astonishing failure to secure an orderly transition in Iraq has unnecessarily put at risk the victories that were won through the blood and sacrifice of thousands of American men and women,” the Republican presidential candidate said in a statement.

“The unavoidable question is whether this decision is the result of a naked political calculation or simply sheer ineptitude in negotiations with the Iraqi government. The American people deserve to hear the recommendations that were made by our military commanders in Iraq,” he said.

Literally. I'm speechless.
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“Today's announcement that we will remove all of our forces from Iraq is a political decision and not a military one; it represents the complete failure of President Obama to secure an agreement with Iraq for our troops to remain there to preserve the peace and demonstrates how far our foreign policy leadership has fallen,” Bachmann said. “In every case where the United States has liberated a people from dictatorial rule, we have kept troops in that country to ensure a peaceful transition and to protect fragile growing democracies. “

Yeah, that's the spirit!

We have GOT to stop policing the world. We can't. We're not in that happy, healthy place of power that we used to be in when such was the norm.
Mitt Romney condemned President Obama’s decision to recall all U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of the year, essentially accusing the administration Friday of increasing the risk that the country will tumble into political chaos or fall under increased Iranian influence.

“President Obama’s astonishing failure to secure an orderly transition in Iraq has unnecessarily put at risk the victories that were won through the blood and sacrifice of thousands of American men and women,” the Republican presidential candidate said in a statement.

“The unavoidable question is whether this decision is the result of a naked political calculation or simply sheer ineptitude in negotiations with the Iraqi government. The American people deserve to hear the recommendations that were made by our military commanders in Iraq,” he said.

Literally. I'm speechless.

to bad you're fingers still work....

you apparently room with Lakhota and suffer the same critical thinking fail.....
Mitt Romney condemned President Obama’s decision to recall all U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of the year, essentially accusing the administration Friday of increasing the risk that the country will tumble into political chaos or fall under increased Iranian influence.

“President Obama’s astonishing failure to secure an orderly transition in Iraq has unnecessarily put at risk the victories that were won through the blood and sacrifice of thousands of American men and women,” the Republican presidential candidate said in a statement.

“The unavoidable question is whether this decision is the result of a naked political calculation or simply sheer ineptitude in negotiations with the Iraqi government. The American people deserve to hear the recommendations that were made by our military commanders in Iraq,” he said.

Literally. I'm speechless.
Why? Haven't received the official talking points yet?
Literally. I'm speechless.


It’s as if Romney has one of the rightist nutbars here at USMB writing for him.

We’ll be hearing a lot more of this from Romney, SC is going to be really tough for him. There are also a lot of TPM nitwits in Iowa.
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Literally. I'm speechless.


It’s as if Romney has one of the rightist nutbars here at USMB writing for him.

We’ll be hearing a lot more of this from Romney, SC is going to be really tough for him. There are also a lot of TPM nitwits in Iowa.

Exactly! I mean, Obama is literally getting out on Bush's timetable, and they're still trash talking him?

What a crock.
Literally. I'm speechless.


It’s as if Romney has one of the rightist nutbars here at USMB writing for him.

We’ll be hearing a lot more of this from Romney, SC is going to be really tough for him. There are also a lot of TPM nitwits in Iowa.

Exactly! I mean, Obama is literally getting out on Bush's timetable, and they're still trash talking him?

What a crock.

They are very upset...just like they are upset about Ghaddafi. Just like they were upset about OBL. It simply figures.
Mitt Romney condemned President Obama’s decision to recall all U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of the year, essentially accusing the administration Friday of increasing the risk that the country will tumble into political chaos or fall under increased Iranian influence.

“President Obama’s astonishing failure to secure an orderly transition in Iraq has unnecessarily put at risk the victories that were won through the blood and sacrifice of thousands of American men and women,” the Republican presidential candidate said in a statement.

“The unavoidable question is whether this decision is the result of a naked political calculation or simply sheer ineptitude in negotiations with the Iraqi government. The American people deserve to hear the recommendations that were made by our military commanders in Iraq,” he said.

Literally. I'm speechless.

Oddly, so am I, but it's probably because I dislike Romney so much.

Romney is desperate to keep the focus on Obama and off himself, because if Republicans take the time to look at his record, religion, flip-flopping and sleazy business practices, he's going to have problems.

But I don't see the upside for him here. The national mood on Iraq is one where most people just want to stop hearing about it. I just don't see the gain in talking about it for him at this point, unless he is trying to shine on the Neo-Con faction, which has been pretty quiet this cycle.
Literally. I'm speechless.


It’s as if Romney has one of the rightist nutbars here at USMB writing for him.

We’ll be hearing a lot more of this from Romney, SC is going to be really tough for him. There are also a lot of TPM nitwits in Iowa.

I will be interested in seeing what you say, when Iran takes over in Iraq, because I can guarantee you that is going to happen. Iran can't wait until we get out of there. Iraq has no Air Force, no intelligence capabilities a weak security force and Iran has it all. It will be a breeze for them, then not only do we have a radical islamic state in Iran, we will have one in Iraq as well. Oh joy.:cuckoo::cuckoo: But praise be to Obama. Yeah right.:cuckoo:
Literally. I'm speechless.


