Dems Have An Anti-Semite On Foreign Affairs Committee - UN Has Iranian on Women's Rights Committee


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'Iran, one of the top human rights abusers in the world, has been awarded a seat on a key United Nations committee that oversees complaints about the global abuse of women. An announcement by the U.N. on Wednesday said that Iran and Nigeria, another country that is no stranger to human rights abuses, would be promoted to the international organization’s Committee on the Status of Women, which oversees abuses committed by oppressive states, such as Iran and Nigeria.'

:wtf: :lmao:Bwuhahahahaha.......

United Nations: Our Newest Women's Rights Committee Member is...Iran

.....some of these countries like Iran/Iraq are not really ''free''/''democratic''/fair/etc
...they are nothing like the US/etc
...some of their heads of state are in power for decades!!! and they take power through coups/etc--like Saddam H and Mubarak

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