Republicans — Not Democrats — Gave Women Right to Vote


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Over the weekend, women celebrated #InternationalWomensDay on social media and at events across the globe

The United Nations’ slogan for the day was, “Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change.”

For Women’s History Month, Rolling Stone magazine featured Speaker Nancy Pelosi along with Reps. Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez paying homage to the record number of women serving in the 116th Congress and of course, bashing Republican President Donald Trump.

Democrat females even wore “suffragette white to last month’s State of the Union address."

......In all of this celebrating and promoting Democrats, the media failed to point out / make clear that Republicansnot Democratswere responsible for granting women the right to vote in the first place.

It is a trailblazing
history of which Republicans should be proud:

"The Women’s Rights Convention held in 1848 was the catalyst for the women’s rights movement. Two years later, another convention followed where the matter was discussed.

By 1870, the Massachusetts Republican State Convention had already seated two “suffragettes” who had fought for the women’s right to vote — Lucy Stone and Mary A. Livermore.

Just two years later, the National Republican Convention of 1872 approved a resolution calling for a wider role for women in the political process, and demanding that “additional rights” for women “should be treated with respectful consideration.”

In 1892, two women delegates from Wyoming were seated for the first time at a national political convention — but it was the Republican National Convention (not the Democrats’.) This same convention was the first time a woman was ever allowed to speak at a national political convention — again, it was a Republican convention.

During her speech, the chairwoman of the Women’s Republican Association of the United States vouched for Republicans’ commitment to granting women the right to vote and said they would see the fight through to the end.

Finally, at the request of Republican Susan B. Anthony, Sen. A.A. Sargent — a Republican from California — introduced the
19th Amendment to grant women the right to vote.

The amendment was voted down by a Democrat-controlled Senate."

When Republicans regained control of Congress in 1919, they passed the Equal Suffrage Amendment as one of their first orders of business.

It was a
decades-long fight that Republicans saw through to the end."

KERNS: Media Spend Women’s History Month Forgetting Republicans — Not Democrats — Gave Women Right to Vote

Democrats were against women and blacks rights, it was the Republicans who passed amendments to end slavery, grant citizenship and voting rights for black folks,

Now watch the usual baloney replies...…...
"Over the weekend, women celebrated #InternationalWomensDay on social media and at events across the globe

The United Nations’ slogan for the day was, “Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change.”

For Women’s History Month, Rolling Stone magazine featured Speaker Nancy Pelosi along with Reps. Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez paying homage to the record number of women serving in the 116th Congress and of course, bashing Republican President Donald Trump.

Democrat females even wore “suffragette white to last month’s State of the Union address."

......In all of this celebrating and promoting Democrats, the media failed to point out / make clear that Republicansnot Democratswere responsible for granting women the right to vote in the first place.

It is a trailblazing
history of which Republicans should be proud:

"The Women’s Rights Convention held in 1848 was the catalyst for the women’s rights movement. Two years later, another convention followed where the matter was discussed.

By 1870, the Massachusetts Republican State Convention had already seated two “suffragettes” who had fought for the women’s right to vote — Lucy Stone and Mary A. Livermore.

Just two years later, the National Republican Convention of 1872 approved a resolution calling for a wider role for women in the political process, and demanding that “additional rights” for women “should be treated with respectful consideration.”

In 1892, two women delegates from Wyoming were seated for the first time at a national political convention — but it was the Republican National Convention (not the Democrats’.) This same convention was the first time a woman was ever allowed to speak at a national political convention — again, it was a Republican convention.

During her speech, the chairwoman of the Women’s Republican Association of the United States vouched for Republicans’ commitment to granting women the right to vote and said they would see the fight through to the end.

Finally, at the request of Republican Susan B. Anthony, Sen. A.A. Sargent — a Republican from California — introduced the
19th Amendment to grant women the right to vote.

The amendment was voted down by a Democrat-controlled Senate."

When Republicans regained control of Congress in 1919, they passed the Equal Suffrage Amendment as one of their first orders of business.

It was a
decades-long fight that Republicans saw through to the end."

KERNS: Media Spend Women’s History Month Forgetting Republicans — Not Democrats — Gave Women Right to Vote

I’m curious. Republicans today called themselves Confederates. Were they Confederates back then too? What happened between then and now?
"Over the weekend, women celebrated #InternationalWomensDay on social media and at events across the globe

The United Nations’ slogan for the day was, “Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change.”

For Women’s History Month, Rolling Stone magazine featured Speaker Nancy Pelosi along with Reps. Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez paying homage to the record number of women serving in the 116th Congress and of course, bashing Republican President Donald Trump.

Democrat females even wore “suffragette white to last month’s State of the Union address."

......In all of this celebrating and promoting Democrats, the media failed to point out / make clear that Republicansnot Democratswere responsible for granting women the right to vote in the first place.

It is a trailblazing
history of which Republicans should be proud:

"The Women’s Rights Convention held in 1848 was the catalyst for the women’s rights movement. Two years later, another convention followed where the matter was discussed.

By 1870, the Massachusetts Republican State Convention had already seated two “suffragettes” who had fought for the women’s right to vote — Lucy Stone and Mary A. Livermore.

