RNC Geared Everything to Support Jeb


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
But Trump has thrown a monkey wrench into the works. A Cruz knows this. Here's a pat of this article that nails it:

Remove Trump and Ben Carson becomes Herman Cain 2012; Cruz becomes Gingrich, Jeb replaces Romney and the 2016 outcome becomes 2012 ground-hog day. Just as designed.

This is a very insightful article and tells us why those of us who are sick and tired of RINOs are keeping our fingers crossed that Trump continues to hang in there. Read more @ Vox Popoli: Why Ted Cruz needs Trump
Not really a good analogy.

First, if you look at this chart, Romney always had a floor of support among the establishment. While some 70 of the GOP electorate wanted someone else, each "not Romney" only had a surge of a couple of weeks. Then people realized they were totally unsuited to the task, and went home to Romney.


In Bush's case, the floor fell out from him completely.

Now, Combover and Uncle Tom are not going to be the nominee. If one of them is, Hillary will have a cakewalk to the General Election even if the Zombies of Vince Foster and Christopher Stevens walk up on stage.

But the fact that they get 50%+ of the Support right now when people haven't made up their minds yet. It's unlikely that support will go to Bush and it probably won't go to Rubio.

The eventual GOP nominating fight will be a fight between Cruz and Rubio, I suspect.

I used to think Bush would be forced on the rank and file by the establishment, but the guy has just stumbled too much.

He's losing because he's a bad candidate, not because his family has inflicted untold misery on this country through two failed presidencies.
I don't think Jeb (or really anyone else, for that matter) anticipated this incredible anti-politician explosion.

He was kinda the next guy in line, so he has to be the biggest victim of this anti-establishment backlash.

Pretty amazing. A ton of wasted money.
Not really a good analogy.

First, if you look at this chart, Romney always had a floor of support among the establishment. While some 70 of the GOP electorate wanted someone else, each "not Romney" only had a surge of a couple of weeks. Then people realized they were totally unsuited to the task, and went home to Romney.


In Bush's case, the floor fell out from him completely.

Now, Combover and Uncle Tom are not going to be the nominee. If one of them is, Hillary will have a cakewalk to the General Election even if the Zombies of Vince Foster and Christopher Stevens walk up on stage.

But the fact that they get 50%+ of the Support right now when people haven't made up their minds yet. It's unlikely that support will go to Bush and it probably won't go to Rubio.

The eventual GOP nominating fight will be a fight between Cruz and Rubio, I suspect.

I used to think Bush would be forced on the rank and file by the establishment, but the guy has just stumbled too much.

He's losing because he's a bad candidate, not because his family has inflicted untold misery on this country through two failed presidencies.
Lol Combover and Uncle Tom :laugh:
I enjoy the pundits who seem to agree with each other that the 'anti-politician' feelings of the voters is some kind of temporary thing.

I have little doubt that their apparent belief that this is just a temporary phase, and that it will "pass," is misguided wishful thinking.

The anti-establishment, anti-RINO reaction of the GOP base to the way the GOP establishment has been conducting business is deeper and more real than the establishment types seem able to understand.

This accounts for their ongoing miscalculations.

IF the RNC and the GOP (largely RINO) establishment would stop hiding their collective fat heads in the sand, there might still be time for them to properly take advantage of the uprising.

THEY are not leading. THEY are not even following. THEY are behind the curve, behind the times and behind in their approach to dealing with the serious issues of our time. THEY seem to assume that the voters will eventually allow things to return to normal. But THEY are wrong.

There is unlikely to EVER come a day when THEY can get back to business as usual. This is not some cyclical thing. It's not an aberration. The voters (not all, but in large numbers, especially in the GOP) have come to appreciate that we, as a Republic, have drifted too far from our principles. We have brought down upon ourselves by our indifference to those Founding principles most of the problems we are trying ineffectually to cope with today.

We will NEVER cope with those problems as long as we continue to stray so far off the path our Founding principles illuminated for us. It is impossible to fix an Obama size mistake by putting more Obama type "leaders" into office. And the GOP establishment "answer" is clearly just more of the same ineffectual "go along to get along" crap that has gotten us to this point. So, Boehner is out. Ryan is unlikely to be much better. And allowing the GOP leadership to foist off on us a guy like Jeb (i.e., Mitt, part 2) is not going to work anymore. Nor should it.

This is a revolt. THEY may fear it. THEY may fail to fully comprehend what's happening. But that does not mean that THEY are not going to be tossed out because of it.
I enjoy the pundits who seem to agree with each other that the 'anti-politician' feelings of the voters is some kind of temporary thing.

I have little doubt that their apparent belief that this is just a temporary phase, and that it will "pass," is misguided wishful thinking.

The anti-establishment, anti-RINO reaction of the GOP base to the way the GOP establishment has been conducting business is deeper and more real than the establishment types seem able to understand.

This accounts for their ongoing miscalculations.

IF the RNC and the GOP (largely RINO) establishment would stop hiding their collective fat heads in the sand, there might still be time for them to properly take advantage of the uprising.

