Removing the far-left mask that has taken over the Democrat party....


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Mask #1 - You should be proud of your heritage.
Liberals love them some national/heritage pride. You have Latino blood - awesome!! Show your pride! You are of African descent? By all means...shout it out at the top of your lungs!! Italian/French/Muslim... it's all gooood. Show your pride!
Well... except American pride. You can't be proud of America. That is insensitive, an act of fascism and possibly racist. In fact showing pride of any other nationality on earth is acceptable. Except American. oh yeah... and Jewish... them too.
Mask # 2 - Black Lives Matter
It is the national anthem of sorts for the left. In the past two years you cannot escape black pride this, black pride that. It is everywhere.
But it is not real. It is anything but black lives matter. White liberals use black people to make themselves feel good and superior. If black students are underperforming other races.... black lives matter!!!... so instead of actually addressing the reasons why this is happening... just lower the standards and qualifications for degrees, so we can produce statistics that no longer show them doing so bad... permanently dooming them for failure as a race... but we can show charts and graphs showing all the money we spend on them!!! That is what is important!! black lives matter!!! Blacks were under represented in college universities. Instead of addressing the reasons for that, let's just again, lower standards, refuse to flunk them, no matter how bad they are performing, pay for everything so we can get those black kids in here!!! Black lives matter!!!! (well...until they have been is school for 5 or 6 years, and haven't truly passed any major classes.... then quietly dismiss them and forget about them...again dooming them for failure... indeed.. the nation is full of historical black universities that have graduation rates as low as 7%.... but... let's just keep recruiting for everything... because.... black lives matter!!!! Gee aren't we great!!!
Mask # 3 - tolerance of differences is who we are.
We accept everyone. The more outrageous and different you are - the more we accept you!!
You can be anybody you want to be. We encourage you to express yourself in whatever way you feel comfortable.
Except religious. We don't want to see any sign of that. And don't express anything that shows American pride. We won't tolerate that either.
And we also won't tolerate differing opinions. We will shun you, shout you down and possibly attack you and anyone who looks like they may think like you do. And we also don't tolerate half the population. We reject men who act like men. We believe all men are inherently violent, sexist and possibly sexual predators. They are to be corrected beginning at birth. At the same time, believe all women.... well...except those that accuse someone we like...then... they are lying charlatans deserving all manner of ridicule and disdain.
Other than that.... our tolerance is pure.

To be continued.
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The stupid Covid mask thing is like an arm band of stupid. I have refused to wear one unless my employer insists and I've actually changed jobs 3 times this year because I refuse to comply with these asinine demands.
Mask #1 - You should be proud of your heritage.
Liberals love them some national/heritage pride. You have Latino blood - awesome!! Show your pride! You are of African descent? By all means...shout it out at the top of your lungs!! Italian/French/Muslim... it's all gooood. Show your pride!
Well... except American pride. You can't be proud of America. That is insensitive, an act of fascism and possibly racist. In fact showing pride of any other nationality on earth is acceptable. Except American. oh yeah... and Jewish... them too.
Mask # 2 - Black Lives Matter
It is the national anthem of sorts for the left. In the past two years you cannot escape black pride this, black pride that. It is everywhere.
But it is not real. It is anything but black lives matter. White liberals use black people to make themselves feel good and superior. If black students are underperforming other races.... black lives matter!!!... so instead of actually addressing the reasons why this is happening... just lower the standards and qualifications for degrees, so we can produce statistics that no longer show them doing so bad... permanently dooming them for failure as a race... but we can show charts and graphs showing all the money we spend on them!!! That is what is important!! black lives matter!!! Blacks were under represented in college universities. Instead of addressing the reasons for that, let's just again, lower standards, refuse to flunk them, no matter how bad they are performing, pay for everything so we can get those black kids in here!!! Black lives matter!!!! (well...until they have been is school for 5 or 6 years, and haven't truly passed any major classes.... then quietly dismiss them and forget about them...again dooming them for failure... indeed.. the nation is full of historical black universities that have graduation rates as low as 7%.... but... let's just keep recruiting for everything... because.... black lives matter!!!! Gee aren't we great!!!
Mask # 3 - tolerance of differences is who we are.
We accept everyone. The more outrageous and different you are - the more we accept you!!
You can be anybody you want to be. We encourage you to express yourself in whatever way you feel comfortable.
Except religious. We don't want to see any sign of that. And don't express anything that shows American pride. We won't tolerate that either.
And we also won't tolerate differing opinions. We will shun you, shout you down and possibly attack you and anyone who looks like they may think like you do. And we also don't tolerate half the population. We reject men who act like men. We believe all men are inherently violent, sexist and possibly sexual predators. They are to be corrected beginning at birth. At the same time, believe all women.... well...except those that accuse someone we like...then... they are lying bitches deserving all manner of ridicule and disdain.
Other than that.... our tolerance is pure.