It’s as if Romney has one of the rightist nutbars here at USMB writing for him.

We’ll be hearing a lot more of this from Romney, SC is going to be really tough for him. There are also a lot of TPM nitwits in Iowa.

I will be interested in seeing what you say, when Iran takes over in Iraq, because I can guarantee you that is going to happen. Iran can't wait until we get out of there. Iraq has no Air Force, no intelligence capabilities a weak security force and Iran has it all. It will be a breeze for them, then not only do we have a radical islamic state in Iran, we will have one in Iraq as well. Oh joy.:cuckoo::cuckoo: But praise be to Obama. Yeah right.:cuckoo:

Well, Bush should have thought of that before he toppled Saddam.

Shi'ites make up 65% of the Iraqi population. Any DEMOCRATIC Iraqi government was going to be leaning towards Iran, regardless.

Mahmoud can walk down the street of Baghdad to adoring crowds while we have to sneak our presidents in to make sure no one throws shoes at them.

And since I don't see your boy Mitt signing his sons up to join the military, I think the operative acronym is STFU, Mitt.
Mitt Romney condemned President Obama’s decision to recall all U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of the year, essentially accusing the administration Friday of increasing the risk that the country will tumble into political chaos or fall under increased Iranian influence.

“President Obama’s astonishing failure to secure an orderly transition in Iraq has unnecessarily put at risk the victories that were won through the blood and sacrifice of thousands of American men and women,” the Republican presidential candidate said in a statement.

“The unavoidable question is whether this decision is the result of a naked political calculation or simply sheer ineptitude in negotiations with the Iraqi government. The American people deserve to hear the recommendations that were made by our military commanders in Iraq,” he said.

Literally. I'm speechless.

Oddly, so am I, but it's probably because I dislike Romney so much.

Romney is desperate to keep the focus on Obama and off himself, because if Republicans take the time to look at his record, religion, flip-flopping and sleazy business practices, he's going to have problems.

But I don't see the upside for him here. The national mood on Iraq is one where most people just want to stop hearing about it. I just don't see the gain in talking about it for him at this point, unless he is trying to shine on the Neo-Con faction, which has been pretty quiet this cycle.

Sleasy business practices??? :lol: Yeah right, he took the state of Ma which had a 3 billion dollar deficit and turned that into a 2 billion dollar surplus in a short 4 years and did it without raising taxes. Sleasy?? He has an outstanding record in turning around companies that were going bankrupt- do you know staples? turned that from a failing company into one that is present in almost every state, employing thousands, that's just one of many examples. Sleasy? He took the Salt Lake city olympics and turned that into the most successful Olympics ever. Sleasy?? If that 's your idea of sleasy, then for crimmany sakes, I want more of it.

It’s as if Romney has one of the rightist nutbars here at USMB writing for him.

We’ll be hearing a lot more of this from Romney, SC is going to be really tough for him. There are also a lot of TPM nitwits in Iowa.

I will be interested in seeing what you say, when Iran takes over in Iraq, because I can guarantee you that is going to happen. Iran can't wait until we get out of there. Iraq has no Air Force, no intelligence capabilities a weak security force and Iran has it all. It will be a breeze for them, then not only do we have a radical islamic state in Iran, we will have one in Iraq as well. Oh joy.:cuckoo::cuckoo: But praise be to Obama. Yeah right.:cuckoo:

Well, Bush should have thought of that before he toppled Saddam.

Shi'ites make up 65% of the Iraqi population. Any DEMOCRATIC Iraqi government was going to be leaning towards Iran, regardless.

Mahmoud can walk down the street of Baghdad to adoring crowds while we have to sneak our presidents in to make sure no one throws shoes at them.

And since I don't see your boy Mitt signing his sons up to join the military, I think the operative acronym is STFU, Mitt.

Who the fuck are you to say any man should over ride the freedom of heirs to fight for their cause?
Sleasy business practices??? :lol: Yeah right, he took the state of Ma which had a 3 billion dollar deficit and turned that into a 2 billion dollar surplus in a short 4 years and did it without raising taxes. Sleasy?? He has an outstanding record in turning around companies that were going bankrupt- do you know staples? turned that from a failing company into one that is present in almost every state, employing thousands, that's just one of many examples. Sleasy? He took the Salt Lake city olympics and turned that into the most successful Olympics ever. Sleasy?? If that 's your idea of sleasy, then for crimmany sakes, I want more of it.

How about AmPad, where he put hundreds of people out of jobs, increased the company's debt to 400 million, and left the stockholders with stock that was worth .35 a share while he collected millions in "Management fees"..

How about Damon Medical, where the company paid a 112 MILLION dollar fine for defrauding Medicare?

