Religious Perversity


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Why is it that Gen X and Gen Y, who don't give a Fat Fig about religion - never actually go to church, don't believe in god, and so on - are insisting on (a) big church weddings and (b) going through the ritual of baptism and naming Godmothers and Godfathers for their little Brats?

A major part of my "social life" over the past several years has been attending the big church weddings of people who, with their lifestyles, mock the very religion that sanctions their gaudy weddings. They live together for years, sometimes even have kids, then they want to have these big church weddings. In the process they make a mockery of the whole institution (both marriage and the Church), by lying to the priest/minister about their lives, beliefs, and practices.

And then a few years later when they have kids, they make a big production out of naming a Godmother and a Godfather (sometimes of the same gender - just to be "different"), and they have these big public "christenings" for their little brats. These are people who NEVER GO TO CHURCH, and who you know will never teach their kids religion. And the Godparents are the same; the designation means NOTHING.

I find the whole thing nauseating.
Baptism at least is done for the one being baptised. The parent may not believe, but on the off chance they're wrong, best not to screw up your kid's potential future.
Why is it that Gen X and Gen Y, who don't give a Fat Fig about religion - never actually go to church, don't believe in god, and so on - are insisting on (a) big church weddings and (b) going through the ritual of baptism and naming Godmothers and Godfathers for their little Brats?

A major part of my "social life" over the past several years has been attending the big church weddings of people who, with their lifestyles, mock the very religion that sanctions their gaudy weddings. They live together for years, sometimes even have kids, then they want to have these big church weddings. In the process they make a mockery of the whole institution (both marriage and the Church), by lying to the priest/minister about their lives, beliefs, and practices.

And then a few years later when they have kids, they make a big production out of naming a Godmother and a Godfather (sometimes of the same gender - just to be "different"), and they have these big public "christenings" for their little brats. These are people who NEVER GO TO CHURCH, and who you know will never teach their kids religion. And the Godparents are the same; the designation means NOTHING.

I find the whole thing nauseating.

I find your characterization of the younger generation equally nauseating.
Thank you.

Do you dispute my observations? Is this not the case? Are the young'uns on my radar screen representative of young'uns around the country? Do tell.
Thank you.

Do you dispute my observations? Is this not the case? Are the young'uns on my radar screen representative of young'uns around the country? Do tell.

I absolutely dispute your cynical observation of two generations of Americans. I am sure there are some that fit your characterizations, but there are just as many in the older generations that fit it as well. I am reasonably sure you are one of those atheist Christian hating bastards that are present on USMB.
Baptism at least is done for the one being baptised. The parent may not believe, but on the off chance they're wrong, best not to screw up your kid's potential future.

You DO realize baptizing your baby does not give them free pass to heaven, right... ?
I don't disagree with the OP.

If you don't believe, don't get married in a Church or have a Christian ceremony just because everyone else does or it is what you are supposed to about hypocrisy....
Thank you.

Do you dispute my observations? Is this not the case? Are the young'uns on my radar screen representative of young'uns around the country? Do tell.

I absolutely dispute your cynical observation of two generations of Americans. I am sure there are some that fit your characterizations, but there are just as many in the older generations that fit it as well. I am reasonably sure you are one of those atheist Christian hating bastards that are present on USMB.

It's the fruit of Catholicism. These children are the offspring of Catholicism and would find his complaint shocking because this is what they have been taught by their parents and the false religion of Catholicism.

These children have never seen Jesus Christ in the lives of their parents, the Priests, the Nuns, or the Catholic religion that they were indoctrinated into. They are living what they were taught.

I've seen many young people come to Jesus Christ and abandon Catholicism (I left Catholicism and came to Jesus Christ as a young adult) and go on to enjoy a wonderful relationship with God free of religion and the hypocrisy that goes with it. They attend church every week - twice a week, study the Word of God, share Jesus with others, they marry, they have children, they raise their children to know Jesus Christ and they break the generational curses over their lives. To God be the Glory!
For some, being baptised, named or bris is done so the child can be buried in a religious cemetery if they choose. It is a way of leaving the door open for the children if they choose to find faith.

Grand parents and relatives might pressure the parents. It is more about tradition than religion.
Why is it that Gen X and Gen Y, who don't give a Fat Fig about religion - never actually go to church, don't believe in god, and so on - are insisting on (a) big church weddings and (b) going through the ritual of baptism and naming Godmothers and Godfathers for their little Brats?

A major part of my "social life" over the past several years has been attending the big church weddings of people who, with their lifestyles, mock the very religion that sanctions their gaudy weddings. They live together for years, sometimes even have kids, then they want to have these big church weddings. In the process they make a mockery of the whole institution (both marriage and the Church), by lying to the priest/minister about their lives, beliefs, and practices.

And then a few years later when they have kids, they make a big production out of naming a Godmother and a Godfather (sometimes of the same gender - just to be "different"), and they have these big public "christenings" for their little brats. These are people who NEVER GO TO CHURCH, and who you know will never teach their kids religion. And the Godparents are the same; the designation means NOTHING.

I find the whole thing nauseating.
I have to agree with you, generally speaking or speaking about a majority. Should not be discounted as not a major part of our social ills today.

I would add that many of us who do go to church regularly and claim to pray are pretty self-centered and lazy and not very godlike. So if the so-called practicing Christians are not very "Jesus-like" I do not how we can expect the others to comply or be much better. We are accountable in many ways for those others' lack of care or concern about God.
Why is it that Gen X and Gen Y, who don't give a Fat Fig about religion - never actually go to church, don't believe in god, and so on - are insisting on (a) big church weddings and (b) going through the ritual of baptism and naming Godmothers and Godfathers for their little Brats?

A major part of my "social life" over the past several years has been attending the big church weddings of people who, with their lifestyles, mock the very religion that sanctions their gaudy weddings. They live together for years, sometimes even have kids, then they want to have these big church weddings. In the process they make a mockery of the whole institution (both marriage and the Church), by lying to the priest/minister about their lives, beliefs, and practices.

And then a few years later when they have kids, they make a big production out of naming a Godmother and a Godfather (sometimes of the same gender - just to be "different"), and they have these big public "christenings" for their little brats. These are people who NEVER GO TO CHURCH, and who you know will never teach their kids religion. And the Godparents are the same; the designation means NOTHING.

I find the whole thing nauseating.

Perhaps their parents are the ones who wish the wedding to be in church, and the young'uns are merely honoring their elders' wishes.

You seem like a judgemental ass.

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