Rightwingers fell for the hoax

even more incredible is the fact that many think biden has more than two working brain cells left
Lies are more profitable — and more comforting — in the Magaturd world than the hard truth. It is also always easier for weak minds and ignorant people to accept simple lies than complicated truths … and this applies to all ideologues, left as well as right.

Made-up problems and “unforced errors” — like this crap about “raising the debt” — take center stage.

“Build a wall” vs. “don’t build a wall” becomes the issue — rather than actually taking steps to resolve our immigration problem with a new “road to citizenship” for millions of long-term hard-working undocumented here — combined with new enforcement and work programs to discourage illegal immigration.

No, there are no easy or total solutions, and hard decisions need to be made. But where half the country prefers demagogery and lies, and half seems to lack the will to make hard decisions and needed change, there are no decent solutions at all.
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