Republicans aiding and abetting terrorists

I asked it before and got no response from those here placing 100% blame on the Republicans. So, here it goes again but stated differently: Do you feel Obama and company have any responsibility for anything that transpires?

Sen. Chris Dodd (Democrat) Cut Aviation Security Funding

Sen. Chris Dodd Cut Aviation Security Funding - Associated Content -

Money Went for Union Pork

One proof that pork barrel politics, to which many politicians are addicted to, has arisen in the wake of the attempted Christmas Day bombing. It seems that Sen. Chris Dodd reduced airline safety programs in favor of firefighter grants.

Specifically, the amendment proposed by Dodd, co-sponsored by Sen. Lieberman and Sen. Carper, took $4.5 million away specifically from "screening operations and the amount for explosives detection systems," according to the Washington Examiner. The money instead went to "The amount
Sen. Chris Dodd Cut Aviation Security Funding appropriated under the heading "firefighter assistance grants'' under the heading "Federal Emergency Management Agency'' under by title III for necessary expenses for programs authorized by the Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974."

The Washington Examiner mentions that the firefighters' union is a warm supporter of Sen. Chris Dodd and campaigned for him during his brief run for president in Iowa in the run up to the caucuses.

In the wake of the attempted Christmas bombing of an American airliner, Dodd clearly has some explaining to do. Siphoning off money for earmarks to programs that have been termed "notoriously ineffective" is bad enough. Doing so with money from aviation security eight years after 9/11 compounds the error. The fact Dodd did this just a few months before nearly 300 people almost died in the skies over Detroit demonstrates a shocking lack of foresight.

The pernicious aspect of pork barrel spending is that it tends to divert funding from programs of national importance, most of which have been vetted and debated in the Congress, and sends them to parochial projects that might benefit one senator's state or a congressman's district or perhaps not. The idea is not to provide a benefit, but to appear to be doing so in order to buy votes and political support. A member of Congress thus becomes an ATM machine for certain, privileged people with access and influence. The ATM machine is funded by other peoples' money, taken from taxes or borrowed from foreign investors.

K9 Buck here again. Christopher Dodd was recently investigated and cleared of any wrongdoing for the "sweetheart" mortgage he received from his good buddies at the now defunct Countrywide Mortgage. Yea, he was "cleared", but I don't understand how he could get a mortgage that nobody else in the country could get at that time. Dodd appears to be a very corrupt politician.

Senators Appear to Have Received Below Market Mortgages from Countrywide

The loud "thud" you just heard over in the corner of the Senate hearing room was Senator Chris Dodd's vice presidential hopes hitting the wall.

The Senator was the second major political figure caught up in and possibly brought down by various aspects of the mortgage mess in general and Countrywide Financial in particular.

The Senator, a Democrat from Connecticut and Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee which regulates mortgage lending, was named in an article by Julie Hirschfeld Davis of the Associated Press and earlier by Conde Nast Portfolio magazine, as one of two senators ' the other being Senator Kent Conrad (D ' ND) ' as having received preferential treatment from Countrywide CEO Angelo Mozilo in obtaining mortgage loans. Dodd had earlier this year called Countrywide's lending practices "abusive."

One week ago the allegation of a similar deal with Countrywide forced former Fannie Mae Chairman Jim Johnson to step down from his volunteer position as head of Barack Obama's vice presidential search team.

The three men were alleged to be participants in a special program for "friends" of Mozilo that awarded discounts and waived fees for those friends. Portfolio, citing internal Countrywide documents, said that the company made two loans to Dodd in 2003, shaving three-eights of a point off of a $506,000 loan to refinance a townhouse in Washington. The discount saved Dodd about $2,000 in interest payment. A second loan to refinance a house in Connecticut was written at a quarter point off the going rate, saving the Senator about $700 a year.

