Republicans gear up in "War on Christmas"

Republicans fight to save babies, democrats fight to
kill babies, democrats win because Clinton veteos ban on partial birth abortion.

"Since 1995, led by Republicans in Congress, the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate have moved several times to pass measures banning the procedure. Congress passed two such measures by wide margins during Bill Clinton's presidency, but Clinton vetoed those bills in April 1996 and October 1997 on the grounds that they did not include health exceptions. Subsequent congressional attempts at overriding the veto were unsuccessful. Doctors "have been successfully sued for failure to refer patients for late-term abortions in cases of fetal abnormalities."
Do you apply the same logic to Cinco De Mayo where we all celebrate the holiday and its meaning yet none of us are Mexican citizens.

Cinco De Mayo is a bar holiday in most of the USA. Like Valentines Day is a greeting card holiday.
Most cannot see past the marketing angles and just go along.

LIke the new commercials that tell you to spend quality time with your children. Play WII and Xbox with them... sheesh.
My point is, with all the fucked up and evil shit congress does to this country, this act is like a breath of pine scented air.
Thankfully, we have the Republicans defending Christmas for us. They won't do anything to help the economy, but will go to the mat for Jesus
Whoa... wait a cotton picking minute...

The historical origins of religious observances in December:

The celebrations of various religions are tied directly or indirectly to the earth's tilt on its axis:

Wiccans, and other Neopagans celebrate Yule, which is their name for the Winter Solstice.

The American Atheists and local Atheist groups have chosen to have celebrations on the solstice which they call by various names: the Great North Texas Infidel Bash, the Winter Solstice bash, the Winter Solstice Parties, etc. Again, their day is tied to the solstice

Nova Romans, celebrate Saturnalia, an ancient Roman holiday. This was the Festival of Saturn which was gradually extended in duration until it became a seven day observance from DEC-17 to 23 each year. The Romans decorated living trees outside their homes, and hung garlands, wreathes and other decorations on their doorways, windows, and stairs. It was also observed at the winter solstice.

Ancient Rome: In the religious melting pot which was the Mediterranean in ancient times, there were many celebrations of the births of saviors at this season: The ancient Roman Pagan religion celebrated the birth of one of their Gods, Attis, in December of each year. Attis was born of the virgin Nana. He was sacrificed as an adult in order to bring salvation to mankind. He died about MAR-25, after being crucified on a tree, and descended for three days into the underworld. On Sunday, he arose, "as the solar deity for the new season." 5 His followers tied an image of Attis to a tree on "Black Friday," and carried him in a procession to the temple. His body was symbolically eaten by his followers in the form of bread. Worship of Attis began in Rome circa 200 BCE.

The Babylonians celebrated their "Victory of the Sun-God" Festival on DEC-25.

The followers of the Pagan mystery religion Mithraism observed the birth of the savior Mithra, the "Deus sol invictus" ("unconquered sun"). Their God was believed to have been born on DEC-25, circa 500 BCE. His birth was witnessed by shepherds and by gift-carrying Magi. This date was celebrated as the "Dies Natalis Solic Invite," The "Birthday of the Unconquered Sun" each year. Some followers believed that he was born of a virgin. During his life, he performed many miracles, cured many illnesses, and cast out devils. He celebrated a Last Supper with his 12 disciples. He ascended to heaven at the time of the spring equinox, about March 21.

The Roman Emperor Aurelian (circa 214-275 CE) blended Saturnalia with a number of birth celebrations of savior Gods from other religions, into a single holy day: DEC-25. At the time, the various Christian movements were not recognized as legitimate religions. They were subject to intermittent oppression. This new holy day partially lost its close connection to the Winter Solstice.

Christianity: By the third century CE the main surviving Christian movement who were spiritual descendents of the first century CE Pauline Christians, had forgotten Yeshua of Nazareth's (Jesus Christ's) birth day. An anonymous third century document "The DePascha Computus," "placed Jesus birth on March 28. Clement, a bishop of Alexandria (d. ca. 215 CE), thought Jesus was born on November 18." 3 After much argument, the developing Christian church adopted the Pagan Emperor Aurelian's date as the birthday of their savior.

