Republicans are afraid to propose spending cuts!

I love the "narrative" that progressives have woven to try and excuse the out of control spending that they now demand be done. Yes, Reagan increased the national debt...something he later admitted was his biggest regret as President, but he increased it by billions of dollars. Barack Obama is increasing the debt by a TRILLION dollars plus each year and his policies have those trillion dollar deficits lined up as far as the eye can see. Bill Clinton only balanced those budgets because a Republican dominated Congress FORCED him to. Or have you forgotten something called "A Contract With America"?

This is what is going to happen with the silly insistence by progressives that we raise taxes on the wealthy...those with capital that would normally be investing that into businesses that would create jobs and grow the economy will be putting that capital into tax shelters to protect it from being seized. An already weak economy will slow further, which will put even more Middle Class and Lower Class people out of work. What you're advocating is economic suicide...all done to satisfy a political theology that incorrectly holds that if someone else is making more money than you must therefore be making less. What you're advocating will in fact hurt the very people you're trying to help but you're so caught up in "fairness" you can't see that.

Libturds love to play this game where they blame every dime of the debt on Republicans, but every time the Republicans propose a budget or changes in some entitlement program, the DimoRATs scream for more spending and absolutely refuse to make any cuts. It's hard to believe anyone is fooled by this chicanery, but the ticks still vote for them.
OMG, this is getting funnier by the minute.

According to the latest accounts, Obama is pushing very hard on taxing the rich -- not only expiration of Bush tax cuts, but also rising the dividend and estate taxes. In exchange, Dems are proposing modest spending cuts, leaving it to Republicans to offer what else they see fit to axe.

Now that is where it gets comical -- Republicans refuse to detail any additional spending cuts! They say they are desperately needed, huge cuts too. But they are afraid -- and for a good reason too -- that if they themselves would put any specific proposals regarding the entitlement programs on the table, the voters would punish them.

So Republicnas are practically begging the Dems to do the honor and commit a political suicide.

Now tell me -- aren't they cute? Saying no to them is like taking a candy from a little girl -- breaks one's heart! I see John Boehner crying again.

Neither party has ever cut spending a god damned dime. At least the Democrats had enough sense to tax enough to keep from borrowing massive amounts from foreign banks:

Total U S Debt

09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75(80% Of All Debt Across 232 Years Borrowed By Reagan And Bushes)

09/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.49(Times Square Debt Clock Modified To Accomodate Tens of Trillions)

09/30/2007 $9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32

09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62(Second Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16

09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06(First Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86(Administration And Congress Arguing About How To Use Surplus)

09/30/1999 $5,656,270,901,615.43(First Surplus Generated...On Track To Pay Off Debt By 2012)

09/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62
09/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34
09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73
09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39
09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32

09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38(Debt Quadrupled By Reagan/Bush41)

09/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66
09/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03
09/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25
09/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32
09/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16
09/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00
09/30/1986 $2,125,302,616,658.42
09/30/1985 $1,823,103,000,000.00
09/30/1984 $1,572,266,000,000.00
09/30/1983 $1,377,210,000,000.00

09/30/1982 $1,142,034,000,000.00(Total Debt Passes $1 Trillion)

09/30/1981 $997,855,000,000.00

................................INTEREST ON NATIONAL DEBT....................................
You left out the Obama years...Hmmmmm, did everything just stop when Obama took office ?

Hey ol' pay interest on the principal. Since nothing has been paid down on the debt(Bill Clinton did that) the base stays there. Reagan quadrupled the debt, Clinton paid some down and even left a surplus, Bush cut taxes for his rich buddies, twice, started two wars, one totally unnecessary then doubled the national debt again.

Obama assumed a Republican mess in a lot more ways than just the jobs being lost at 800,000 a month and the housing and stock market bottoming. Like I've been saying for the last month....if you folks don't begin to catch on to why an incumbent with a lousy economy managed to kick your asses it will get worse before you get it kicked the next time.
I have to laugh...your concept of what's smart is to take lots of money OUT of people's it through a wasteful and inefficient Federal Government...and then send whatever is left over BACK to those same people in a different paycheck. And THAT makes sense to you? Really?
No, that's not what I'm saying. Take money out of peoples paychecks to hire more people and generate more paychecks. Not give that money back to the same people.
In 1937 Ferdinand Lundberg wrote a book, Sixty Families. The book was about the sixty richest families that controlled America at the time. Now almost 100 years later does anyone know how many of those families are still active in controlling America? Any studies, any books or updates?
I have to laugh...your concept of what's smart is to take lots of money OUT of people's it through a wasteful and inefficient Federal Government...and then send whatever is left over BACK to those same people in a different paycheck. And THAT makes sense to you? Really?
No, that's not what I'm saying. Take money out of peoples paychecks to hire more people and generate more paychecks. Not give that money back to the same people.