THEY are not leading. THEY are not even following. THEY are behind the curve, behind the times and behind in their approach to dealing with the serious issues of our time. THEY seem to assume that the voters will eventually allow things to return to normal. But THEY are wrong.

There is unlikely to EVER come a day when THEY can get back to business as usual. This is not some cyclical thing. It's not an aberration. The voters (not all, but in large numbers, especially in the GOP) have come to appreciate that we, as a Republic, have drifted too far from our principles. We have brought down upon ourselves by our indifference to those Founding principles most of the problems we are trying ineffectually to cope with today.

We will NEVER cope with those problems as long as we continue to stray so far off the path our Founding principles illuminated for us. It is impossible to fix an Obama size mistake by putting more Obama type "leaders" into office. And the GOP establishment "answer" is clearly just more of the same ineffectual "go along to get along" crap that has gotten us to this point. So, Boehner is out. Ryan is unlikely to be much better. And allowing the GOP leadership to foist off on us a guy like Jeb (i.e., Mitt, part 2) is not going to work anymore. Nor should it.

This is a revolt. THEY may fear it. THEY may fail to fully comprehend what's happening. But that does not mean that THEY are not going to be tossed out because of it.

You are so correct. They do not know what they have done. If they continue to try and hoist another establishment candidate on to us, I am sure a 3rd party will come to pass; and I have NEVER been in favor of a 3rd party until this year.

It is kinda ironic. Take away Trump, and even the other 3 leaders, the establishment wants none of them. That tells you they are no better than the democrats, and just want to control the levers of power. They aren't about fixing it, they are just about being in control of it. I can NOT vote for control, because abuse of the country by a republican group, is just as bad as abuse by democrats. If they aren't going to try and fix it, I will vote for Mickey Mouse.
This question is open to all:

Raise your hand if you are still a true believer that Jeb is going to get the GOP nod.

Not really. I think he's missed his oppurtunity.

But people said the same thing about John McCain at this point in 2007.

The fat lady has not sung. So, yeah. It is still possible that Jeb could come back. The RINO GOP Establishment might shove him over the finish line yet.

But I suspect those days have past. I think the RINO GOP Establishment had gotten itself too fat lazy and stupid. They may not grasp it, but the Party seems to have chosen to pass THEM by. :thup: GOOD!

And if they no longer have the juice to crown their usual run of the mill choice, then Jeb is politically dead in the water

and going down.
The fat lady has not sung. So, yeah. It is still possible that Jeb could come back. The RINO GOP Establishment might shove him over the finish line yet.

But I suspect those days have past. I think the RINO GOP Establishment had gotten itself too fat lazy and stupid. They may not grasp it, but the Party seems to have chosen to pass THEM by. :thup: GOOD!

And if they no longer have the juice to crown their usual run of the mill choice, then Jeb is politically dead in the water

and going down.

Hey, personally, I hope the GOP nominates Ted Cruz. and when Hillary beats him by Goldwater level proportions, we will have enough of shitheads like you telling us 'Well, if the GOP had only nominated a REAL conservative...."

The thing about it is, Jeb is not losing for the reason he SHOULD be losing.

He should be losing because his Father and his Brother were THE WORST PRESIDENTS of our lifetimes. But what should disqualify him- his wretched and corrupt and incompetent family - is the only thing keeping him afloat right now.

If his name wasn't Bush, he be down with Gilmore and Pataki as a forgotten ex-governor no one cares about.
The fat lady has not sung. So, yeah. It is still possible that Jeb could come back. The RINO GOP Establishment might shove him over the finish line yet.

But I suspect those days have past. I think the RINO GOP Establishment had gotten itself too fat lazy and stupid. They may not grasp it, but the Party seems to have chosen to pass THEM by. :thup: GOOD!

And if they no longer have the juice to crown their usual run of the mill choice, then Jeb is politically dead in the water

and going down.

Hey, personally, I hope the GOP nominates Ted Cruz. and when Hillary beats him by Goldwater level proportions, we will have enough of shitheads like you telling us 'Well, if the GOP had only nominated a REAL conservative...."

The thing about it is, Jeb is not losing for the reason he SHOULD be losing.

He should be losing because his Father and his Brother were THE WORST PRESIDENTS of our lifetimes. But what should disqualify him- his wretched and corrupt and incompetent family - is the only thing keeping him afloat right now.

If his name wasn't Bush, he be down with Gilmore and Pataki as a forgotten ex-governor no one cares about.

I have at best only marginal faith in the collective wisdom of the American electorate because I have SEEN them elect the moron Obumbler, and then RE-ELECT that jerk-off.

Still, they have a tendency historically to eventually correct themselves.

The GOP RINO Establishment gave us Mitt. He wasn't nearly a good enough candidate.

This time, the BASE of the GOP is fighting back against the RINO GOP Establishment. We know who the RINO Establishment WANTS to get the nomination. They want MITT redux.

But the BASE of the GOP is being fairly polite in telling Gov. Bush, "thanks, but uh, no thanks."