Conrad, who said he was referred to Mozilo by Jim Johnson, received a one point discount on orders of Mozilo which saved him about $10,000 per year on a $1.07 million mortgage used to purchase a vacation home in Delaware. According to the Associated Press, Countrywide also made an exception in lending Conrad $96,000 in 2004 to buy an 8-unit apartment building in spite of its policy of only providing loans for buildings of four units or fewer.

"They said they frequently made exceptions, especially for good customers," Conrad said.

An internal e-mail from Mozilo, however, said the exception was "due to the fact that the borrower is a senator," according to the Portfolio report.

Both Dodd and Conrad denied that they knew they were getting special treatment from the lender and Conrad stated that he had never met Mozilo but the Wall Street Journal said that while the two may not have met face-to-face, it was Conrad who called Mozilo and asked for a loan.

The Journal also said that Conrad has offered to make a charitable contribution for the amount of his estimated mortgage savings, over $10,000, to make the current controversy go away. According to the newspaper, "So while the Senator says he did nothing wrong, now that his non-mistake has been discovered, he will nonetheless give away the nonspecial treatment cash. There is ample evidence here to warrant an investigation, including subpoenas for relevant documents.

"The same goes for Senator Christopher Dodd (D., Conn.), who chairs the very Banking Committee responsible for drafting the laws that govern Countrywide's market. Mr. Dodd is still in denial mode, but so far no one has knocked down the story that he received discounted loans as part of Countrywide's "Friends of Angelo" program."

Fannie Mae buys more home loans from Countrywide than from any other of its business affiliates. According to its most recent report to the Securities and Exchange Commission Fannie called Countrywide its "top customer," accounting for approximately 28 percent of Fannie's single-family business by volume last year ' 2 percent more than in 2006.

Again quoting the Journal article; "In the week since the Journal revealed this program, the key questions have become clear: What did Countrywide CEO Angelo Mozilo receive ' or think he would receive ' in return for the friendly loans to politicians? And what did Mr. Mozilo get ' or think he would get ' in return for sweetheart loans to Fannie Mae CEOs Jim Johnson and Franklin Raines?

One thing is certain, given presumed Presidential nominee Barack Obama's stated insistence that his campaign will not be run by or accepting donations from lobbyists, it is unlikely that the idea of a sweetheart deal between a major corporation and government bigwigs is going to work in favor of any of the latter who harbor vice presidential or cabinet aspirations. One just has to wonder how deep and how wide Countrywide has infiltrated the entire political process.
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On the outside chance that anyone here is interested, DeMint was interviewed and he said Obama waited 8 months to pick someone for the job. You folks didn't mention that. Maybe you should get your information straight before jumping to erroeous conclusions and crucifying the wrong people. Or is your love for the Democrats greater than your love for our country? Anyway, when Obama finally got around to picking someone, he picked a candidate that may want to unionize the TSA, which could further imperil our security. Here is what was said:

DeMint: Obama "Has Downplayed Terrorism" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

DeMint: Obama "Has Downplayed Terrorism"

Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., said he was encouraged that President Barack Obama talked openly about the "systemic failures" involving the attempted Christmas bombing of Northwest Flight 253, but criticized him for not focusing more on terrorism since taking office.

"The president has downplayed terrorism since he took office. He doesn't use the word anymore," DeMint told "Early Show" co-anchor Harry Smith. "He waited eight months to nominate someone as head of [the Transportation Security Administration] and then they wanted to rush it through without any debate or roll call vote. So the focus on terror as a threat is real important and I'm glad to see that the president has stated the goal of finding out what went wrong so we can fix it."

Umar Farouq Abdulmutallab, a 23-year-old Nigerian who was on a U.S. watch list, failed in his attempt to detonate an explosive device on the Amsterdam-to-Detroit flight, prompting intense scrutiny of the government's failure to identify him as a security threat.

Abdulmutallab spent months in Yemen leading up to the attack and his family took their concerns about his increasingly extremist religious views to the U.S. embassy in Nigeria in November.

