Republicans Can't Quit Abortion


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The political press may have moved on, but Republicans still can’t quit their obsession with “message” and its role in one abortion-related electoral defeat after another.

Laura Clawson already ran through a lot of the initial Ohio Republican excuses: abortion backers didn’t have enough time to get their message out (they picked the date of the initiative); they were outspent by out-of-state money (they were funded by an Illinois billionaire, and you don’t lose by 14 points because of money); and best of all, not enough Republicans supported it. (You’d think they get the hint that maybe if even Republicans don’t support something, then it is out of the mainstream!)

Excuses aside, the bigger question is what Republicans are going to do about it. And quite clearly, the answer is “more of the same.”

“We think there’s a lot of people that, when we start telling the story of how extreme the abortion referendum is, will be jumping over to our side,” said Aaron Baer to Politico. He is the president of the Center for Christian Virtue and a board member of the coalition working to defeat Ohio’s November abortion-rights initiative. “We actually saw a lot of encouraging signs.”

See? It always comes down to messaging with them. If only “the story” is told properly, then a new reality could be created! Why, once they hear the same message they’ve already been hearing for time immemorial, 14% of voters will jump over to their side!

Sorry Karl. There's a new set of actors dictating the messaging now.
.If a woman wants to have a baby for the sole purpose of harvesting its organs, democrats are totally cool with it.
Too many of all persuasions want the abortion option (openly or secretly). Republicans should wash their hands of the issue and move on. As people get more stupid about the biology of reproduction the need for abortions will increase. Get out now and possibly save 2024.
Discounting the leftist hyperbole it's not too far off the mark.

In the words of a very famous conservative...

“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”​

― Barry Goldwater
The abortion issue should be between the pregnant woman and her conscience.

Murdering adults is illegal, should be the same for unborn infants. Just because it's tiny and you can't see it doesn't mean it isn't a person.
The political press may have moved on, but Republicans still can’t quit their obsession with “message” and its role in one abortion-related electoral defeat after another.

Laura Clawson already ran through a lot of the initial Ohio Republican excuses: abortion backers didn’t have enough time to get their message out (they picked the date of the initiative); they were outspent by out-of-state money (they were funded by an Illinois billionaire, and you don’t lose by 14 points because of money); and best of all, not enough Republicans supported it. (You’d think they get the hint that maybe if even Republicans don’t support something, then it is out of the mainstream!)

Excuses aside, the bigger question is what Republicans are going to do about it. And quite clearly, the answer is “more of the same.”

“We think there’s a lot of people that, when we start telling the story of how extreme the abortion referendum is, will be jumping over to our side,” said Aaron Baer to Politico. He is the president of the Center for Christian Virtue and a board member of the coalition working to defeat Ohio’s November abortion-rights initiative. “We actually saw a lot of encouraging signs.”

See? It always comes down to messaging with them. If only “the story” is told properly, then a new reality could be created! Why, once they hear the same message they’ve already been hearing for time immemorial, 14% of voters will jump over to their side!

Sorry Karl. There's a new set of actors dictating the messaging now.
Shoving constitutional amendments to make it legal will only radicalize the base.

Get ready.
The political press may have moved on, but Republicans still can’t quit their obsession with “message” and its role in one abortion-related electoral defeat after another.

Laura Clawson already ran through a lot of the initial Ohio Republican excuses: abortion backers didn’t have enough time to get their message out (they picked the date of the initiative); they were outspent by out-of-state money (they were funded by an Illinois billionaire, and you don’t lose by 14 points because of money); and best of all, not enough Republicans supported it. (You’d think they get the hint that maybe if even Republicans don’t support something, then it is out of the mainstream!)

Excuses aside, the bigger question is what Republicans are going to do about it. And quite clearly, the answer is “more of the same.”

“We think there’s a lot of people that, when we start telling the story of how extreme the abortion referendum is, will be jumping over to our side,” said Aaron Baer to Politico. He is the president of the Center for Christian Virtue and a board member of the coalition working to defeat Ohio’s November abortion-rights initiative. “We actually saw a lot of encouraging signs.”

See? It always comes down to messaging with them. If only “the story” is told properly, then a new reality could be created! Why, once they hear the same message they’ve already been hearing for time immemorial, 14% of voters will jump over to their side!

Sorry Karl. There's a new set of actors dictating the messaging now.
They won't get it because they can't.

Issue 1 failed because most people want compromise.
But the GOP has made it clear they will never compromise.
They used a small majority to gerrymander themselves a veto proof majority and force their zero tolerance dictatorship down the people's throats.
When the threat of the People actually making the decision at the ballot box emerged they tried the Issue 1 stunt and it blew up in their faces.

This is the bell that will not be unrung and marks the clear beginning of the end of the GOP as a political power in this country.

Politics is compromise. In general, when no one's happy, everyone is better off.
But the GOP is unable to compromise because compromise is for losers.
Primary losers.
They are so afraid of their base that performative nothingburgers is their only political strength.

So they will continue to shrink in importance, desperately clinging to their shrinking power centers until they become the 21st Century Whigs.

When the GOP disappears, we will all be better off.
Mmm .. I never realized how much Democrats love killing babies, turns out it’s quite a maniacal obsession especially given the responsible options of birth control.
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