And as for your dear Shrillary,. even though the liberally biased main stream media is studiously silent about her obvious dishonesty and ethical problems, and even though they won't challenge her on her stale old modern American "liberal" hodge podge of policy preferences, the American electorate MIGHT yet wake up in sufficient numbers to tell HER to go, quietly, and enjoy her dotage with Bubba -- in Chappaqua, not in D.C.
I have at best only marginal faith in the collective wisdom of the American electorate because I have SEEN them elect the moron Obumbler, and then RE-ELECT that jerk-off.

at least Obama GOT elected. Bush STOLE the election.

The GOP RINO Establishment gave us Mitt. He wasn't nearly a good enough candidate.

Not that I would defend the Weird Mormon Robot, but he was exactly the candidate you guys deserve. The GOP today is rich people manipulating the religious crazies into voting against their own economic interests. I couldn't think of a more perfect candidate to represent that than Romney, a rich asshole who got rich fucking working people who belongs to an insane cult.

The real problem is, there just aren't enough of you anymore to keep electing these guys.

This time, the BASE of the GOP is fighting back against the RINO GOP Establishment. We know who the RINO Establishment WANTS to get the nomination. They want MITT redux.

But the BASE of the GOP is being fairly polite in telling Gov. Bush, "thanks, but uh, no thanks."

The Base of the GOP right now is supporting a Reality TV Rodeo Clown with a bad comb-over and a Pathetic Uncle Tom who tells white people how shiftless blacks are. Neither one of these guys will be the nominee. So probably , the nomination will be a fight between Rubio and Cruz, neither one of whom are breaking double digits right now.

And as for your dear Shrillary,. even though the liberally biased main stream media is studiously silent about her obvious dishonesty and ethical problems, and even though they won't challenge her on her stale old modern American "liberal" hodge podge of policy preferences, the American electorate MIGHT yet wake up in sufficient numbers to tell HER to go, quietly, and enjoy her dotage with Bubba -- in Chappaqua, not in D.C.

As flawed as Hillary is as a candidate, Minorities, women, working folks, gays, and decent people aren't going to take the chance that some tool of the Koch Brothers is going to take up back to where the Bush Crime Family had us.
He's losing because he's a bad candidate, not because his family has inflicted untold misery on this country through two failed presidencies.

Wut are you smok'in?

Both right and left hate the Bush family. It's what happens when you sit on the fence and continue wars abroad and economic insanity and ignore illegal immigration.

And, no doubt, both parties will find a way of bringing us more of the same with the next President.
He's losing because he's a bad candidate, not because his family has inflicted untold misery on this country through two failed presidencies.

Wut are you smok'in?

Both right and left hate the Bush family. It's what happens when you sit on the fence and continue wars abroad and economic insanity and ignore illegal immigration.

And, no doubt, both parties will find a way of bringing us more of the same with the next President.

The Left hates the Bush Family because they fucked up the country.

The right hates the Bush family because they remind them the one time the right got everything it wanted, things got really fucked up.

somehow you think packaging the same homophobic, plutocratic, racist and misogynistic shit in a new package is going to make it sell better.

It won't.
"RNC Geared Everything to Support Jeb"

Which comes as no surprise, as he's their only viable candidate.

I wouldn't go that far. I think Rubio would be the strongest candidate they could field right now.
I will repeat what I've said several times in other threads.

I don't think ANY of the present GOP candidates will earn the top spot in the 2016 presidential run. It will be someone not running who is urged to step up.

Thus speaking, I can easily see Cruz or Rubio being put into the VP spot.

Dr Carson may take the Surgeon General's spot if offered.
Can imagine the conversations around the Bush dinner table.

"Come on, Dad! You tried to kill Reagan, why won't you take out Trump for me?!"
I have at best only marginal faith in the collective wisdom of the American electorate because I have SEEN them elect the moron Obumbler, and then RE-ELECT that jerk-off.

at least Obama GOT elected. Bush STOLE the election.

No. He won it.

The Dims TRIED to steal it and even got the lousy Florida Supreme Court to tinker, but ultimately the SCOTUS cut them off at the knees.

Your bullshit claim was false when first made and all recounts prove that W did in fact beat algore.

algore was wrong then and he's wrong on this AGW bullshit, too.

You mindless liberals tend to be wrong most of the time. Keep posting. More proof each time.
I will repeat what I've said several times in other threads.

I don't think ANY of the present GOP candidates will earn the top spot in the 2016 presidential run. It will be someone not running who is urged to step up.

Thus speaking, I can easily see Cruz or Rubio being put into the VP spot.

Dr Carson may take the Surgeon General's spot if offered.

Guy, that ship has already sailed.

Besides the fact it is IMPOSSIBLE to organize a run this late in the game - it just requires too much organization and money- the thing is, I have yet to hear you put forth a single name of who your mysterious savior could be.

The big money people, if they have given up on Bush, are probably going to figure Rubio is the best shot they have.

And then they'll learn to live with HIllary for 8 years.

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