Just two years later, the National Republican Convention of 1872 approved a resolution calling for a wider role for women in the political process, and demanding that “additional rights” for women “should be treated with respectful consideration.”

In 1892, two women delegates from Wyoming were seated for the first time at a national political convention — but it was the Republican National Convention (not the Democrats’.) This same convention was the first time a woman was ever allowed to speak at a national political convention — again, it was a Republican convention.

During her speech, the chairwoman of the Women’s Republican Association of the United States vouched for Republicans’ commitment to granting women the right to vote and said they would see the fight through to the end.

Finally, at the request of Republican Susan B. Anthony, Sen. A.A. Sargent — a Republican from California — introduced the
19th Amendment to grant women the right to vote.

The amendment was voted down by a Democrat-controlled Senate."

When Republicans regained control of Congress in 1919, they passed the Equal Suffrage Amendment as one of their first orders of business.

It was a
decades-long fight that Republicans saw through to the end."

KERNS: Media Spend Women’s History Month Forgetting Republicans — Not Democrats — Gave Women Right to Vote

I know. It's too bad that republican party is long gone.
"Over the weekend, women celebrated #InternationalWomensDay on social media and at events across the globe

The United Nations’ slogan for the day was, “Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change.”

For Women’s History Month, Rolling Stone magazine featured Speaker Nancy Pelosi along with Reps. Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez paying homage to the record number of women serving in the 116th Congress and of course, bashing Republican President Donald Trump.

Democrat females even wore “suffragette white to last month’s State of the Union address."

......In all of this celebrating and promoting Democrats, the media failed to point out / make clear that Republicansnot Democratswere responsible for granting women the right to vote in the first place.

It is a trailblazing
history of which Republicans should be proud:

"The Women’s Rights Convention held in 1848 was the catalyst for the women’s rights movement. Two years later, another convention followed where the matter was discussed.

By 1870, the Massachusetts Republican State Convention had already seated two “suffragettes” who had fought for the women’s right to vote — Lucy Stone and Mary A. Livermore.

Just two years later, the National Republican Convention of 1872 approved a resolution calling for a wider role for women in the political process, and demanding that “additional rights” for women “should be treated with respectful consideration.”

In 1892, two women delegates from Wyoming were seated for the first time at a national political convention — but it was the Republican National Convention (not the Democrats’.) This same convention was the first time a woman was ever allowed to speak at a national political convention — again, it was a Republican convention.

During her speech, the chairwoman of the Women’s Republican Association of the United States vouched for Republicans’ commitment to granting women the right to vote and said they would see the fight through to the end.

Finally, at the request of Republican Susan B. Anthony, Sen. A.A. Sargent — a Republican from California — introduced the
19th Amendment to grant women the right to vote.

The amendment was voted down by a Democrat-controlled Senate."

When Republicans regained control of Congress in 1919, they passed the Equal Suffrage Amendment as one of their first orders of business.

It was a
decades-long fight that Republicans saw through to the end."

KERNS: Media Spend Women’s History Month Forgetting Republicans — Not Democrats — Gave Women Right to Vote


Yep, those were the daze weren't they? That's when the Duopoly was playing musical chairs.

Jeannette Rankin (R-MT) was the first woman elected to Congress, entering the House in 1917, before the 19th Amendment. Matter of fact the first five women in the House went as Republicans although not all were elected there.

Woodrow Wilson only turned around and supported the Nineteenth Amendment when he couldn't resist it any more.
"Over the weekend, women celebrated #InternationalWomensDay on social media and at events across the globe

The United Nations’ slogan for the day was, “Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change.”

For Women’s History Month, Rolling Stone magazine featured Speaker Nancy Pelosi along with Reps. Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez paying homage to the record number of women serving in the 116th Congress and of course, bashing Republican President Donald Trump.

Democrat females even wore “suffragette white to last month’s State of the Union address."

......In all of this celebrating and promoting Democrats, the media failed to point out / make clear that Republicansnot Democratswere responsible for granting women the right to vote in the first place.

It is a trailblazing
history of which Republicans should be proud:

"The Women’s Rights Convention held in 1848 was the catalyst for the women’s rights movement. Two years later, another convention followed where the matter was discussed.

By 1870, the Massachusetts Republican State Convention had already seated two “suffragettes” who had fought for the women’s right to vote — Lucy Stone and Mary A. Livermore.

Just two years later, the National Republican Convention of 1872 approved a resolution calling for a wider role for women in the political process, and demanding that “additional rights” for women “should be treated with respectful consideration.”

In 1892, two women delegates from Wyoming were seated for the first time at a national political convention — but it was the Republican National Convention (not the Democrats’.) This same convention was the first time a woman was ever allowed to speak at a national political convention — again, it was a Republican convention.

During her speech, the chairwoman of the Women’s Republican Association of the United States vouched for Republicans’ commitment to granting women the right to vote and said they would see the fight through to the end.

Finally, at the request of Republican Susan B. Anthony, Sen. A.A. Sargent — a Republican from California — introduced the
19th Amendment to grant women the right to vote.

The amendment was voted down by a Democrat-controlled Senate."

When Republicans regained control of Congress in 1919, they passed the Equal Suffrage Amendment as one of their first orders of business.

It was a
decades-long fight that Republicans saw through to the end."

