Repository of Doomsday Predictions from the AGW Prophets.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
Lets collect them all and see how many come true.

Remember when the National Enquirer used to post predictions for the new year by Jean Dixon and other "psychics"? She would make 100 predictions for the year and if one out of the 100 came true she was hailed as a true psychic.

I think that the Warner's are trying this tactic.
There is an article in USA Today about how global warming will endanger many if the world's monuments and landmarks, here's the ones in the US that they mention:

Bering Land Bridge
Groveland Gold Rush era town
Cesar Chavez National Monument
NASA Kennedy Space Center
Harriet Tubman National Monument
Bandelier National Monument
Statue of Liberty
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse
NASA Johnson Space Center

Of course it's open ended, there is no timeline so even if 10 years down the road, it still hasn't happened, they can claim it's only a matter of time.
Then of course we know of the famous prediction back in the 70s when scientists claimed we were facing an ice age, and the more recent prediction that we would see winters with no snow by 2010.
Then of course we know of the famous prediction back in the 70s when scientists claimed we were facing an ice age,

Denier lies are like zombies, tough to kill.

and the more recent prediction that we would see winters with no snow by 2010.

That was one guy being misquoted by a bad reporter. It's dishonest to call it a scientific opinion ... hence you'll have no qualms about doing so.

Go back to your doomsday cult countdown. At least that's just crazy, as opposed to brazenly dishonest.
Lets collect them all and see how many come true.

Remember when the National Enquirer used to post predictions for the new year by Jean Dixon and other "psychics"? She would make 100 predictions for the year and if one out of the 100 came true she was hailed as a true psychic.

I think that the Warner's are trying this tactic.

Yeah...but Dixon actually guessed RIGHT sometimes. These clowns haven't! Hard to believe that a well known charlatan has a better prediction rate than all those super duper scientists!
There is an article in USA Today about how global warming will endanger many if the world's monuments and landmarks, here's the ones in the US that they mention:

Bering Land Bridge
Groveland Gold Rush era town
Cesar Chavez National Monument
NASA Kennedy Space Center
Harriet Tubman National Monument
Bandelier National Monument
Statue of Liberty
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse
NASA Johnson Space Center

Of course it's open ended, there is no timeline so even if 10 years down the road, it still hasn't happened, they can claim it's only a matter of time.

Well, the Bering Land Bridge has been under water for over 10,000 years so I think that's a mistake.
Then of course we know of the famous prediction back in the 70s when scientists claimed we were facing an ice age,

Denier lies are like zombies, tough to kill.

and the more recent prediction that we would see winters with no snow by 2010.

That was one guy being misquoted by a bad reporter. It's dishonest to call it a scientific opinion ... hence you'll have no qualms about doing so.

Go back to your doomsday cult countdown. At least that's just crazy, as opposed to brazenly dishonest.

Now admiral...when we want a lie we just look at what you posted....:lol: Here's what he said....where is the "reporter" mischaracterizing what he said?

However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.

The effects of snow-free winter in Britain are already becoming apparent. This year, for the first time ever, Hamleys, Britain's biggest toyshop, had no sledges on display in its Regent Street store. "It was a bit of a first," a spokesperson said.

“White Christmas” Diminished Due To Climate Change

?White Christmas? Diminished Due To Climate Change | Environmental Development in Malaysia

I can go on and on, but you get the point. The admiral is full of poo is the primary one.:lol:
1. Any prediction for more then 2c of warming by 2100.
2. Any prediction for more then 1 meter of sea level rise by 2100.
3. Anyone that says we could get 2-3c of warming by 2050. I am talking to you think progress! Idiots!
4. Anyone that thinks we're not within a pause on surface temperatures = just wrongs.
5. Anyone that thinks there's no debate within global warming.
Now admiral...when we want a lie we just look at what you posted....

Given that you always do a face plant into a cow patty when you go after me, you'd think you'd learn your lesson. But no, you seem to have grown to enjoy the taste of it.

Here's what he said....where is the "reporter" mischaracterizing what he said?

The headline is the obvious part. It says "Snowfalls are Now Just a Thing of the Past", implying Dr. Viner said such a thing, even though Dr. Viner says or implies no such thing, and in fact says the opposite.

Predfan specifically said the prediction was "We would see winters with no snow by 2010". Can you show me that date in the article? The answer is "no". There is no such date anywhere in the article. Predfan appears to have made it up. Or, more correctly, he blindly parroted bullshit he'd been fed (with asswipe Delingpole being the original source of the 2010 lie.)

From the article you linked to:
Heavy snow will return occasionally, says Dr Viner, but when it does we will be unprepared. "We're really going to get caught out. Snow will probably cause chaos in 20 years time," he said.

