Republicans are afraid to propose spending cuts!

OMG, this is getting funnier by the minute.

According to the latest accounts, Obama is pushing very hard on taxing the rich -- not only expiration of Bush tax cuts, but also rising the dividend and estate taxes. In exchange, Dems are proposing modest spending cuts, leaving it to Republicans to offer what else they see fit to axe.

Now that is where it gets comical -- Republicans refuse to detail any additional spending cuts! They say they are desperately needed, huge cuts too. But they are afraid -- and for a good reason too -- that if they themselves would put any specific proposals regarding the entitlement programs on the table, the voters would punish them.

So Republicnas are practically begging the Dems to do the honor and commit a political suicide.

Now tell me -- aren't they cute? Saying no to them is like taking a candy from a little girl -- breaks one's heart! I see John Boehner crying again.

Neither party has ever cut spending a god damned dime. At least the Democrats had enough sense to tax enough to keep from borrowing massive amounts from foreign banks:

Total U S Debt

09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75(80% Of All Debt Across 232 Years Borrowed By Reagan And Bushes)

09/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.49(Times Square Debt Clock Modified To Accomodate Tens of Trillions)

09/30/2007 $9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32

09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62(Second Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16

09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06(First Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86(Administration And Congress Arguing About How To Use Surplus)

09/30/1999 $5,656,270,901,615.43(First Surplus Generated...On Track To Pay Off Debt By 2012)

09/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62
09/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34
09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73
09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39
09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32

09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38(Debt Quadrupled By Reagan/Bush41)

09/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66
09/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03
09/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25
09/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32
09/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16
09/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00
09/30/1986 $2,125,302,616,658.42
09/30/1985 $1,823,103,000,000.00
09/30/1984 $1,572,266,000,000.00
09/30/1983 $1,377,210,000,000.00

09/30/1982 $1,142,034,000,000.00(Total Debt Passes $1 Trillion)

09/30/1981 $997,855,000,000.00

................................INTEREST ON NATIONAL DEBT....................................
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First you need to tell me if you have in fact been paid for it...or if it is money not yet received? If you received payment it would go under Cash..if it was an outstanding debt than it would go under Accounts Receivable. Was that supposed to trip me up? LOL

Not trying to trip you up. Just checking if you have a basic understanding of accounting, which most who've been in businesses must.

In short....

DR cash or a/r 12.00
CR sales 12.00
DR cogs 6.50
CR inventory 6.50

I've been in the night club business for over thirty years. In all that time I've never posted numbers in a General Ledger nor have I ever done payroll myself. That's something that you hire a bookeeper or accounting service to do for you. I understand the basics of accounting because I took Managerial Accounting way back in college but I wouldn't waste my time doing something like what you're talking about and I don't know of any other club managers who do. Sorry...just doesn't work that way.

No worries then, pal. Who the fuck needs to know how to read all that boring accounting stuff like P&Ls and shit just to stay on top of their business.

If there's cash in the till, you're makin' money!
Not trying to trip you up. Just checking if you have a basic understanding of accounting, which most who've been in businesses must.

In short....

DR cash or a/r 12.00
CR sales 12.00
DR cogs 6.50
CR inventory 6.50

I've been in the night club business for over thirty years. In all that time I've never posted numbers in a General Ledger nor have I ever done payroll myself. That's something that you hire a bookeeper or accounting service to do for you. I understand the basics of accounting because I took Managerial Accounting way back in college but I wouldn't waste my time doing something like what you're talking about and I don't know of any other club managers who do. Sorry...just doesn't work that way.

No worries then, pal. Who the fuck needs to know how to read all that boring accounting stuff like P&Ls and shit just to stay on top of their business.

If there's cash in the till, you're makin' money!

Well the Republicans in government need to learn that lesson.
Call me crazy but if you want to stimulate the economy...have the government take less from the people and let those people spend their money on goods and services. It's's efficient...and it's fair.