KERNS: Media Spend Women’s History Month Forgetting Republicans — Not Democrats — Gave Women Right to Vote

I know. It's too bad that republican party is long gone.

Republicans are the only party that actually continually stands up for and with the American people, as evident by the Democrat Party having chosen to stand with violent illegals, human traffickers, drug runners, pedophiles, MS13, cop killers and more to shut down the government so the borders stay open, illegal immigration continues, their illegal Sanctuary Cities remain operating, and the illegal votes for Democrats keep getting cast.

The Republican party is the reason Civil Rights passed.
The Republican Party is the reason women have the right to vote.
Democrats are the party who created the KKK.
Democrats are the party who opposed civil rights.
Democrats are the party who voted womens' right to vote down.
Democrats did not want blacks and women voting, but today they want illegal immigrants voting.

Actual FACTS are just a bitch for snowflakes who try to twist, spin, and misrepresent reality.
From the OP link:
>> It is hard to tell exactly where Republicans lost control of the message that it was they — not Democrats — who were the champions of women. <<​

"It's hard to tell" sounds overmuch like something "we don't want to talk about". That's because this time period (100 years ago) was when the parties were shifting positions. Notably when the Democrats were taking on the Populist Party and the Republicans were shifting to the interests of the wealthy and big business. Of course that was a gradual process, both parties having elements that resisted the shift and tried to keep it down (for the Republicans Roosevelt and for the Democrats Wilson) but their resistance was futile. By the 1930s the Democrats had wrested away the black vote along with minorities and women, and here we are.
"Over the weekend, women celebrated #InternationalWomensDay on social media and at events across the globe

The United Nations’ slogan for the day was, “Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change.”

For Women’s History Month, Rolling Stone magazine featured Speaker Nancy Pelosi along with Reps. Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez paying homage to the record number of women serving in the 116th Congress and of course, bashing Republican President Donald Trump.

Democrat females even wore “suffragette white to last month’s State of the Union address."

......In all of this celebrating and promoting Democrats, the media failed to point out / make clear that Republicansnot Democratswere responsible for granting women the right to vote in the first place.

It is a trailblazing
history of which Republicans should be proud:

"The Women’s Rights Convention held in 1848 was the catalyst for the women’s rights movement. Two years later, another convention followed where the matter was discussed.

By 1870, the Massachusetts Republican State Convention had already seated two “suffragettes” who had fought for the women’s right to vote — Lucy Stone and Mary A. Livermore.

Just two years later, the National Republican Convention of 1872 approved a resolution calling for a wider role for women in the political process, and demanding that “additional rights” for women “should be treated with respectful consideration.”

In 1892, two women delegates from Wyoming were seated for the first time at a national political convention — but it was the Republican National Convention (not the Democrats’.) This same convention was the first time a woman was ever allowed to speak at a national political convention — again, it was a Republican convention.

During her speech, the chairwoman of the Women’s Republican Association of the United States vouched for Republicans’ commitment to granting women the right to vote and said they would see the fight through to the end.

Finally, at the request of Republican Susan B. Anthony, Sen. A.A. Sargent — a Republican from California — introduced the
19th Amendment to grant women the right to vote.

The amendment was voted down by a Democrat-controlled Senate."

When Republicans regained control of Congress in 1919, they passed the Equal Suffrage Amendment as one of their first orders of business.

It was a
decades-long fight that Republicans saw through to the end."

KERNS: Media Spend Women’s History Month Forgetting Republicans — Not Democrats — Gave Women Right to Vote

I know. It's too bad that republican party is long gone.

Republicans are the only party that actually continually stands up for and with the American people, as evident by the Democrat Party having chosen to stand with violent illegals, human traffickers, drug runners, pedophiles, MS13, cop killers and more to shut down the government so the borders stay open, illegal immigration continues, their illegal Sanctuary Cities remain operating, and the illegal votes for Democrats keep getting cast.

The Republican party is the reason Civil Rights passed.
The Republican Party is the reason women have the right to vote.
Democrats are the party who created the KKK.
Democrats are the party who opposed civil rights.
Democrats are the party who voted womens' right to vote down.
Democrats did not want blacks and women voting, but today they want illegal immigrants voting.

Actual FACTS are just a bitch for snowflakes who try to twist, spin, and misrepresent reality.
Yup, it's too bad that party is dead and gone.
"Over the weekend, women celebrated #InternationalWomensDay on social media and at events across the globe

The United Nations’ slogan for the day was, “Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change.”

For Women’s History Month, Rolling Stone magazine featured Speaker Nancy Pelosi along with Reps. Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez paying homage to the record number of women serving in the 116th Congress and of course, bashing Republican President Donald Trump.

Democrat females even wore “suffragette white to last month’s State of the Union address."

......In all of this celebrating and promoting Democrats, the media failed to point out / make clear that Republicansnot Democratswere responsible for granting women the right to vote in the first place.

It is a trailblazing
history of which Republicans should be proud:

"The Women’s Rights Convention held in 1848 was the catalyst for the women’s rights movement. Two years later, another convention followed where the matter was discussed.

By 1870, the Massachusetts Republican State Convention had already seated two “suffragettes” who had fought for the women’s right to vote — Lucy Stone and Mary A. Livermore.