When you take money out of people's paychecks, that reduces their spending. That reduces job. For every job government creates, 2-3 are destroyed in the private sector. That's why Obama's so-called "stimulus" didn't work.
In 1937 Ferdinand Lundberg wrote a book, Sixty Families. The book was about the sixty richest families that controlled America at the time. Now almost 100 years later does anyone know how many of those families are still active in controlling America? Any studies, any books or updates?

Almost none. Numerous studies have been done that trace the wealth in families. What it shows is that the vast majority of offspring of the wealthy end up doing far less well than their parents and grandparents.
When you take money out of people's paychecks, that reduces their spending. That reduces job.
Reagan's "trickle down" theory has been completely debunked and proven historically wrong for years, yet you keep trying to make that dumbass claim again and again. Man, that dog don't hunt!

For every job government creates, 2-3 are destroyed in the private sector.
That's not true! Just because one company gets a government contract, doesn't mean a competing company has to layoff workers. Company's like that usually have more than one project they're working on.

That's why Obama's so-called "stimulus" didn't work.
The stimulus did work. It stopped the loss of 700,000 jobs a month that we were losing.
Reagan's "trickle down" theory has been completely debunked and proven historically wrong for years, yet you keep trying to make that dumbass claim again and again. Man, that dog don't hunt!

Not it hasn't. Even Democrats believe that taxes are bad for the economy. Why else would they be clucking like a bunch of chickens about going over the "fiscal cliff?" So called "trickle down" is just a pejorative term leftists invented to refer to capitalism. Capitalism is what created all the wealth you enjoy today, so it's the height of idiocy to claim capitalism doesn't work.

For every job government creates, 2-3 are destroyed in the private sector.
That's not true! Just because one company gets a government contract, doesn't mean a competing company has to layoff workers. Company's like that usually have more than one project they're working on.

Yes it does, because the taxpayers that money was taken from no longer have it to spend on their personal consumption. When millions of consumers begin spending less on housing, then the housing contractors will have to layoff some of their workforce. It's simple math.

That's why Obama's so-called "stimulus" didn't work.
The stimulus did work. It stopped the loss of 700,000 jobs a month that we were losing.

Yeah, it prevented the loss of 700,000 imaginary jobs. That's why unemployment was above 8% for 43 months.

The credulity of lefties is virtually unlimited.

The recession had to bottom out at some time. They always do. Obama knew that, so he used the opportunity to create a massive slush fund to buy votes for his reelection. What he didn't count on is the fact that all his policies are damaging the economy and stalling the recovery.
LOL...looks like the "givers" need to loosen their purse strings a bit.

No, it looks like all the ticks on the ass of society need to be removed from the government tit.

Today the top 1 percent of Americans control 43 percent of the financial wealth while the bottom 80 percent control only 7 percent. Incredibly, the wealthiest 400 Americans have the same combined wealth as the poorest half of Americans -- over 150 million people.

What would it take to satisfy the Republicans......the top 1000 having it all?


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The CBPP is a left-wing propaganda organ, so your chart is meaningless. The left-wing canard that Republicans want the wealthy to have some predetermined share of the GDP is idiotic. What they want is for people to have what they have earned, not what government takes from someone else.

LOL...looks like the "givers" need to loosen their purse strings a bit.

No, it looks like all the ticks on the ass of society need to be removed from the government tit.

Today the top 1 percent of Americans control 43 percent of the financial wealth while the bottom 80 percent control only 7 percent. Incredibly, the wealthiest 400 Americans have the same combined wealth as the poorest half of Americans -- over 150 million people.

What would it take to satisfy the Republicans......the top 1000 having it all?

Hardly...Look, just because I pointed out that few, if any, managers or owners do daily data entry in General Ledgers doesn't mean we don't crunch numbers on a daily if not hourly basis. It's not reading a profit & loss statement's keeping track of things like labor costs and inventory. "Staying on top of your business" does not mean doing basic bookeeping like daily ledger entries or payroll and if you ARE wasting your time doing that, I'd strongly suggest you hire someone else to take care of that so you ARE staying on top of your business.