Since the people of the Roman Empire were accustomed to celebrating the birth of various Gods on that day, it was easy for the church to divert people's attention to Jesus' birth. The earliest Christmas holidays were celebrated in the same way as Saturnalia. They involved drinking, sexual indulgence, and singing naked in the streets. These practices have long since been abandoned, although naked singing evolved into modern caroling. According to the Judaism Online web site: "Some of the most depraved customs of the Saturnalia carnival were intentionally revived by the Catholic Church in 1466 when Pope Paul II, for the amusement of his Roman citizens, forced Jews to race naked through the streets of the city."
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Do you apply the same logic to Cinco De Mayo where we all celebrate the holiday and its meaning yet none of us are Mexican citizens.

Cinco De Mayo is a bar holiday in most of the USA. Like Valentines Day is a greeting card holiday.
Most cannot see past the marketing angles and just go along.

LIke the new commercials that tell you to spend quality time with your children. Play WII and Xbox with them... sheesh.

Its not a bar holiday if you are a mexican national. Its a very patriotic holiday for Mexican nationals so imagine how that person would feel if you told them Happy All Nations Independents day for the sake of inclusion of other people from all over the world. Would that make a lot of sense when that holiday is about Mexican independents day.

Now that I think about it. Why are we celebrating another country's indepedence day in this country?
Well, Ihope, we celebrate Bastille Day too. And St. Patrick's Day. We even celeberate the farce that is Columbus Day (though not a day of independence).
Do you apply the same logic to Cinco De Mayo where we all celebrate the holiday and its meaning yet none of us are Mexican citizens.

Cinco De Mayo is a bar holiday in most of the USA. Like Valentines Day is a greeting card holiday.
Most cannot see past the marketing angles and just go along.

LIke the new commercials that tell you to spend quality time with your children. Play WII and Xbox with them... sheesh.

Its not a bar holiday if you are a mexican national. Its a very patriotic holiday for Mexican nationals so imagine how that person would feel if you told them Happy All Nations Independents day for the sake of inclusion of other people from all over the world. Would that make a lot of sense when that holiday is about Mexican independents day.

Now that I think about it. Why are we celebrating another country's indepedence day in this country?

Because its an excuse to grill Fajitas and Drink Corona.
Whoa... wait a cotton picking minute...

The historical origins of religious observances in December:

The celebrations of various religions are tied directly or indirectly to the earth's tilt on its axis:

Wiccans, and other Neopagans celebrate Yule, which is their name for the Winter Solstice.

The American Atheists and local Atheist groups have chosen to have celebrations on the solstice which they call by various names: the Great North Texas Infidel Bash, the Winter Solstice bash, the Winter Solstice Parties, etc. Again, their day is tied to the solstice

Nova Romans, celebrate Saturnalia, an ancient Roman holiday. This was the Festival of Saturn which was gradually extended in duration until it became a seven day observance from DEC-17 to 23 each year. The Romans decorated living trees outside their homes, and hung garlands, wreathes and other decorations on their doorways, windows, and stairs. It was also observed at the winter solstice.

Ancient Rome: In the religious melting pot which was the Mediterranean in ancient times, there were many celebrations of the births of saviors at this season: The ancient Roman Pagan religion celebrated the birth of one of their Gods, Attis, in December of each year. Attis was born of the virgin Nana. He was sacrificed as an adult in order to bring salvation to mankind. He died about MAR-25, after being crucified on a tree, and descended for three days into the underworld. On Sunday, he arose, "as the solar deity for the new season." 5 His followers tied an image of Attis to a tree on "Black Friday," and carried him in a procession to the temple. His body was symbolically eaten by his followers in the form of bread. Worship of Attis began in Rome circa 200 BCE.

