Retired Border Patrol Officer Zach Taylor explains surge of illegals on U.S. border


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
man oh man. people need to wake up. call your damn Congresscritters, state governments, etc
a 14 min video some of it transcribed

Transcript: Retired Border Patrol Officer Zach Taylor explains surge of illegals on U.S. border
YouTube ^ | 07/19/2014
Posted on 7/21/2014 2:53:04 PM by BuckeyeTexan

[ame=]Zack Interview-Security on the border between USA and Mexico - YouTube[/ame]

This is a chilling interview with Retired Border Patrol Officer Zach Taylor about the surge of illegals coming across the U.S. border right now. If you haven't watched the interview, read this transcript:

My name is Zach Taylor. I'm a retired Border Patrol officer. My main job was understanding and having intelligence capabilities about drug smuggling across the U.S. border and human smuggling across the U.S. border to bring contraband and people into the United States. That's what I did for twenty-six years.

National security is a component of the immigration laws and the reason that immigration officers exist. Because the immigration laws are designed to primarily do just two things: protect national security and public safety. The component of national security is the economy and American jobs because the foundation of American society, which is the family unit, depends on jobs and the economy for their livelihood. On the other side is the public safety, which includes public health. And that is so the people will be secure in their persons and their property from outside-source threats. In other words people coming in to take over American by force or by subterfuge.

Right now, Department of Homeland Security is in charge of – through Customs and Border Protection – the apprehension and collection of the illegal aliens. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is in charge of the screening with the U.S. Public Health Service. I've never seen the CDC or the U.S. Public Health Service work together with the Border Patrol at the border ever.

The agents are telling us that they're seeing some people who are obviously sick with shivering-type illnesses, with possibly dehydrating illnesses like diarrhea and vomiting, but those people are disappearing. We don't know what they have, where they're going, or where they're taking them. Surely they're being quarantined somewhere. We just don't know where. And even the agents don't know what the diagnosis is of these illnesses. Tie that in with the fact that these people can come through almost anywhere in the world and are funneling into Mexico and we already know there's epidemic levels of certain diseases in Mexico and Central America. We don't know if these people are showing these diseases – if they're even being screened for them.

The real troubling part of this is we know that in West Africa right now there's an Ebola outbreak that does not meet the parameters of communicable diseases. Normally, Ebola virus starts in the jungle and moves into an indigenous population in the jungle and then from there into a larger population area. What they're experiencing in West Africa in three countries right now is an Ebola outbreak in three separate cities at the same time. This is very unusual. It is almost as if the virus was planted in those three cities to infect that population. In other words the virus is working in the reverse of what it has historically. Before it moved from the jungle into the populated area. Now it's starting in the most populated areas in those cities and working through the population.

If we had a controlled event – I'll give you an example. The Border Patrol has a drug smuggling operation and they've been surveilling it. And after the car loads up and takes off, we stop the car and the person driving the car hands us a diplomatic passport saying they're a diplomatic alien inside the United States, we stop right there. We call the Department of State. The Department of State takes it from there. The person is not prosecuted. Yes, we may or may not seize the vehicle and the drugs. The United States public never knows that happened. That's a controlled event.

In this situation, where you have hundreds of thousands, literally, of people coming across the border and you're only catching a small fraction, if you're not telling the public that 80-90 percent of what's coming across the border is not being apprehended and you're putting their focus on this ten percent that is being apprehended only showing them the one percent that are six-, eight-, ten-years-old and appeal to the compassion of the American people and not show them the people with these serious communicable diseases, the fact that they are known gang members. They have the gang tats all over them. Because they do not have a conviction in the United States, they're turned loose free in the United States. We don't know when CDC takes custody of one of these people from Homeland Security and whisks them off somewhere – we don't know where – what disease they have been diagnosed with. We know it's communicable. We assume it's serious. But that is being kept away not only from the agents in the Department of Homeland Security, it is part of the controlled event where America doesn't realize how serious the threat is and they're only being shown the compassionate side of the situation - that one to two percent of those 160,000 that appeal to the compassionate side of the people of the United States. What the people don't realize, that it is putting their own children at risk because these children are gonna be put in schools with their children.

This administration and past administrations have not lived up to enforcing the rule of law with regards to national security and immigration laws. The reason we're having the press of the Central American minors is because this particular administration has invited them to come here. The problem as I see it - and apparently because Centers for Disease Control, Health and Human Services, and Department of Homeland Security are trying to make this a controlled situation - they're anticipating a large national crisis. When you see that FEMA is preparing for 200,000,000 deaths in the United States, that tells you something. When you see that the government is controlling the supply of ammunition and that basic medical supplies are in short supply in southern Arizona, something's wrong. They are anticipating something drastic. If they had enforced the law, if they didn't force the immigration law and if they had expeditiously removed these people that came here – this group of minors – they would have dealt with the situation. The way they are reacting to it is facilitating and inviting more of the same. So what they're doing is making a bad situation much worse.

