Right America: Feeling Wronged (HBO Documentary)


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Seems like many of the Rightwing Nuts on here don't seem to have a clear picture of thesmelves, however there was a documentary produced by HBO that came out in February that followed the McCain campaign around up until election night.

I know none of the Red Right-Wingers willfully would not seek to see it, so I figured I'd make it easy and just post it.

As you will see clearly, the vitriol, contempt and hate for Obama has been set in stone long before Obama set foot in office. These people became the Tea-Baggers, Birthers and Deather, so whenever they say its not about Obama, etc., etc., you know they are lying...it is all about Obama.

So without further a due...behold the madness of The Right:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHYdSAodD1Y]YouTube - Right America feeling wronged part 1[/ame]
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What a mob of sooks and wusses! Just as well they have the internets to get tuff on :lol:
and you KNOW they only used the most wacked out people they could find
and i didnt even bother to watch a single video
I expected to see the obligatory "they MUST have edited the sensible people out" statements. It must be very comforting for Right Wingers to believe that.
and you KNOW they only used the most wacked out people they could find
and i didnt even bother to watch a single video

They probably edited out the sensible ones.
of course they would
it wouldnt fit what they were looking for

But it seems they found plenty of what they WERE looking for. Or did they hire a bunch of lefties and ask them to play at emotionally damaged righties?
Number One Song on the Hit Parade this morning folks is:::

:eusa_whistle:CRY ME A RIVER:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:sunng by ophelia hiney!
I watched through some of it. And ofcourse - put together like this - it sounds stupid and sometimes even mean. But there is something touching to it too. Alot of those interviewed care for the country.

The man in the truck who had understood that they were going to take his money and give to people who didn't like to work: He then gets to hear that they are going to take money from the rich and give to him.
After some silence he says he doesn't want any money. From anyone.

Something with this unsecure, somteimes scared but minding-their-own sort of nature makes me not want to make fun of them. They are fellow countrymen.
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Marc is on a "demonize those that dont agree with me" kick
Correction: Marc is on a "expose the RW nutjobs for the loonies they are" kick.

And thats putting it mildly.

You think I like the fact that there are so many crazy, deranged and mentally unstable people walking around amongst us?
Marc is on a "demonize those that dont agree with me" kick
Correction: Marc is on a "expose the RW nutjobs for the loonies they are" kick.

And thats putting it mildly.

You think I like the fact that there are so many crazy, deranged and mentally unstable people walking around amongst us?
Obamas' "Deathcare" will get that straightened out for you.
They probably edited out the sensible ones.
of course they would
it wouldnt fit what they were looking for

But it seems they found plenty of what they WERE looking for. Or did they hire a bunch of lefties and ask them to play at emotionally damaged righties?

Yeah, Hank Williams, Jr. is obviously in the pay of the DNC.

That's undoubtably why he came to sing a load of anti-liberal media nonsense to the Republican tools.

To make the Republicans look like paranoic freaks on the internet.

Brilliant theory there, Di.
Just asking questions ed, just asking questions :eusa_angel:

Rhetorical questions, Di?

Seriously, I don't know because I try not to assume I understand anything about a person's position on subjects other than what a person actually posts himself

So either you were attempting to be ironic (and I missed it because I don't know your basic position on this subject) or you were serious, in which case my response was my ironic answer to your agent provocateur theory.

Incidently I DO believe thatboth parties make use of agent provocateurs.

Few of them aren't sincerely as crazy as they seem however. They are unwitting dupes.

Were I in charge of the DNC or RNC, I would certainly encourage the craziest of my opposition to get as much media time as possible, just to discredit my opposition's constiuents.

And, if you think about it, the media nearly always is looking for the most extreme of the extreme (of either sid of every issue) because those people make for the most dramatic news.

Hence the nuttiest members of both sides of neqrly every issue end up appearing to be the spokepersons of each side.

Sad, really, but that's the world we live in.

And modertes of both sides end up forgotten and neglected while the fruitcakes seem to get all the press.

This might be entire unplanned and organic, but then too it certainly does work wonders to keep American fearfiul of conservatives and liberals, doesn't it?
Which side has more crazies though?

The Left or Right?

They can't both be equally crazy.
Which side has more crazies though?

The Left or Right?

They can't both be equally crazy.

Depends, I suspect, on how you define crazy, doesn't it?

I can speak with some authority on the craziness of the left since I have so often had to deal with those idiots as colleagues.

Now when those people get involved in organizations that are truly serious about reform through the political process, they are basically marginalized from power.

But that means that they gravitate toward organziations like Code Pink.

I cringe when I see those people preporting to speak for the left.

They no speak for the left than William Joyce does (not that I think Wm is half as nuts as any of those harpies)
How often, if ever, do you see mass media or public support for Code Pink though?

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