Zone1 The Atlantic: “The War on Christmas is winning”


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Interestingly had never heard about even tiniest mocking of Hanukkah or smallest attack on Ramadan by western satanist freemasonic MS 'media' and corrupted lying trash aka 'politicians'
Only Christmas and Christians are target

(Ezekiel Loseke, Headline USA) The mainstream media rag, The Atlantic, is boasting about the fall of Christmas in the warming kulturkampf.
The Atlantic story, entitled “The War on Christmas is Winning: The holiday is becoming a less religious occasion for millions of Americans,” is unusual because it is honest about the war on Christmas.
Much more common is the standard leftist denial of a cultural conflict over Christmas like the Huffington Post ran a few days ago.
The Atlantic, unsurprisingly, gives some credence to the standard leftist skepticism.
“[Liberals] are right that there’s no coordinated push to downplay the holiday or its religious roots, but conservatives aren’t reacting to nothing,” it wrote.
“Christmas is becoming less of a religious holiday for millions of people,” it continued. “If a war on Christmas exists, it’s gaining ground in a long battle of attrition.”
The Atlantic notes that 93% of Americans celebrated Christmas in 2019. While that number is down 3% from 1996, it proves Americans still love celebrating Christmas.
However, The Atlantic shows that the ways Americans celebrate Christmas are rapidly secularizing.
In 2005, 47% of Americans classified their Christmas celebrations as “strongly religious,” but in 2019, that number dropped to 35%, according to a Gallop poll.
Almost 75% of Americans accepted public Christmas displays in 2014, but in 2017 the number dropped to 66%, according to a Pew poll.
Even saying the word Christmas is falling out of fashion. In 2005 about half of Americans cared that people wished them a Merry Christmas, but in 2017 only 32% preferred Merry Christmas, whereas over half of Americans said they didn’t care.
Season’s greetings vary within America. Over sixty percent of Americans living in the West and East coasts prefer “happy holidays,” 51% of Southerners prefer “Merry Christmas,” while 65% of the Midwest prefers “Merry Christmas.”
Overall, The Atlantic has admitted that cultural conservatives were correct. The secularization of America has led to the decline in traditional American values, especially Christianity.

The smug acknowledgment and celebration of the death of Christmas may be only the beginning of secularist escalations in the culture war.

I'm a Christian. My kids are grown and Christmas? Meh, I could do without it. It's not because I'm engaging in any war...............

The idea that fewer care that one gets greeted with Merry Christmas as opposed to simply being greeted in a nice way is also the fault of those who screamed and yelled "It's Merry Christmas" damn it!!!

I know this will set many off but things like Jerry Falwell pimping for a president while filming his wife sleeping with the pool boy turns people off of a the religious aspects also.
Santa is winning the War on Christmas

No contest

And every other Pagan form of celebration surrounding the winter solstice, with the Christmas tree, older than the holiday itself.

Ironically enough, Christmas was banned by Puritans in England, and America. Looks like they lost the war.
And every other Pagan form of celebration surrounding the winter solstice, with the Christmas tree, older than the holiday itself.

Ironically enough, Christmas was banned by Puritans in England, and America. Looks like they lost the war.

Lets be honest…

Christmas Trees

Three Wise Men

Really no contest
Lets do this…

At one end of the Mall you put a Baby Jesus
At the other end you put a Santa

See who gets more kids
I'm a Christian. My kids are grown and Christmas? Meh, I could do without it. It's not because I'm engaging in any war...............

The idea that fewer care that one gets greeted with Merry Christmas as opposed to simply being greeted in a nice way is also the fault of those who screamed and yelled "It's Merry Christmas" damn it!!!

I know this will set many off but things like Jerry Falwell pimping for a president while filming his wife sleeping with the pool boy turns people off of a the religious aspects also.
Mary Christmass! Who cares if those who invoked an RCC feinged Sabath date for the birth of Christ want to rescind that message like they destroyed the historical statues of the south all in the name of SOCIAL JUSTICE to look politically correct and "WOKE"? One day soon the sleeping giant that is the "silent majority" will be WOKE and POed.