Just two years later, the National Republican Convention of 1872 approved a resolution calling for a wider role for women in the political process, and demanding that “additional rights” for women “should be treated with respectful consideration.”

In 1892, two women delegates from Wyoming were seated for the first time at a national political convention — but it was the Republican National Convention (not the Democrats’.) This same convention was the first time a woman was ever allowed to speak at a national political convention — again, it was a Republican convention.

During her speech, the chairwoman of the Women’s Republican Association of the United States vouched for Republicans’ commitment to granting women the right to vote and said they would see the fight through to the end.

Finally, at the request of Republican Susan B. Anthony, Sen. A.A. Sargent — a Republican from California — introduced the
19th Amendment to grant women the right to vote.

The amendment was voted down by a Democrat-controlled Senate."

When Republicans regained control of Congress in 1919, they passed the Equal Suffrage Amendment as one of their first orders of business.

It was a
decades-long fight that Republicans saw through to the end."

KERNS: Media Spend Women’s History Month Forgetting Republicans — Not Democrats — Gave Women Right to Vote

I know. It's too bad that republican party is long gone.

Republicans are the only party that actually continually stands up for and with the American people, as evident by the Democrat Party having chosen to stand with violent illegals, human traffickers, drug runners, pedophiles, MS13, cop killers and more to shut down the government so the borders stay open, illegal immigration continues, their illegal Sanctuary Cities remain operating, and the illegal votes for Democrats keep getting cast.

The Republican party is the reason Civil Rights passed.
The Republican Party is the reason women have the right to vote.
Democrats are the party who created the KKK.
Democrats are the party who opposed civil rights.
Democrats are the party who voted womens' right to vote down.
Democrats did not want blacks and women voting, but today they want illegal immigrants voting.

Actual FACTS are just a bitch for snowflakes who try to twist, spin, and misrepresent reality.

Pretty much unmitigated bullshit right there. The CRA was pushed by LBJ, Humphrey and Mansfield along with allies like Dirksen, and many Republican arms had to be twisted ("Goddam it, you're either the party of Lincoln or you ain't"--- LBJ). And the Klan wasn't created by a political party at all, a fact I've proven over and over and over on this board.

More to the big picture, "Democrats" and "Republicans" of 1900 or 1860 are in no way what "Democrats" and "Republicans" are now other than the name, and to pretend political parties are some ideologically static stone that never changes is mendacious bullshit. The Republicans of Lincoln were the Liberals. Think of them like a radio station that plays oldies for years and decides it's not working and shifts to a sports format, yet their call letters remain the same.
"Over the weekend, women celebrated #InternationalWomensDay on social media and at events across the globe

The United Nations’ slogan for the day was, “Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change.”

For Women’s History Month, Rolling Stone magazine featured Speaker Nancy Pelosi along with Reps. Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez paying homage to the record number of women serving in the 116th Congress and of course, bashing Republican President Donald Trump.

Democrat females even wore “suffragette white to last month’s State of the Union address."

......In all of this celebrating and promoting Democrats, the media failed to point out / make clear that Republicansnot Democratswere responsible for granting women the right to vote in the first place.

It is a trailblazing
history of which Republicans should be proud:

"The Women’s Rights Convention held in 1848 was the catalyst for the women’s rights movement. Two years later, another convention followed where the matter was discussed.

By 1870, the Massachusetts Republican State Convention had already seated two “suffragettes” who had fought for the women’s right to vote — Lucy Stone and Mary A. Livermore.

Just two years later, the National Republican Convention of 1872 approved a resolution calling for a wider role for women in the political process, and demanding that “additional rights” for women “should be treated with respectful consideration.”

In 1892, two women delegates from Wyoming were seated for the first time at a national political convention — but it was the Republican National Convention (not the Democrats’.) This same convention was the first time a woman was ever allowed to speak at a national political convention — again, it was a Republican convention.

During her speech, the chairwoman of the Women’s Republican Association of the United States vouched for Republicans’ commitment to granting women the right to vote and said they would see the fight through to the end.

Finally, at the request of Republican Susan B. Anthony, Sen. A.A. Sargent — a Republican from California — introduced the
19th Amendment to grant women the right to vote.

The amendment was voted down by a Democrat-controlled Senate."

When Republicans regained control of Congress in 1919, they passed the Equal Suffrage Amendment as one of their first orders of business.

It was a
decades-long fight that Republicans saw through to the end."

KERNS: Media Spend Women’s History Month Forgetting Republicans — Not Democrats — Gave Women Right to Vote

I know. It's too bad that republican party is long gone.

Republicans are the only party that actually continually stands up for and with the American people, as evident by the Democrat Party having chosen to stand with violent illegals, human traffickers, drug runners, pedophiles, MS13, cop killers and more to shut down the government so the borders stay open, illegal immigration continues, their illegal Sanctuary Cities remain operating, and the illegal votes for Democrats keep getting cast.

The Republican party is the reason Civil Rights passed.
The Republican Party is the reason women have the right to vote.
Democrats are the party who created the KKK.
Democrats are the party who opposed civil rights.
Democrats are the party who voted womens' right to vote down.
Democrats did not want blacks and women voting, but today they want illegal immigrants voting.

Actual FACTS are just a bitch for snowflakes who try to twist, spin, and misrepresent reality.
Yup, it's too bad that party is dead and gone.
You party of slavery supporters are all just full of shit.