Problem: It makes too much damn sense.
Call me crazy but if you want to stimulate the economy...have the government take less from the people and let those people spend their money on goods and services. It's's efficient...and it's fair.

Problem: It makes too much damn sense.

It's what Reagan's "Trickle Down" did and if this shit makes sense you've got 15 minutes to take a shit in the floor of the first national bank. He cut taxes for the welthiest people in America and began to borrow from foreign banks to cover the shortfall. He and Bush41 quadrupled the national debt. Clinton raised taxes in 1993 and straightened his mess out with actual surpluses then along came George...slow walkin', slow talkin' George, cut taxes twice using reconciliation to block Democratic opposition and doubled the national debt again.What do you people want....the uppercrust to have all the money?

Today the top 1 percent of Americans control 43 percent of the financial wealth while the bottom 80 percent control only 7 percent. Incredibly, the wealthiest 400 Americans have the same combined wealth as the poorest half of Americans -- over 150 million people.

What would it take to satisfy the Republicans......the top 1000 having it all?
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Call me crazy but if you want to stimulate the economy...have the government take less from the people and let those people spend their money on goods and services. It's's efficient...and it's fair.

Problem: It makes too much damn sense.

It's what Reagan's "Trickle Down" did and if this shit makes sense you've got 15 minutes to take a shit in the floor of the first national bank. He cut taxes for the welthiest people in America and began to borrow from foreign banks to cover the shortfall. He and Bush41 quadrupled the national debt. Clinton raised taxes in 1993 and straightened his mess out with actual surpluses then along came George...slow walkin', slow talkin' George, cut taxes twice using reconciliation to block Democratic opposition and doubled the national debt again.What do you people want....the uppercrust to have all the money?

Today the top 1 percent of Americans control 43 percent of the financial wealth while the bottom 80 percent control only 7 percent. Incredibly, the wealthiest 400 Americans have the same combined wealth as the poorest half of Americans -- over 150 million people.

What would it take to satisfy the Republicans......the top 1000 having it all?
Within all of this also once laid the incentive system, and this is a system where people must earn their way in America, instead of everything just being a given unto them, but what the government favoring corporations and itself has done, is to make this system more and more and/or less workable for we the working class citizens in America. How about for starters congress and other governmental branches voting themselves pay raises in the midst of very troubling times in our nation, and on and on it all goes with the helping of corporations to destroy our capitalistic set up we once had, and turning it into a socialistic/communistic type of system, just so they could get all of us eventually at cheap labor rates, in order to equal out with the world is what they were touting all the time (gone global), then things would be better for all is what they were saying. The nations major problem is how it's government has gotten itself in bed with these corporations, who have changed this nation and our government into what we have right now today, and now we see the results of it all, and the sell outs in it all. I bet you know a sell out right now in this nation, and this goes for any of you this question, and don't they just make you sick to your stomach ?
JFK is on audio talking about raising taxes hurts the economy and isn't the best way to run the Govt.

JFK would be a Republican today, he would hate you scumbag liberals that hate this country and hate capitalism.
Not trying to trip you up. Just checking if you have a basic understanding of accounting, which most who've been in businesses must.

In short....

DR cash or a/r 12.00
CR sales 12.00
DR cogs 6.50
CR inventory 6.50

I've been in the night club business for over thirty years. In all that time I've never posted numbers in a General Ledger nor have I ever done payroll myself. That's something that you hire a bookeeper or accounting service to do for you. I understand the basics of accounting because I took Managerial Accounting way back in college but I wouldn't waste my time doing something like what you're talking about and I don't know of any other club managers who do. Sorry...just doesn't work that way.

No worries then, pal. Who the fuck needs to know how to read all that boring accounting stuff like P&Ls and shit just to stay on top of their business.

If there's cash in the till, you're makin' money!

