Republican 'creeping authoritarianism' exposed

Who forced you? No one held you down and put the vax in your arm. You made your choice.

When parents are faced with the choice of doing X or not being able to feed their children or pay their mortgage it is coercion, not a "choice".

That use of that stupid fucking "it was a choice" trope always lets me know when we're dealing with a truly despicable, duplicitous POS.

Coercion =/= Choice.

The. End.
In the video below (transcript provided) TV Host Alex Wagner points to a lot of bills being passed by Republican legislatures across America, which, in my view, is conclusive evidence of the premise she is forwarding, the notion of Republican 'creeping authoritarianism'. I think this is interesting because there isn't hardly a day that passes where I read some post about someone on the right accusing Democrats of authoritarianism (mandates is their evidence, which isn't really authoritarianism, because a mandate gives a choice, and it's not a law) yet their evidence is scant. The real evidence of authoritarianism is coming from the right.

Republicans are not passing bills to better people’s lives, they are focused on abortion and transgender issues, book banning, anti-woke crap (whatever that is, and they can't even define it) all this 'agenda' stuff and it isn't about improving our lives or making it better, nothing about the economy or inflation, or infrastructure, we Democrats are the ones for those issues, Republicans are focused on just a few things, it seems, stuff they fear. They are driven by fear issues, it seems.

This is a transcript (It's not perfect, I pulled it off of YouTube transcript function) of about 4 minutes or so of the pertinent part of the video (below) I want to direct your attention to:

Now, I will admit I am sympathetic to the view about transfemales competing in women's sports, but I don't think it should be matter for Congress, it should be a matter for Sports Officials to work out for themselves, remember, the issue is authoritarianism.

And this is precisely the accusation Republican's levy at Democrats, yet they are the ones who are doing it via actual laws, and not just mandates.
Get the fuck back into your own lane.

In the video below (transcript provided) TV Host Alex Wagner points to a lot of bills being passed by Republican legislatures across America, which, in my view, is conclusive evidence of the premise she is forwarding, the notion of Republican 'creeping authoritarianism'. I think this is interesting because there isn't hardly a day that passes where I read some post about someone on the right accusing Democrats of authoritarianism (mandates is their evidence, which isn't really authoritarianism, because a mandate gives a choice, and it's not a law) yet their evidence is scant. The real evidence of authoritarianism is coming from the right.

Republicans are not passing bills to better people’s lives, they are focused on abortion and transgender issues, book banning, anti-woke crap (whatever that is, and they can't even define it) all this 'agenda' stuff and it isn't about improving our lives or making it better, nothing about the economy or inflation, or infrastructure, we Democrats are the ones for those issues, Republicans are focused on just a few things, it seems, stuff they fear. They are driven by fear issues, it seems.

This is a transcript (It's not perfect, I pulled it off of YouTube transcript function) of about 4 minutes or so of the pertinent part of the video (below) I want to direct your attention to:

Now, I will admit I am sympathetic to the view about transfemales competing in women's sports, but I don't think it should be matter for Congress, it should be a matter for Sports Officials to work out for themselves, remember, the issue is authoritarianism.

And this is precisely the accusation Republican's levy at Democrats, yet they are the ones who are doing it via actual laws, and not just mandates.

You're not American, are you?
In the video below (transcript provided) TV Host Alex Wagner points to a lot of bills being passed by Republican legislatures across America, which, in my view, is conclusive evidence of the premise she is forwarding, the notion of Republican 'creeping authoritarianism'. I think this is interesting because there isn't hardly a day that passes where I read some post about someone on the right accusing Democrats of authoritarianism (mandates is their evidence, which isn't really authoritarianism, because a mandate gives a choice, and it's not a law) yet their evidence is scant. The real evidence of authoritarianism is coming from the right.

Republicans are not passing bills to better people’s lives, they are focused on abortion and transgender issues, book banning, anti-woke crap (whatever that is, and they can't even define it) all this 'agenda' stuff and it isn't about improving our lives or making it better, nothing about the economy or inflation, or infrastructure, we Democrats are the ones for those issues, Republicans are focused on just a few things, it seems, stuff they fear. They are driven by fear issues, it seems.

This is a transcript (It's not perfect, I pulled it off of YouTube transcript function) of about 4 minutes or so of the pertinent part of the video (below) I want to direct your attention to:

Now, I will admit I am sympathetic to the view about transfemales competing in women's sports, but I don't think it should be matter for Congress, it should be a matter for Sports Officials to work out for themselves, remember, the issue is authoritarianism.

And this is precisely the accusation Republican's levy at Democrats, yet they are the ones who are doing it via actual laws, and not just mandates.

You can still wear a dress if you like, but don’t force you’re fetish on our kids.

Seems pretty simple.
No one was forced to get the vax, and businesses have the right to decided on the type of work force they want. So quit acting like four year olds.

You want creep authoritarianism? Watch FL and TX.
In the video below (transcript provided) TV Host Alex Wagner points to a lot of bills being passed by Republican legislatures across America, which, in my view, is conclusive evidence of the premise she is forwarding, the notion of Republican 'creeping authoritarianism'. I think this is interesting because there isn't hardly a day that passes where I read some post about someone on the right accusing Democrats of authoritarianism (mandates is their evidence, which isn't really authoritarianism, because a mandate gives a choice, and it's not a law) yet their evidence is scant. The real evidence of authoritarianism is coming from the right.

