REPORT: Trump’s Political Endorsements More Valuable To Independent Voters Than Biden’s


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
And who doubts that it is even higher?


Joe Biden’s poll numbers are awful and getting worse, but one of the most troubling signs for him and Democrats is that they are being deserted by independent voters.

The media pays a lot of attention to people on the right and left, but it is often the people who fall somewhere in between who decide the outcome of elections.

A new poll from Rasmussen has found that independent voters value an endorsement from Trump more than Biden.

John Nolte reports at Breitbart News

A Rasmussen poll shows an endorsement from His Fraudulency Joe Biden is akin to a kiss of political death.

Instead of starting a new thread the following info fits well here in support of the OP’s premise. Independent voters are the largest bulk of voters, with many conservative college students not expressing their views publicly.

“A 2021 study by Yale University’s William F. Buckley, Jr. Program found that 50% of students often felt intimidated sharing their opinions or beliefs in class because they were different from those of their professors or peers. That number drops to 46% for students who identify as liberal but rises to 62% for conservatives. There were no similarly significant effects based on other demographic differences.”

“The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill conducted a similar study in the spring of 2019. They found that 12.5% of self-identified liberal students worried that expressing their views would cause an instructor to have a lower opinion of them. But 49.6% of self-identified conservative students felt this way.”

“Moreover, the proportion of conservatives who engaged in self-censorship at least once was 67.9%, a figure almost three times as large as the 24.1% of liberals who did the same. These differences were not present when comparing students across other demographic characteristics.”

Takeaway: LSM would have us believe that all students at top colleges are left-leaning. Not the case. They apparently just “spout off” a lot more on campuses.
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