But, until that time........Merry Christmas and may you and yours have a happy upcoming New Year, its an American Tradition. Enjoy.
Indeed.....its all laughable, the left attemting to swallow a camel while choking on a gnat. :popcorn: Enjoy, at least we get dinner and a "SHOW". ;) I wonder if the Muslisms and Jews will enjoy the traditional X-mass ham, TOGETHER?
My memories of Christmas as a child

Waking up at 6:30 while it is still dark
My Dad screaming….Get back in bed!
Being allowed to get out at 7:00 to open presents
Playing with toys till 8:00 and Mom saying…Time for Breakfast
Telling Mom ….I don’t want Breakfast, I want to play with my toys
Dad yelling…Eat your Breakfast!
Rushing through Breakfast and going back to play with your toys
9:00 Mom telling us it is time to get dressed for Church
Telling Mom, I don’t want to go to Church, I want to play with my toys
Dad screaming….Get dressed for church!
Getting dressed and cleaned up for 10:00 Mass
Squirming through Mass and asking Mom if we can go now?
11:00 Mass ends and pulling Mom to the car as she tries to talk to friends
11:30 Ripping off your Church clothes and going back to playing with your toys

Why do Christians insist on ruining Christmas?
Interestingly had never heard about even tiniest mocking of Hanukkah or smallest attack on Ramadan by western satanist freemasonic MS 'media' and corrupted lying trash aka 'politicians'
Only Christmas and Christians are target

(Ezekiel Loseke, Headline USA) The mainstream media rag, The Atlantic, is boasting about the fall of Christmas in the warming kulturkampf.
The Atlantic story, entitled “The War on Christmas is Winning: The holiday is becoming a less religious occasion for millions of Americans,” is unusual because it is honest about the war on Christmas.
Much more common is the standard leftist denial of a cultural conflict over Christmas like the Huffington Post ran a few days ago.
The Atlantic, unsurprisingly, gives some credence to the standard leftist skepticism.
“[Liberals] are right that there’s no coordinated push to downplay the holiday or its religious roots, but conservatives aren’t reacting to nothing,” it wrote.
“Christmas is becoming less of a religious holiday for millions of people,” it continued. “If a war on Christmas exists, it’s gaining ground in a long battle of attrition.”
The Atlantic notes that 93% of Americans celebrated Christmas in 2019. While that number is down 3% from 1996, it proves Americans still love celebrating Christmas.
However, The Atlantic shows that the ways Americans celebrate Christmas are rapidly secularizing.
In 2005, 47% of Americans classified their Christmas celebrations as “strongly religious,” but in 2019, that number dropped to 35%, according to a Gallop poll.
Almost 75% of Americans accepted public Christmas displays in 2014, but in 2017 the number dropped to 66%, according to a Pew poll.
Even saying the word Christmas is falling out of fashion. In 2005 about half of Americans cared that people wished them a Merry Christmas, but in 2017 only 32% preferred Merry Christmas, whereas over half of Americans said they didn’t care.
Season’s greetings vary within America. Over sixty percent of Americans living in the West and East coasts prefer “happy holidays,” 51% of Southerners prefer “Merry Christmas,” while 65% of the Midwest prefers “Merry Christmas.”
Overall, The Atlantic has admitted that cultural conservatives were correct. The secularization of America has led to the decline in traditional American values, especially Christianity.

The smug acknowledgment and celebration of the death of Christmas may be only the beginning of secularist escalations in the culture war.

I hope people are paying attention and can realize censoring speech and allowing liberals to define what is and isn't hate speech has long term ramifications. Look back 15-20 years and you'll find countless attacks against Christianity from atheists. Then about 4-5 years ago the atheists seemed to disappear. Liberals controlling speech not only intimidated Christians from freely expressing their beliefs but also atheists.
And every other Pagan form of celebration surrounding the winter solstice, with the Christmas tree, older than the holiday itself.

Ironically enough, Christmas was banned by Puritans in England, and America. Looks like they lost the war.

Christians celebrating the birth of Jesus in history had nothing to do with pagan celebrations. This talking point has been debunked for many years.
Liberals controlling speech not only intimidated Christians from freely expressing their beliefs but also atheists.

