Roar: The New Conservative Woman Speaks Out


Mar 21, 2014
Very good book. I thought the book was excellent, well written, and easy to read. Anyone had a chance to read it? The book's quality was excellent and compelled me to gift one to a liberal woman I know.

I started reading the book because I wanted to see from a woman's point of view. The author, Mrs. Hughes, is knowledgeable about key issues. These issues range from finding the right partner, motherhood, education, gun control, and the war on women. She writes about how her life is personally affected by these issues. She tries to make the issues personal to other women. I like how she compared and contrasted conservative vs. liberal women's thought processes as it relates to issues in life.

It's a good book. Hopefully it will serve to improve the dialogue among women.

Roar The New Conservative Woman Speaks Out Scottie Nell Hughes 9781617953767 Books

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