Religion Is An Excuse

Science says:

Abortion is wrong
Homosexuality is wrong
Sex change is wrong
All race of people are not equal
Religion Is An Excuse

He makes good points. Science is based on evidence that we expect the world of but we never question religion. The thing is religion is used to attack science and it stands on quick sand.

Religion provides answers, peace, guidance and comfort for many.

You're not forced to believe, neither am I.

I'm guessing that many people who believe are more content than those who feel a need to attack them.
Religion Is An Excuse

He makes good points. Science is based on evidence that we expect the world of but we never question religion. The thing is religion is used to attack science and it stands on quick sand.

'Science' has yet to provide an explanation that doesn't violate their own scientific laws, let alone one supported by evidence.

Nice to see you active, though, Matty<3
No evidence of God????? then what are you dummy a creation of what? Where did you come from? worms? Liberals are so stupid...and they are dangerous because they really believe they are smart...scary!
People use their religion to comfort themselves in what they perceive as a hostile world. Which is fine, believe whatever you need to believe to get through life.

The problem arises when some of these people have this inner need to then prove their belief in myth is equal to the facts of the real world. And then some of them take that even further by attempting to cast known fact as 'belief' to discredit it because the facts utterly dismantle the myths they believe in. It is no coincidence that these are the same people that are so easily pursuaded that aliens are abducting people and bigfoot is real, or Global Warming is a hoax and everything is a conspiracy against their dear leader Lying Trump.

Those that believe the Earth is flat exhibit this same type of delusional thinking. They have a mortal grip on an unreality that they will go to their graves defending because the belief gives them comfort. Ask them to prove the Earth is flat and they actually have a few PH.D's that are members of the Flat Earth Society who go through elaborate 'experiments' to prove their beliefs, just as faux 'biblical scientists' do.

But ask them, is the sun flat as well? What about the moon and the rest of the planets? We have video of them spinning and they are obviously spheres. Are we to believe only the Earth is a flat disk?

It is bizarro-land that these people live in. And again if religion brings someone comfort what is wrong with that. But, leave it at that. Don't try to 'prove' gods exist using science or critical thinking. It's like a child with a box of blocks that wanders into an architect's office and says 'watch, I can build a skyscraper from my blocks just like you'.

No, you can't.
Religion Is An Excuse

He makes good points. Science is based on evidence that we expect the world of but we never question religion. The thing is religion is used to attack science and it stands on quick sand.

Religion provides answers, peace, guidance and comfort for many.

You're not forced to believe, neither am I.

I'm guessing that many people who believe are more content than those who feel a need to attack them.

He and a few others are PROOF atheism is a religion. His proselytizing never ends.
Religion Is An Excuse

He makes good points. Science is based on evidence that we expect the world of but we never question religion. The thing is religion is used to attack science and it stands on quick sand.

'Science' has yet to provide an explanation that doesn't violate their own scientific laws, let alone one supported by evidence.

Nice to see you active, though, Matty<3

Really? Where did God come from?
No evidence of God????? then what are you dummy a creation of what? Where did you come from? worms? Liberals are so stupid...and they are dangerous because they really believe they are smart...scary!

If man didn't come from worms, then that means there must be a god. Is that your point?

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