Rep. Mike Conaway (R-Texas) Is Telling Tales Out Of School


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Rep. Mike Conaway (R-Texas), replaced Devin Nunes as leader of the House Intelligence Committeeā€™s investigation into the Russianā€™s meddling in the 2016 election. After a year-long inquiry Conaway claimed the committee concluded there was no evidence of collusion by the idiot trump or any members of his campaign staff.

However, on Sunday Conaway accidently admitted the Republicans' ā€œconclusionā€ to be a standard GOP misrepresentation of facts.

The committee's conclusion Conaway stated as fact on March 12 was amended today, six days later. During an interview on Sunday's "Meet The Press" Conaway let the cat out of the bag, He admitted the true reason the Republican members of the committee came to their ā€œconclusionā€, they didnā€™t find any evidence of collusion by the idiot trump or any by his campaign team, because they never looked for any. Conaway explained, " ā€˜Our committee was not charged with answering the collusion idea.' "

The committee could have also ā€œconcludedā€ there was no evidence the idiot trump ever cheated on his wives. Everyone knows the idiot trump is a serial adulterer. But the committee's Republicans' ā€œconclusionā€, another misrepresentation of facts, would permit conservatives to infer the idiot trump had always been faithful. Conservatives would live out their lives, confident their inference was true, only because the committeeā€™s Republicans wouldn't have searched for that evidence either.

The Republicans on the committee were blatant in their cover-up, as they had no real intention of uncovering the truth. If they had been sincerely investigating the Russiansā€™ meddling in the 2016 election, the Republican Conaway would have permitted the full power of the committee to be used to subpoena documents or press key witnesses for testimony and other evidence withheld from investigators.

After he realized he had been telling tales out of school on ā€œMeet the Pressā€, proving to the nation he had misrepresented the committeeā€™s ā€œconclusionā€ as fact only six days before, Conaway really started shoveling the bullsh!t.

He first claimed, ā€œthe committee did not interview former Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos and other key figures, because he didn't want to overlap with special counsel Robert Mueller's criminal investigation.ā€ His exact words were, " ā€˜We're trying to stay away from the Mueller investigation and not confuse that or hurt it one way or the other.' "

He then tried a different tack saying, " ā€˜What we said is we found no evidence of it. That's a different statement. We found no evidence of collusion.' " So, according to Conaway, ā€œitā€ and ā€œcollusionā€ are entirely different, except when they are the same.

Conaway had better hope his double-talk on ā€œMeet the Pressā€ fooled the idiot trump and his mindless followers. If it didn't, the idiot trump will be ripping Conaway apart on Twitter for weeks to come.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). The conservatives' mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.


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