Republicans are terrorists

You lie without blinking your eyes at all, a common trait of the sociopath. You give absolutely no context, submitting to your opinions in place of facts. Please go back and give the full story of partial birth abortion, the full story of PP and fetal parts, of Margaret Sanger and eugenics and abortion, on HRC and th ME. There are no crime, there is no treason, and you are a sociopath. And I am a guy who never vote for scum like HRC, but you are worse than she.

JS, Hillary has come out and completely defended Planned Parenthood. THAT is a FACT, whether you like it or not. Your ignorance about partial birth abortions, that ARE being performed, is almost as incredible as your ignorance about most everything elsew regarding this entire Planned Parenthood / Hillary support piece.

The similarity to what Sanger wrote HERSELF about wanting to 'breed thoroughbreds' while eliminating the 'inferior' to Hitler's own desire to create a 'master race' is obvious...except to delusional liberal progressives who are determined to defend the murder of babies.

You completely reject what you have seen in the released videos, you ignore the testimony of ex-Planned Parenthood employees, and you even deny Hillary's words and defense of Planned Parenthood....that's your choice. Just don't try peddling 'crazy / delusion' around here to me.
She defend the hack attack of a severely edited video, which you ar supporting. You suffer lack of content.

Sanger and eugenics theories were common about left and right and up and down. You suffer lack of content.

My choice is always to look at all of the evidence and the motives. You are Queen Hyperbole moving from cognitive dissonance to confirmation bias.

ps: I think I am more pro-life on restrictions than you. 12 weeks only for crimes and health and life of the mother or birth defects, and thereafter only for mother's health or life or birth defects.
JS, you have provided nothing but denial, delusion, and rejection of ideas/evidense by repeatedly saying 'lack of content' which means absolutely nothing and adds nothing to the discussion. You want more content, why don't you study up on Margaret Sanger and see how she called the babies of blacks 'weeds' and how she opined that they were inferior and must be eliminated. Read how she wanted to elevate herself to a position where SHE was the one to decide who was qualified ' fit to survive and who should be 'aborted'. You can argue all you want about how she might or might have been a good person, but the fact is she wanted to control the black population through abortions.

Isn't it strange how the majority of Planned Parenthood facilities are in the highest population centers of blacks. Yeah, I know ' coincidence' and 'lack of context'. Isn't it stranke / a coincidence how Sanger said she wanted to 'breed thoroughbreds' and that the 'weeds' and 'inferiors' had to be eliminated, much in the same way Hitler promoted the idea of a Master race? Yeah, I know - 'out of context'...a coincidence.

If a white person today called black babies 'weeds' and declared the black population needed to be controlled through abortions the way Sanger did, would you defend them the same way, would you be supporting a bust of them in the Smithsonian.

WHY is it that 'Black Lives matter'...except for the approximate 20 million black babies thta have been murdered and approximately 1 million a year killed EVERY year?! Yeah, I know...'out of context'...
You are missing the entire context of eugenics in the white world from left to right, easyt65. Sanger is only a very small part of it. I remember a chapter from our 8th grade science book on breeding of whites in poor Appalachia and somewhere more prosperous. This is far more than Sanger and far more than left right politics.

It's your lack of context that skews your argument. Let's make a pact: neither of us votes for HRC.
You are missing the entire context of eugenics in the white world from left to right, easyt65. Sanger is only a very small part of it. I remember a chapter from our 8th grade science book on breeding of whites in poor Appalachia and somewhere more prosperous. This is far more than Sanger and far more than left right politics.

It's your lack of context that skews your argument. Let's make a pact: neither of us votes for HRC.

Sanger IS a small part of it...but a very influential part of it. Anyone else involved so much in it that they have a bust honoring them in the Smithsonian or that are being talked baout right now? Anonye else being called the 'founder of Planned Parenthood'? No. But part of my point is the roots of Planned Parenthood is founded in / by racists who saw black babies as 'weeds' and who sought to control / eradicate blacks...yet they rabidly defend Planned Parenthood.
- Planned Parenthood kills massive numbers of black babies and 'targets' blacks - blacks support it.
- Liberals use social programs, horrible education systems, and the constant brainwashing of 'victimhood' to keep blacks ignorant, powerless, poor, and dependent on Liberal politicians...and blacks continue to vote / support Liberals
....they continue to hurt THEMSELVES.

And by all means I will not be voting for HRC...I pray she is in prison by election time.
She will not be in prison, and neither will you nor I, if the cops don't cotton to us.
I think your roots analogy is wrong, but if right, PP has gotten by it.
She defend the hack attack of a severely edited video, which you ar supporting. You suffer lack of content.

Sanger and eugenics theories were common about left and right and up and down. You suffer lack of content.

My choice is always to look at all of the evidence and the motives. You are Queen Hyperbole moving from cognitive dissonance to confirmation bias.

ps: I think I am more pro-life on restrictions than you. 12 weeks only for crimes and health and life of the mother or birth defects, and thereafter only for mother's health or life or birth defects.

do you mean lack of context genius?

and yes there were right-leaning Progressives; but they're almost all on the Left now arent they?
it isnt hyperbole when it's true. Sanger was a big-time racist
Hillary is for partial birth abortions, for butchering babies capable of surviving outside the womb, cutting up those babies, and selling the pieces off for profit. One of her 'heroines' is Margarat Sanger, a woman whose vision was to breed a race of 'thoroughbreds' where the inferior were weeded out (a la hitelr / Nazis) and who wanted to use abortions to control the black population....a dream Liberals have brought to fruition by killing some 20 million black babies and by continuing to target mostly black populations today.

