Return of the blacklist: The left shuts down free speech


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
It was only a matter of time. Mimicking what leftists themselves might call McCarthyism, the left is demanding a blacklist of those who oppose its political ideology. Dani Rodrik, professor of international political economy at that bastion of leftism, Harvard University, has urged the academic world to stop offering jobs or honors to anyone who has served in the Trump administration. This ought not to come as a surprise. It reflects what author Mark Levin calls "the fascist, totalitarian mindset that is modern academia."


In order for a sheep to understand everything they are doing and supporting they would need to be taught where the core of this starts, but when you have asociety running around like rabid dogs on crack it's hard to teach the lower echelons a thing.

They won't get it until things get so bad it can't be ignored, or it smacks them dead in the face even then they don't get it and never will more than likely.

The core root to understanding everything you deny , both of them are in this picture and this is only a grain of salt to it all....


I can only imagine how many don't even know who the white guy is. lol
Return of the Blacklist: The Left Shuts Down Free Speech
It was only a matter of time. Mimicking what leftists themselves might call McCarthyism, the left is demanding a blacklist of those who oppose its political ideology. Dani Rodrik, professor of international political economy at that bastion of leftism, Harvard University, has urged the academic world to stop offering jobs or honors to anyone who has served in the Trump administration. This ought not to come as a surprise. It reflects what author Mark Levin calls "the fascist, totalitarian mindset that is modern academia."


In order for a sheep to understand everything they are doing and supporting they would need to be taught where the core of this starts, but when you have asociety running around like rabid dogs on crack it's hard to teach the lower echelons a thing.

They won't get it until things get so bad it can't be ignored, or it smacks them dead in the face even then they don't get it and never will more than likely.

The core root to understanding everything you deny , both of them are in this picture and this is only a grain of salt to it all....


I can only imagine how many don't even know who the white guy is. lol
Return of the Blacklist: The Left Shuts Down Free Speech
William Ayers a known socialist who openly advocated the destruction of the US and its Constitution. I believe the man to his left is Barrack Hussein Obama...
It was only a matter of time. Mimicking what leftists themselves might call McCarthyism, the left is demanding a blacklist of those who oppose its political ideology. Dani Rodrik, professor of international political economy at that bastion of leftism, Harvard University, has urged the academic world to stop offering jobs or honors to anyone who has served in the Trump administration. This ought not to come as a surprise. It reflects what author Mark Levin calls "the fascist, totalitarian mindset that is modern academia."


In order for a sheep to understand everything they are doing and supporting they would need to be taught where the core of this starts, but when you have asociety running around like rabid dogs on crack it's hard to teach the lower echelons a thing.

They won't get it until things get so bad it can't be ignored, or it smacks them dead in the face even then they don't get it and never will more than likely.

The core root to understanding everything you deny , both of them are in this picture and this is only a grain of salt to it all....


I can only imagine how many don't even know who the white guy is. lol
Return of the Blacklist: The Left Shuts Down Free Speech
He is the one who placed bombs all over the US and killed police officers.... and was allowed to get away with his terrorism.
The white guy is the author of Dreams From My Father".
It's amazing how many lies, how much fake news you all actually believe.... :rolleyes:

No, he didn't write it.... Obama was introduced to him a few months before Dreams of my Father hit the book stores and after Obama had already given his publishers, his book....

Because liberalfilth are terrified of anyone having the "wrong opinion" about the 3rd-world, savage dregs of humanity to whom these self-hating-American liberals want to sell out this country.
Ler's see, we have a president that has spent millions over the years to HUSH people up, uses his presidential bully pulpit to shut the free speech of NFL players kneeling during the Anthem, and is threatening to take away security clearances of those in our intel community that either spoke disparaging against him or knows something he doesn't want others to know, and has intimidated those investigating him, had fired those who spoke against him....and who had investigated him...offers Omarosa $180k a year in GOP hush money etc etc etc etc etc etc etc

And you are worried about what private businesses do with their own companies?

