“If they fire Mueller, we take to the streets ..."


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
It's so funny to hear these empty threats from the Left, particularly from Hollywood dimwits. What exactly do they think they would "do" in the streets, besides scream ignorant slogans and dodge the shit piles?

Even your mighty Obama has rejected perky little Alexandria, who also says a lot of stupid stuff from the same school

Alyssa Milano: 'If They Fire Mueller, We Take to the Streets'
If they fire Mueller I will tell you to take to the streets.

She won't actually take to the streets herself.
I believe it's called protesting. One of those pesky constitutional rights.
With a leader who admires dictators, fascism and monarchies, of course they despise the U.S. Constitution, with the exception of the 2nd Amendment, which they mistakenly think gives them unfettered access to all guns anytime and everywhere.
I believe it's called protesting. One of those pesky constitutional rights.

It's protesting until a brick is thrown through a window, or a fire lit. Then it's a riot, and the cops can open fire should they so choose.

But since you people tend to burn down your own neighborhoods, who cares?
It's so funny to hear these empty threats from the Left, particularly from Hollywood dimwits. What exactly do they think they would "do" in the streets, besides scream ignorant slogans and dodge the shit piles?

Even your mighty Obama has rejected perky little Alexandria, who also says a lot of stupid stuff from the same school

Alyssa Milano: 'If They Fire Mueller, We Take to the Streets'
I'm still waiting for them to move out of the country, like they promised to do.
But since you people tend to burn down your own neighborhoods, who cares?
I still remember the guy in Ferguson (or maybe baltimore?) that accidently burnt down his own house.
When the idiot asked the fire dept to put it out, they said they were too busy and didnt have the manpower. He started calling them racist :rofl:
The judge in the Manafort witch hunt will issue a directed verdict of not guilty and then have Muellers entire team arrested for Sedition and Conspiracy to defraud the United States
ok are they gonna take it to the streets before or after they move to canada?
It's so funny to hear these empty threats from the Left, particularly from Hollywood dimwits. What exactly do they think they would "do" in the streets, besides scream ignorant slogans and dodge the shit piles?

Even your mighty Obama has rejected perky little Alexandria, who also says a lot of stupid stuff from the same school

Alyssa Milano: 'If They Fire Mueller, We Take to the Streets'
I'm still waiting for them to move out of the country, like they promised to do.

As I recall many in Hollywood and elsewhere were all moving out of the country if Trump won.

Guess what?? They are all still here. LOL
“If they fire Mueller, we take to the streets ..."

A blatant attempt to usurp the power the Constitution explicitly delegates to the Executive Branch of government ... :thup:

It's so funny to hear these empty threats from the Left, particularly from Hollywood dimwits. What exactly do they think they would "do" in the streets, besides scream ignorant slogans and dodge the shit piles?

Even your mighty Obama has rejected perky little Alexandria, who also says a lot of stupid stuff from the same school

Alyssa Milano: 'If They Fire Mueller, We Take to the Streets'

To think I used crush on her as a teen back in the 80's. Well, all I can say is, really, is . . . to give a shout out to high pressure fire hoses and fire hydrants. Hopefully Alyssa and her army won't melt . . .

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