To be continued.
Michele Obama was never proud of America = she hates whites/cops/America
Liberals pretend to be tolerant....while they relentlessly spew their hate
Are they even pretending to be tolerant anymore?

It seems to me like they feel emboldened to persecute anyone who resists their dystopian goals.

It's like they want to start a civil war they can't win, but their objective is to reduce the population, so they still can't really "lose".
To be continued.

Oh, please don't. Your whole post boils down to, "I'm an angry white person who misses white supremacy."
A good example of our shunning and intolerance of differing opinions.
Never - ever discuss specifics with those we disagree, only accuse them of some form of "ism"....oh...and always - and we mean ALWAYS call them racist. That is the greatest get out of jail card we possess. Black lives matter!!
A good example of our shunning and intolerance of differing opinions.
Never - ever discuss specifics with those we disagree, only accuse them of some form of "ism"....oh...and always - and we mean ALWAYS call them racist. That is the greatest get out of jail card we possess. Black lives matter!!

Mask #1 - You should be proud of your heritage.
Liberals love them some national/heritage pride. You have Latino blood - awesome!! Show your pride! You are of African descent? By all means...shout it out at the top of your lungs!! Italian/French/Muslim... it's all gooood. Show your pride!
Well... except American pride. You can't be proud of America. That is insensitive, an act of fascism and possibly racist. In fact showing pride of any other nationality on earth is acceptable. Except American. oh yeah... and Jewish... them too.
Mask # 2 - Black Lives Matter
It is the national anthem of sorts for the left. In the past two years you cannot escape black pride this, black pride that. It is everywhere.
But it is not real. It is anything but black lives matter. White liberals use black people to make themselves feel good and superior. If black students are underperforming other races.... black lives matter!!!... so instead of actually addressing the reasons why this is happening... just lower the standards and qualifications for degrees, so we can produce statistics that no longer show them doing so bad... permanently dooming them for failure as a race... but we can show charts and graphs showing all the money we spend on them!!! That is what is important!! black lives matter!!! Blacks were under represented in college universities. Instead of addressing the reasons for that, let's just again, lower standards, refuse to flunk them, no matter how bad they are performing, pay for everything so we can get those black kids in here!!! Black lives matter!!!! (well...until they have been is school for 5 or 6 years, and haven't truly passed any major classes.... then quietly dismiss them and forget about them...again dooming them for failure... indeed.. the nation is full of historical black universities that have graduation rates as low as 7%.... but... let's just keep recruiting for everything... because.... black lives matter!!!! Gee aren't we great!!!
Mask # 3 - tolerance of differences is who we are.
We accept everyone. The more outrageous and different you are - the more we accept you!!
You can be anybody you want to be. We encourage you to express yourself in whatever way you feel comfortable.
Except religious. We don't want to see any sign of that. And don't express anything that shows American pride. We won't tolerate that either.
And we also won't tolerate differing opinions. We will shun you, shout you down and possibly attack you and anyone who looks like they may think like you do. And we also don't tolerate half the population. We reject men who act like men. We believe all men are inherently violent, sexist and possibly sexual predators. They are to be corrected beginning at birth. At the same time, believe all women.... well...except those that accuse someone we like...then... they are lying bitches deserving all manner of ridicule and disdain.
Other than that.... our tolerance is pure.

