Report: Obama Was Rude and Hostile During Phone Call With Netanyahu

Enough. It’s Time for a Boycott of Israel

It’s time. Long past time. The best strategy to end the increasingly bloody occupation is for Israel to become the target of the kind of global movement that put an end to apartheid in South Africa

The world has tried what used to be called “constructive engagement”. It has failed utterly. Since 2006 Israel has been steadily escalating its criminality: expanding settlements, launching an outrageous war against Lebanon, and imposing collective punishment on Gaza through the brutal blockade. Despite this escalation, Israel has not faced punitive measures – quite the opposite. The weapons and $3bn in annual aid the US sends Israel are only the beginning.

It is time for you to stop spewing garbage. So, what is wrong about giving Hama $47 million?

Egypt Calls for Israeli, Palestinian Peace Talks - ABC News
Noose round the neck and hung for 30 Gazans who were accused of being collaborators with Israel in the past few days, with no trial in a court either.

And they expect us to make peace with these scums, the hatred they have for us devouring them from inside, not to mention that they never even said the word "peace" only talking about ceasefire to get better position militarily..peace? Never.

What's driving the hatred?

It's understandable not to care and take an approach of determining the why as irrelevant. However, Sun Tzu one of the greatest war tacticians in history states: “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
The conversation between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Barack Obama was tense and tough, according to a report on Channel 1 Tuesday evening.

Based on a transcript of the conversation, obtained by Israel’s channel 1, Obama “behaved in a rude, condescending and hostile manner,” the network’s foreign correspondent concluded.

During the 35-minute conversation on Sunday, the president reportedly demanded that Israel should immediately and unconditionally end the operation.

When Netanyahu asked what Israel would get in return for unilaterally ending the strikes, Obama replied: “I believe Hamas will stop firing rockets – quiet in return for quiet.” To which Netanyahu responded that Hamas has already violated 5 cease-fires and is committed to the destruction of Israel.

“I repeat and expect Israel to stop all of its actions against Hamas in Gaza,” Obama said. He added that despite Netanyahu’s objections the United States trusts Qatar and Turkey’s mediation. “Israel is not in a situation that it can choose its mediators,” the president told his Israeli counterpart.

Netanyahu in response: “Hamas will continue firing rockets on Israel and use their tunnels to attack our people.”

At this point, Obama interrupted the Israeli leader, stating, “the ball is in Israel’s court, and it must end all military activities.”


Meanwhile, Netanyahu so far politely told obama to **** off.:D hope he won't change his mind

Obama has not been friendly to Netanyahu since he became President.
Obama and the Prime Minister of Turkey are best friends.
Obama has always been for the Muslim Terrorists scum.

When he became President first thing he did was go to the ME for the " apology tour'. :evil:
The conversation between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Barack Obama was tense and tough, according to a report on Channel 1 Tuesday evening.

Based on a transcript of the conversation, obtained by Israel’s channel 1, Obama “behaved in a rude, condescending and hostile manner,” the network’s foreign correspondent concluded.

During the 35-minute conversation on Sunday, the president reportedly demanded that Israel should immediately and unconditionally end the operation.

When Netanyahu asked what Israel would get in return for unilaterally ending the strikes, Obama replied: “I believe Hamas will stop firing rockets – quiet in return for quiet.” To which Netanyahu responded that Hamas has already violated 5 cease-fires and is committed to the destruction of Israel.

“I repeat and expect Israel to stop all of its actions against Hamas in Gaza,” Obama said. He added that despite Netanyahu’s objections the United States trusts Qatar and Turkey’s mediation. “Israel is not in a situation that it can choose its mediators,” the president told his Israeli counterpart.

Netanyahu in response: “Hamas will continue firing rockets on Israel and use their tunnels to attack our people.”

At this point, Obama interrupted the Israeli leader, stating, “the ball is in Israel’s court, and it must end all military activities.”


Meanwhile, Netanyahu so far politely told obama to **** off.:D hope he won't change his mind

Assuming this is accurate (can't view Flash media and haven't read the transcript,) while thus far resisting the calls to impeach President Obama, now...

With all due respect Mr. President, shut the fuck up.
“We have seen these reports, and neither the reports nor the alleged transcript bear any resemblance to reality,” said Bernadette Meehan, a national security council spokeswoman. “It’s shocking and disappointing that someone would sink to misrepresenting a private conversation between the president and the prime minister in fabrications to the Israeli press.”

Ben Rhodes, the deputy national security adviser at the White House, said the transcript was “totally false”. Netanyahu’s office also confirmed the transcript was fake.

White House: Israeli reports of Obama-Netanyahu tensions are 'totally false' | World news |
Eh, reading this, which is at best a half truth, with reports of other conversations over the past four days, I think that Bibi's pushing for a military win, while Obama is looking longer term to an agreement for disarmament. Obama's goal is the eventual strategic isolation of Iran. But, that's not happening if Bibi presses on. Prolly too late now anyway.
“We have seen these reports, and neither the reports nor the alleged transcript bear any resemblance to reality,” said Bernadette Meehan, a national security council spokeswoman. “It’s shocking and disappointing that someone would sink to misrepresenting a private conversation between the president and the prime minister in fabrications to the Israeli press.”

Ben Rhodes, the deputy national security adviser at the White House, said the transcript was “totally false”. Netanyahu’s office also confirmed the transcript was fake.

White House: Israeli reports of Obama-Netanyahu tensions are 'totally false' | World news |

Ok...Fake news

Fake story

Urban legend.

