Rick Perry Bidding for White House

Wasn't Perry the guy who was governor when Texas had the largest deficit, by percentage, of any state in the country?

I'm pretty sure he's the Governor with a $9 billion surplus in a rainy day fund.

Not any more :)

Yes, any more.

They didn't use it.

They cut spending, didn't raise taxes and saved their surplus.

January 19, 2011: 5:12 PM ET

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Texas lawmakers unveiled a Spartan budget late Tuesday night that slashes $31 billion in spending to close the state's massive budget deficit. Education, Medicaid and corrections would be hit particularly hard.

House legislators were forced to rely on spending cuts to close the shortfall -- estimated at between $15 billion and $27 billion -- because Republican leaders pledged not to raise taxes.

They also did not touch the state's projected $9.4 billion rainy day fund, one of the most flush in the nation.


Had Perry been president last month, we would still have a AAA credit rating.

He is a leader.
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Wasn't Perry the guy who was governor when Texas had the largest deficit, by percentage, of any state in the country?

I'm pretty sure he's the Governor with a $9 billion surplus in a rainy day fund.

Texas is deep in financial crisis and was only able to maintain "rainy day" surplus because Texas was always on the wings of the Fed. Beginning in early 2011, Texas took away food from needy school children and slashed pay for teachers and low-end government employees.

Did you know that Texas took Fed to court for alleged refusal to help Texas, though Perry had refused stimulus funds from Fed because he so much hated Obama?

Yes, I understand...we must bankrupt the country...it's for the children. /sarcasm
I'm pretty sure he's the Governor with a $9 billion surplus in a rainy day fund.

Not any more :)

Yes, any more.

They didn't use it.

They cut spending, didn't raise taxes and saved their surplus.

January 19, 2011: 5:12 PM ET

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Texas lawmakers unveiled a Spartan budget late Tuesday night that slashes $31 billion in spending to close the state's massive budget deficit. Education, Medicaid and corrections would be hit particularly hard.

House legislators were forced to rely on spending cuts to close the shortfall -- estimated at between $15 billion and $27 billion -- because Republican leaders pledged not to raise taxes.

They also did not touch the state's projected $9.4 billion rainy day fund, one of the most flush in the nation.


Had Perry been president last month, we would still have a AAA credit rating.

He is a leader.

I humbly suggest you read a news article from some time within the past 6 months.
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Not any more :)

Yes, any more.

They didn't use it.

They cut spending, didn't raise taxes and saved their surplus.
January 19, 2011: 5:12 PM ET

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Texas lawmakers unveiled a Spartan budget late Tuesday night that slashes $31 billion in spending to close the state's massive budget deficit. Education, Medicaid and corrections would be hit particularly hard.

House legislators were forced to rely on spending cuts to close the shortfall -- estimated at between $15 billion and $27 billion -- because Republican leaders pledged not to raise taxes.

They also did not touch the state's projected $9.4 billion rainy day fund, one of the most flush in the nation.

Had Perry been president last month, we would still have a AAA credit rating.

He is a leader.

I humble suggest you read a news article from some time within the past 6 months.

Don't keep me in suspense, show me.
Don't keep me in suspense, show me.


"AUSTIN, Texas - Gov. Rick Perry and House leaders agreed Tuesday to use $3.2 billion from the state's reserve fund to close a deficit in the current budget, according to a statement from Perry's office.


The Rainy Day Fund, which is expected to have a balance of $9.4 billion at the end of the next budget period, is made up of revenue from oil and gas taxes.


House Speaker Joe Straus said the agreement allows the state to preserve about $6 billion of the reserve fund to cover unexpected future emergencies. "

Or in other words, he no longer has $9B. Like I said.

And that's before the $2B they were talking about taking out for schools.
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Don't keep me in suspense, show me.


"AUSTIN, Texas - Gov. Rick Perry and House leaders agreed Tuesday to use $3.2 billion from the state's reserve fund to close a deficit in the current budget, according to a statement from Perry's office.