To be continued.
Michele Obama was never proud of America = she hates whites/cops/America
And she has the perfect guilt/exasperation face for all of us to notice. I can just see her doing the socialist work of a woman in a Village of huts that it takes. Like Hillary, she never cleaned anything in her life.
Just how large is that chip on your shoulder? Can you still walk or is it too heavy? People of all kinds show pride in America. Everyone can show pride in their respective ethnic backgrounds, genders, religions, and everything else. Just don't play identity politics, use an aspect of your identity as an excuse to denigrate or attack anyone else just because they are different from you, or complain when someone whom you have attacked answers your attack with an assertion of pride in who they are.
The Dems have a long, storied history with wearing hoods...err sorry cover up who they really are.....
You're probably referring to the old time democrats who were pro slavery. Republicans replaced them decades ago and are now working hard at jailing Blacks and keeping them from voting since they vote overwhelmingly democratic.
Mask # 4 - America is a country that was built on slavery. And we will tell that truth!!!
As we see it. Truth is not defined by the factual, it is defined by the idea of what we want to be true.
Slavery is the foundation of America. This is our truth.
This is despite the fact, that America, even in it's highest point of slavery, never came close to other nations and their slave populations.
Not even close. But we don't care about that, and certainly never talk about it. We are only interested in criticizing slavery in America.
Even though today, one of our favorite nations we like and protect is a country that still uses slave labor. China.
We love China. We make a lot of money off of investing in China, many of our favorite products are made in China. Indeed we carry around every single day products that are made by people literally making pennies per hour, living in concrete block rooms about the size of our master bathrooms. (the lucky ones) And many of those have multiple families living in them, because they can't even afford that. BUT - the products are cool, so we don't think about that. It is American slavery from over 200 years ago that we want to talk about. Slavery committed by non whites is not real slavery anyway.
Mask #1 - You should be proud of your heritage.
Liberals love them some national/heritage pride. You have Latino blood - awesome!! Show your pride! You are of African descent? By all means...shout it out at the top of your lungs!! Italian/French/Muslim... it's all gooood. Show your pride!
Well... except American pride. You can't be proud of America. That is insensitive, an act of fascism and possibly racist. In fact showing pride of any other nationality on earth is acceptable. Except American. oh yeah... and Jewish... them too.
Mask # 2 - Black Lives Matter
It is the national anthem of sorts for the left. In the past two years you cannot escape black pride this, black pride that. It is everywhere.
But it is not real. It is anything but black lives matter. White liberals use black people to make themselves feel good and superior. If black students are underperforming other races.... black lives matter!!!... so instead of actually addressing the reasons why this is happening... just lower the standards and qualifications for degrees, so we can produce statistics that no longer show them doing so bad... permanently dooming them for failure as a race... but we can show charts and graphs showing all the money we spend on them!!! That is what is important!! black lives matter!!! Blacks were under represented in college universities. Instead of addressing the reasons for that, let's just again, lower standards, refuse to flunk them, no matter how bad they are performing, pay for everything so we can get those black kids in here!!! Black lives matter!!!! (well...until they have been is school for 5 or 6 years, and haven't truly passed any major classes.... then quietly dismiss them and forget about them...again dooming them for failure... indeed.. the nation is full of historical black universities that have graduation rates as low as 7%.... but... let's just keep recruiting for everything... because.... black lives matter!!!! Gee aren't we great!!!
Mask # 3 - tolerance of differences is who we are.
We accept everyone. The more outrageous and different you are - the more we accept you!!
You can be anybody you want to be. We encourage you to express yourself in whatever way you feel comfortable.
Except religious. We don't want to see any sign of that. And don't express anything that shows American pride. We won't tolerate that either.
And we also won't tolerate differing opinions. We will shun you, shout you down and possibly attack you and anyone who looks like they may think like you do. And we also don't tolerate half the population. We reject men who act like men. We believe all men are inherently violent, sexist and possibly sexual predators. They are to be corrected beginning at birth. At the same time, believe all women.... well...except those that accuse someone we like...then... they are lying charlatans deserving all manner of ridicule and disdain.
Other than that.... our tolerance is pure.

To be continued.
I think you're being pretty unfair here.
Dems DON'T like it when people use religion to get an exemption from equality laws and they don't want another's religious beliefs foisted on them.
That's not hating religion or hating people who are religious.

What does blacks' performance in college have to do with you? Seriously, in what way does it affect you if black kids from under performing high schools whose families have never attended college get a break on entrance exam scores? Do your kids learn less because the kid sitting next to them needs a tutor? A lot of people earn degrees with a C average. So what? I had a 19 yr old black student from Pittsburgh who had never been taught how to read an analog clock. Is that her fault? I'd say it's Pittsburgh's.
Why is it that white folks zero in on college scores so much when black people come up? Seems to me it's a nifty way to point out that they're stupid. If that's not your intention, you should rethink this posture, imo.
The Dems have a long, storied history with wearing hoods...err sorry cover up who they really are.....
You're probably referring to the old time democrats who were pro slavery. Republicans replaced them decades ago and are now working hard at jailing Blacks and keeping them from voting since they vote overwhelmingly democratic.
um the GOP was never pro-slavery...they freed the slaves, granted them citizenship, and gave them the right to vote.