Republicans have supported equal rights for blacks and women from day one, and that has never changed. The Johnny come lately Democratic party just changed their tune because they saw the writing on the wall.

The fact that the Democratic party, with their sordid history, still exists, is a huge embarrassment to this country.
Last edited:
"Over the weekend, women celebrated #InternationalWomensDay on social media and at events across the globe

The United Nations’ slogan for the day was, “Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change.”

For Women’s History Month, Rolling Stone magazine featured Speaker Nancy Pelosi along with Reps. Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez paying homage to the record number of women serving in the 116th Congress and of course, bashing Republican President Donald Trump.

Democrat females even wore “suffragette white to last month’s State of the Union address."

......In all of this celebrating and promoting Democrats, the media failed to point out / make clear that Republicansnot Democratswere responsible for granting women the right to vote in the first place.

It is a trailblazing
history of which Republicans should be proud:

"The Women’s Rights Convention held in 1848 was the catalyst for the women’s rights movement. Two years later, another convention followed where the matter was discussed.

By 1870, the Massachusetts Republican State Convention had already seated two “suffragettes” who had fought for the women’s right to vote — Lucy Stone and Mary A. Livermore.

Just two years later, the National Republican Convention of 1872 approved a resolution calling for a wider role for women in the political process, and demanding that “additional rights” for women “should be treated with respectful consideration.”

In 1892, two women delegates from Wyoming were seated for the first time at a national political convention — but it was the Republican National Convention (not the Democrats’.) This same convention was the first time a woman was ever allowed to speak at a national political convention — again, it was a Republican convention.

During her speech, the chairwoman of the Women’s Republican Association of the United States vouched for Republicans’ commitment to granting women the right to vote and said they would see the fight through to the end.

Finally, at the request of Republican Susan B. Anthony, Sen. A.A. Sargent — a Republican from California — introduced the
19th Amendment to grant women the right to vote.

The amendment was voted down by a Democrat-controlled Senate."

When Republicans regained control of Congress in 1919, they passed the Equal Suffrage Amendment as one of their first orders of business.

It was a
decades-long fight that Republicans saw through to the end."

KERNS: Media Spend Women’s History Month Forgetting Republicans — Not Democrats — Gave Women Right to Vote

I know. It's too bad that republican party is long gone.

Republicans are the only party that actually continually stands up for and with the American people, as evident by the Democrat Party having chosen to stand with violent illegals, human traffickers, drug runners, pedophiles, MS13, cop killers and more to shut down the government so the borders stay open, illegal immigration continues, their illegal Sanctuary Cities remain operating, and the illegal votes for Democrats keep getting cast.

The Republican party is the reason Civil Rights passed.
The Republican Party is the reason women have the right to vote.
Democrats are the party who created the KKK.
Democrats are the party who opposed civil rights.
Democrats are the party who voted womens' right to vote down.
Democrats did not want blacks and women voting, but today they want illegal immigrants voting.

Actual FACTS are just a bitch for snowflakes who try to twist, spin, and misrepresent reality.
David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises

Things change. It’s a different day. Now it’s the GOP that’s the party of the KKK and the Aryan nation and the alt white.

Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country. The GOP is terrified.

More to the big picture, "Democrats" and "Republicans" of 1900 or 1860 are in no way what "Democrats" and "Republicans" are now other than the name, and to pretend political parties are some ideologically static stone that never changes is mendacious bullshit.
The Democrats of old, filled with racism and hate - the one that started up the KKK, are not the same Democratic Party that created Antifa, the liberal hate group that took money from the Russians to spread racial division and violence in 2016, and is not the same party whose 2016 Presidential nominee and her campaign paid thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters ate Trump rallies?

The violent racist Democratic party of old is not the same party who is engaging in vile anti-Semitism today, whose leaked e-mails revealed racist / sexist / homophobic / anti-Semitic content, whose 2016 Presidential candidate openly called for an end to civility and an increase in violent intolerance until the Democratic Party got back all of their power?

REALLY? Now that's some funny shit!


"Over the weekend, women celebrated #InternationalWomensDay on social media and at events across the globe

The United Nations’ slogan for the day was, “Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change.”

For Women’s History Month, Rolling Stone magazine featured Speaker Nancy Pelosi along with Reps. Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez paying homage to the record number of women serving in the 116th Congress and of course, bashing Republican President Donald Trump.

Democrat females even wore “suffragette white to last month’s State of the Union address."

......In all of this celebrating and promoting Democrats, the media failed to point out / make clear that Republicansnot Democratswere responsible for granting women the right to vote in the first place.

It is a trailblazing
history of which Republicans should be proud:

"The Women’s Rights Convention held in 1848 was the catalyst for the women’s rights movement. Two years later, another convention followed where the matter was discussed.

By 1870, the Massachusetts Republican State Convention had already seated two “suffragettes” who had fought for the women’s right to vote — Lucy Stone and Mary A. Livermore.

Just two years later, the National Republican Convention of 1872 approved a resolution calling for a wider role for women in the political process, and demanding that “additional rights” for women “should be treated with respectful consideration.”