Hardly...Look, just because I pointed out that few, if any, managers or owners do daily data entry in General Ledgers doesn't mean we don't crunch numbers on a daily if not hourly basis. It's not reading a profit & loss statement's keeping track of things like labor costs and inventory. "Staying on top of your business" does not mean doing basic bookeeping like daily ledger entries or payroll and if you ARE wasting your time doing that, I'd strongly suggest you hire someone else to take care of that so you ARE staying on top of your business.
I've been in the night club business for over thirty years. In all that time I've never posted numbers in a General Ledger nor have I ever done payroll myself. That's something that you hire a bookeeper or accounting service to do for you. I understand the basics of accounting because I took Managerial Accounting way back in college but I wouldn't waste my time doing something like what you're talking about and I don't know of any other club managers who do. Sorry...just doesn't work that way.

No worries then, pal. Who the fuck needs to know how to read all that boring accounting stuff like P&Ls and shit just to stay on top of their business.

If there's cash in the till, you're makin' money!

Hardly...Look, just because I pointed out that few, if any, managers or owners do daily data entry in General Ledgers doesn't mean we don't crunch numbers on a daily if not hourly basis. It's not reading a profit & loss statement's keeping track of things like labor costs and inventory. "Staying on top of your business" does not mean doing basic bookeeping like daily ledger entries or payroll and if you ARE wasting your time doing that, I'd strongly suggest you hire someone else to take care of that so you ARE staying on top of your business.

Anyone with a business that's been around for decades cannot help but be exposed to and have a grasp of the VERY BASIC instruments I've thus far mentioned.

Unless maybe they mow lawns and do check book accounting.

If you're making a payroll, having to submit particulars to your accountant, submitting quarterly tax deposits, you'd have to be deaf, dumb and blind to not understand basic accounting.

Jesuschrist. If ya'll wanna play make believe, try reading up on some very basic shit, first.

Just a thought.
Problem: It makes too much damn sense.

It's what Reagan's "Trickle Down" did and if this shit makes sense you've got 15 minutes to take a shit in the floor of the first national bank. He cut taxes for the welthiest people in America and began to borrow from foreign banks to cover the shortfall. He and Bush41 quadrupled the national debt. Clinton raised taxes in 1993 and straightened his mess out with actual surpluses then along came George...slow walkin', slow talkin' George, cut taxes twice using reconciliation to block Democratic opposition and doubled the national debt again.What do you people want....the uppercrust to have all the money?

Today the top 1 percent of Americans control 43 percent of the financial wealth while the bottom 80 percent control only 7 percent. Incredibly, the wealthiest 400 Americans have the same combined wealth as the poorest half of Americans -- over 150 million people.

What would it take to satisfy the Republicans......the top 1000 having it all?
Within all of this also once laid the incentive system, and this is a system where people must earn their way in America, instead of everything just being a given unto them, but what the government favoring corporations and itself has done, is to make this system more and more and/or less workable for we the working class citizens in America. How about for starters congress and other governmental branches voting themselves pay raises in the midst of very troubling times in our nation, and on and on it all goes with the helping of corporations to destroy our capitalistic set up we once had, and turning it into a socialistic/communistic type of system, just so they could get all of us eventually at cheap labor rates, in order to equal out with the world is what they were touting all the time (gone global), then things would be better for all is what they were saying. The nations major problem is how it's government has gotten itself in bed with these corporations, who have changed this nation and our government into what we have right now today, and now we see the results of it all, and the sell outs in it all. I bet you know a sell out right now in this nation, and this goes for any of you this question, and don't they just make you sick to your stomach ?

LOL...looks like the "givers" need to loosen their purse strings a bit.

The wealthiest 400 Americans have the same combined wealth as the poorest half of Americans -- over 150 million people.

I'll tell you what....if you folks didn't learn a damn thing from the ass kicking you just took keep it up and we'll see what a real landslide looks like.
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Call me crazy but if you want to stimulate the economy...have the government take less from the people and let those people spend their money on goods and services. It's's efficient...and it's fair.

Problem: It makes too much damn sense.

