Repub pols tie cart to Tebow's star :rolleyes:

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
..."falling star" :( I should say ;)

Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry compete for the Tim Tebow vote: Scenes from the caucuses | The Ticket - Yahoo! News
What does a young NFL quarterback have to do with politics? Nothing, really. But the born-again athlete's star power and popularity have prompted several of the presidential candidates to try to hook themselves to his star.
A political action committee supporting Bachmann is the latest to get in on the Tebow comparison, running TV ads in Iowa that liken her to the 24-year-old born-again Christian.
If Tebow was a Muslim you Libs wouldn't have ever criticized him.

"Oh look! See how the US and the NFL is so inclusive and religously diverse?"
If Tebow was a Muslim you Libs wouldn't have ever criticized him.

"Oh look! See how the US and the NFL is so inclusive and religously diverse?"

If Tebow were a Muslim, sucked this bad, and still got the same level of media attention because of a run of flukey wins and his strong, overt religious beliefs I'd hate on him just the same.
If Tebow was a Muslim you Libs wouldn't have ever criticized him.

"Oh look! See how the US and the NFL is so inclusive and religously diverse?"

if you had another six brains, you'd have a half dozen.
If he were Muslim you'd consider buying a Tebow Denver Broncos Jersey just to show how much you don't hate Islam.

If Tebow knelt and prayed to Allah after every score you'd admire that.

No such consideration for Christians tho rite? I mean, they're the oppressors. They're what's wrong with the world. :rolleyes:
If Tebow was a Muslim you Libs wouldn't have ever criticized him.

"Oh look! See how the US and the NFL is so inclusive and religously diverse?"

if you had another six brains, you'd have a half dozen.
If he were Muslim you'd consider buying a Tebow Denver Broncos Jersey just to show how much you don't hate Islam.

If Tebow knelt and prayed to Allah after every score you'd admire that.

No such consideration for Christians tho rite? I mean, they're the oppressors. They're what's wrong with the world. :rolleyes:
:cuckoo: we all did for Amaud Rashad.

Like we all did for Mohammed Ali.

Like we all did for Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.
I see this type of silly comment on this board CONSTANTLY.

If left was right and right was left and black was white and white was black blah blah.

:blahblah: :uhoh3:

Derr derr derr whatEVER, talk to me when you have some FACTS to back up your false assumptions about others....
..."falling star" :( I should say ;)

Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry compete for the Tim Tebow vote: Scenes from the caucuses | The Ticket - Yahoo! News
What does a young NFL quarterback have to do with politics? Nothing, really. But the born-again athlete's star power and popularity have prompted several of the presidential candidates to try to hook themselves to his star.
A political action committee supporting Bachmann is the latest to get in on the Tebow comparison, running TV ads in Iowa that liken her to the 24-year-old born-again Christian.


If Tim Tebow were Muslim and were engaged to a 9 year old girl named Aisha, you wouldn't be the slightest bid offended. In fact, you'd be looking for the nearest Mosque to attend so you can appear "trendy" and "with it".

You know it's true.
If Tim Tebow were Muslim and were engaged to a 9 year old girl named Aisha, you wouldn't be the slightest bit offended.

In fact, you'd be looking for the nearest Mosque to attend so you can appear "trendy" and "with it".

You know it's true.


Oh I'm sorry, was that supposed to be funny.........?
If Tebow was a Muslim you Libs wouldn't have ever criticized him.

"Oh look! See how the US and the NFL is so inclusive and religously diverse?"

If Tebow were a Muslim, sucked this bad, and still got the same level of media attention because of a run of flukey wins and his strong, overt religious beliefs I'd hate on him just the same.

But don't you hope he pulls out another flukey win against Pittsburg(h)?
I see this type of silly comment on this board CONSTANTLY.

If left was right and right was left and black was white and white was black blah blah.

:blahblah: :uhoh3:

Derr derr derr whatEVER, talk to me when you have some FACTS to back up your false assumptions about others....

If you didn't know English, then you wouldn't be so butthurt about these comments!
If Tebow was a Muslim you Libs wouldn't have ever criticized him.

"Oh look! See how the US and the NFL is so inclusive and religously diverse?"

If Tebow were a Muslim, sucked this bad, and still got the same level of media attention because of a run of flukey wins and his strong, overt religious beliefs I'd hate on him just the same.

But don't you hope he pulls out another flukey win against Pittsburg(h)?

I will be Tebowing the whole game.
I see this type of silly comment on this board CONSTANTLY.

If left was right and right was left and black was white and white was black blah blah.

:blahblah: :uhoh3:

Derr derr derr whatEVER, talk to me when you have some FACTS to back up your false assumptions about others....

If you didn't know English, then you wouldn't be so butthurt about these comments!

:lol: If only!

But don't you hope he pulls out another flukey win against Pittsburg(h)?

:eusa_pray: Hell yeah! :eusa_pray:
Don't hate on Tebow because people are slobbing all over his ballbag.

It's his mom who used exploitation, and perhaps these politicians although in a shrewd business sense, and leaving aside how sad it is, it's a smart move tbh.
Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry compete for the Tim Tebow vote: Scenes from the caucuses | The Ticket - Yahoo! News
A political action committee supporting Bachmann is the latest to get in on the Tebow comparison, running TV ads in Iowa that liken her to the 24-year-old born-again Christian.
The announcer in the ad, paid for by a super PAC called No Compromise, says that the establishment "loves to hate" Tebow, but notes he has "no baggage," keeps fighting and keeps winning, before adding, "The same could be said of Michele Bachmann: no baggage, Christian, and like Tebow, she keeps fighting and she just keeps winning votes."

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