In 1892, two women delegates from Wyoming were seated for the first time at a national political convention — but it was the Republican National Convention (not the Democrats’.) This same convention was the first time a woman was ever allowed to speak at a national political convention — again, it was a Republican convention.

During her speech, the chairwoman of the Women’s Republican Association of the United States vouched for Republicans’ commitment to granting women the right to vote and said they would see the fight through to the end.

Finally, at the request of Republican Susan B. Anthony, Sen. A.A. Sargent — a Republican from California — introduced the
19th Amendment to grant women the right to vote.

The amendment was voted down by a Democrat-controlled Senate."

When Republicans regained control of Congress in 1919, they passed the Equal Suffrage Amendment as one of their first orders of business.

It was a
decades-long fight that Republicans saw through to the end."

KERNS: Media Spend Women’s History Month Forgetting Republicans — Not Democrats — Gave Women Right to Vote


The biggest mistake in political history of the country... along with other extensions of voting rights. We were never supposed to be a democracy, and I would attribute our fall in large part to it. There isn't a single good thing that has come out of the extended voting rights. Instead we have gotten bigger and bigger government obsessed with replacing its own population. Today you can vote in American elections without ever even having stepped onto the soil.

Republicans have always had the feature of wanting to appear as not racist as possible, no matter how hard it fucks them and their kind in the ass. Conservatives who fail to conserve anything are the definition of failure.
Last edited:
"Over the weekend, women celebrated #InternationalWomensDay on social media and at events across the globe

The United Nations’ slogan for the day was, “Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change.”

For Women’s History Month, Rolling Stone magazine featured Speaker Nancy Pelosi along with Reps. Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez paying homage to the record number of women serving in the 116th Congress and of course, bashing Republican President Donald Trump.

Democrat females even wore “suffragette white to last month’s State of the Union address."

......In all of this celebrating and promoting Democrats, the media failed to point out / make clear that Republicansnot Democratswere responsible for granting women the right to vote in the first place.

It is a trailblazing
history of which Republicans should be proud:

"The Women’s Rights Convention held in 1848 was the catalyst for the women’s rights movement. Two years later, another convention followed where the matter was discussed.

By 1870, the Massachusetts Republican State Convention had already seated two “suffragettes” who had fought for the women’s right to vote — Lucy Stone and Mary A. Livermore.

Just two years later, the National Republican Convention of 1872 approved a resolution calling for a wider role for women in the political process, and demanding that “additional rights” for women “should be treated with respectful consideration.”

In 1892, two women delegates from Wyoming were seated for the first time at a national political convention — but it was the Republican National Convention (not the Democrats’.) This same convention was the first time a woman was ever allowed to speak at a national political convention — again, it was a Republican convention.

During her speech, the chairwoman of the Women’s Republican Association of the United States vouched for Republicans’ commitment to granting women the right to vote and said they would see the fight through to the end.

Finally, at the request of Republican Susan B. Anthony, Sen. A.A. Sargent — a Republican from California — introduced the
19th Amendment to grant women the right to vote.

The amendment was voted down by a Democrat-controlled Senate."

When Republicans regained control of Congress in 1919, they passed the Equal Suffrage Amendment as one of their first orders of business.

It was a
decades-long fight that Republicans saw through to the end."

KERNS: Media Spend Women’s History Month Forgetting Republicans — Not Democrats — Gave Women Right to Vote

I know. It's too bad that republican party is long gone.

Republicans are the only party that actually continually stands up for and with the American people, as evident by the Democrat Party having chosen to stand with violent illegals, human traffickers, drug runners, pedophiles, MS13, cop killers and more to shut down the government so the borders stay open, illegal immigration continues, their illegal Sanctuary Cities remain operating, and the illegal votes for Democrats keep getting cast.

The Republican party is the reason Civil Rights passed.
The Republican Party is the reason women have the right to vote.
Democrats are the party who created the KKK.
Democrats are the party who opposed civil rights.
Democrats are the party who voted womens' right to vote down.
Democrats did not want blacks and women voting, but today they want illegal immigrants voting.

Actual FACTS are just a bitch for snowflakes who try to twist, spin, and misrepresent reality.
Yup, it's too bad that party is dead and gone.
You party of slavery supporters are all just full of shit.

I'm afraid there is no "party of slavery". Slavery was a social institution that (a) was going on long before there was a country or political parties and (b) never needed a political party to exist.

Twelve POTUSes owned slaves, among them three Democratic-Republicans, three Whigs, three Democrats, two with no party and one Republican (although Van Buren and Grant owned only one each, both of which were let go)
Last edited:
More to the big picture, "Democrats" and "Republicans" of 1900 or 1860 are in no way what "Democrats" and "Republicans" are now other than the name, and to pretend political parties are some ideologically static stone that never changes is mendacious bullshit.
The Democrats of old, filled with racism and hate - the one that started up the KKK,


Once AGAIN --- no political party started the KKK. That group was started by six twentysomething ex-Confederate soldiers who had no political affiliations, in a place where political parties did not exist anyway. Want their names?

Alpha order: (Maj) James Crowe; Calvin Jones; (Capt) John B. Kennedy; (Capt) John Lester; (Maj) Frank O. McCord; Richard R. Reed. 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee, Christmas Eve 1865. About eight o'clock.

NONE had any known political affiliations, nor were any political parties available in a land that was having no elections and was not part of the United States.