It's what Reagan's "Trickle Down" did and if this shit makes sense you've got 15 minutes to take a shit in the floor of the first national bank. He cut taxes for the welthiest people in America and began to borrow from foreign banks to cover the shortfall. He and Bush41 quadrupled the national debt. Clinton raised taxes in 1993 and straightened his mess out with actual surpluses then along came George...slow walkin', slow talkin' George, cut taxes twice using reconciliation to block Democratic opposition and doubled the national debt again.What do you people want....the uppercrust to have all the money?

Today the top 1 percent of Americans control 43 percent of the financial wealth while the bottom 80 percent control only 7 percent. Incredibly, the wealthiest 400 Americans have the same combined wealth as the poorest half of Americans -- over 150 million people.

What would it take to satisfy the Republicans......the top 1000 having it all?

I love the "narrative" that progressives have woven to try and excuse the out of control spending that they now demand be done. Yes, Reagan increased the national debt...something he later admitted was his biggest regret as President, but he increased it by billions of dollars. Barack Obama is increasing the debt by a TRILLION dollars plus each year and his policies have those trillion dollar deficits lined up as far as the eye can see. Bill Clinton only balanced those budgets because a Republican dominated Congress FORCED him to. Or have you forgotten something called "A Contract With America"?

This is what is going to happen with the silly insistence by progressives that we raise taxes on the wealthy...those with capital that would normally be investing that into businesses that would create jobs and grow the economy will be putting that capital into tax shelters to protect it from being seized. An already weak economy will slow further, which will put even more Middle Class and Lower Class people out of work. What you're advocating is economic suicide...all done to satisfy a political theology that incorrectly holds that if someone else is making more money than you must therefore be making less. What you're advocating will in fact hurt the very people you're trying to help but you're so caught up in "fairness" you can't see that.
No worries then, pal. Who the fuck needs to know how to read all that boring accounting stuff like P&Ls and shit just to stay on top of their business.

If there's cash in the till, you're makin' money!

Hardly...Look, just because I pointed out that few, if any, managers or owners do daily data entry in General Ledgers doesn't mean we don't crunch numbers on a daily if not hourly basis. It's not reading a profit & loss statement's keeping track of things like labor costs and inventory. "Staying on top of your business" does not mean doing basic bookeeping like daily ledger entries or payroll and if you ARE wasting your time doing that, I'd strongly suggest you hire someone else to take care of that so you ARE staying on top of your business.

Anyone with a business that's been around for decades cannot help but be exposed to and have a grasp of the VERY BASIC instruments I've thus far mentioned.

Unless maybe they mow lawns and do check book accounting.

If you're making a payroll, having to submit particulars to your accountant, submitting quarterly tax deposits, you'd have to be deaf, dumb and blind to not understand basic accounting.

Jesuschrist. If ya'll wanna play make believe, try reading up on some very basic shit, first.

Just a thought.

Make believe? LOL...I simply pointed out that very few if any people do their own payroll anymore and nobody I know working as a club owner or manager spends time doing data entry into General Ledgers. What business is it that you run where you're spending your time doing basic bookeeping chores?
Problem: It makes too much damn sense.

It's what Reagan's "Trickle Down" did and if this shit makes sense you've got 15 minutes to take a shit in the floor of the first national bank. He cut taxes for the welthiest people in America and began to borrow from foreign banks to cover the shortfall. He and Bush41 quadrupled the national debt. Clinton raised taxes in 1993 and straightened his mess out with actual surpluses then along came George...slow walkin', slow talkin' George, cut taxes twice using reconciliation to block Democratic opposition and doubled the national debt again.What do you people want....the uppercrust to have all the money?

Today the top 1 percent of Americans control 43 percent of the financial wealth while the bottom 80 percent control only 7 percent. Incredibly, the wealthiest 400 Americans have the same combined wealth as the poorest half of Americans -- over 150 million people.

What would it take to satisfy the Republicans......the top 1000 having it all?