She is also the woman who failed to protect 4 Americans from being murdered by terrorists - on a day she allowed 20 US Embassies to be attacked simultaneously throughout the Middle East, 4 of them being overrun - while she and Obama went into hiding until it was all over and then took part in the attempted lie that the attack was all a protest over some bogus video.

Just like Obama, she supports the REAL terrorists and murderers...and part of the reason she is saying things like this, even if she knows she will be attacked because of it, is to distract from her crimes and treason for which many are calling for her to go to jail over!
You lie without blinking your eyes at all, a common trait of the sociopath. You give absolutely no context, submitting to your opinions in place of facts. Please go back and give the full story of partial birth abortion, the full story of PP and fetal parts, of Margaret Sanger and eugenics and abortion, on HRC and th ME. There are no crime, there is no treason, and you are a sociopath. And I am a guy who never vote for scum like HRC, but you are worse than she.

^ Progressive Reactionary reflexively defending his girl Hillary
View attachment 48603

Yes, they are.

If they could get away with nuking an American city and finding a way to blame it on the Left, they would do it. This is how much Righties hate the USA. They despise anything that is not just like they are. They see enemies all over the place. The vast majority of them are racists, bigots, homophobes, zenophobes, misogynists, oh, and yeah, asswipes. Hope I didn't miss anything.

Their bloodlust for power will cause them to say anything, do anything. They cannot be trusted.

Congratulations, Votto - I'm glad you've come to your senses.

So how will Dims declare war on the terrorists?

I assume this means killing and imprisoning terrorists, right?

I don't know. If you are talking about real terrorists, I personally would be willing to destroy every single bit of ISIS. Not a single ISIS warrior should be left alive on the face of the earth. Not one. ISIS must completely die. Every single one of them.

And I am a Liberal.

Never judge a book by its cover.

Including Val Jarrett and Obama?
me: v "And I am a guy who never vote for scum like HRC,"

Frank: ^ Progressive Reactionary reflexively defending his girl Hillary.
View attachment 48603

Yes, they are.

If they could get away with nuking an American city and finding a way to blame it on the Left, they would do it. This is how much Righties hate the USA. They despise anything that is not just like they are. They see enemies all over the place. The vast majority of them are racists, bigots, homophobes, zenophobes, misogynists, oh, and yeah, asswipes. Hope I didn't miss anything.

Their bloodlust for power will cause them to say anything, do anything. They cannot be trusted.

Congratulations, Votto - I'm glad you've come to your senses.

So how will Dims declare war on the terrorists?

I assume this means killing and imprisoning terrorists, right?

I don't know. If you are talking about real terrorists, I personally would be willing to destroy every single bit of ISIS. Not a single ISIS warrior should be left alive on the face of the earth. Not one. ISIS must completely die. Every single one of them.

And I am a Liberal.

Never judge a book by its cover.

But you said the GOP are terrorists like ISIS.

So should we do the same to them?

Say, I'm beginning to think that Dims are nothing more than vacuous hate mongering bigots.
Say it ain't so!!

Well, at least beginning to think is a nice big of progress for you....
View attachment 48603

Yes, they are.

If they could get away with nuking an American city and finding a way to blame it on the Left, they would do it. This is how much Righties hate the USA. They despise anything that is not just like they are. They see enemies all over the place. The vast majority of them are racists, bigots, homophobes, zenophobes, misogynists, oh, and yeah, asswipes. Hope I didn't miss anything.

Their bloodlust for power will cause them to say anything, do anything. They cannot be trusted.

Congratulations, Votto - I'm glad you've come to your senses.

So how will Dims declare war on the terrorists?

I assume this means killing and imprisoning terrorists, right?

I don't know. If you are talking about real terrorists, I personally would be willing to destroy every single bit of ISIS. Not a single ISIS warrior should be left alive on the face of the earth. Not one. ISIS must completely die. Every single one of them.

And I am a Liberal.

Never judge a book by its cover.

But you said the GOP are terrorists like ISIS.

So should we do the same to them?

No. They make excellent house pets.

On some level didn't you always know?
Progressives all sound the same in any era, Hitler, Mao, Stalin and Hillary, their countrymen who disagree with them are "the enemy"
It's probably safer to say I love Osama bin laden than to bad mouth any Muslim. Liberals are less offended by that statement.
Hillary, covered up terrorism (Benghazi), plays games with her E-mail. Shrewd gamesmanship, but rather tacky and obvious.
View attachment 48603

Yes, they are.

If they could get away with nuking an American city and finding a way to blame it on the Left, they would do it. This is how much Righties hate the USA. They despise anything that is not just like they are. They see enemies all over the place. The vast majority of them are racists, bigots, homophobes, zenophobes, misogynists, oh, and yeah, asswipes. Hope I didn't miss anything.

Their bloodlust for power will cause them to say anything, do anything. They cannot be trusted.

Congratulations, Votto - I'm glad you've come to your senses.

Please go fuck yourself

Pull that dildo outta your mouth, I can't understand you...
View attachment 48603

Yes, they are.

If they could get away with nuking an American city and finding a way to blame it on the Left, they would do it. This is how much Righties hate the USA. They despise anything that is not just like they are. They see enemies all over the place. The vast majority of them are racists, bigots, homophobes, zenophobes, misogynists, oh, and yeah, asswipes. Hope I didn't miss anything.

Their bloodlust for power will cause them to say anything, do anything. They cannot be trusted.

Congratulations, Votto - I'm glad you've come to your senses.

Please go fuck yourself

Pull that dildo outta your mouth, I can't understand you...

Fuck off Mal

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