Rob "Meathead' Reiner says "Take to the streets" if Mueller fired


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
"Take to the streets"? And do what? Shout slogans, break stuff, and act oppressed?


"Make no mistake,by attacking Mueller,DT's state run TV(Fox) is pushing US to a constitutional crisis. Be prepared to take the streets."

Rob Reiner on Twitter

Yes, we will take to the streets, just as we did in Alabama. Door to door, get the people out and the votes in. Not silly ass 2nd amendment empty threats like you cowardly bastards, just the necessary footwork to change the political face of the nation.
Maybe they just need a snazzy little ditty to go along with the sound of pepper spray rounds and heads cracking...

Take to the streets and get clubbed and gassed by police how will that accomplish anything?

It gives the police a good workout. Them doughnuts can put a few extra pounds on a feller.
Take to the streets and get clubbed and gassed by police how will that accomplish anything?

I bet Mr. Meathead won't be there to get a facefull of pepper spray. Such as it always is. Like they say "We marched for justice. But when we turned around and looked, all we saw was just us."
My guess is they will take to the streets...march on a local pharmacy and loot it forgetting why they took to the streets in the first place.
"Take to the streets"? And do what? Shout slogans, break stuff, and act oppressed?


"Make no mistake,by attacking Mueller,DT's state run TV(Fox) is pushing US to a constitutional crisis. Be prepared to take the streets."

Rob Reiner on Twitter

That's what Trump threatened if he lost the election. You didn't have a problem with it then, right?
Cannot wait to be able to justifiably punch a liberal in the fucking face.

Lets do it.
"Take to the streets"? And do what? Shout slogans, break stuff, and act oppressed?


"Make no mistake,by attacking Mueller,DT's state run TV(Fox) is pushing US to a constitutional crisis. Be prepared to take the streets."

Rob Reiner on Twitter

That's what Trump threatened if he lost the election. You didn't have a problem with it then, right?

No...Actually he agreed to accept the results of the election if he won. Is that confidence or what?
"Take to the streets"? And do what? Shout slogans, break stuff, and act oppressed?


"Make no mistake,by attacking Mueller,DT's state run TV(Fox) is pushing US to a constitutional crisis. Be prepared to take the streets."

Rob Reiner on Twitter

That's what Trump threatened if he lost the election. You didn't have a problem with it then, right?

And four years earlier as well.


It's cute the way he refers to himself in the third person....
"Take to the streets"? And do what? Shout slogans, break stuff, and act oppressed?


"Make no mistake,by attacking Mueller,DT's state run TV(Fox) is pushing US to a constitutional crisis. Be prepared to take the streets."

Rob Reiner on Twitter

That's what Trump threatened if he lost the election. You didn't have a problem with it then, right?

No...Actually he agreed to accept the results of the election if he won. Is that confidence or what?

Bullshit did he.

Donald Trump Won’t Say if He’ll Accept Result of Election

Donald Trump Won’t Say if He’ll Accept Result of Election"

"In a remarkable statement that seemed to cast doubt on American democracy, Donald J. Trump said Wednesday that he might not accept the results of next month’s election if he felt it was rigged against him"

Donald Trump: 'I will totally accept' election results 'if i win' - CNNPolitics

Donald Trump: 'I will totally accept' election results 'if I win'"

Which is the complete and utter bullshit this asshole has been coming out with ever since. He'd accept the result ONLY if he won.
"Take to the streets"? And do what? Shout slogans, break stuff, and act oppressed?


"Make no mistake,by attacking Mueller,DT's state run TV(Fox) is pushing US to a constitutional crisis. Be prepared to take the streets."

Rob Reiner on Twitter

Like all leftists he takes his cue from third world countries.
Reiner...Reiner...what kind of name is Reiner?
"Take to the streets"? And do what? Shout slogans, break stuff, and act oppressed?


"Make no mistake,by attacking Mueller,DT's state run TV(Fox) is pushing US to a constitutional crisis. Be prepared to take the streets."

Rob Reiner on Twitter

Also yesterday "Walter Shaub, the former director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, urged Americans to take to the streets and demand President Trump’s impeachment should he attempt to undermine the investigation led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller." Link (Shaub...Shaub..what kind of name is Shaub I wonder?)
They always use the same language..since they are robots. Some other airhead celebrity was squeaking about "take to the streets" recently but I cant remember who.
Oh yes...

These millionaires are going to send their maids out on a rampage :)
Yes, we will take to the streets, just as we did in Alabama. Door to door, get the people out and the votes in. Not silly ass 2nd amendment empty threats like you cowardly bastards, just the necessary footwork to change the political face of the nation.

You dont even believe that. His threat is one of rioting and looting like third worlders who failed to win an election.

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