The Rainy Day Fund, which is expected to have a balance of $9.4 billion at the end of the next budget period, is made up of revenue from oil and gas taxes.


House Speaker Joe Straus said the agreement allows the state to preserve about $6 billion of the reserve fund to cover unexpected future emergencies. "

Or in other words, he no longer has $9B. Like I said.

And that's not before the $2B they were talking about taking out for schools.

Gotcha...I thought you were saying the Rainy Day Fund was gone.

Point being, under Perry's watch they kept a rainy day fund in anticipation of economic recessions like this one, and now they are tapping it a little at a time and cutting spending to try to make it last as long as possible while NOT raising taxes and crippling their economy.

Wow, that sound familiar.

Cut spending and don't raise taxes during a recession.

Protect your economy.

And it seems to be working...as Texas has added more jobs than the entire rest of the country put together (or something close to it).

Now the trick is, if and when the economy comes back, THEN you refill your surplus.
Perry has already been sElected.Get used to it.

He might already have the nomination in the bag...by virtue of being the least crazy in the clown car without having all that Mormon on him, but that doesn't give him the presidency by a long shot.

But he'll be running against Obama, and Obama will be about as popular as thyphoid by the time the election rolls around.

You know how I know Obama's in trouble. I was at a party saturday, a guy I've known since the 1970's, uber-liberal, and even he was down on Obama and what a weak and awful president he was.
I have been reading about Rick Perry, he used to be a Democrat and even supported Al Gore, he changed parties in 1988 after the Reagan years, so my attenae is up on him. He is the longest running governor in Texas, but I am still not too fond of his background, from what I have read he worked on his dad's cotton farm but that's about it for the private sector. I want a successful business man, that understands entirely how the private sector works, what it is that government needs to do to allow the private sector to create jobs. That person is Mitt Romney and Mitt leads Obama by eight points. Go get em Mitt.

Mitt Romney (R?-Kolob) being a successful businessman meant that he got filthy rich screwing working people out of a decent paycheck. It's dumb, greedy fugnuts like him that got us into the mess.

Screw the working man, I need ride my polo pony.

Perry grew up poor, he knows what it is to work for something, not to be handed stuff on a silver spoon like Romney was.
Texas has added more jobs than the entire rest of the country put together (or something close to it).

I believe that is correct. I believe also they are shit jobs that barely pay you a living wage and that also, the standard of living in TX is one of the worst.

Not something I am looking for on a national level.
You know how I know Obama's in trouble. I was at a party saturday, a guy I've known since the 1970's, uber-liberal, and even he was down on Obama and what a weak and awful president he was.

Contrary to the opinion of those on the Right, Liberals and Progressives are not crazy. Just because we aren't happy with Obama does not mean we will suddenly rush out and vote for an anti-choice, anti-tax, slash and burn Conservative who thinks the best water conservation plan is to ask God for more rain.
Perry has already been sElected.Get used to it.

He might already have the nomination in the bag...by virtue of being the least crazy in the clown car without having all that Mormon on him, but that doesn't give him the presidency by a long shot.

But he'll be running against Obama, and Obama will be about as popular as thyphoid by the time the election rolls around.

You know how I know Obama's in trouble. I was at a party saturday, a guy I've known since the 1970's, uber-liberal, and even he was down on Obama and what a weak and awful president he was.

Most of the country has no idea who Perry is

He will not only have to sell himself but convince mainstream America that he is not in the pocket of his parties radical extreme

If he comes on too hard pandering to secessionists, gay haters and the now hated Tea Party he will be soundly defeated by Obama
Texas has added more jobs than the entire rest of the country put together (or something close to it).

I believe that is correct. I believe also they are shit jobs that barely pay you a living wage and that also, the standard of living in TX is one of the worst.

Not something I am looking for on a national level.


Heh heh. Aren't you the one claiming Perry did all these great things for Texas? Why aren't you providing any links proving that?
Republican Rick Perry will be announcing official bid for the White House this coming week-end in South Carolina (somewhere I mistakenly said North Carolina). I am Texan and have never been fond of Perry or his predecessor George W. Bush (and for my good reasons).