Trump, every day in every way with every say, is the #1 enemy of free speech in America.
The white guy is the author of Dreams From My Father".
It's amazing how many lies, how much fake news you all actually believe.... :rolleyes:

No, he didn't write it.... Obama was introduced to him a few months before Dreams of my Father hit the book stores and after Obama had already given his publishers, his book....


You really should educate yourself.

Fraud: Obama Exposed!

“Deconstructing Obama,” by Jack Cashill

Lecture can be found at

This, from one of the reviews on “As someone who at one time was an Obama supporter, as well as someone who loves language, I found this a fascinating book. Cashill's thesis is that Dreams From My Father was not written by Obama but by Bill Ayers, and not just as a ghost writer, but as author. What's more, the book is not really Obama's life story but a story concocted by Ayers …Cashill offers extensive evidence to support this thesis, and it's not just the language and story-line similarities between Dreams and Ayers' own book. There are many inconsistencies in Obama's life story, some of which he's recounted himself at various times.
What interested me almost as much as the exploration of the truth of Obama's life story is the way the media showed no interest in investigating any of it.”

  1. “Dream From My Father” was designed not to make Obama President of the United States, but rather to make Obama the mayor of Chicago, a position that would have done Ayers a world of good.
    1. The book is divided into three parts: 1) Origin, 2) Chicago, and 3) Kenya. Structurally, it is like “The Odyssey,” with Obama as Telemachus, seeking a father, and the father seeking a homeland.
  2. Bill Ayers is an extremely talented writer. The questions, then, are who wrote the book, and is the story true?
  3. Now then, do we find the literary background or predicate for the kind of grace and style of “Dreams” in prior samples of Obama’s work? Is there evidence of a dedication to the craft that might produce “Dreams”?
    1. In “The Outliers,” Malcolm Gladwell clearly defines the elements of success in a given field as a combination of talent and practice, and not a particularly high I.Q. He calls it the “Ten Thousand Hour Rule,” and gives many examples such as the Beatles, Charlie Parker, Mozart, Bill Gates, and himself, a professional writer.
    2. Christopher Hitchens, in his memoir, speaks of constant writing to hone his talent.
    3. Frank Marshall Davis wrote about his efforts to improve as a writer, and his ‘journalitis”
  4. Barack Obama, on the other hand, has only one mention that encompasses his attempts at writing in “Dreams,” ‘I made some journal entries and wrote some very bad poetry.’ That’s it.
  5. Seeing samples of his writing prior to “Dreams,” I found an article that he wrote for the Columbia Sundial as a 23-year-old senior, in 1983. The article was called “Breaking the War Mentality,” and in the 1800 word essay there were five sentences in which the noun, the subject of the sentence, didn’t agree with the verb.
[Article here:]