Special Report: The Christmas Day Terror Attack

Months prior, the CIA began picking up information on a person dubbed "the Nigerian," but failed to make the connection to Abdulmutallab, reports CBS News chief investigative correspondent Armen Keteyian.

"It clearly is a problem with our intelligence system not talking to each other … we put homeland security together in order that these agencies would talk together and the fact that they're not on something that seems so obvious is disturbing," said DeMint.

But while DeMint chastised the president for failing to appoint a head of the TSA, he faces criticism himself for blocking a vote on Mr. Obama's nominee for the post, police detective Erroll Southers.

DeMint has placed a hold on Southers because of concerns the new agency chief would allow TSA screeners join a labor union.

"When they move ahead with the transportation security head and say his stated goals is to unionize rather than to focus on security, I think it is something we should have a discussion about on the senate floor and have a roll call vote," DeMint said.

DeMint said the president "is more focused on coming through with a campaign promise to unions rather than keeping transportation security focused on the real security of American passengers."
Once again I ask, unless Southers was going to put a hold on allowing any Muslim males into the country what possible difference he was going to make?

They're all hiding. They're "rationale" is illogical and they know it. They're problem is that, instead of admitting their mistake, they'll continue to nitpick Republicans and place blame there rather than try and have a reasonable discussion. Both parties have "bad apples" and both parties have good people too. Sometimes, good people make mistakes too. Both sides need to get over the "Gotcha!" attacks and work together for the betterment of our country.
I see DeMint is squirming today. Lots of back-tracking and pleading for understanding.

Remorse is good, but don't think it is going to halt the investigation. Lot of splainin' to do.

Just hope folks swallow that "unfortunate coincidence" story of yours.
I see DeMint is squirming today. Lots of back-tracking and pleading for understanding.

Remorse is good, but don't think it is going to halt the investigation. Lot of splainin' to do.

Just hope folks swallow that "unfortunate coincidence" story of yours.

And Southers was going to make a difference because...?
They're all hiding. They're "rationale" is illogical and they know it. They're problem is that, instead of admitting their mistake, they'll continue to nitpick Republicans and place blame there rather than try and have a reasonable discussion. Both parties have "bad apples" and both parties have good people too. Sometimes, good people make mistakes too. Both sides need to get over the "Gotcha!" attacks and work together for the betterment of our country.

I can see shades of Democrats jumping on everything from WMDs to pealing paint.

You'd better be right before you jump.....but there's nothing wrong with pointing out the obvious.
I see DeMint is squirming today. Lots of back-tracking and pleading for understanding.

Remorse is good, but don't think it is going to halt the investigation. Lot of splainin' to do.

Just hope folks swallow that "unfortunate coincidence" story of yours.

And Southers was going to make a difference because...?

He's a counterterrorism expert. I wonder why DeMint was so determined to keep him off the job until after this attack?
Who is giving DeMint his orders?
VERY fishy.

I'd like to think that no U.S. senator would collaborate with terrorists in this way - but at this point, I think we're going to need to look under the hood - VERY carefully.
I see DeMint is squirming today. Lots of back-tracking and pleading for understanding.

Remorse is good, but don't think it is going to halt the investigation. Lot of splainin' to do.

Just hope folks swallow that "unfortunate coincidence" story of yours.

And Southers was going to make a difference because...?

He's a counterterrorism expert. I wonder why DeMint was so determined to keep him off the job until after this attack?
Who is giving DeMint his orders?
VERY fishy.

I'd like to think that no U.S. senator would collaborate with terrorists in this way - but at this point, I think we're going need to look under the hood.

Oh, he's the only CT expert in the entire Obama Administration, gotcha.

Was he going to call for strip searches of all Muslim males?

Please tell everyone what he was going to do that would have kept the Islamist off the plane
And Southers was going to make a difference because...?