Prove me wrong or admit you're pushing mythology.
"Over the weekend, women celebrated #InternationalWomensDay on social media and at events across the globe

The United Nations’ slogan for the day was, “Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change.”

For Women’s History Month, Rolling Stone magazine featured Speaker Nancy Pelosi along with Reps. Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez paying homage to the record number of women serving in the 116th Congress and of course, bashing Republican President Donald Trump.

Democrat females even wore “suffragette white to last month’s State of the Union address."

......In all of this celebrating and promoting Democrats, the media failed to point out / make clear that Republicansnot Democratswere responsible for granting women the right to vote in the first place.

It is a trailblazing
history of which Republicans should be proud:

"The Women’s Rights Convention held in 1848 was the catalyst for the women’s rights movement. Two years later, another convention followed where the matter was discussed.

By 1870, the Massachusetts Republican State Convention had already seated two “suffragettes” who had fought for the women’s right to vote — Lucy Stone and Mary A. Livermore.

Just two years later, the National Republican Convention of 1872 approved a resolution calling for a wider role for women in the political process, and demanding that “additional rights” for women “should be treated with respectful consideration.”

In 1892, two women delegates from Wyoming were seated for the first time at a national political convention — but it was the Republican National Convention (not the Democrats’.) This same convention was the first time a woman was ever allowed to speak at a national political convention — again, it was a Republican convention.

During her speech, the chairwoman of the Women’s Republican Association of the United States vouched for Republicans’ commitment to granting women the right to vote and said they would see the fight through to the end.

Finally, at the request of Republican Susan B. Anthony, Sen. A.A. Sargent — a Republican from California — introduced the
19th Amendment to grant women the right to vote.

The amendment was voted down by a Democrat-controlled Senate."

When Republicans regained control of Congress in 1919, they passed the Equal Suffrage Amendment as one of their first orders of business.

It was a
decades-long fight that Republicans saw through to the end."

KERNS: Media Spend Women’s History Month Forgetting Republicans — Not Democrats — Gave Women Right to Vote

I’m curious. Republicans today called themselves Confederates. Were they Confederates back then too? What happened between then and now?

No only a few Republicans identify with a PAR

"Over the weekend, women celebrated #InternationalWomensDay on social media and at events across the globe

The United Nations’ slogan for the day was, “Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change.”

For Women’s History Month, Rolling Stone magazine featured Speaker Nancy Pelosi along with Reps. Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez paying homage to the record number of women serving in the 116th Congress and of course, bashing Republican President Donald Trump.

Democrat females even wore “suffragette white to last month’s State of the Union address."

......In all of this celebrating and promoting Democrats, the media failed to point out / make clear that Republicansnot Democratswere responsible for granting women the right to vote in the first place.

It is a trailblazing
history of which Republicans should be proud:

"The Women’s Rights Convention held in 1848 was the catalyst for the women’s rights movement. Two years later, another convention followed where the matter was discussed.

By 1870, the Massachusetts Republican State Convention had already seated two “suffragettes” who had fought for the women’s right to vote — Lucy Stone and Mary A. Livermore.

Just two years later, the National Republican Convention of 1872 approved a resolution calling for a wider role for women in the political process, and demanding that “additional rights” for women “should be treated with respectful consideration.”

In 1892, two women delegates from Wyoming were seated for the first time at a national political convention — but it was the Republican National Convention (not the Democrats’.) This same convention was the first time a woman was ever allowed to speak at a national political convention — again, it was a Republican convention.

During her speech, the chairwoman of the Women’s Republican Association of the United States vouched for Republicans’ commitment to granting women the right to vote and said they would see the fight through to the end.

Finally, at the request of Republican Susan B. Anthony, Sen. A.A. Sargent — a Republican from California — introduced the
19th Amendment to grant women the right to vote.

The amendment was voted down by a Democrat-controlled Senate."

When Republicans regained control of Congress in 1919, they passed the Equal Suffrage Amendment as one of their first orders of business.

It was a
decades-long fight that Republicans saw through to the end."

KERNS: Media Spend Women’s History Month Forgetting Republicans — Not Democrats — Gave Women Right to Vote

I know. It's too bad that republican party is long gone.

Republicans are the only party that actually continually stands up for and with the American people, as evident by the Democrat Party having chosen to stand with violent illegals, human traffickers, drug runners, pedophiles, MS13, cop killers and more to shut down the government so the borders stay open, illegal immigration continues, their illegal Sanctuary Cities remain operating, and the illegal votes for Democrats keep getting cast.

The Republican party is the reason Civil Rights passed.
The Republican Party is the reason women have the right to vote.
Democrats are the party who created the KKK.
Democrats are the party who opposed civil rights.
Democrats are the party who voted womens' right to vote down.
Democrats did not want blacks and women voting, but today they want illegal immigrants voting.

Actual FACTS are just a bitch for snowflakes who try to twist, spin, and misrepresent reality.

Pretty much unmitigated bullshit right there. The CRA was pushed by LBJ, Humphrey and Mansfield along with allies like Dirksen, and many Republican arms had to be twisted ("Goddam it, you're either the party of Lincoln or you ain't"--- LBJ). And the Klan wasn't created by a political party at all, a fact I've proven over and over and over on this board.