    1. One example: “The very real ADVANTAGES of concentrating on a single issue IS leading the national freeze movement to challenge individual missile systems while continuing the broader campaign.” Of course, it should read “The very real advantages …ARE,” and one wonders about the structure of a sentence in which ‘advantages’ are ‘leading.’
    2. This is a senior at America’s best college, one who spent the prior eight years in Hawaii’s best prep school. One would expect his writing skills at this point to be at 90% of the best it would ever be!
  1. In 1988, we find a second example of his writing, an article called “Why Organize?” appearing in a book called “After Alinsky: Community Organizing in Illinois.” Once again, nouns and subjects which don’t agree, awkward, disjointed sentences, leaden rather than flowing.
    1. An example” “Facing these realities, at least three major strands of earlier movements are apparent.” Note, “Facing these realities…” modifies nothing. And ‘strands’ do not ‘face reality.’
    2. It is interesting that there seems to be only one copy of the book, by a sitting President, and the asking price is $150. Someone knows what they have there.
  2. In 1990, he wrote an unsigned casenote at Harvard, “Suits by a fetus against third parties provide an additional deterrent to unwanted intrusions on a woman’s bodily integrity.” You be he judge, stylistically smooth and graceful, or awkward and leaden?
    1. Note that it states that if an unwanted child could sue its mother, or the abortionist, it would restrict the ability of the mother to kill an unwanted child.
    2. Curious, also, in that it represents the only time in recent history that Democrats have not chosen to expand tort rights, in this case, to the unborn.
    3. 1990 was the same year that Mr. Obama was honored with the affirmative action position of president of the Harvard Law Review.
  3. As a result of the story of his accession to presidency of the Harvard Law Review, a NY literary agent, Jane Dystel, gets him to write a proposal for a book, which she takes to Simon and Schuster. The result is a $125,000 advance, with an agreement to finish the book in 18 months.
    1. But, since Obama is not a writer, he does what people always do when faced with a challenge they can’t accomplish: he procrastinates. He takes on various responsibilities, other than the writing.
    2. But, in 1995, after Simon and Schuster cancels his contract, and Dystel manages to get him a smaller contract, and with no time on his schedule, he manages to sit down and write a 440-page masterpiece, that Time magazine calls “the best written memoir ever produced by an American politician.” The Fresh Face
    3. “…distinguished intellectual historian James Kloppenberg, chair of the Harvard history department. Reading Obama: Dreams, Hope, and the American Political Tradition… “the most substantial books written by anyone elected President of the United States since Woodrow Wilson.” Barack Obama, Intellectual – PageView - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education
    4. Michiko Kakutani, the Pulitzer Prize-winning critic for The New York Times, described it as "the most evocative, lyrical and candid autobiography written by a future president." The New York Times. From Books, President-elect Barack Obama Found His Voice.
  4. David Remnick, in “ The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama,” manages to describe Obama with the terms ‘brilliant’, ‘intelligent’, or ‘smart’ more frequently than did Walter Isaacson the subject of his recent biography, Albert Einstein.
  5. Now, Bill Ayers is an author of some renown. His book, “Fugitive Days,” considering his eventful life, a compelling and well written book. I found patterns and echoes when I compared his book with “Dreams.”
    1. Early on, in his book, Ayres writes “The confrontation in the Fishbowl flowed like a swollen river into the teach-in, carrying me along the cascading waters from room to room, hall to hall, bouncing off boulders.”
    2. From “Dreams:” “I heard all our voices begin to run together, the sound of three generations tumbling over each other like the currents of a slow-moving stream, my questions like rocks roiling the water, the breaks in memory separating the currents. . . .”
  6. First, not the similarity of the imagery, flowing water broken by rocks or boulders…. Then, the structure: each sentence begins with a standard word phrase embellished by a series of participles such as “tumbling, roiling, separating,” in one, versus “carrying, bouncing” in the other.
    1. It is of note that Ayers spent time as a merchant seaman.
b. Another Hyde Park radical, Rashid Kalidi, in his book "Resurrecting Empire," "There are many people without whose support and assistance I could not have written this book, or written it in the way that it was written," Khalidi writes. "First, chronologically, and in other ways, comes Bill Ayers." Newly found article confirms Obama ‘Dreams’ fraud - WND

12. In fact, no detail by itself proves Ayers' involvement, but the cumulative details overwhelm the open-minded.

Is it important to link Ayers with Obama in this way? David Remnick, in his comprehensive new Obama biography, The Bridge, wrote "This was a charge, that if ever proved true, or believed to be true among enough voters, could have been the end of the candidacy." New Obama Bio Strengthens Case for Dreams Fraud
The charge was never true and never believed to be true by objective, thinking Americans.
The white guy is the author of Dreams From My Father".
It's amazing how many lies, how much fake news you all actually believe.... :rolleyes:

No, he didn't write it.... Obama was introduced to him a few months before Dreams of my Father hit the book stores and after Obama had already given his publishers, his book....