He's a counterterrorism expert. I wonder why DeMint was so determined to keep him off the job until after this attack?
Who is giving DeMint his orders?
VERY fishy.

I'd like to think that no U.S. senator would collaborate with terrorists in this way - but at this point, I think we're going to need to look under the hood - VERY carefully.
Libruls are funny. It's so obvious they're in wayyyyyyyyy over their heads trying to run things. They do much better throwing Molotov cocktails from the rear and fucking up our educational system.

I'm enjoying this to no end. Fucking crybabies and idiots.

Wahhh Wahhh Republicans Wahhhhh


Being agitators and instigators is when they are at their best.

While in power they specialize in secrecy and blame-throwing.
And Southers was going to make a difference because...?

He's a counterterrorism expert. I wonder why DeMint was so determined to keep him off the job until after this attack?
Who is giving DeMint his orders?
VERY fishy.

I'd like to think that no U.S. senator would collaborate with terrorists in this way - but at this point, I think we're going to need to look under the hood - VERY carefully.

I'm sorry, you're very light on specifics. What was Southers going to do? He's a counter terrorism expert. Bravo. Him and Jack Bauer have that in common

What was he going to do differently? Was he bringing Hope and Change to TSA?



I see DeMint is squirming today. Lots of back-tracking and pleading for understanding.

Remorse is good, but don't think it is going to halt the investigation. Lot of splainin' to do.

Just hope folks swallow that "unfortunate coincidence" story of yours.

Do you have a link that you'd like to share with us or should we just take your word for it?

I already tried showing people that both the democrats and republicans are responsible for cutting or screwing with (in a bad way) some of our security issues.

Those who are blaming it all on bush or not puttin any onus on Obama freaked out and said I was wrong.

Those who want to blame it all on obama told me i'm wrong.

Even though BOTH of them were wrong since both parties have indeed either cut funding, delayed appointements, or voted down legislation that would have provided more security.

All of you in this thread trying to put the blame on a single party are showing that you are true partisans only interested in what is best for your party of interest. Shameful, just shameful and intellectually dishonest to boot.
He's a counter terrorism expert. Bravo. Him and Jack Bauer have that in common
Jack Bauer is a fictional character on a TV series.

Souther is a real person.

You're gonna have to get your basics cleared up before your ready for anything with more meat on it.
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I already tried showing people that both the democrats and republicans are responsible for cutting or screwing with (in a bad way) some of our security issues.

Those who are blaming it all on bush or not puttin any onus on Obama freaked out and said I was wrong.

Those who want to blame it all on obama told me i'm wrong.

Even though BOTH of them were wrong since both parties have indeed either cut funding, delayed appointements, or voted down legislation that would have provided more security.

All of you in this thread trying to put the blame on a single party are showing that you are true partisans only interested in what is best for your party of interest. Shameful, just shameful and intellectually dishonest to boot.

Amen! :clap2:
He's a counterterrorism expert. I wonder why DeMint was so determined to keep him off the job until after this attack? Who is giving DeMint his orders? VERY fishy. I'd like to think that no U.S. senator would collaborate with terrorists in this way - but at this point, I think we're going to need to look under the hood - VERY carefully.

Ok, so you think there is a possibility that DeMint is part of a wider conspiracy to bomb civilian airliners in the U.S.? Am I understanding you correctly?

Can you explain why Obama waited eight months into his administration to even bother nominating anyone for the job?

Can you explain why DeMint opposes the appointment of Obama's candidate?
here's one:

"DeMint Defends Holding Up Confirmation of Erroll Southers as TSA Chief"
DeMint Defends Holding Up Confirmation of Erroll Southers as TSA Chief -- Politics Daily

btw - you haven't seen ME trying to blame bush, or Republicans, or Democrats, or ANY organization on this issue. My concern is about the actions of ONE INDIVIDUAL who has a lot of questions to answer (imho) about why the terrorists are finding him so useful these days.

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