On Saturday, August 6, 2011, Rick Perry (like most republicans often do) came to Astrodome Reliant in the name of God and religion to solicit support from gullible religious folks. I am familiar with the ideas of secessionist Rick Perry, and I detest political "conservatives" noted for barbarism who use religion to sell their ideas.

Anyway, Rick Perry of Texas thinks he can help republicans win the White House.

I just heard that Perry and G.W. Bush aren't real friendly with one another. My problem with Rick Perry--is that he is too socially conservative--which typically gets independents running from politicians. And as we all know--we need the independent vote to win the Presidential election.

Plus--him being from Texas--people will automatically associate with G.W. Bush--which is a negative--that I don't know how he overcomes.
My problem with Rick Perry--is that he is too socially conservative--which typically gets independents running from politicians. And as we all know--we need the independent vote to win the Presidential election.

Yup. There you go. Perry appeals to the base, but he doesn't have much appeal beyond that. And he has no appeal with us liberals and progressives, no matter how unhappy we may be with Obama.

But, Perry is a white male from the South, which means he is already a front runner.
He might already have the nomination in the bag...by virtue of being the least crazy in the clown car without having all that Mormon on him, but that doesn't give him the presidency by a long shot.

But he'll be running against Obama, and Obama will be about as popular as thyphoid by the time the election rolls around.

You know how I know Obama's in trouble. I was at a party saturday, a guy I've known since the 1970's, uber-liberal, and even he was down on Obama and what a weak and awful president he was.

Most of the country has no idea who Perry is

He will not only have to sell himself but convince mainstream America that he is not in the pocket of his parties radical extreme

If he comes on too hard pandering to secessionists, gay haters and the now hated Tea Party he will be soundly defeated by Obama

Guy, nobody cares about the gays all that much.

And if the economy keeps going like it is, Obama will be toast. He's toast now.

The smart thing would be to pull an LBJ and let Hillary run in 2012.
I believe that is correct. I believe also they are shit jobs that barely pay you a living wage and that also, the standard of living in TX is one of the worst.

Not something I am looking for on a national level.


Heh heh. Aren't you the one claiming Perry did all these great things for Texas? Why aren't you providing any links proving that?

You didn't ask for one...in fact you said I was correct, meaning you didn't need one.

If you need a link, ask like I did and I'll be happy to provide one.

From Politifact:

Gov. Rick Perry says Texas has created more than 850,000 jobs, more than the other states combined


PolitiFact Texas | Gov. Rick Perry says Texas has created more than 850,000 jobs, more than the other states combined



Should I assume there is no link to back up your claim?
But he'll be running against Obama, and Obama will be about as popular as thyphoid by the time the election rolls around.

You know how I know Obama's in trouble. I was at a party saturday, a guy I've known since the 1970's, uber-liberal, and even he was down on Obama and what a weak and awful president he was.

Most of the country has no idea who Perry is

He will not only have to sell himself but convince mainstream America that he is not in the pocket of his parties radical extreme

If he comes on too hard pandering to secessionists, gay haters and the now hated Tea Party he will be soundly defeated by Obama

Guy, nobody cares about the gays all that much.

And if the economy keeps going like it is, Obama will be toast. He's toast now.

The smart thing would be to pull an LBJ and let Hillary run in 2012.

A surprising number of Americans now support gay marriage. If Perry is conceived to picking on gays or too wrapped up in the social conservative movement, he will pay a price in pivotal states like Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida

We will have to see the shape of the economy in 15 months. It is not clear who will take the blame....Obama, Republicans or the Tea Party

A lot will depend on who is perceived as doing the most to fix things over the next 15 months
It seems the left is shaking in its boots at the notion of Rick Perry getting in, and who can blame them.

Perry is everything that Obama is not.

Perry and Romney are the only legitimate candidates the GOP has. The rest are just laughable. At least he will make for an interesting campaign season

Huntsman is interesting; but wow...what a disappointing campaigner.

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