Rick Perry's bizarre New Hampshire speech


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
It was a strange sight to be sure. :eek:

Rick Perry's bizarre New Hampshire speech - Alexander Burns - POLITICO.com

It was reminiscent of James Franco at the Academy awards. At the 7:40 mark of the video he seems to be doing some sort of gesture that....I don't know what the heck it was. Then he seems intrigued by the viscosity of maple syrup after that. I guess you have to make waves when Ron Paul is out-polling you and you're actually losing to Cain in your home state of Texas.

Cain Edges Perry in New UT/TT Poll — 2012 Presidential Election | The Texas Tribune

I'm not sure these are the types of waves you want to make though. It sort of reminds me of the scene in Bull Durham where Crash tells Meat to hit the mascot with a pitch just to get the batter to not dig in at the plate. This may be his way of telling Romney that he's capable of anything so don't stand too close. Maybe he'll bite off Romney's ear during a clinch.
It was a strange sight to be sure. :eek:

Rick Perry's bizarre New Hampshire speech - Alexander Burns - POLITICO.com

It was reminiscent of James Franco at the Academy awards. At the 7:40 mark of the video he seems to be doing some sort of gesture that....I don't know what the heck it was. Then he seems intrigued by the viscosity of maple syrup after that. I guess you have to make waves when Ron Paul is out-polling you and you're actually losing to Cain in your home state of Texas.

Cain Edges Perry in New UT/TT Poll — 2012 Presidential Election | The Texas Tribune

I'm not sure these are the types of waves you want to make though. It sort of reminds me of the scene in Bull Durham where Crash tells Meat to hit the mascot with a pitch just to get the batter to not dig in at the plate. This may be his way of telling Romney that he's capable of anything so don't stand too close. Maybe he'll bite off Romney's ear during a clinch.

Ok, that was really odd...in a creepy kind of way.
Perry must be gaining traction if CandyCorn is going to these lengths...

Traction? With a few more million $$$ he may overtake Bachman and poll in double didgits in Iowa...LOL.

Just pointing it out; what always gets me is that Rabbai and Missourian et.al. will be in here (if they haven't been already) defending this bizarre speech as some sort of political science example of how to run for President; message being their boy can't do anything wrong. And of course the gaffes of Biden will be brought up immediately as if Joe Biden is the gold standard of oration.

Any sober observer can admit without reservation that this was not Perry's finest hour. He has very few fine hours apparently. But they will not even do that.
Perry is not only out of the running for the GOP nomination, but now exposed for who he really is in his own home state. He should have just left it all alone. A sad story.
Perry will be finished after Iowa and vulnerable in Texas in the future.
Perry must be gaining traction if CandyCorn is going to these lengths...

Traction? With a few more million $$$ he may overtake Bachman and poll in double didgits in Iowa...LOL.

Just pointing it out; what always gets me is that Rabbai and Missourian et.al. will be in here (if they haven't been already) defending this bizarre speech as some sort of political science example of how to run for President; message being their boy can't do anything wrong. And of course the gaffes of Biden will be brought up immediately as if Joe Biden is the gold standard of oration.

Any sober observer can admit without reservation that this was not Perry's finest hour. He has very few fine hours apparently. But they will not even do that.

I watched the video, it looked to me like he was being informal with an informal crowd. And the clips are taken out of context.

I think he's trying to adopt Cain's kind of Folksy style, and it isn't natural to him. Just my thought.

I do find it interesting that the Politico seems to do hit pieces on all Romney's adversaries, though.

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