More to the big picture, "Democrats" and "Republicans" of 1900 or 1860 are in no way what "Democrats" and "Republicans" are now other than the name, and to pretend political parties are some ideologically static stone that never changes is mendacious bullshit. The Republicans of Lincoln were the Liberals. Think of them like a radio station that plays oldies for years and decides it's not working and shifts to a sports format, yet their call letters remain the same.

I agree that Mike Mansfield (was a moderate, and never a segregationist from MONTANA) was a deciding factor in getting up to vote, as he has to deal with a Segregationist Democrat, from Wikipedia:

"The bill was reported out of the Judiciary Committee in November 1963 and referred to the Rules Committee, whose chairman, Howard W. Smith, a Democrat and staunch segregationist from Virginia, indicated his intention to keep the bill bottled up indefinitely."

bolding mine

It was Mansfield who figured out a way to move it along to a vote:

"Johnson, who wanted the bill passed as soon as possible, ensured that the bill would be quickly considered by the Senate. Normally, the bill would have been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Senator James O. Eastland, Democrat from Mississippi. Given Eastland's firm opposition, it seemed impossible that the bill would reach the Senate floor. Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield took a novel approach to prevent the bill from being relegated to Judiciary Committee limbo. Having initially waived a second reading of the bill, which would have led to it being immediately referred to Judiciary, Mansfield gave the bill a second reading on February 26, 1964, and then proposed, in the absence of precedent for instances when a second reading did not immediately follow the first, that the bill bypass the Judiciary Committee and immediately be sent to the Senate floor for debate.

When the bill came before the full Senate for debate on March 30, 1964, the "Southern Bloc" of 18 southern Democratic Senators and one Republican Senator led by Richard Russell (D-GA) launched a filibuster to prevent its passage."

Robert Byrd a long time Democrat was a filibuster of the bill to for 14 hours, which was stopped by Hubert Humphrey (another democrat moderate from Minnesota) when he got enough votes to end it.

The opposition was 100% between democrats over this bill, not a single organized opposition by the Republicans, who overwhelmingly voted yes to the bill (80-82%) at a much higher rate than the democrats 66-69%
"Over the weekend, women celebrated #InternationalWomensDay on social media and at events across the globe

The United Nations’ slogan for the day was, “Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change.”

For Women’s History Month, Rolling Stone magazine featured Speaker Nancy Pelosi along with Reps. Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez paying homage to the record number of women serving in the 116th Congress and of course, bashing Republican President Donald Trump.

Democrat females even wore “suffragette white to last month’s State of the Union address."

......In all of this celebrating and promoting Democrats, the media failed to point out / make clear that Republicansnot Democratswere responsible for granting women the right to vote in the first place.

It is a trailblazing
history of which Republicans should be proud:

"The Women’s Rights Convention held in 1848 was the catalyst for the women’s rights movement. Two years later, another convention followed where the matter was discussed.

By 1870, the Massachusetts Republican State Convention had already seated two “suffragettes” who had fought for the women’s right to vote — Lucy Stone and Mary A. Livermore.

Just two years later, the National Republican Convention of 1872 approved a resolution calling for a wider role for women in the political process, and demanding that “additional rights” for women “should be treated with respectful consideration.”

In 1892, two women delegates from Wyoming were seated for the first time at a national political convention — but it was the Republican National Convention (not the Democrats’.) This same convention was the first time a woman was ever allowed to speak at a national political convention — again, it was a Republican convention.

During her speech, the chairwoman of the Women’s Republican Association of the United States vouched for Republicans’ commitment to granting women the right to vote and said they would see the fight through to the end.

Finally, at the request of Republican Susan B. Anthony, Sen. A.A. Sargent — a Republican from California — introduced the
19th Amendment to grant women the right to vote.

The amendment was voted down by a Democrat-controlled Senate."

When Republicans regained control of Congress in 1919, they passed the Equal Suffrage Amendment as one of their first orders of business.

It was a
decades-long fight that Republicans saw through to the end."

KERNS: Media Spend Women’s History Month Forgetting Republicans — Not Democrats — Gave Women Right to Vote

I know. It's too bad that republican party is long gone.

Republicans are the only party that actually continually stands up for and with the American people, as evident by the Democrat Party having chosen to stand with violent illegals, human traffickers, drug runners, pedophiles, MS13, cop killers and more to shut down the government so the borders stay open, illegal immigration continues, their illegal Sanctuary Cities remain operating, and the illegal votes for Democrats keep getting cast.

The Republican party is the reason Civil Rights passed.
The Republican Party is the reason women have the right to vote.
Democrats are the party who created the KKK.
Democrats are the party who opposed civil rights.
Democrats are the party who voted womens' right to vote down.
Democrats did not want blacks and women voting, but today they want illegal immigrants voting.

Actual FACTS are just a bitch for snowflakes who try to twist, spin, and misrepresent reality.
David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises

Things change. It’s a different day. Now it’s the GOP that’s the party of the KKK and the Aryan nation and the alt white.

Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country. The GOP is terrified.

And all of those white supremacists are so fucking stupid that they believe the ridiculous false narrative that one day back in the 60s the Republicans all became Democrats and the Democrats all became Republicans.

They are just as ignorant and stupid as you.

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