And frankly, saving the Mormon Church's Face in the 2002 Olympics (which SLC NEVER, EVER should have gotten) isn't an accomplishment. Screw the Olympics. Seriously. no one watches them.

Romney is sleaze. the kind of sleaze that got us into this mess. The kind of guy who watches "It's a Wonderful Life" and cheers for Mr. Potter.
I'm an independent conservative, and I'm glad he's pulling us out. I think we should pull all our troops out of all those stinking middle eastern countries entirely. Then work on getting out of Korea, Germany, Japan, etc., etc., etc..
And since I don't see your boy Mitt signing his sons up to join the military, I think the operative acronym is STFU, Mitt.

Who the fuck are you to say any man should over ride the freedom of heirs to fight for their cause?

I'm saying that if you believe a war is right, you should be doing everything you can to get your own kids to fight it.

This is why I respected McCain and Palin. They both had kids in the military. They weren't just talking shit. They were willing to put it on the line. They set he proper example.

Mitt avoided Vietnam, and his own kids avoided military service as well.
Sleasy business practices??? :lol: Yeah right, he took the state of Ma which had a 3 billion dollar deficit and turned that into a 2 billion dollar surplus in a short 4 years and did it without raising taxes. Sleasy?? He has an outstanding record in turning around companies that were going bankrupt- do you know staples? turned that from a failing company into one that is present in almost every state, employing thousands, that's just one of many examples. Sleasy? He took the Salt Lake city olympics and turned that into the most successful Olympics ever. Sleasy?? If that 's your idea of sleasy, then for crimmany sakes, I want more of it.

How about AmPad, where he put hundreds of people out of jobs, increased the company's debt to 400 million, and left the stockholders with stock that was worth .35 a share while he collected millions in "Management fees"..

How about Damon Medical, where the company paid a 112 MILLION dollar fine for defrauding Medicare?

And frankly, saving the Mormon Church's Face in the 2002 Olympics (which SLC NEVER, EVER should have gotten) isn't an accomplishment. Screw the Olympics. Seriously. no one watches them.

Romney is sleaze. the kind of sleaze that got us into this mess. The kind of guy who watches "It's a Wonderful Life" and cheers for Mr. Potter.

Would you care to provide some links with your rant. I have noticed you never post one and I can post hundreds with credible proof. Link please.
And since I don't see your boy Mitt signing his sons up to join the military, I think the operative acronym is STFU, Mitt.

Who the fuck are you to say any man should over ride the freedom of heirs to fight for their cause?

I'm saying that if you believe a war is right, you should be doing everything you can to get your own kids to fight it.

This is why I respected McCain and Palin. They both had kids in the military. They weren't just talking shit. They were willing to put it on the line. They set he proper example.

Mitt avoided Vietnam, and his own kids avoided military service as well.

We have a volunteer service. Now I dont like the guy. What his children do is their business, not for you to whine about like a little bitch. Its obvious he is pandering to the establishment of repubs and democrats, members from both parties profit.

My point is you are in no position to say who should be going. :fu:
Would you care to provide some links with your rant. I have noticed you never post one and I can post hundreds with credible proof. Link please.

I've posted links the LAST six times I've discussed this with you.

You pretend you didn't see them.

Get off your lazy ass and google them yourself.

Or you can just wait until Obama hits your boy with them. THat'll be amusing.

Because that's exactly what Ted Kennedy did to RomBot Version 1.0 in 1994, and he beat him by 17 points. Just get one crying AmPad worker on there saying, "Mitt Romney cut our throats". What are you going to counter with? Some minimum wage zombie at Staples?


"I'm happy with my living dead, no future job at Staples with no benefits...Braaaains"
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We have a volunteer service. Now I dont like the guy. What his children do is their business, not for you to whine about like a little bitch. Its obvious he is pandering to the establishment of repubs and democrats, members from both parties profit.

My point is you are in no position to say who should be going.

Right. What his kids do is their own business.

And rejecting him because they won't do what I did 30 years ago- stand up and sign up- even though there wasn't a draft- is my business.

But I get really tired of these politicians- in BOTH parties - who are happy to send other people's children off to war while finding ways of exempting their own.
Who the fuck are you to say any man should over ride the freedom of heirs to fight for their cause?

I'm saying that if you believe a war is right, you should be doing everything you can to get your own kids to fight it.

This is why I respected McCain and Palin. They both had kids in the military. They weren't just talking shit. They were willing to put it on the line. They set he proper example.

Mitt avoided Vietnam, and his own kids avoided military service as well.

We have a volunteer service. Now I dont like the guy. What his children do is their business, not for you to whine about like a little bitch. Its obvious he is pandering to the establishment of repubs and democrats, members from both parties profit.

My point is you are in no position to say who should be going. :fu:

Agreed, this is an all volunteer military service. If people choose to serve, they can an if they don't, they don't have to. I am certain that this poster has never served anywhere. He is no vet either. Yet, he will criticize others who chose a different path and that non-sense about respecting Palin and McCain is nothing but pure B.S. He is a liberal through and through and a bigot as well.

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