Republicans are not passing bills to better people’s lives, they are focused on abortion and transgender issues, book banning, anti-woke crap (whatever that is, and they can't even define it) all this 'agenda' stuff and it isn't about improving our lives or making it better, nothing about the economy or inflation, or infrastructure, we Democrats are the ones for those issues, Republicans are focused on just a few things, it seems, stuff they fear. They are driven by fear issues, it seems.

This is a transcript (It's not perfect, I pulled it off of YouTube transcript function) of about 4 minutes or so of the pertinent part of the video (below) I want to direct your attention to:

Now, I will admit I am sympathetic to the view about transfemales competing in women's sports, but I don't think it should be matter for Congress, it should be a matter for Sports Officials to work out for themselves, remember, the issue is authoritarianism.

And this is precisely the accusation Republican's levy at Democrats, yet they are the ones who are doing it via actual laws, and not just mandates.
The two parties are very much a like in wanting big government intruding in our private lives, not sure why anyone would vot for Democrats or Republicans.
No one was forced to get the vax, and businesses have the right to decided on the type of work force they want. So quit acting like four year olds.

You want creep authoritarianism? Watch FL and TX.
Government employees could vax or lose their jobs, that is force. The state of Washington forced businesses to make their employees vaccinate or lose their jobs.
Republicans are not passing bills to better people’s lives, they are focused on abortion and transgender issues
There's some category 10 projection. Democrats are running amok trying to cram this depravity down everyone's throats. We are bitch slapping Dems in congress. Tissue?
Forcing Americans to get a fraud "vaccine" for a virus that has been gone for 2 years....

not "authoritarianist?"

No one is forcing you to get a covid vaccine. There is no law requiring it.
If you argue 'well my employer requires it, or I'll be fired'.

Well, republicans have told me that rather than join a union, if my employer won't pay me more I can quit and find another job.

Okay, if that is true, then you can quit and find another job that doesn't require a vaccination.

You can't have it both ways.
Nope, you had free will to make a choice. You can't have it both ways.
No asshole, people were FORCED by COERCION; get the FAKE "vaccine" or lose your livelihood, your CAREER!!!!!
Sure, anyone could use their "freewill" and refuse the FAKE "vaccine", then WHAT???? Starve, die, you're on your own with your "freedumb"!
Fuck YOU and your gaslight PROJECTION!!!
It WAS LEFTIST AUTHORITARIAN power trips that FORCED people to get EXPERIMENTAL INJECTIONS that actually went against the fucking NUREMBERG CODES!!!!
It was/is fucking pure EVIL!!!
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In the video below (transcript provided) TV Host Alex Wagner points to a lot of bills being passed by Republican legislatures across America, which, in my view, is conclusive evidence of the premise she is forwarding, the notion of Republican 'creeping authoritarianism'. I think this is interesting because there isn't hardly a day that passes where I read some post about someone on the right accusing Democrats of authoritarianism (mandates is their evidence, which isn't really authoritarianism, because a mandate gives a choice, and it's not a law) yet their evidence is scant. The real evidence of authoritarianism is coming from the right.

Republicans are not passing bills to better people’s lives, they are focused on abortion and transgender issues, book banning, anti-woke crap (whatever that is, and they can't even define it) all this 'agenda' stuff and it isn't about improving our lives or making it better, nothing about the economy or inflation, or infrastructure, we Democrats are the ones for those issues, Republicans are focused on just a few things, it seems, stuff they fear. They are driven by fear issues, it seems.

This is a transcript (It's not perfect, I pulled it off of YouTube transcript function) of about 4 minutes or so of the pertinent part of the video (below) I want to direct your attention to:

Now, I will admit I am sympathetic to the view about transfemales competing in women's sports, but I don't think it should be matter for Congress, it should be a matter for Sports Officials to work out for themselves, remember, the issue is authoritarianism.

And this is precisely the accusation Republican's levy at Democrats, yet they are the ones who are doing it via actual laws, and not just mandates.


THERE is your authoritarianism.

Government employees could vax or lose their jobs, that is force. The state of Washington forced businesses to make their employees vaccinate or lose their jobs.
Force would be making it illegal to refuse, but the mandate gives a choice.

But you all on the right told us on the left that there is no need to join a union because if my employer won't pay me more I can quit and find a new job.

You told us that that is the 'free market', free will to choose, the opposite of tyranny.

If that is true, and you all have told me that it is true, then you can quit and find a new job that doesn't require a vaccination.

You can't have it both ways.

THERE is your authoritarianism.


Y'all on the right told us on the left that we don't need to join a union because if my employer won't pay me more I can quit and find a new job.

That being true, then you can quit and find a new job that doesn't require a vaccination.

You told us that that is the 'free market', free will to choose, the opposite of tyranny.

You can't have it both ways,

No asshole, people were FORCED by COERCION; get the FAKE "vaccine" or lose your livelihood, your CAREER!!!!!
Sure, anyone could use their "freewill" and refuse the FAKE "vaccine", then WHAT???? Starve, die, you're on your own with your "freedumb"!
Fuck YOU and your gaslight PROJECTION!!!
It WAS LEFTIST AUTHORITARIAN power trips that FORC3D people to get EXPERIMENTAL INJECTIONS that actually went against the fucking NUREMBERG CODES!!!!
It was/is fucking pure EVIL!!!

Do you happen to have the numbers of American military personnel who were actually discharged because they wouldn't take a dangerous experimental drug? Yes! That violates the Nuremberg codes.

Yet "nobody was forced".

These lying, brainwashed losers are so blatantly, abysmally stupid.


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