RNC Chair Blames GOP's Unpopularity On Obama


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
A new CNN/Opinion Research poll released today finds Republicans’ popularity badly bruised by the bitter debt ceiling debate, with the GOP’s unfavorable ratings climbing to an all-time high of 59 percent. The party’s favorable ratings, meanwhile, dropped eight points over the past month to just 33 percent. “The Democratic party, which had a favorable rating just a couple of points higher than the GOP in July, now has a 14-point advantage over the Republican party,” said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

The network brought on RNC Chairman Reince Priebus this afternoon to respond to numbers. While saying he hadn’t studied poll in depth, Priebus embarked on stunningly brazen spin, blaming the drop in Republicans’ approval on President Obama. Despite host Brooke Baldwin’s repeated attempts to get Priebus to address the GOP’s unpopularity, the chairman kept going back to Obama:

MORE: RNC Chair: GOP’s Historic Unpopularity Shows Americans Are Upset With Obama | ThinkProgress

A new CNN/Opinion Research poll released today finds Republicans’ popularity badly bruised by the bitter debt ceiling debate, with the GOP’s unfavorable ratings climbing to an all-time high of 59 percent. The party’s favorable ratings, meanwhile, dropped eight points over the past month to just 33 percent. “The Democratic party, which had a favorable rating just a couple of points higher than the GOP in July, now has a 14-point advantage over the Republican party,” said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

The network brought on RNC Chairman Reince Priebus this afternoon to respond to numbers. While saying he hadn’t studied poll in depth, Priebus embarked on stunningly brazen spin, blaming the drop in Republicans’ approval on President Obama. Despite host Brooke Baldwin’s repeated attempts to get Priebus to address the GOP’s unpopularity, the chairman kept going back to Obama:

MORE: RNC Chair: GOP’s Historic Unpopularity Shows Americans Are Upset With Obama | ThinkProgress


That poll that didnt produce the breakdown of voters? The 800 land line calls?

I wonder why they left that out.
A new CNN/Opinion Research poll released today finds Republicans’ popularity badly bruised by the bitter debt ceiling debate, with the GOP’s unfavorable ratings climbing to an all-time high of 59 percent. The party’s favorable ratings, meanwhile, dropped eight points over the past month to just 33 percent. “The Democratic party, which had a favorable rating just a couple of points higher than the GOP in July, now has a 14-point advantage over the Republican party,” said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

The network brought on RNC Chairman Reince Priebus this afternoon to respond to numbers. While saying he hadn’t studied poll in depth, Priebus embarked on stunningly brazen spin, blaming the drop in Republicans’ approval on President Obama. Despite host Brooke Baldwin’s repeated attempts to get Priebus to address the GOP’s unpopularity, the chairman kept going back to Obama:

MORE: RNC Chair: GOP’s Historic Unpopularity Shows Americans Are Upset With Obama | ThinkProgress


That poll that didnt produce the breakdown of voters? The 800 land line calls?

I wonder why they left that out.
and that matters why, gunboy? should people with landline phone numbers not be polled?
Oh goody, we get ANOTHER cnn poll about how Republicans are HATED and I'm sure when they were asked what they felt about Democrats.. the poll will show they think the Democrats are ALL SAINTS........ and Thinkprogress all in one thread.

How lucky can we get.
A new CNN/Opinion Research poll released today finds Republicans’ popularity badly bruised by the bitter debt ceiling debate, with the GOP’s unfavorable ratings climbing to an all-time high of 59 percent. The party’s favorable ratings, meanwhile, dropped eight points over the past month to just 33 percent. “The Democratic party, which had a favorable rating just a couple of points higher than the GOP in July, now has a 14-point advantage over the Republican party,” said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

The network brought on RNC Chairman Reince Priebus this afternoon to respond to numbers. While saying he hadn’t studied poll in depth, Priebus embarked on stunningly brazen spin, blaming the drop in Republicans’ approval on President Obama. Despite host Brooke Baldwin’s repeated attempts to get Priebus to address the GOP’s unpopularity, the chairman kept going back to Obama:

MORE: RNC Chair: GOP’s Historic Unpopularity Shows Americans Are Upset With Obama | ThinkProgress


That poll that didnt produce the breakdown of voters? The 800 land line calls?

