RFK Jr Plans To Run 3rd Party - Biden Is Finished - But Why Is This Guy Upset?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"A third of Democratic voters would likely vote for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. if he runs as an independent in the 2024 presidential election, according to a new survey, potentially handing victory to Donald Trump. The Rasmussen Reports poll found 57 percent of likely Democratic voters plan to support Biden in the Democratic primaries, as opposed to 25 percent for Kennedy, three percent for Marianne Williamson and seven percent for any other candidate."

This is true.....RFK Jr. is a Democrat, he has realistically about 55% support among registered Democrats....if he runs as a Libertarian, Trump will win the White House by at least 45 pts.....this is why Biden and the Dems will most likely try to assassinate RFK Jr. just like he did his father many years ago.

But what is odd to me is why are the same folks who were fanboying for RFK Jr just weeks ago; are now changing their tune once he decides to run 3rd party? Like uncomfortably shaped head Charlie Kirk....he and RFK Jr were like best buds not long ago...he was really playing RFK up (as long as RFK ran as a Democrat) --- but now, he is literally saying that RFK Jr. is a Democrat Psy-Op to hurt Trump? WTF? Just because Libertarians have historically sucked away votes from the Republican candidate in the past doesn't mean it will happen this time? RFK Jr. is wildly popular with many Democrats, which is why he is running 3rd party; because of how popular he is with Democratic voters....so why is Charlie so triggered?
RFKjr. needs to go through the primaries and into the DNC Convention and if not successful there then see if an independent run is a good strategy.

"A third of Democratic voters would likely vote for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. if he runs as an independent in the 2024 presidential election, according to a new survey, potentially handing victory to Donald Trump. The Rasmussen Reports poll found 57 percent of likely Democratic voters plan to support Biden in the Democratic primaries, as opposed to 25 percent for Kennedy, three percent for Marianne Williamson and seven percent for any other candidate."

This is true.....RFK Jr. is a Democrat, he has realistically about 55% support among registered Democrats....if he runs as a Libertarian, Trump will win the White House by at least 45 pts.....this is why Biden and the Dems will most likely try to assassinate RFK Jr. just like he did his father many years ago.

But what is odd to me is why are the same folks who were fanboying for RFK Jr just weeks ago; are now changing their tune once he decides to run 3rd party? Like uncomfortably shaped head Charlie Kirk....he and RFK Jr were like best buds not long ago...he was really playing RFK up (as long as RFK ran as a Democrat) --- but now, he is literally saying that RFK Jr. is a Democrat Psy-Op to hurt Trump? WTF? Just because Libertarians have historically sucked away votes from the Republican candidate in the past doesn't mean it will happen this time? RFK Jr. is wildly popular with many Democrats, which is why he is running 3rd party; because of how popular he is with Democratic voters....so why is Charlie so triggered?

If he starts polling good numbers and pulling support from Biden, we may just see another Kennedy death by assasin.
The (L)ibertarian Party doesn't really need RFK for anything. They'll likely be on the ballot in all fifty regardless.

And RFK doesn't care about the future of the (L)ibertarian Party either, so he doesn't care about any kind of funds matching for the subsequent cycle.

He only views their party as a utility to get on the ballots this cycle.

Doubt it'll happen...
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"A third of Democratic voters would likely vote for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. if he runs as an independent in the 2024 presidential election, according to a new survey, potentially handing victory to Donald Trump. The Rasmussen Reports poll found 57 percent of likely Democratic voters plan to support Biden in the Democratic primaries, as opposed to 25 percent for Kennedy, three percent for Marianne Williamson and seven percent for any other candidate."

This is true.....RFK Jr. is a Democrat, he has realistically about 55% support among registered Democrats....if he runs as a Libertarian, Trump will win the White House by at least 45 pts.....this is why Biden and the Dems will most likely try to assassinate RFK Jr. just like he did his father many years ago.

But what is odd to me is why are the same folks who were fanboying for RFK Jr just weeks ago; are now changing their tune once he decides to run 3rd party? Like uncomfortably shaped head Charlie Kirk....he and RFK Jr were like best buds not long ago...he was really playing RFK up (as long as RFK ran as a Democrat) --- but now, he is literally saying that RFK Jr. is a Democrat Psy-Op to hurt Trump? WTF? Just because Libertarians have historically sucked away votes from the Republican candidate in the past doesn't mean it will happen this time? RFK Jr. is wildly popular with many Democrats, which is why he is running 3rd party; because of how popular he is with Democratic voters....so why is Charlie so triggered?

There is a reason why they denied him (a Kennedy no less) secret service protection. Instead of hiring the Clinton hit team, they can just let some whacko do the job for them.
RFKjr. needs to go through the primaries and into the DNC Convention and if not successful there then see if an independent run is a good strategy.
Why not the Libertarian party?

Because that is the 3rd party he is talking about

His policies align more with Libertarians anyway, since both he and Libertarians don't really have any policies anyway...just feels
How could you possibly know this?

The left's strategy on RFK Jr. right now is to discredit him the same way they discredited all the doctors and scientists who said maybe the covid vaccine doesn't actually provide immunity, like Biden and Pfizer claimed.

If that doesn't work, they'll just kill him, like they killed his father and his uncle.
Good point.
Except this one would be political and not random.
How come the main people who were talking up a RFK Jr run "ARE NOT" Democrats?

And as soon as he starts talking about running Libertarian party, the main ones who are upset about it are the same ones who were just talking him up?
There is a reason why they denied him (a Kennedy no less) secret service protection. Instead of hiring the Clinton hit team, they can just let some whacko do the job for them.
Probably because he isn't a son or daughter or spouse to a former president

Mary Trump doesn't have secret service protection either, are you outraged by that?

I mean, she is the niece of a former president, so she should get it too right?
How could you possibly know this?
Because the main reason right-wingers started pushing him as a candidate is the minute he started pandering to anti-vaxxers

Quick, tell me what is RFK Jr's policy on labor rights?

what is his plan for Medicare/Medicaid expansion?

Yea, of course you don't know...

But you definitely know about all of his anti-vax gibberish
The left's strategy on RFK Jr. right now is to discredit him the same way they discredited all the doctors and scientists who said maybe the covid vaccine doesn't actually provide immunity, like Biden and Pfizer claimed.

If that doesn't work, they'll just kill him, like they killed his father and his uncle.

The lefts strategy is to allow him to keep talking and let the public decide
Because the main reason right-wingers started pushing him as a candidate is the minute he started pandering to anti-vaxxers

Quick, tell me what is RFK Jr's policy on labor rights?

what is his plan for Medicare/Medicaid expansion?

Yea, of course you don't know...

But you definitely know about all of his anti-vax gibberish

Remember everyone, saying that the covid vaccine doesn't make you immune to covid is "anti-vax".

Because the main reason right-wingers started pushing him as a candidate is the minute he started pandering to anti-vaxxers

Quick, tell me what is RFK Jr's policy on labor rights?

what is his plan for Medicare/Medicaid expansion?

Yea, of course you don't know...

But you definitely know about all of his anti-vax gibberish

Your story is an opinion not fact.
Try harder.

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