Republicans Show Their True Colors


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
"In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." H.L. Mencken

How can anyone have any respect for these people or a party that presents itself in this fashion?

'Tampa, Florida (CNN) – Two people were removed from the Republican National Convention Tuesday after they threw nuts at an African-American CNN camera operator and said, “This is how we feed animals."' Two people removed from RNC after taunting black camera operator – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

"This was a GOP latina who took the podium as part of procedure, some other faction didn’t like the rules. So they started shouting “Go Back Home” and “USA, USA”."

[ame=]Chaos On The GOP Convention Floor - YouTube[/ame]
now remember folks, TWO PEOPLE represents the WHOLE Republican PARTY..

well we know the OWS represents the DEMOCRAT PARTY, but :eusa_shhh:
Is this story true? Last I heard there wasn't a shred of evidence proving this story. Only that something happened.

But let's say one or two did this that does not represent the majority only lying liberals would think so.

So let's examine the DNC convention and the vote on God. Clearly a 2/3 of a majority did not vote yes yet the chairman lied and said they did. Who can respect a party that is caught so readily lying? Let alone shows such a disdain for God?

WTF was the video all about? Republicans are not lock step lemmings like the DNC, except when there is a vote on God. Chanting USA does seem like chaos only in the mind of an American hating liberal.
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How can ANYONE have any Respect for a party (Democrats) that CHAMPIONS ABORTIONS the killing of innocent lives?:eusa_shhh:
Are we seriously going to rehash this bullshit again?

Let me just end this thread with the obvious. Their behavior was as stupid as you are desperate to keep the subject off of Obama.

now remember folks, TWO PEOPLE represents the WHOLE Republican PARTY..

well we know the OWS represents the DEMOCRAT PARTY, but :eusa_shhh:

IF it even happened.

No, apparently it was all bad timing.
It started over a completely different matter.
Zoraida Fonalledas, the National Committeewoman for Puerto Rico, who is also the chairwoman of the party’s permanent organization committee, said to NBC Latino that contrary to reports, she was not the object of “USA, USA!” chants when she stepped up to the podium to announce the RNC committee during the convention’s opening statements, and assured she was caught in the “Ron Paul” convention flap.
“There was a group who wanted Ron Paul delegates to be counted; they were protesting the way it worked out,” says Fonalledas, who was about to start making her statement when “USA! USA!” chants can be seen coming from a group of Ron Paul delegates.
“They were not happy with the rules, but we are in a democracy; we had a meeting, they did not have the votes, and we have to unite,” she said. Fonalledas says she also said “USA!” as the chants grew louder.
“We’re here to defend the U.S. and to make sure we are united as a party.”
Regardless of whether the protesters were directly targeting Fonalledas, the “optics” of Republican delegates protesting when a Latina woman is on the platform stage is not what the party wants at a time when it is trying to attract voters. The Republican party has released a statement saying, “To be clear, the attempt to disrupt the proceedings had to do with the report, not the Puerto Rico National Committeewoman.”
Was Puerto Rican RNC official the target of “USA! USA!” chants?
By the way the next time you watch the news and hear about a black man raping a woman are you going to judge all black men as rapists? How about when a liberal goes on a shooting spree? How about when a white dude robs a bank for drug money? How about when a Muslim fanatic beheads an innocent person?

Fuck you OP.
now remember folks, TWO PEOPLE represents the WHOLE Republican PARTY..

well we know the OWS represents the DEMOCRAT PARTY, but :eusa_shhh:

IF it even happened.

No, apparently it was all bad timing.
It started over a completely different matter.
Zoraida Fonalledas, the National Committeewoman for Puerto Rico, who is also the chairwoman of the party’s permanent organization committee, said to NBC Latino that contrary to reports, she was not the object of “USA, USA!” chants when she stepped up to the podium to announce the RNC committee during the convention’s opening statements, and assured she was caught in the “Ron Paul” convention flap.
“There was a group who wanted Ron Paul delegates to be counted; they were protesting the way it worked out,” says Fonalledas, who was about to start making her statement when “USA! USA!” chants can be seen coming from a group of Ron Paul delegates.
“They were not happy with the rules, but we are in a democracy; we had a meeting, they did not have the votes, and we have to unite,” she said. Fonalledas says she also said “USA!” as the chants grew louder.
“We’re here to defend the U.S. and to make sure we are united as a party.”
Regardless of whether the protesters were directly targeting Fonalledas, the “optics” of Republican delegates protesting when a Latina woman is on the platform stage is not what the party wants at a time when it is trying to attract voters. The Republican party has released a statement saying, “To be clear, the attempt to disrupt the proceedings had to do with the report, not the Puerto Rico National Committeewoman.”
Was Puerto Rican RNC official the target of “USA! USA!” chants?

More liberal ginned up protest, I agree.
I think it's funny as shit. First thing they do is tell us Republicans are aaaall white,, then a post a dumb as thread about colors.:D:D:eusa_clap:
Oh my god

they were disrespecting their own people for being latina?

You could see the discust prebus had in his own party members

And you wonder why you are seen as the racist party
So far the only person who claims there was a "feed animals" incident was David Shuster

He probably made it up
So far the only person who claims there was a "feed animals" incident was David Shuster

He probably made it up

And I know deep in my wittle Republican heart that had a CNN camerperson had nuts thrown at her she'd be on every talk show coast to coast. bla bla bla bla.. it would be the perfect martini based narrative of the "war on women." That flake Fluke would be parading her all over the country trying to get free nutz and free pills.
Are we seriously going to rehash this bullshit again?

Let me just end this thread with the obvious. Their behavior was as stupid as you are desperate to keep the subject off of Obama.


Which would not matter if the greatest republican president of all times, Reagan had not turned us into a debtor nation.
"In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." H.L. Mencken

How can anyone have any respect for these people or a party that presents itself in this fashion?

'Tampa, Florida (CNN) – Two people were removed from the Republican National Convention Tuesday after they threw nuts at an African-American CNN camera operator and said, “This is how we feed animals."' Two people removed from RNC after taunting black camera operator – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

"This was a GOP latina who took the podium as part of procedure, some other faction didn’t like the rules. So they started shouting “Go Back Home” and “USA, USA”."

Chaos On The GOP Convention Floor - YouTube

Our embassies are being attacked all over the Middle East and Northern Africa; we were just downgraded for the third time by Credit agencies, we are evacuating campuses and nuclear reactors with Al Qaeda bomb threats here in the US; the president refuses to meet with Netanhanyahu but will meet with the Mulsim Brotherhood and David Letterman and you want to talk about nuts?

You are nuts!
This is no one time incident.

It is a prolonged, flagrant effort to deny the non driving poor and elderly the right to vote.

Yet absentee ballots that don't require picture id, which favor the Reps are much more tainted, aren't even mentioned.

Yes, these are the tacky true colors.
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What did you think Dems were going to talk about, Obama's Depressed economy? Obama's Incompetence in the Middle East?
[ame=]Chaos on the Convention Floor as RNC Blocks Ron Paul Delegates, Alters Seating Rules - YouTube[/ame]

Oh it was actually a Ron Paul revolt.

the Rs just wanted to bury the revolt

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