Regulating Cannabis Sales Could Yield Over $17 Billion In Annual Savings And Revenue

Showing up for work under the influence will get you fired most places. The OP makes a false conclusion of a better economy.

Yeah, showing up drunk will get you fired too. But where in the article did he advocate that people show up to work under the influence of any recreational substance? That is a false argument. It is not a false conclusion. Marijuana prohibition has been costly in many aspects of our society not just the economy.

The problem with that argument is, it derives from a false premise.

I mean we could just as easily look at how much the prohibition to murder costs, but that's hardly the POINT.

The point being does society want to tolerate murder or let it run rampant?

Potheads then argue that marijauna is victimless but that is a narcissistic argument TO THE EXTREME.

Anyone living in Columbia or Mexico will tell you the trade HAS PLENTY OF VICTIMS.

The same people who will cry about letting illegal immigrants come into the country freely will take another toke and turn a blind eye to how many of them ARE KILLED so he can toke that blunt.

Domestic pot growing might cut into that blood shed on the American side.

BUT . .

Then I could go into the studies who have found smokers more likely to have mental illness, decreased intelligence, heightened emotions.

Any commodity designed to cause intoxication or a "buzz" as tokers call it, is going to cause effects on the brain.

Now you guys can believe that comes without consquences all you want. I don't buy it. Take a look at topspin!

I haven't met a pot smoker yet that didn't suffer some cognitive loss.

The smoker is always last to know it.

That's not victimless.

I also find it HIGHLY hypocritical that the same people FOR pot smoking are usually AGAINST cigarette smoking.

Anyone want to look at the cost to try and keep cigarettes out of the hands of people?

I don't see ANYONE complaining about that!

Taking the marijuana trade out of the hands of violent international narcotraffickers who kill people in South America and Mexico so Americans can get a buzz and putting it in the hands of regulated American corporations would prevent those people from getting killed. Or at the least, from America having a role or being a factor in their deaths.

People who take legal prescription drugs often end up having mental illness, decreased intelligence, heightened emotions. People who drink to excess too.

Hell, professional, semi-pro, even high school athletes often end up suffering mental illness and decreased intelligence as a result of sports injuries and head trauma. But you're not trying to outlaw football and boxing.

We don't make everything potentially bad for you illegal. Doing so is the definition of a nanny state, is antithetical to freedom and liberty, and diametrically opposed to conservatism and calls for small government.

Showing up for work under the influence will get you fired most places. The OP makes a false conclusion of a better economy.

Yeah, showing up drunk will get you fired too. But where in the article did he advocate that people show up to work under the influence of any recreational substance? That is a false argument. It is not a false conclusion. Marijuana prohibition has been costly in many aspects of our society not just the economy.

Industrial and motor vehicle accidents as a result of the law being repealed will have a large cost. You seem to feel all the users will become law abiding citizens as soon as the law is changed. All it will do is encourage use in all aspects of life, including work.

Put simply, no. Alcohol is not illegal, but driving under the influence of it is. NyQuil is not illegal, but driving under the influence of it is. Texting is not illegal, but driving while engaging in it is. The solution to the problem of an activity or substance's side effect on driving is to criminalize driving while under the influence or engaged in the activity, not to criminalize it period. We do this with everything else, because it makes sense, there's no reason the same doesn't apply to pot. Smoke it in the privacy of your own home, carry small amounts on your person, but don't be publicly intoxicated or operate a motor vehicle under its effects, just like alcohol or a variety of other legal substances.

That's all we need. This country is in deep shit as it is, so why the hell do we need to legalize another substance for people to fuck their head up with? What a moronic notion.

I have a better idea. Instead of making one more drug for people to scramble their brains with legal, how about we make a drug that's legal, ILLEGAL? I think we need to sober this country up more than we need to FUCK it up. People are stupid enough already in this country. Look who we have for a President.

That's all we need. This country is in deep shit as it is, so why the hell do we need to legalize another weapon for people to blow their head up with? What a moronic notion.

I have a better idea. Instead of making one more gun for people to explode their brains with legal, how about we make a gun that's legal, ILLEGAL? I think we need to saften this country up more than we need to FUCK it up. People are stupid enough already in this country. Look who we have for a President.

It's the same stupid argument.

Guns have the potential to be extremely dangerous. They're responsible for more than 10,000 deaths a year in America, compared to marijuana's 0 ever. However, when used responsibly by adults, they are not dangerous, so people are free to own them.

The government has no right to tell citizens what they can and cannot possess so long as that possession is not infringing on the rights of others. I thought that was called liberty. Isn't more personal freedom, individual responsibility, and less government intervention what conservatives say they believe in?