Anyone with a business that's been around for decades cannot help but be exposed to and have a grasp of the VERY BASIC instruments I've thus far mentioned.

Unless maybe they mow lawns and do check book accounting.

If you're making a payroll, having to submit particulars to your accountant, submitting quarterly tax deposits, you'd have to be deaf, dumb and blind to not understand basic accounting.

Jesuschrist. If ya'll wanna play make believe, try reading up on some very basic shit, first.

Just a thought.

Make believe? LOL...I simply pointed out that very few if any people do their own payroll anymore and nobody I know working as a club owner or manager spends time doing data entry into General Ledgers. What business is it that you run where you're spending your time doing basic bookeeping chores?

But three decades ago? Hahahahahaha.

Heck and even then, maybe for the first few years you might be slow to pick it up. But after 30????? Ridiculous!

More to the point, when did QuickBooks become popular, for smaller, one-/two-man operations? 15 years ago, at most? Prior to that, even automated accounting used in micro-size companies used what we larger concerns still do: modular accounting and POS, such as Peachtree.

If what you say is true, jesuschrist pal, learn something about business accounting. You'll do better in the next 30 years if you do.

Just a thought.
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Anyone with a business that's been around for decades cannot help but be exposed to and have a grasp of the VERY BASIC instruments I've thus far mentioned.

Unless maybe they mow lawns and do check book accounting.

If you're making a payroll, having to submit particulars to your accountant, submitting quarterly tax deposits, you'd have to be deaf, dumb and blind to not understand basic accounting.

Jesuschrist. If ya'll wanna play make believe, try reading up on some very basic shit, first.

Just a thought.

Make believe? LOL...I simply pointed out that very few if any people do their own payroll anymore and nobody I know working as a club owner or manager spends time doing data entry into General Ledgers. What business is it that you run where you're spending your time doing basic bookeeping chores?

But three decades ago? Hahahahahaha.

Heck and even then, maybe for the first few years you might be slow to pick it up. But after 30????? Ridiculous!

More to the point, when did QuickBooks become popular, for smaller, one-/two-man operations? 15 years ago, at most? Prior to that, even automated accounting used in micro-size companies used what we larger concerns still do: modular accounting and POS, such as Peachtree.

If what you say is true, jesuschrist pal, learn something about business accounting. You'll do better in the next 30 years if you do.

Just a thought.

PS: so in closing, maybe instead of trying to school me, ask some questions. I have been paying attention over the last 40 years of my business experience, either as an exectutive or a principle in my own companies.
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The CBPP is a left-wing propaganda organ, so your chart is meaningless. The left-wing canard that Republicans want the wealthy to have some predetermined share of the GDP is idiotic. What they want is for people to have what they have earned, not what government takes from someone else.

No, it looks like all the ticks on the ass of society need to be removed from the government tit.

Today the top 1 percent of Americans control 43 percent of the financial wealth while the bottom 80 percent control only 7 percent. Incredibly, the wealthiest 400 Americans have the same combined wealth as the poorest half of Americans -- over 150 million people.

What would it take to satisfy the Republicans......the top 1000 having it all?


Like I folks just keep on denying the asskicking you took and I'll guarantee you it will be worse next time. People are tired of heirs, monitor watchers and paper pushers getting all the money in this country and never doing a goddamned thing which used to describe a patriot. Get off your high horse and go serve in one of these unnecessary military actions declared by old assholes who know their own will never even be inconvenienced by one. The top 1% and the take it for granted have had their fun and now your asses will have to pay way or the other:

Fox News.......0
Karl Rove.....-10
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I have to laugh...your concept of what's smart is to take lots of money OUT of people's it through a wasteful and inefficient Federal Government...and then send whatever is left over BACK to those same people in a different paycheck. And THAT makes sense to you? Really?
No, that's not what I'm saying. Take money out of peoples paychecks to hire more people and generate more paychecks. Not give that money back to the same people.
Grow gooberment bigger and bigger is what you are saying here then, instead of getting a handle on spending, and this so there will be plenty of dollars going into the right projects instead of the wrong projects, but first the swamp talked about in Washington, still needs to be drained.
The CBPP is a left-wing propaganda organ, so your chart is meaningless. The left-wing canard that Republicans want the wealthy to have some predetermined share of the GDP is idiotic. What they want is for people to have what they have earned, not what government takes from someone else.

