Religion of Peace now executing people by dissolving them in nitric acid

Only that Christians do it too not just ISIS.
Reference to Nazis and their infamous practices require no link. Trot along, poppet.

The Nazis didn't claim to be Christians, in fact the party was above all else...including religion
I never heard a nazi proclaim their actions were in the name of God.

Because the Nazis never claimed that. You're dealing with a fool on this one.
A lot of people claim to do things in the name of religion....does that mean they are following that religion?
All one needs to know about Nazis and Christians will be found by studying the works of Dietrich Bonhoeffer....a Christian imprisoned and eventually executed by the Nazis
And many of the Nazi were christians serving the state.

Adolf, your hero, was baptized Christian and it is common knowledge that he used Christian language and imagery to project his leadership.
All one needs to know about Nazis and Christians will be found by studying the works of Dietrich Bonhoeffer....a Christian imprisoned and eventually executed by the Nazis

The Nazis also murdered homosexuals. Does that mean -? Oh, never mind.
And many of the Nazi were christians serving the state.

Adolf, your hero, was baptized Christian and it is common knowledge that he used Christian language and imagery to project his leadership.

Goebbels was Jesuit-educated and at one point considered entering the priesthood.
I never heard a nazi proclaim their actions were in the name of God.

You're fluent in German? Impressive. Listen to Nazi speeches frequently? All in the name of *cough* "research," I'm certain. :rolleyes:
Ahem.. Is ISIS in action NOW? Why is it every time someone bashes ISIS you defend them by going after the mythical Nazi Christian? What the fuck is up with that?
And many of the Nazi were christians serving the state.

Adolf, your hero, was baptized Christian and it is common knowledge that he used Christian language and imagery to project his leadership.

Again, to Nazis the party was paramount, above all else, even religion. Anyone that has studied the Nazis at all knows's like Nazi 101
All one needs to know about Nazis and Christians will be found by studying the works of Dietrich Bonhoeffer....a Christian imprisoned and eventually executed by the Nazis

The Nazis also murdered homosexuals. Does that mean -? Oh, never mind.

Nothing to do with Bonhoeffer...

Never said it was. But the broader topic was Nazis, under the overarching theme of religious extremism. Under that topic, there can be subtopics, such as how much you think the Catholic upbringing of many of the Nazi leadership might have influenced their adult behaviors. If you're not interested, other people might be.
Religion is not the problem.......It's people with religion(s) that kill people.
Sounds like the Christian nazis in action.

To call Nazis Christians of some form, or influenced by Christian teaching in any way is either deliberately evil or the highest form of stupidity.

To reference the Crusades or some other battles where Christianity played a role back in medieval times in order to try to make the case Christianity is just as murderous and wrong as what modern Islamists are doing is void of rationality and absurd. One cannot judge how a more barbaric culture dealt with its affairs 500 or 1000 years ago by today's more civilized and educated standards.

To try to distance what Islamic movements have done to their non-Islamic neighbors over the past 100 years --- attack, murder, blow up, hate, spread lies, and be utterly intolerant – from the religion of Islam is just plain stupid or totally

Here is my opinion and my beliefs ---

God is real. So is the devil. The basic dogmas and tenets of Islam is not the fullness of truth and there is something malevolent within which causes many of its adherents to take its teachings to a fanatical, intolerant, hateful extreme. This violent, hateful fringe is so large and prevalent it cannot be from God. They are demonic in their ways and in their delight in murdering innocents.

Christianity is made up of sinners, and so it is not perfect. But its teachings are the fullness of truth revealed by God and Jesus Christ God. Its sins are there, but its goodness throughout history is a thousand times more powerful. Christianity has civilized a barbaric world and saved this world from itself. For anyone to even suggest there is anything all that similar between the historical works and truths of Christianity and that of Islam is evil or dishonest or that of someone not of sound mind.
Obozo is letting millions of these crazy muslimes invade out country!!!

ISIS execute 25 people by lowering them into NITRIC ACID

may 19 2016 ISIS has executed 25 people in Mosul, northern Iraq, by lowering them in a vat of nitric acid, according to several local news reports.

The men had been accused of spying on ISIS on behalf of Iraqi government security forces.

According to witnesses, the 25 alleged 'spies' had been tied together with a rope and lowered in a large basin containing nitric acid until their organs dissolved.
The Islamic world will protest and riot over this barbaric act just as they do about a cartoon drawing of Mohammed.
Said no one ever.
Obozo is letting millions of these crazy muslimes invade out country!!!

ISIS execute 25 people by lowering them into NITRIC ACID

may 19 2016 ISIS has executed 25 people in Mosul, northern Iraq, by lowering them in a vat of nitric acid, according to several local news reports.

The men had been accused of spying on ISIS on behalf of Iraqi government security forces.

According to witnesses, the 25 alleged 'spies' had been tied together with a rope and lowered in a large basin containing nitric acid until their organs dissolved.
Religion of peace.

Fyi, Saddam did it decades ago to his own people.

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