Dr. Viner clearly and directly says it will still be snowing in 20 years. Yet you, Westwall, claimed the opposite. You are misrepresenting the article you linked to. Is that due to stupidity on your part, due to your haste in thinking you'd finally got me for the first time ever? Or is it deliberate dishonesty on your part? Either way, you need to explain why anyone should trust anything you say, given your proclivity to declare the opposite of whatever your sources actually say.
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Then of course we know of the famous prediction back in the 70s when scientists claimed we were facing an ice age,

Denier lies are like zombies, tough to kill.

and the more recent prediction that we would see winters with no snow by 2010.

That was one guy being misquoted by a bad reporter. It's dishonest to call it a scientific opinion ... hence you'll have no qualms about doing so.

Go back to your doomsday cult countdown. At least that's just crazy, as opposed to brazenly dishonest.

Best get to work this weekend building that emergency ark s0n!!!

Here is a prototype from some AGW nutter who is obviously not taking any chances >>>

Now admiral...when we want a lie we just look at what you posted....

Given that you always do a face plant into a cow patty when you go after me, you'd think you'd learn your lesson. But no, you seem to have grown to enjoy the taste of it.

Here's what he said....where is the "reporter" mischaracterizing what he said?

The headline is the obvious part. It says "Snowfalls are Now Just a Thing of the Past", implying Dr. Viner said such a thing, even though Dr. Viner says or implies no such thing, and in fact says the opposite.

Predfan specifically said the prediction was "We would see winters with no snow by 2010". Can you show me that date in the article? The answer is "no". There is no such date anywhere in the article. Predfan appears to have made it up. Or, more correctly, he blindly parroted bullshit he'd been fed (with asswipe Delingpole being the original source of the 2010 lie.)

From the article you linked to:
Heavy snow will return occasionally, says Dr Viner, but when it does we will be unprepared. "We're really going to get caught out. Snow will probably cause chaos in 20 years time," he said.

Dr. Viner clearly and directly says it will still be snowing in 20 years. Yet you, Westwall, claimed the opposite. You are misrepresenting the article you linked to. Is that due to stupidity on your part, due to your haste in thinking you'd finally got me for the first time ever? Or is it deliberate dishonesty on your part? Either way, you need to explain why anyone should trust anything you say, given your proclivity to declare the opposite of whatever your sources actually say.

Yes, and he said it would be a "rare and special event". So far there HAS'T been a year without snow!:lol::lol:

GREAT prediction....not!
Here's a prediction that by 2021 Mamooth will be claiming was never said:

Canada won't have enough snow for skiing by 2020

No More Snow In Canada By 2020 | Real Science

As usual, both you and the site are liars. By their own words, and in the opposite direction of the headline;

Skiing forecast: No snow here by year 2020

Villeneuve said that if he were a banker, and a developer interested in buying the Orford ski centre came seeking a loan, he would ask how many people would still be skiing over the term of the loan. "You borrow $10 million, $20 million. How are you going to pay it back?"

Ski centres in New England would also be affected by the snow shortage, he said.

And for Mount Orford, making artificial snow would be limited by Bill 23, which restricts the amount of water the buyer could draw from the Cherry River.

"With that restriction, you cannot make as much snow as you want," Villeneuve said.

Ski centres like Mont Ste. Anne near Quebec City and Le Massif in Charlevoix would not be affected as soon by climate change, he added. But because of increased winter rains, conditions would be icy.

The prediction was for one mountain that is more vulnerable to warming than most of the others around it.
Here's a prediction that by 2021 Mamooth will be claiming was never said:

Canada won't have enough snow for skiing by 2020

No More Snow In Canada By 2020 | Real Science

As usual, both you and the site are liars. By their own words, and in the opposite direction of the headline;

Skiing forecast: No snow here by year 2020

Villeneuve said that if he were a banker, and a developer interested in buying the Orford ski centre came seeking a loan, he would ask how many people would still be skiing over the term of the loan. "You borrow $10 million, $20 million. How are you going to pay it back?"

Ski centres in New England would also be affected by the snow shortage, he said.

And for Mount Orford, making artificial snow would be limited by Bill 23, which restricts the amount of water the buyer could draw from the Cherry River.

"With that restriction, you cannot make as much snow as you want," Villeneuve said.

Ski centres like Mont Ste. Anne near Quebec City and Le Massif in Charlevoix would not be affected as soon by climate change, he added. But because of increased winter rains, conditions would be icy.

The prediction was for one mountain that is more vulnerable to warming than most of the others around it.

So, one mountain is climate change now? Boy, talk about cherry picking!

You can spin this all you want, it is the current trend among warmists to make dire predictions these days.

I guarantee you that if Canada does see no snow by 2020, warmists like you will claim that it was predicted.

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