I love the "narrative" that progressives have woven to try and excuse the out of control spending that they now demand be done. Yes, Reagan increased the national debt...something he later admitted was his biggest regret as President, but he increased it by billions of dollars. Barack Obama is increasing the debt by a TRILLION dollars plus each year and his policies have those trillion dollar deficits lined up as far as the eye can see. Bill Clinton only balanced those budgets because a Republican dominated Congress FORCED him to. Or have you forgotten something called "A Contract With America"?

This is what is going to happen with the silly insistence by progressives that we raise taxes on the wealthy...those with capital that would normally be investing that into businesses that would create jobs and grow the economy will be putting that capital into tax shelters to protect it from being seized. An already weak economy will slow further, which will put even more Middle Class and Lower Class people out of work. What you're advocating is economic suicide...all done to satisfy a political theology that incorrectly holds that if someone else is making more money than you must therefore be making less. What you're advocating will in fact hurt the very people you're trying to help but you're so caught up in "fairness" you can't see that.

LMAO!!! If you even had a clue as to the mess left by Reagan and the Bushes you wouldn't go there. The last day of Bush's last budget, Sept. 30, 2009, the interest due and payable on the Reagan/Bushes debt was $451 billion dollars. How in hell can you have to balls to even mention Obama's spending when he has paid out a trillion and a half dollars of interest and another half trillion due next September. Obama has spent less than George W. Bush did by a longshot if you subtract the interest he's paid. Unlike the debt itself the interest must be paid each year and on time. You didn't think Communist Chinese banks were loaning us money because they like us did you?
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OMG, this is getting funnier by the minute.

According to the latest accounts, Obama is pushing very hard on taxing the rich -- not only expiration of Bush tax cuts, but also rising the dividend and estate taxes. In exchange, Dems are proposing modest spending cuts, leaving it to Republicans to offer what else they see fit to axe.

Now that is where it gets comical -- Republicans refuse to detail any additional spending cuts! They say they are desperately needed, huge cuts too. But they are afraid -- and for a good reason too -- that if they themselves would put any specific proposals regarding the entitlement programs on the table, the voters would punish them.

So Republicnas are practically begging the Dems to do the honor and commit a political suicide.

Now tell me -- aren't they cute? Saying no to them is like taking a candy from a little girl -- breaks one's heart! I see John Boehner crying again.

Neither party has ever cut spending a god damned dime. At least the Democrats had enough sense to tax enough to keep from borrowing massive amounts from foreign banks:

Total U S Debt

09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75(80% Of All Debt Across 232 Years Borrowed By Reagan And Bushes)

09/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.49(Times Square Debt Clock Modified To Accomodate Tens of Trillions)

09/30/2007 $9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32

09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62(Second Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16

09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06(First Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86(Administration And Congress Arguing About How To Use Surplus)

09/30/1999 $5,656,270,901,615.43(First Surplus Generated...On Track To Pay Off Debt By 2012)

09/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62
09/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34
09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73
09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39
09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32

09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38(Debt Quadrupled By Reagan/Bush41)

09/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66
09/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03
09/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25
09/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32
09/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16
09/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00
09/30/1986 $2,125,302,616,658.42
09/30/1985 $1,823,103,000,000.00
09/30/1984 $1,572,266,000,000.00
09/30/1983 $1,377,210,000,000.00

09/30/1982 $1,142,034,000,000.00(Total Debt Passes $1 Trillion)

09/30/1981 $997,855,000,000.00

................................INTEREST ON NATIONAL DEBT....................................
You left out the Obama years...Hmmmmm, did everything just stop when Obama took office ?
It's what Reagan's "Trickle Down" did and if this shit makes sense you've got 15 minutes to take a shit in the floor of the first national bank. He cut taxes for the welthiest people in America and began to borrow from foreign banks to cover the shortfall. He and Bush41 quadrupled the national debt. Clinton raised taxes in 1993 and straightened his mess out with actual surpluses then along came George...slow walkin', slow talkin' George, cut taxes twice using reconciliation to block Democratic opposition and doubled the national debt again.What do you people want....the uppercrust to have all the money?