Seems like it is Christians pushing their beliefs and demanding sole possession of the Holidays

Bah Humbug!
My memories of Christmas as a child

Why do Christians insist on ruining Christmas?
Waking up at 6:30 while it is still dark
My Dad screaming….Get back in bed!
Being allowed to get out at 7:00 to open presents
Playing with toys till 8:00 and Mom saying…Time for Breakfast
Telling Mom ….I don’t want Breakfast, I want to play with my toys
Dad yelling…Eat your Breakfast!
Rushing through Breakfast and going back to play with your toys
9:00 Mom telling us it is time to get dressed for Church
Telling Mom, I don’t want to go to Church, I want to play with my toys
Dad screaming….Get dressed for church!
Getting dressed and cleaned up for 10:00 Mass
Squirming through Mass and asking Mom if we can go now?
11:00 Mass ends and pulling Mom to the car as she tries to talk to friends
11:30 Ripping off your Church clothes and going back to playing with your toys
My memories of Christmas as a child...

Christmas Eve Day...gathering all the toys we got last Christmas to pass the time when we weren't doing the usual household chores. All of Advent we had been doing Advent Calendar, Advent Candy Wreaths (clipping off Brach candies), cleaning, for Christmas.

We began Christmas on Christmas Eve with oyster stew or clam chowder (I preferred clam chowder). Clean-up time for a family of ten, and we were so excited because after all the dishes were done and put away we opened the family/friends presents. My dad handed out presents one at a time so we could be excited and enjoy what our siblings got as well. One of my grandmothers always sent along homemade candy as well, and that is how opening Christmas presents ended. We cleaned up the wrapping paper--and then it was time for baths and to dress in our underclothes so we could get a few hours sleep because we insisted we should go to Midnight Mass! We loved Midnight Mass. When we got home we tumbled back into bed. The next morning (early) we were up waiting for the signal from Mom and Dad that Santa had indeed arrived, and we rushed out to see what everyone got.

While we were excitedly playing with out (and each other's toys) Mom was making quiche and homemade yeast rolls (orange and cinnamon). No problem getting us to come to that table! Then it was back to playing with ours (and each others) toys. Dad was playing with us, helping us to assemble anything that needed assembling. Mom did the cleanup that day, but she was willing to stop and join us in a game, too.

Our Christmas was never ruined. We celebrated the coming of Christ all during Advent...most years we had a baby or toddler around so we knew the joy of a baby arriving and then taking good care of it. Wondrous Christmas days....

I am sorry you don't have better memories. In my family, my dad served as a lector; my brothers as altar servers. Once, everyone of them was up on the altar at the same time. Worshiping, prayer, and Mass were simply part of family life.
christmass is a 4th century message of servitude is why it has always been an unpopular message - and unrelated for who they have deemed as its messenger.

the underlying fact is the events of the 1st century were about liberation theology and not the subliminal servitude of 4th century christianity for worshiping a christ - as no one in the 1st century ever claimed and who was claimed to be, was willing to be crucified in the denial of ever claiming to be a christ - made by the jews as the excuse for crucifying him - than the message of self determination they truly died for.
Christians celebrating the birth of Jesus in history had nothing to do with pagan celebrations. This talking point has been debunked for many years.
Simply not true....
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I'm a Christian. My kids are grown and Christmas? Meh, I could do without it. It's not because I'm engaging in any war...............

The idea that fewer care that one gets greeted with Merry Christmas as opposed to simply being greeted in a nice way is also the fault of those who screamed and yelled "It's Merry Christmas" damn it!!!

I know this will set many off but things like Jerry Falwell pimping for a president while filming his wife sleeping with the pool boy turns people off of a the religious aspects also.

Do you know a society which survived without a religion longer as 70 years?
It was only one, the USSR.
Now our Christian societies are replaced by a fake religion satanism
All our current problems are causing by satanists, beginning from communism and ending by SCAMdemic-1984.
They want to reduce humanity by 99%

Just remember, as Christianity was a little bit strong

Now, Satanists open fight against peoples of the Earth

Do you know a society which survived without a religion longer as 70 years?

I have no idea why you would ask me this.

I said nothing about a society without religion.

It was only one, the USSR.
Now our Christian societies are replaced by a fake religion satanism
All our current problems are causing by satanists, beginning from communism and ending by SCAMdemic-1984.

As Christianity was a little bit strong

Now, Satanists are open against peoples of the Earth

I'm not sure you even understand why.

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