The real reason these people are probably coming here from ann intelligence point-of-view is to mask or draw attention away from something else that is happening. Since the United States government is encouraging this, it is something that the United States government wants to happen. They have significant CIA, FBI, Department of State, Homeland Security, Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard – you name it – in Central America right now – have been there a long time. They know what's going on. We're not doing anything to stop the obvious threat.

Two years ago, I became acquainted with a person that lives in Mexico City – have complete, total confidence in this person as an informant, he's beyond reproach – and he told me when I asked him – I was concerned about two things -a nd that was the trafficking of human organs in Mexico and the extreme violence - the beheadings and dismemberments that were going on in Mexico. Now understand this person is pretty much an unbiased observer that has almost unlimited access to all levels of both government and society in Mexico. Without hesitation, he told me that the most influential drug – criminal – organization in Mexico City at that time was the Russian Mafia. And through other sources I knew that they were a very important component in Ecuador and in the tri-border area in South America. So when you start to think about the dynamics of what's going on in Mexico, think transnational criminal. Think of people beyond Mexico. Think beyond Central America and think of criminals, period. The reason they come to the United States is because this is where the money is.

The agent is much more afraid of his own government than he is of the transnational smuggler because they're not only messing with the agent's pay right now, they're telling him to run away from an assault. You know if somebody wants to fight, leave them alone. Don't shoot at anybody. They just told the local Border Patrol here that they're not going to get any ammunition for their rifles until 2015. What's that about? They're not gonna have any practice ammo for their CAR-4's until 2015. Well that's over a year away. FY2015 starts in October 2015. So what is it that the Border Patrol agents aren't gonna get where historically the Department of Homeland Security used to buy ammunition for the Border Patrol by the boxcar load.

Off-camera interviewer: You're saying the Border Patrol agents in the Tucson Sector have to ration their ammunition for the next 14-15 months?

They can't use it. They're doing zero accountability. In other words, they can't shoot any of it and it's being accounted for round-for-round. The rules are you have to qualify, demonstrate proficiency at a minimum level with each firearm that you're authorized to use: handgun, shotgun, rifle. When the agent is – one - not allowed to maintain his basic proficiency with the firearms that he uses and train with them on a quarterly basis, he is less proficient. If he is less proficient and doesn't have access to ammunition, he's less likely to take that firearm into the field and have it available should he need it. That raises the risk level to the individual agent because the purpose of having the superior fire force is to deter someone from attacking you.

From and all of it at:
Transcript: Retired Border Patrol Officer Zach Taylor explains surge of illegals on U.S. border
So in a nutshell... This is treason of monumental proportions..... I figured as much but this guy has given all the juicy details. Thankyou for sharing

oh well hey, just a couple pennies...SOMEONE IS making MONEY OFF OF THIS...and you are PAYING FOR IT


Austin-Based Company Received $120 Million So Far This Year to Shelter Illegal Children

Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, July 21, 2014, 3:04 PM

Southwest Key Programs is the largest provider of services to unaccompanied children in the United States.
The group has illegal child units in seven states.
illegal camps us

An Austin-based company has received over $120 million so far this year to shelter illegal immigrant children.

KEYE TV reported:

More than $100 million of federal grant money this year has gone to an Austin based company that runs unaccompanied minor shelters across the country.

Its website says Southwest Key Programs is the largest provider of services to unaccompanied children in the United States. Their headquarters is in Austin, Texas.

A brief online description details the children they help, how they’re accepted and a short write up of the types of services provided.

A map provided by Southwest Key officials outlines their different locations and programs across the county. But if you have questions about the money it receives from the federal government for unaccompanied children officials with the non-profit aren’t talking.

While their corporate address is listed as right here in Austin when you try to ask about their child immigrant shelters you get directed to a federal agency — the Office of Refugee Resettlement, which is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

all of it here:
Austin-Based Company Received $120 Million So Far This Year to Shelter Illegal Children | The Gateway Pundit
funny , on another board that I regularly read this story and video is being looked at as silly talk . Myself , I don't know but i'm not a supporter of what is currently happening at the border or with any kind of immigration into the USA for these last 20 - 30 years . Just saying !! --- Interesting because this story - vid looks like its being taken seriously on this board. The other board is a motorcycle oriented message board with a BIG political section .

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