Republicans aiding and abetting terrorists

And another partisan minded moron chimes in :eusa_whistle:

Yeah as if my language didn't squarely include republicans....or as if i tried to rebuke his claim in the OP. Fucking moron.

LOL coming from a self contradicting partisan hack such as yourself, your baseless attack means very little.

Oh and you had to dishonestly create a fictional justification in a lame and desperate attempt to try and shift the blame to the democrats. That exposes you as nothing but a partisan hack.

Your minor concession at the end that "both parties are fucking our security royally" is only meant to put up a facade that you are blaming both parties and yet your posts only specifically target democrats as you only vaguely mention the other "party" which shows otherwise. Where is your specificty concerning the republicans? Do you have any or are you truly as onesided as I believe you to be?

Either way none of your spin will change the FACT that you just tried to create a justification to shift the blame to the democrats which shows you to be both dishonest and partisan.


You gotta love this guy's lack of comprehension.

He likes to talk in cirlces.
He is afraid to debate.
I have now tried twice....and boith times the debate turned into an attack on HOW I said what I was saying...and not the crux of what I was saying.
Found him to be one big waste of time.
LOL coming from a self contradicting partisan hack such as yourself, your baseless attack means very little.

Oh and you had to dishonestly create a fictional justification in a lame and desperate attempt to try and shift the blame to the democrats. That exposes you as nothing but a partisan hack.

Your minor concession at the end that "both parties are fucking our security royally" is only meant to put up a facade that you are blaming both parties and yet your posts only specifically target democrats as you only vaguely mention the other "party" which shows otherwise. Where is your specificty concerning the republicans? Do you have any or are you truly as onesided as I believe you to be?

Either way none of your spin will change the FACT that you just tried to create a justification to shift the blame to the democrats which shows you to be both dishonest and partisan.


You gotta love this guy's lack of comprehension.

He likes to talk in cirlces.
He is afraid to debate.
I have now tried twice....and boith times the debate turned into an attack on HOW I said what I was saying...and not the crux of what I was saying.
Found him to be one big waste of time.

Well at least he is consitant ;).
Peepers, a terrorist on the terrorist watch list was given a visa to this country. That's a mistake in my book. A big one.

From what I understand, he was on a "terror watch list" as a person suspected to be tied to terrorism, but without enough evidence to put him on the "no fly" list. When was he issued a visa, anyway? Anyone know? And what was he issued a visa for?

The terrorist's father notified the U.S. Embassy in Nigeria that his has had become radicalized. Britain had already revoked the man's visa. His name was, I understand, one of the 50,000 or so names on the "watch" list. In lieu of all this, he should have been searched more extensively.

Now, why he wasn't is the proverbial $67,000 question. The system and/or some people in the system simply blew it. It needs to be fixed and fixed now.

Blaming the POTUS every time the mailman mistakenly puts a piece of your neighbor's mail in with yours is reaching. Obama is in charge and, as I said earlier, he is ultimately responsible for the good and the bad that happens while he is at the helm, where he has been for nearly a year. However, sometimes people working the system muck it up and it wouldn't have mattered if BO, W or Jesus Christ was in the White House, that individual was going to make a mistake.

The reality is that there are those on the right and on the left that will never, ever cut the other side some slack nor will they, ever, admit to the faults and failings of those on their side of the political spectrum. At the risk of stating the obvious, I think there may be a few of those among us here. :eek: :shock:
Unless the TSA director was going to institute a policy of screening every young male Muslim I don't see this as anything other than another Republican hating thread

I was watching Fox News and someone mentioned that the Israelis profile Arab passengers and have no qualms about doing so. Supposedly an Israeli authority told this commentator that not all Arabs are terrorists, but that most of the terrorists are Arabs.
DeMint is now scrambling to cover his contribution to this tragedy in a blaze of union-busting rhetoric.

But I wonder .....

OTHER Republicans have signed off on Southers' nomination. Why not DeMint?

Why does Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) NOT want this counterterrorism expert in place to thwart attempted terrorist acts like this one?

An investigation should be launched IMMEADIATELY!
I understand DeMint's concern... unions in the TSA would be about as detrimental as unions in the Coast Guard, unions in the FBI, etc.... so any 'good' the guy could give as leadership, could be all negated with unions if this guy is steadfast into allowing the unionization of the TSA

The guy may be qualified to do the job, but this is a major red flag and it is indeed proper to raise concern

Now... the DEM's could put him up for a vote at any time... and they have the #'s and the power to get him approved... but they have not... DeMint is not really 'stopping' anything
Lot of spin - but none of it answers the question.

WHY is DeMint so determined to keep this counterterrorist expert on the sidelines while terrorists prey on us? Why is he siding with the terrorists?

He owes America an answer
DeMint is now scrambling to cover his contribution to this tragedy in a blaze of union-busting rhetoric.

But I wonder .....

OTHER Republicans have signed off on Southers' nomination. Why not DeMint?

Why does Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) NOT want this counterterrorism expert in place to thwart attempted terrorist acts like this one?

An investigation should be launched IMMEADIATELY!

If it was so important, and the messiah was so concerned, why then did it take 8 fuckin' months to even nominate someone?
Lot of spin - but none of it answers the question.

WHY is DeMint so determined to keep this counterterrorist expert on the sidelines while terrorists prey on us? Why is he siding with the terrorists?

