Republican Debate, 2-6-2016

Senator Rubio better be happy this is on Saturday night when fewer would be watching than on a week night.

He looked like someone who just found out he was getting audited on stage.
I never heard of Chase Dragon, but I do know that that along with meth will bring you down so fast...the before and after pictures of people is awful.

Dang, I forgot all about Meth. you are right. And that also pours across from Mexico. These political windbags have let it go for so many really has killed a lot of USA families. Sad, so sad.

ever watch that show They had a Meth night. Mexicans became master cooks.
IT is all about cutting, slash, defunding and weakening this country. It is disgusting.

Government weakens this country. It's a giant blood parasite that's sucking the life out of America. The more we slash it the better.
This is as moronic as anything said during the 'debate.'

It's as obvious as the nose on your face. The bigger the government gets, the faster this country slides down the shitter.
Yep, they've both pretty much been living in New Hampshire.
It shows, I'm liking Christie tonight. Not that it matters what a Democrat thinks but he's tough and really communicating well.

I think Christie is a major asshole! I'm still waiting for his fat ass to be swallowed by Bridgegate.
Good gracious! I wondered when you were golng to say something completely irrelevant and classy. I can breathe now!
Either Crispie is so incompetent he had no idea of what was going on in his office. Which should make him ineligible for being president. OR, he gave the order, which would also make him ineligible for being president.

So that would also bar Hillary from office, wouldn't it? She keeps saying she didn't know the laws on handling classified material and she didn't know she was sending and receiving classified materials.
She didn't say that.
I was surprised by Trump's lack of bluster during this debate. He didn't do a good job, and he didn't do a terrible job. He was just kinda there. Even Cruz was just "meh". None of the front runners made a big splash, but Rubio made a big thud.
Well they are just so over the top and filled with misinformation. Democrats are boring. Too many facts. Republicans don't do well with facts.

Dizzy Dean.......sigh. What kind of misinformation?
One simple example. Crispie said he quarantined a nurse because she was showing the symptons and he only held her 48 hours.

So I look it up and she had no temperature, he held her twice that long and she is suing for $250,000.00

It's almost like every single GOP response was a lie, a smear or a conspiracy.

What were their positions on the income gap? Foreign policy? Why are the GOP cutting veterans benefits? Food stamps for children and so on.
It's called Roe v. Wade...

Dred Scot decision ring a bell?
False comparison fallacy.

There's no such thing as a "false comparison fallacy." The would many any attempt to compare two things would be logically invalid. Comparisons can be false or they can be true, but the act of comparing things isn't automatically invalid.

We can add that to the long list of your phony invented logical fallacies.
I was surprised by Trump's lack of bluster during this debate. He didn't do a good job, and he didn't do a terrible job. He was just kinda there. Even Cruz was just "meh". None of the front runners made a big splash, but Rubio made a big thud.
He really didn't have to do anything, Aaron. He's leading in the polls, big. He just didn't want to make any mistakes.
Green energy. The Pentagon has to pay $50/gal for biofuels to put in their jet fighters and bombers.

right you are. you got billion dollar machine and these DOPES want to force you to burn vegetable oil thru it. That really frosts my rear end! The last place you want to play around is over enemy land.

The stuff turns into a solid in polar latitudes. That's real good for our all weather Navy and Airforce.

Didn't the nazi army towards the end of wwII use something like it?
It shows, I'm liking Christie tonight. Not that it matters what a Democrat thinks but he's tough and really communicating well.

I think Christie is a major asshole! I'm still waiting for his fat ass to be swallowed by Bridgegate.
Good gracious! I wondered when you were golng to say something completely irrelevant and classy. I can breathe now!
Either Crispie is so incompetent he had no idea of what was going on in his office. Which should make him ineligible for being president. OR, he gave the order, which would also make him ineligible for being president.

So that would also bar Hillary from office, wouldn't it? She keeps saying she didn't know the laws on handling classified material and she didn't know she was sending and receiving classified materials.
She didn't say that.
If she knew the laws, then why was she storing classified materials on her personal server?
Green energy. The Pentagon has to pay $50/gal for biofuels to put in their jet fighters and bombers.

right you are. you got billion dollar machine and these DOPES want to force you to burn vegetable oil thru it. That really frosts my rear end! The last place you want to play around is over enemy land.

The stuff turns into a solid in polar latitudes. That's real good for our all weather Navy and Airforce.

Didn't the nazi army towards the end of wwII use something like it?
They made fuel from coal.
Best line of the night:

Trump: Cruz only beat me because he took Ben Carson's votes.

good one. Sorry I missed it because I was wading thru your spew of garbage in here like Flint river. And I missed beginning 15min. Did not know it was on.
Green energy. The Pentagon has to pay $50/gal for biofuels to put in their jet fighters and bombers.

right you are. you got billion dollar machine and these DOPES want to force you to burn vegetable oil thru it. That really frosts my rear end! The last place you want to play around is over enemy land.

The stuff turns into a solid in polar latitudes. That's real good for our all weather Navy and Airforce.

Didn't the nazi army towards the end of wwII use something like it?

They were getting a little desperate since a lot of their resources were being constricted.
I think Christie is a major asshole! I'm still waiting for his fat ass to be swallowed by Bridgegate.
Good gracious! I wondered when you were golng to say something completely irrelevant and classy. I can breathe now!
Either Crispie is so incompetent he had no idea of what was going on in his office. Which should make him ineligible for being president. OR, he gave the order, which would also make him ineligible for being president.

So that would also bar Hillary from office, wouldn't it? She keeps saying she didn't know the laws on handling classified material and she didn't know she was sending and receiving classified materials.
She didn't say that.
If she knew the laws, then why was she storing classified materials on her personal server?
Look it up and stop lying. She knows the difference between classified and unclassified.
Good gracious! I wondered when you were golng to say something completely irrelevant and classy. I can breathe now!
Either Crispie is so incompetent he had no idea of what was going on in his office. Which should make him ineligible for being president. OR, he gave the order, which would also make him ineligible for being president.

So that would also bar Hillary from office, wouldn't it? She keeps saying she didn't know the laws on handling classified material and she didn't know she was sending and receiving classified materials.
She didn't say that.
If she knew the laws, then why was she storing classified materials on her personal server?
Look it up and stop lying. She knows the difference between classified and unclassified.

Then why does she keep saying that nothing on her server was "marked classified?" She's admitting she doesn't know the difference.
Fat boy was like a condemned man eating his last meal.....his last meal was Marco Rubio.

Since you've stooped to talking about looks, I'm glad Rubio got a haircut, he was beginning to look exactly like Desi Arnaz.


At least Dezi didn't have elephant ears.
Trump's solid observation was pointing out donors sitting there being too biased. Great way to point something out to an audience watching on TV.

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