Today the top 1 percent of Americans control 43 percent of the financial wealth while the bottom 80 percent control only 7 percent. Incredibly, the wealthiest 400 Americans have the same combined wealth as the poorest half of Americans -- over 150 million people.

What would it take to satisfy the Republicans......the top 1000 having it all?


Like I folks just keep on denying the asskicking you took and I'll guarantee you it will be worse next time. People are tired of heirs, monitor watchers and paper pushers getting all the money in this country and never doing a goddamned thing which used to describe a patriot. Get off your high horse and go serve in one of these unnecessary military actions declared by old assholes who know their own will never even be inconvenienced by one. The top 1% and the take it for granted have had their fun and now your asses will have to pay way or the other:

Fox News.......0
Karl Rove.....-10
Duly Noted - The vengence speak that is coming from the left, so Americans beware because these people want blood and they are saying it in these types of rants now.
The CBPP is a left-wing propaganda organ, so your chart is meaningless. The left-wing canard that Republicans want the wealthy to have some predetermined share of the GDP is idiotic. What they want is for people to have what they have earned, not what government takes from someone else.

Like I folks just keep on denying the asskicking you took and I'll guarantee you it will be worse next time. People are tired of heirs, monitor watchers and paper pushers getting all the money in this country and never doing a goddamned thing which used to describe a patriot. Get off your high horse and go serve in one of these unnecessary military actions declared by old assholes who know their own will never even be inconvenienced by one. The top 1% and the take it for granted have had their fun and now your asses will have to pay way or the other:

Fox News.......0
Karl Rove.....-10

You didn't even attempt to address my post.

Big surprise there.

Here's a clue for you, dick sucker: venting your spleen over your hatred and envy of those who are doing better in life than you isn't an argument.
The CBPP is a left-wing propaganda organ, so your chart is meaningless. The left-wing canard that Republicans want the wealthy to have some predetermined share of the GDP is idiotic. What they want is for people to have what they have earned, not what government takes from someone else.

Like I folks just keep on denying the asskicking you took and I'll guarantee you it will be worse next time. People are tired of heirs, monitor watchers and paper pushers getting all the money in this country and never doing a goddamned thing which used to describe a patriot. Get off your high horse and go serve in one of these unnecessary military actions declared by old assholes who know their own will never even be inconvenienced by one. The top 1% and the take it for granted have had their fun and now your asses will have to pay way or the other:

Fox News.......0
Karl Rove.....-10
Duly Noted - The vengence speak that is coming from the left, so Americans beware because these people want blood and they are saying it in these types of rants now.

Hey sonny...if you think that's it an education is forthcoming. You need to quit thumping your bibles in public, get your asses out of people's bedrooms, quit making some kind of vendetta out of immigration, stop bad mouthing the 47%, back off arming idiots with assault rifles and selling any kind of gun a person happens to want at a gun show to get around regulation, quit flying the confederate flag at NASCAR races, quit killing young Americans to support your Halliburton and Blackwater interests, quit fighting global warming and supporting companies which pollute, quit trying to reinstate the Ku Klux Klan, quit trying to kill labor unions, get honest about paying a woman the same as a man for equal work, quit pitting the upper 2% of this country against what used to be the middle people have such a long way to go that if I were you I would start tomorrow.
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In 1937 Ferdinand Lundberg wrote a book, Sixty Families. The book was about the sixty richest families that controlled America at the time. Now almost 100 years later does anyone know how many of those families are still active in controlling America? Any studies, any books or updates?
Why, would you want to make them a target also ?

I say everyone who got their wealth righteously in this nation, had best lock down their wealth and now, before the Obama train comes to town and leaves with it.. Can you all believe that we have now gotten to this point in America ? I blame also the specific idiots who did wrong during their generating of wealth over the years, where they had became so greedy and evil, therefore they did take to much instead of re-investing it in a balanced way back into the nation in which they stood upon.

Another problem is once we went Global, it is my thoughts that we are not dealing with sworn patriots any longer, but instead we are dealing with globalist who have no loyalty to this nation or any nation, but only to it's wealth and what it can do for them in the world. Then we have the redistributionist on our backs now, trying to suggest we rectify the past with a giving up of wealth in taxes, as so to redistribute it, but re-distribute it to where is the un-answered question that many people have on their minds, just as well in all of this taking that is being talked about now ?

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