He owes America an answer

Not a lot of spin

Do you not think that unionizing TSA would be a concern? Would you agree that unions in other places dealing with security (such as the FBI, NSA, etc) would be a concern?

I think he pretty much gave the reasons for his concerns.... you just stick your fingers in your ears and repeat "La La La La"

And as stated.. the guy can be put up for vote at any time
American lives put at risk for the sake of union-busting?????
That would be foolish and treasonous enough - even considering the unionization of police and fire departments nationwide with no ill effects.

But is it just a pure BS smokescreen anyway? The evidence seems to suggest so.

DeMint has repeatedly called for an "Obama Waterloo." Is that NOT calling for the Commander in Chief of the United States of America - and by extension the United States of America itself - to suffer a military defeat such as the one Napoleon suffered at the hands of Wellington at Waterloo?????

It all adds up and seems to indicate that DeMint's loyalties are with the enemies of the United States of America.

I sincerely hope that I am wrong - but if this right-wing extremist has found enemy-of-my-enemy allies among other right-wing extremists in Yemen - we need to know about that. Perhaps under the influence of some waterboarding DeMint would come clean......
Answer the fucking questions

It is not about union busting... nobody is trying to bust any existing union.... it is about keeping union red tape and BS out of jobs that are necessary for national security

As stated.. the DEM leadership can put him up for a vote at ANY time
I asked my question FIRST - YOU answer the question. Or do you have no answer?????

That's what I thought.

A thourough investigation is necessary to determine whether or not DeMint's insistence upon keeping a counterterrorism suspect out of the game long enough for a terrorist attack to be attempted is linked to his ties with right-wing extremist (terrorist) organizations.

Until THAT question can be put to rest, all OTHER questions surrounding DeMint are secondary imho.
You asked a question directly of me??

I see you asking the general question about DeMitt's actions... which was simply answered... that concern should be had for someone who would be insistent on unionizing something like the TSA that is vital to national security... and as stated, the DEM leadership can call for a vote at any time.. and they have the power and the means to get the guy confirmed...

As stated, the guy may be qualified, but I agree with raising concerns about the nomination if indeed this person has this agenda with unionization

To state that DeMint is siding with terrorists is simply more of your continual winger bullshit

Now.. answer the questions
DeMint is now scrambling to cover his contribution to this tragedy in a blaze of union-busting rhetoric.

But I wonder .....

OTHER Republicans have signed off on Southers' nomination. Why not DeMint?

Why does Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) NOT want this counterterrorism expert in place to thwart attempted terrorist acts like this one?

An investigation should be launched IMMEADIATELY!

If it was so important, and the messiah was so concerned, why then did it take 8 fuckin' months to even nominate someone?

I just saw a terror video and one of the men was released from Guantanimo in 2007. On Bush's watch. I wonder if the guy was even a terrorist before we kidnapped and tortured him for 8 years???

It seems Bush rounded up and tortured anyone and everyone EXCEPT terrorists. He always seemed to let the terrorists go.

Like when he had Bin Ladin in the Tora Bora's and let him go.

I think Bush and the defense/oil contractors want us to get hit again. Not to mention the GOP wants it for political gains.

PRETENDING a spin job answers a question does not ACTUALLY answer a question.

DeMint has a whole lot of questions to answer about his lil' jihad imho. And the stammering, stumbling defense he is offering up today, just doesn't hold water.

It might take waterboarding and/or a lil' Gitmo vacation to get the REAL truth out of this guy.

Like I said - I HOPE I'm wrong. But we need to hope AND verify. An thourough investigation into why DeMint (R - S.C.) is blocking U.S. security measures at the EXACT MOMENT a terrorist attack occurs is certainly called for.
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*Puts a bucket down near bfgn. He's bound to make himself sick with all that spinning.*

Truth hurts, old gal?
Truth and you have never crossed paths... I would get a second opinion if you gave me the time...

Damned Repubs care nothing about this nation. Just about their power and the very wealthy.
Yet your democratic buddies are doing just that for those that drink the Barry Juice... Take off the blinders, because you're missing half the program...
Libruls are funny. It's so obvious they're in wayyyyyyyyy over their heads trying to run things. They do much better throwing Molotov cocktails from the rear and fucking up our educational system.

I'm enjoying this to no end. Fucking crybabies and idiots.

Wahhh Wahhh Republicans Wahhhhh

PRETENDING a spin job answers a question does not ACTUALLY answer a question.

DeMint has a whole lot of questions to answer about his lil' jihad imho. And the stammering, stumbling defense he is offering up today, just doesn't hold water.

It might take waterboarding and/or a lil' Gitmo vacation to get the REAL truth out of this guy.

Like I said - I HOPE I'm wrong. But we need to hope AND verify. An thourough investigation into why DeMint (R - S.C.) is blocking U.S. security measures at the EXACT MOMENT a terrorist attack occurs is certainly called for.

Again... you fucking twit

DeMint has no power to actually prevent the DEM leadership from bringing the guy up for a vote at ANY time

You asked a question about DeMint "siding" with terrorists, which cannot be answered.. because it is baseless and nothing but pure winger bullshit
You asked a question about DeMint's action... which was answered... you just do not happen to like the answer

And again...
Do you not think that unionizing TSA would be a concern? Would you agree that unions in other places dealing with security (such as the FBI, NSA, etc) would be a concern?

Pretty straight forward questions that do not have a phony premise (like your DeMint supporting terrorism question)... answer the fucking questions

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