And everyone still has their knickers in a knot over it? Feel the hate...
Obama Was Rude and Hostile During Phone Call With Netanyahu

This is good because Israeli's are not fools and they're clear now.

Both Obama and Kerry have been clear.

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The conversation between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Barack Obama was tense and tough, according to a report on Channel 1 Tuesday evening.

Based on a transcript of the conversation, obtained by Israel’s channel 1, Obama “behaved in a rude, condescending and hostile manner,” the network’s foreign correspondent concluded.

During the 35-minute conversation on Sunday, the president reportedly demanded that Israel should immediately and unconditionally end the operation.

When Netanyahu asked what Israel would get in return for unilaterally ending the strikes, Obama replied: “I believe Hamas will stop firing rockets – quiet in return for quiet.” To which Netanyahu responded that Hamas has already violated 5 cease-fires and is committed to the destruction of Israel.

“I repeat and expect Israel to stop all of its actions against Hamas in Gaza,” Obama said. He added that despite Netanyahu’s objections the United States trusts Qatar and Turkey’s mediation. “Israel is not in a situation that it can choose its mediators,” the president told his Israeli counterpart.

Netanyahu in response: “Hamas will continue firing rockets on Israel and use their tunnels to attack our people.”

At this point, Obama interrupted the Israeli leader, stating, “the ball is in Israel’s court, and it must end all military activities.”


Meanwhile, Netanyahu so far politely told obama to **** off.:D hope he won't change his mind

The conversation between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Barack Obama was tense and tough, according to a report on Channel 1 Tuesday evening.

Based on a transcript of the conversation, obtained by Israel’s channel 1, Obama “behaved in a rude, condescending and hostile manner,” the network’s foreign correspondent concluded.

During the 35-minute conversation on Sunday, the president reportedly demanded that Israel should immediately and unconditionally end the operation.

When Netanyahu asked what Israel would get in return for unilaterally ending the strikes, Obama replied: “I believe Hamas will stop firing rockets – quiet in return for quiet.” To which Netanyahu responded that Hamas has already violated 5 cease-fires and is committed to the destruction of Israel.

“I repeat and expect Israel to stop all of its actions against Hamas in Gaza,” Obama said. He added that despite Netanyahu’s objections the United States trusts Qatar and Turkey’s mediation. “Israel is not in a situation that it can choose its mediators,” the president told his Israeli counterpart.

Netanyahu in response: “Hamas will continue firing rockets on Israel and use their tunnels to attack our people.”

At this point, Obama interrupted the Israeli leader, stating, “the ball is in Israel’s court, and it must end all military activities.”


Meanwhile, Netanyahu so far politely told obama to **** off.:D hope he won't change his mind
You're damn lucky I wasn't talking to that megalomaniac PM of yours.

I would've definitely broken USMB zone 2 rules in that phone call!
The conversation between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Barack Obama was tense and tough, according to a report on Channel 1 Tuesday evening.

Based on a transcript of the conversation, obtained by Israel’s channel 1, Obama “behaved in a rude, condescending and hostile manner,” the network’s foreign correspondent concluded.

During the 35-minute conversation on Sunday, the president reportedly demanded that Israel should immediately and unconditionally end the operation.

When Netanyahu asked what Israel would get in return for unilaterally ending the strikes, Obama replied: “I believe Hamas will stop firing rockets – quiet in return for quiet.” To which Netanyahu responded that Hamas has already violated 5 cease-fires and is committed to the destruction of Israel.

“I repeat and expect Israel to stop all of its actions against Hamas in Gaza,” Obama said. He added that despite Netanyahu’s objections the United States trusts Qatar and Turkey’s mediation. “Israel is not in a situation that it can choose its mediators,” the president told his Israeli counterpart.

Netanyahu in response: “Hamas will continue firing rockets on Israel and use their tunnels to attack our people.”

At this point, Obama interrupted the Israeli leader, stating, “the ball is in Israel’s court, and it must end all military activities.”


Meanwhile, Netanyahu so far politely told obama to **** off.:D hope he won't change his mind
You're damn lucky I wasn't talking to that megalomaniac PM of yours.

I would've definitely broken USMB zone 2 rules in that phone call!
Said Billo_Really.
Luckily you are not, and with zero ability to communicate in the forum you just provide a great example of half the pro-Palestinians I've met so far, blindly support Palestinians although you can't even communicate with them also, I don't see a peace-treaty coming any time soon, unless the Palestinians will finally get out of their wretchedness-mania and start to build themselves up, right now they got nothing to lose and nothing to offer except dealing with peoples lives..but you still support them.. I admire that.
You have anything good to say about Israel so far? many threads are there on this debunked bullshit?

Time to pack them all up together and ship them off to Conspiracies!
“We have seen these reports, and neither the reports nor the alleged transcript bear any resemblance to reality,” said Bernadette Meehan, a national security council spokeswoman. “It’s shocking and disappointing that someone would sink to misrepresenting a private conversation between the president and the prime minister in fabrications to the Israeli press.”

Ben Rhodes, the deputy national security adviser at the White House, said the transcript was “totally false”. Netanyahu’s office also confirmed the transcript was fake.

White House: Israeli reports of Obama-Netanyahu tensions are 'totally false' | World news |

Ok...Fake news

Fake story

Urban legend.

And everyone still has their knickers in a knot over it? Feel the hate...

I could sit for hours and look at that avi!
All I can say is that Israel supported Ronald Reagen so there gotta be some tension between Netanyahu and Obamba..but it doesn't change any fact about the Israeli-US affairs.

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