Rightwingers fell for the hoax

Says the guys who believed the Russia Hoax .........
Russians meddled in our election in an effort to help Trump but no one said there was collusion, and no one was charged with collusion.
Do you want talk about the loons that claim an election was stolen from Dear Leader? Millions fell for that Hoax, and they fell hard enough to incite a deadly riot.

Fox News Stoked Outrage Over Migrants Displacing Homeless Vets. It Was a Hoax.

Fox News and the rest of right-wing media went wild for a week over a now-debunked story about New York hotels booting homeless vets to accommodate asylum seekers.

The story had all the hallmarks of fueling the maximum amount of right-wing outrage. With migrants being bused into New York City amid an immigration surge at the southern border, upstate New York hotels had supposedly kicked out homeless veterans in order to make room for the influx of asylum seekers.

After right-wing tabloid The New York Post published the sensational report last Friday, Fox News and Newsmax ran wild with it, devoting dozens of segments (and countless online articles) to the indignation of “people who served our country and need a little boost” getting displaced by “illegals,” all while “these hotels are selling their soul for a check.”

Turns out, however, the whole story was made up.

The whole saga kicked off when the Post reported that 20 “struggling homeless veterans” were booted from hotels so their rooms could be given to incoming migrants. According to Yerik Israel Toney Foundation, the nonprofit group that works on temporarily housing the vets, the ex-military members had been told by the New York hotels that they needed to vacate and move elsewhere.

The story fit their narrative, confirmed their bias...it made sense so there was no need to investigate further than the end of their nose and the statements made by Toney-Finch. Did you expect something else? It's what happens when people lose their way...
The biggest hoax fallen for was Hillary's Russian Collusion hoax, and it is snowflakes, not 'right wingers', who still cling to that hoax.
Synthia actually credits that dufus, Stelter. Even to the point of parroting his choice of phrasing. Synthia is a plagiarist of a lightweight libtard media. :abgg2q.jpg:
Russians meddled in our election in an effort to help Trump but no one said there was collusion, and no one was charged with collusion.
Do you want talk about the loons that claim an election was stolen from Dear Leader? Millions fell for that Hoax, and they fell hard enough to incite a deadly riot.

President Obama himself stated that foreign entities attempt to meddle in our elections EVERY ELECTION.

With Trump the difference is Hillary Clinton attempted to tie Trump to the Russians by perpetrating a criminal political hoax, one Obama, his administration, and Democratsattempted to use to commit TREASON.

We now have evidence proving a former Democeat President knew Russian Collusion was a Hillary hoax and yet still used it to commit treason.

We now have a President and his family proven to have taken millions from Russia, China, Romania, Ukraine, Burisma, and others...

We now have an FBI proven to have willingly, knowingly participated / run an attempted a failed coup based on the Hillary Hoax, that has violated the Constitution and Patriot Act hundreds of thousands of times to ilegally spy on Americans, and that has interfered in at least every US election in almost a decade...

We now have evidrnce proving the US DOJ & FBI are criminally weaponized and are protecting the Bidens

...and we still have treasonously partisan Democrats, MSM, snowflakes, bots, and trolls still defending all of them ... somply because its 'their team / party' doing it.
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The story fit their narrative, confirmed their bias...it made sense so there was no need to investigate further than the end of their nose and the statements made by Toney-Finch. Did you expect something else? It's what happens when people lose their way...

The Mayor of NY City announced on Friday 'half of the hotels in NY City' are filled with ilegal, negatively impacting tourism and the economy.

Is this a hoax? Was he exaggerating?
Oh Yeah! A hoax! who could ever fall for one of those? LOL... The Left Wing media would never cry racism for one second over say.... Jussie Smollet? or that Nascar Driver who found a noose....... uhhh door pull cord... hanging from the garage door.

Left wing media falls for hoaxes all the time.... how about the BLM organization? Biggest Hoax of the decade and they are still falling for it!
You can count on the Democrats / Marxists to actively promote lies, fabrications and hoaxes.

Secure border.

Russia collusion.

The list goes on.
Hoax. Bigly!

In a separate conversation with the New York Post, which has since added an editor’s note to its original bombshell story that kicked off this outrage cycle, Maher added that Toney-Finch said “I had to help the veterans,” when he confronted her on peddling a hoax.

The story got even wilder on Friday, however, when Mid-Hudson News further reported that Toney-Finch had recruited a group of homeless men from a nearby shelter to pretend they were the military veterans that had been displaced by migrants.

“On Thursday night he met with a group of seven men at a homeless shelter,” the report stated. “The men said that on Wednesday, two people came into the shelter saying they had work and needed 15 men between the ages of 40 and 60, to take a trip to meet with an elected official for a discussion on homelessness. They were each promised $200 along with food and alcohol. They were familiar with one of the recruiters, Diana, claiming she had previously stayed at the shelter.”

Even George Santos said "Damned, that was good'.
The Mayor of NY City announced on Friday 'half of the hotels in NY City' are filled with ilegal, negatively impacting tourism and the economy.

Is this a hoax? Was he exaggerating?

Strange how Democrats / Marxists were so quick to flail their Pom Poms announcing their status as sanctuary cities.

Illegal immigration to cost New Yorkers $10 billion in 2023, US $150B: report.

As one would expect, the Democrats / Marxists running these Hell holes are all screeching for federal money to pay the cost.

Wait. Isn’t federal money, taxpayer money? So, here we are, as usual, with the Democrats / Marxists looking to soak the middle class to pay for their illegals.
Of course NY liberals are going to claim it didn't happen.
Actually, most liberals only heard about the NYPost and Fox lies. I suppose most may have assumed they were exaggerating in some way, as they usually do.

For me at least, this is the first time I learned that this particular lie didn’t happen at all and was completely made up. If you have evidence this is mistaken, by all means show it. If the truth is really that the NY Post story and FOX repeating it ad nauseam were all a completely made-up hoax, they both owe the public a retraction. That is not so complicated, is it? Anyone know if there has been one?
All news today is just propaganda. You get to pick the propaganda you like I get to pick the propaganda I like.
There are still many of us, believe it or not, who are not so cynical about … ourselves. We try to find out the degree of propaganda in reported “news” or opinion pieces and what may be kernels of truth or insight even in otherwise ridiculous reports. The supposed “news” we read about or hear … we try to judge carefully.

Sounds like you have given up on all that.
The Mayor of NY City announced on Friday 'half of the hotels in NY City' are filled with ilegal, negatively impacting tourism and the economy.

Is this a hoax? Was he exaggerating?

Having not read anything concerning this story, I'll take your word for it, which I am certain is good as it could easily be researched for accuracy, and say no, it's not a hoax and it's a damn shame.

But, the topic of this thread is the trash spread by Sharon Toney-Finch, which she has admitted was all a lie. This is what I was addressing.
Russians meddled in our election in an effort to help Trump but no one said there was collusion, and no one was charged with collusion.
Do you want talk about the loons that claim an election was stolen from Dear Leader? Millions fell for that Hoax, and they fell hard enough to incite a deadly riot.

And you are repeating the lie……
"This story was absolute catnip for the right-wing media industrial complex." It was a hoax. Will anyone learn anything?

Hell no they won't learn.

What the hell would liberals / snowflakes know about 'hoaxes'? They have been pushing Russian Collusion as real for almost a decade....

"This story was absolute catnip for the right-wing media industrial complex." It was a hoax. Will anyone learn anything?

Hell no they won't learn.
The Democrats / Marxists will learn nothing. Did you know the border is secure?

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