Today the top 1 percent of Americans control 43 percent of the financial wealth while the bottom 80 percent control only 7 percent. Incredibly, the wealthiest 400 Americans have the same combined wealth as the poorest half of Americans -- over 150 million people.

What would it take to satisfy the Republicans......the top 1000 having it all?
Within all of this also once laid the incentive system, and this is a system where people must earn their way in America, instead of everything just being a given unto them, but what the government favoring corporations and itself has done, is to make this system more and more and/or less workable for we the working class citizens in America. How about for starters congress and other governmental branches voting themselves pay raises in the midst of very troubling times in our nation, and on and on it all goes with the helping of corporations to destroy our capitalistic set up we once had, and turning it into a socialistic/communistic type of system, just so they could get all of us eventually at cheap labor rates, in order to equal out with the world is what they were touting all the time (gone global), then things would be better for all is what they were saying. The nations major problem is how it's government has gotten itself in bed with these corporations, who have changed this nation and our government into what we have right now today, and now we see the results of it all, and the sell outs in it all. I bet you know a sell out right now in this nation, and this goes for any of you this question, and don't they just make you sick to your stomach ?

LOL...looks like the "givers" need to loosen their purse strings a bit.

The wealthiest 400 Americans have the same combined wealth as the poorest half of Americans -- over 150 million people.

I'll tell you what....if you folks didn't learn a damn thing from the ass kicking you just took keep it up and we'll see what a real landslide looks like.
Hmm went over your head a bit did it ? Your response was not in thought of what I had written, so try again...
Problem: It makes too much damn sense.

It's what Reagan's "Trickle Down" did and if this shit makes sense you've got 15 minutes to take a shit in the floor of the first national bank. He cut taxes for the welthiest people in America and began to borrow from foreign banks to cover the shortfall. He and Bush41 quadrupled the national debt. Clinton raised taxes in 1993 and straightened his mess out with actual surpluses then along came George...slow walkin', slow talkin' George, cut taxes twice using reconciliation to block Democratic opposition and doubled the national debt again.What do you people want....the uppercrust to have all the money?

Today the top 1 percent of Americans control 43 percent of the financial wealth while the bottom 80 percent control only 7 percent. Incredibly, the wealthiest 400 Americans have the same combined wealth as the poorest half of Americans -- over 150 million people.

What would it take to satisfy the Republicans......the top 1000 having it all?

I love the "narrative" that progressives have woven to try and excuse the out of control spending that they now demand be done. Yes, Reagan increased the national debt...something he later admitted was his biggest regret as President, but he increased it by billions of dollars. Barack Obama is increasing the debt by a TRILLION dollars plus each year and his policies have those trillion dollar deficits lined up as far as the eye can see. Bill Clinton only balanced those budgets because a Republican dominated Congress FORCED him to. Or have you forgotten something called "A Contract With America"?

This is what is going to happen with the silly insistence by progressives that we raise taxes on the wealthy...those with capital that would normally be investing that into businesses that would create jobs and grow the economy will be putting that capital into tax shelters to protect it from being seized. An already weak economy will slow further, which will put even more Middle Class and Lower Class people out of work. What you're advocating is economic suicide...all done to satisfy a political theology that incorrectly holds that if someone else is making more money than you must therefore be making less. What you're advocating will in fact hurt the very people you're trying to help but you're so caught up in "fairness" you can't see that.
It's what Reagan's "Trickle Down" did and if this shit makes sense you've got 15 minutes to take a shit in the floor of the first national bank. He cut taxes for the welthiest people in America and began to borrow from foreign banks to cover the shortfall. He and Bush41 quadrupled the national debt. Clinton raised taxes in 1993 and straightened his mess out with actual surpluses then along came George...slow walkin', slow talkin' George, cut taxes twice using reconciliation to block Democratic opposition and doubled the national debt again.What do you people want....the uppercrust to have all the money?