I wonder why they left that out.
and that matters why, gunboy? should people with landline phone numbers not be polled?

LOL So if I only poll democrats it becomes accurate. Heavy use of landlines speaks to one group of people in todays reality.
That poll that didnt produce the breakdown of voters? The 800 land line calls?

I wonder why they left that out.
and that matters why, gunboy? should people with landline phone numbers not be polled?

LOL So if I only poll democrats it becomes accurate. Heavy use of landlines speaks to one group of people in todays reality.
so if you own a landline, you're automatically a democrat? can republicans not afford landlines? i'm really not sure what your gig is here.
Priebus embarked on stunningly brazen spin, blaming the drop in Republicans’ approval on President Obama.

It seems republicanism is a form of mental illness.

Otherwise it’s telling and disturbing the extent to which the GOP refuses to accept responsibility for anything.

It’s a bizarre form of cowardice.
Well of course if CNN and Thinkprogress says it, THEN it damn sure MUST be true..:rolleyes:
Well of course if CNN and Thinkprogress says it, THEN it damn sure MUST be true..

Duh... the thrust of the thread is what RNC Chairman Reince Priebus said about the poll results.
Well of course if CNN and Thinkprogress says it, THEN it damn sure MUST be true..

Duh... the thrust of the thread is what RNC Chairman Reince Priebus said about the poll results.

duh, does it look like I give a shit. There is NOTHING you can post from thinkprogress that I would friggen believe if it came notarized on their idiot tongues. They are just another mediamatters. They both lie, make up shit, take things people say out of context and just plain ole suck.
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A new CNN/Opinion Research poll released today finds Republicans’ popularity badly bruised by the bitter debt ceiling debate, with the GOP’s unfavorable ratings climbing to an all-time high of 59 percent. The party’s favorable ratings, meanwhile, dropped eight points over the past month to just 33 percent. “The Democratic party, which had a favorable rating just a couple of points higher than the GOP in July, now has a 14-point advantage over the Republican party,” said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

The network brought on RNC Chairman Reince Priebus this afternoon to respond to numbers. While saying he hadn’t studied poll in depth, Priebus embarked on stunningly brazen spin, blaming the drop in Republicans’ approval on President Obama. Despite host Brooke Baldwin’s repeated attempts to get Priebus to address the GOP’s unpopularity, the chairman kept going back to Obama:

MORE: RNC Chair: GOP’s Historic Unpopularity Shows Americans Are Upset With Obama | ThinkProgress


Okay, I don't care who y'all are. That right there is funny. :lol:
Well of course if CNN and Thinkprogress says it, THEN it damn sure MUST be true..

Duh... the thrust of the thread is what RNC Chairman Reince Priebus said about the poll results.

duh, does it look like I give a shit. There is NOTHING you can post from thinkprogress that I would friggen believe if it came notarized on their idiot tongues.
dude, they're linking to a CNN article they had nothing to do with. what you're saying is like saying i won't believe a study in scientific american because i found about it from an article newsmax wrote about it. that's in-your-face thick, man. pavlovian. you're just seeing the words "think progress" and salivating.

cons crack me the fuck up, man.
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duh, does it look like I give a shit. There is NOTHING you can post from thinkprogress that I would friggen believe if it came notarized on their idiot tongues.

No doubt in my mind about that.

Duh... the thrust of the thread is what RNC Chairman Reince Priebus said about the poll results.

duh, does it look like I give a shit. There is NOTHING you can post from thinkprogress that I would friggen believe if it came notarized on their idiot tongues.
dude, they're linking to a CNN article they had nothing to do with. what you're saying is like saying i won't believe an article in scientific american because i found about it from an article newsmax wrote about it. that's in-your-face thick, man.

dude, you ever see anyone post shit from NewsMax? If you think Thinkprogress is some site for factual information you are sadly mistaken.

and I don't care about a Cnn poll, the only one I care about is the Obama's numbers and his are falling daily, so the way I see it, it should be THE DEMOCRATS and you lefties who should be worried.

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