The Babylonians celebrated their "Victory of the Sun-God" Festival on DEC-25.

The followers of the Pagan mystery religion Mithraism observed the birth of the savior Mithra, the "Deus sol invictus" ("unconquered sun"). Their God was believed to have been born on DEC-25, circa 500 BCE. His birth was witnessed by shepherds and by gift-carrying Magi. This date was celebrated as the "Dies Natalis Solic Invite," The "Birthday of the Unconquered Sun" each year. Some followers believed that he was born of a virgin. During his life, he performed many miracles, cured many illnesses, and cast out devils. He celebrated a Last Supper with his 12 disciples. He ascended to heaven at the time of the spring equinox, about March 21.

The Roman Emperor Aurelian (circa 214-275 CE) blended Saturnalia with a number of birth celebrations of savior Gods from other religions, into a single holy day: DEC-25. At the time, the various Christian movements were not recognized as legitimate religions. They were subject to intermittent oppression. This new holy day partially lost its close connection to the Winter Solstice.

Christianity: By the third century CE the main surviving Christian movement who were spiritual descendents of the first century CE Pauline Christians, had forgotten Yeshua of Nazareth's (Jesus Christ's) birth day. An anonymous third century document "The DePascha Computus," "placed Jesus birth on March 28. Clement, a bishop of Alexandria (d. ca. 215 CE), thought Jesus was born on November 18." 3 After much argument, the developing Christian church adopted the Pagan Emperor Aurelian's date as the birthday of their savior.

Since the people of the Roman Empire were accustomed to celebrating the birth of various Gods on that day, it was easy for the church to divert people's attention to Jesus' birth. The earliest Christmas holidays were celebrated in the same way as Saturnalia. They involved drinking, sexual indulgence, and singing naked in the streets. These practices have long since been abandoned, although naked singing evolved into modern caroling. According to the Judaism Online web site: "Some of the most depraved customs of the Saturnalia carnival were intentionally revived by the Catholic Church in 1466 when Pope Paul II, for the amusement of his Roman citizens, forced Jews to race naked through the streets of the city."

What is the point of this?
Do you apply the same logic to Cinco De Mayo where we all celebrate the holiday and its meaning yet none of us are Mexican citizens.

Cinco De Mayo is a bar holiday in most of the USA. Like Valentines Day is a greeting card holiday.
Most cannot see past the marketing angles and just go along.

LIke the new commercials that tell you to spend quality time with your children. Play WII and Xbox with them... sheesh.

Its not a bar holiday if you are a mexican national. Its a very patriotic holiday for Mexican nationals so imagine how that person would feel if you told them Happy All Nations Independents day for the sake of inclusion of other people from all over the world. Would that make a lot of sense when that holiday is about Mexican independents day.

Now that I think about it. Why are we celebrating another country's indepedence day in this country?

Because its an excuse to grill Fajitas and Drink Corona.

Wouldn't it be weird if Mexicans started celebrating Fourth of July in their own country as an excuse to shoot off fireworks?
Well, Ihope, we celebrate Bastille Day too. And St. Patrick's Day. We even celeberate the farce that is Columbus Day (though not a day of independence).

Has anyone ever made an attempt to change the name of those days for the sake of inclusion or diversity? The answer is "no" isn't it so why is it people on the left feel compelled to change the christmas holiday to happy holidays or Xmas?

The answer: Its an attempt by people on the left to drive religion out of public and as well as private life.
I just realized that nothing about Christianity is original. It looks like pretty much all of it was borrowed from one ancient pagan religion or another. That kind of blew my mind a little, even though I'm a non-believer.
The answer is "no" isn't it so why is it people on the left feel compelled to change the christmas holiday to happy holidays or Xmas?

The answer: Its an attempt by people on the left to drive religion out of public and as well as private life.

Wrong. X has been the abbreviation of "Christ" for centuries (ie. XP abbreviation). Also, in latin, X is "Chi", the first letter in Christos.

Chapter 10 - Monograms

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