There is literally no half-baked RW conspiracy theater that MW will not embrace wholesale.
She's at war with her own mind. :)
The white guy is the author of Dreams From My Father".
It's amazing how many lies, how much fake news you all actually believe.... :rolleyes:

No, he didn't write it.... Obama was introduced to him a few months before Dreams of my Father hit the book stores and after Obama had already given his publishers, his book....


There is literally no half-baked RW conspiracy theater that MW will not embrace wholesale.
She's at war with her own mind. :)
Right and all the collusion to shut down conservatives voices at facebook, twitter, google, etc., isn't really happening.
The white guy is the author of Dreams From My Father".
It's amazing how many lies, how much fake news you all actually believe.... :rolleyes:

No, he didn't write it.... Obama was introduced to him a few months before Dreams of my Father hit the book stores and after Obama had already given his publishers, his book....


There is literally no half-baked RW conspiracy theater that MW will not embrace wholesale.
She's at war with her own mind. :)
Right and all the collusion to shut down conservatives voices at facebook, twitter, google, etc., isn't really happening.
Liberals forget their own recent history regarding free speech. Tipper Gore and the DC wives who made up the PMRC attempting to attack what they saw as immoral music lyrics.

The very reason we see these labels to this very (1).png

Frank Zappa, John Denver, and Dee Snider testified before Congress fighting the moral police free speech attackers of the left.
The white guy is the author of Dreams From My Father".
It's amazing how many lies, how much fake news you all actually believe.... :rolleyes:

No, he didn't write it.... Obama was introduced to him a few months before Dreams of my Father hit the book stores and after Obama had already given his publishers, his book....


There is literally no half-baked RW conspiracy theater that MW will not embrace wholesale.
She's at war with her own mind. :)
Right and all the collusion to shut down conservatives voices at facebook, twitter, google, etc., isn't really happening.

I have never seen such a group of angry "winners" play the victim card.

Despite So Much Winning, The Right Feels Like It's Losing

Need a cookie?

The white guy is the author of Dreams From My Father".
It's amazing how many lies, how much fake news you all actually believe.... :rolleyes:

No, he didn't write it.... Obama was introduced to him a few months before Dreams of my Father hit the book stores and after Obama had already given his publishers, his book....


There is literally no half-baked RW conspiracy theater that MW will not embrace wholesale.
She's at war with her own mind. :)
Right and all the collusion to shut down conservatives voices at facebook, twitter, google, etc., isn't really happening.

I have never seen such a group of angry "winners" play the victim card.

Despite So Much Winning, The Right Feels Like It's Losing

Need a cookie?

The Left has sure lowered their standards of people they call victims.. Now if your just demanding the law be followed your a victim...
It was only a matter of time. Mimicking what leftists themselves might call McCarthyism, the left is demanding a blacklist of those who oppose its political ideology. Dani Rodrik, professor of international political economy at that bastion of leftism, Harvard University, has urged the academic world to stop offering jobs or honors to anyone who has served in the Trump administration. This ought not to come as a surprise. It reflects what author Mark Levin calls "the fascist, totalitarian mindset that is modern academia."


In order for a sheep to understand everything they are doing and supporting they would need to be taught where the core of this starts, but when you have asociety running around like rabid dogs on crack it's hard to teach the lower echelons a thing.

They won't get it until things get so bad it can't be ignored, or it smacks them dead in the face even then they don't get it and never will more than likely.

The core root to understanding everything you deny , both of them are in this picture and this is only a grain of salt to it all....


I can only imagine how many don't even know who the white guy is. lol
Return of the Blacklist: The Left Shuts Down Free Speech
William Ayers a known socialist who openly advocated the destruction of the US and its Constitution. I believe the man to his left is Barrack Hussein Obama...

Ten GOLD STARS lol yep BILL AYRES you nailed it!!

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