Today the top 1 percent of Americans control 43 percent of the financial wealth while the bottom 80 percent control only 7 percent. Incredibly, the wealthiest 400 Americans have the same combined wealth as the poorest half of Americans -- over 150 million people.

What would it take to satisfy the Republicans......the top 1000 having it all?

I love the "narrative" that progressives have woven to try and excuse the out of control spending that they now demand be done. Yes, Reagan increased the national debt...something he later admitted was his biggest regret as President, but he increased it by billions of dollars. Barack Obama is increasing the debt by a TRILLION dollars plus each year and his policies have those trillion dollar deficits lined up as far as the eye can see. Bill Clinton only balanced those budgets because a Republican dominated Congress FORCED him to. Or have you forgotten something called "A Contract With America"?

This is what is going to happen with the silly insistence by progressives that we raise taxes on the wealthy...those with capital that would normally be investing that into businesses that would create jobs and grow the economy will be putting that capital into tax shelters to protect it from being seized. An already weak economy will slow further, which will put even more Middle Class and Lower Class people out of work. What you're advocating is economic suicide...all done to satisfy a political theology that incorrectly holds that if someone else is making more money than you must therefore be making less. What you're advocating will in fact hurt the very people you're trying to help but you're so caught up in "fairness" you can't see that.

LMAO!!! If you even had a clue as to the mess left by Reagan and the Bushes you wouldn't go there. The last day of Bush's last budget, Sept. 30, 2009, the interest due and payable on the Reagan/Bushes debt was $451 billion dollars. How in hell can you have to balls to even mention Obama's spending when he has paid out a trillion and a half dollars of interest and another half trillion due next September. Obama has spent less than George W. Bush did by a longshot if you subtract the interest he's paid. Unlike the debt itself the interest must be paid each year and on time. You didn't think Communist Chinese banks were loaning us money because they like us did you?
You play this one sided game, when it has been government in general that has put us here, and yes your side has been guilty of alot of bad also, so how about solutions instead of your political hack blame game maybe ? It's easy to blame, but it's much harder to get the brain to come up with solutions out of all this mess, but we have people in this nation right now that have the solutions, but for some reason they are not being listened too because of all the noise found in this one sided protectionist blame game that is going on.
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It's what Reagan's "Trickle Down" did and if this shit makes sense you've got 15 minutes to take a shit in the floor of the first national bank.

Anyone who believes raising taxes is good for the economy is a certified moron. How does taking money away from productive Americans to dispense to a bunch of ticks on the ass of society make the economy grow?

He cut taxes for the welthiest people in America and began to borrow from foreign banks to cover the shortfall. He and Bush41 quadrupled the national debt. Clinton raised taxes in 1993 and straightened his mess out with actual surpluses then along came George...slow walkin', slow talkin' George, cut taxes twice using reconciliation to block Democratic opposition and doubled the national debt again.What do you people want....the uppercrust to have all the money?

Yada, yada, yada . . . . The same old "Reagan is responsible for the debt" horseshit we'ver heard 10,000 times. The left-wing morons always blame tax cuts and never consider the spending side. Most of the federal budget consists of spending on Democrat created social programs. Democrats are responsible for every dime of that spending.

Today the top 1 percent of Americans control 43 percent of the financial wealth while the bottom 80 percent control only 7 percent. Incredibly, the wealthiest 400 Americans have the same combined wealth as the poorest half of Americans -- over 150 million people.

Bullshit. the federal government doesn't even really know how much wealth most people have. Most so-called "poor people" have cars, flat screen TVs, cell phones and a large chunk of them even own their own homes. What is the source for the above claim? I'm sure it's some crackpot -left-wing propaganda organ.

What would it take to satisfy the Republicans......the top 1000 having it all?

Everyone is entitled to have what they have earned through voluntary exchange in the market. You are entitled to a dime of what I have earned or what any other person has earned.
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