Actually, it was Biden, who wrote, and Clinton who signed the 94 Crime Bill that was racist, and disproportionately impacted African-American communities...and it was the GOP Congress, and Trump that fixed many of those wrongs with the First Step Act.
Mask #1 - You should be proud of your heritage.
Liberals love them some national/heritage pride. You have Latino blood - awesome!! Show your pride! You are of African descent? By all means...shout it out at the top of your lungs!! Italian/French/Muslim... it's all gooood. Show your pride!
Well... except American pride. You can't be proud of America. That is insensitive, an act of fascism and possibly racist. In fact showing pride of any other nationality on earth is acceptable. Except American. oh yeah... and Jewish... them too.
Mask # 2 - Black Lives Matter
It is the national anthem of sorts for the left. In the past two years you cannot escape black pride this, black pride that. It is everywhere.
But it is not real. It is anything but black lives matter. White liberals use black people to make themselves feel good and superior. If black students are underperforming other races.... black lives matter!!!... so instead of actually addressing the reasons why this is happening... just lower the standards and qualifications for degrees, so we can produce statistics that no longer show them doing so bad... permanently dooming them for failure as a race... but we can show charts and graphs showing all the money we spend on them!!! That is what is important!! black lives matter!!! Blacks were under represented in college universities. Instead of addressing the reasons for that, let's just again, lower standards, refuse to flunk them, no matter how bad they are performing, pay for everything so we can get those black kids in here!!! Black lives matter!!!! (well...until they have been is school for 5 or 6 years, and haven't truly passed any major classes.... then quietly dismiss them and forget about them...again dooming them for failure... indeed.. the nation is full of historical black universities that have graduation rates as low as 7%.... but... let's just keep recruiting for everything... because.... black lives matter!!!! Gee aren't we great!!!
Mask # 3 - tolerance of differences is who we are.
We accept everyone. The more outrageous and different you are - the more we accept you!!
You can be anybody you want to be. We encourage you to express yourself in whatever way you feel comfortable.
Except religious. We don't want to see any sign of that. And don't express anything that shows American pride. We won't tolerate that either.
And we also won't tolerate differing opinions. We will shun you, shout you down and possibly attack you and anyone who looks like they may think like you do. And we also don't tolerate half the population. We reject men who act like men. We believe all men are inherently violent, sexist and possibly sexual predators. They are to be corrected beginning at birth. At the same time, believe all women.... well...except those that accuse someone we like...then... they are lying charlatans deserving all manner of ridicule and disdain.
Other than that.... our tolerance is pure.

To be continued.
I think you're being pretty unfair here.
Dems DON'T like it when people use religion to get an exemption from equality laws and they don't want another's religious beliefs foisted on them.
That's not hating religion or hating people who are religious.

What does blacks' performance in college have to do with you? Seriously, in what way does it affect you if black kids from under performing high schools whose families have never attended college get a break on entrance exam scores? Do your kids learn less because the kid sitting next to them needs a tutor? A lot of people earn degrees with a C average. So what? I had a 19 yr old black student from Pittsburgh who had never been taught how to read an analog clock. Is that her fault? I'd say it's Pittsburgh's.
Why is it that white folks zero in on college scores so much when black people come up? Seems to me it's a nifty way to point out that they're stupid. If that's not your intention, you should rethink this posture, imo.
I mean.... wow.
It is interesting to say the least at how easily you dismiss the mountain to pick out the anthill.
Liberal social policies have for now 60 plus years doomed blacks to their existence.
LIke I said, if a set of the population is greatly underperforming the rest of the entire society - THAT IS THE PROBLEM.
But liberals never-ever-ever talk about solving the causation. Why this has been happening for so long. Don't even think about it.
And the INSTANT someone starts bring that up - why it is happening - they are immediately attacked.... RAAACIST!!! If that person happens to be black - they are called an Uncle Tom. Liberals do not tolerate questioning their system.
Their answer is to instead pretend the problem doesn't exist and let them through. DOOMING them. They cannot compete with other kids because they are so poorly prepared. Excused. Passed on. No one even thinks of taking the time to solve the problem. Rather, sweep it under a rug and pat themselves on the back for pretending they are doing something. Something that makes them feel better about themselves.

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