Your liberty enfirnges on mine, when you expect me to pick up the pieces of your liberty's downside, witch is virtually the whole use of the product. People that use your product tend to use other drugs and they typicaly don't do so in moderation.

Longterm physical health effects of marijuana smoke are fairly minimal and drastically less harmful than cigarette use or alcohol abuse, which are both legal. By your logic, if people shouldn't be allowed to engage in behavior that may harm their health and force you to pick up the tab in a semi-socialized health care system, then alcohol and cigarettes should be outlawed too. Not to mention fatty foods and various other more potent detrimental chemicals people have noted.

Studies find that the significant majority of people who use marijuana also use alcohol and no other illicit drugs. The percentage of marijuana users dwarfs the percentage of users of all other illicit substances, even combined. So it's factually incorrect to state that "People that use [marijuana] tend to use other drugs and they typically don't do so in moderation." Simply factually false.

wow your a clown, the gov is going to remove thc. good one
The gubamint has a history of taking something good, works well that we all enjoy and fucking it all up. Then making you pay for it through taxation.

Don't get the government involved in your daily life any more than necessary.

I agree with this logic. What follows from it is that we should not get the government involved in dictating our personal consumption choices and they should leave themselves the hell out of our private lives, rather than say kicking in doors with weapons drawn to collect a few plants and send someone to jail for smoking them.
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How much dope you smoke a month Quentin?


I don't own a gun either, but I support the right for people to own guns. I'm not married, but I support the right for people to get married. I don't smoke cigarettes, but I support the right for people to smoke them.

One does not have to practice an activity or exercise a right to believe the government has no business and no authority dictating whether adult citizens can engage in or exercise it.

How much alcohol do you drink a month sl? How much fatty food do you eat?

Dismissing all proponents of decriminalization as drug users is so 1960s. Have you never heard of simply having consistent principles?

Don't dodge. How can you coherently oppose marijuana's legalization on the grounds that it has potentially harmful side effects to the user but support the legality of alcohol and cigarettes and fatty foods? And your claim that most marijuana users are harder drug users is simply factually false, so that's out the window. By the way, numerous studies over decades have shown the biggest "gateway" drug of all, the drug more narcotic users started with than any other, is alcohol.
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How much dope you smoke a month Quentin?


I don't own a gun either, but I support the right for people to own guns. I'm not married, but I support the right for people to get married. I don't smoke cigarettes, but I support the right for people to smoke them.

One does not have to practice an activity or exercise a right to believe the government has no business and no authority dictating whether adult citizens can engage in or exercise it.

How much alcohol do you drink a month sl? How much fatty food do you eat?

Dismissing all proponents of decriminalization as drug users is so 1960s. Have you never heard of simply having consistent principles?

Don't dodge. How can you coherently oppose marijuana's legalization on the grounds that it has potentially harmful side effects to the user but support the legality of alcohol and cigarettes and fatty foods? And your claim that most marijuana users are harder drug users is simply factually false, so that's out the window. By the way, numerous studies over decades have shown the biggest "gateway" drug of all, the drug more narcotic users started with than any other, is alcohol.

Covered most of this on the thread already, but here you go. I do not smoke or drink, at all. Personal choice. The body actually needs a certain amount of fatty foods to function properly. It is a nutritional component. Taking it in too large a quantity is bad, true.

Please show where I supported cigarette and alcohol. You sir are being dishonest. Honesty is also a principle. Thank you for answering my question. I felt it was only fair to reply to yours.
First off, you will never see MJ legalized until there is a test the State Trooper can administer with instant results to see if you are over what ever legal limit would be designated.

And personally, I don't want the guy flying the plane, driving the train, or answering a 911 call to be like topspin. I would prefer that they could think in this world instead of dreaming of another.

I say your wrong babykiller, Cali is about to legalize in a couple weeks.

Good, you stay in CA and please invite all the other doped up dopers to come live there with you.

And it is so nice to know that you can say things on an anonymous screen instead of to someones face isn't it?
It's good to know all the profits from selling pot will go to corporations and taxes.....
That's what Porky Limbaugh says, huh??


How much dope you smoke a month Quentin?


I don't own a gun either, but I support the right for people to own guns. I'm not married, but I support the right for people to get married. I don't smoke cigarettes, but I support the right for people to smoke them.

One does not have to practice an activity or exercise a right to believe the government has no business and no authority dictating whether adult citizens can engage in or exercise it.

How much alcohol do you drink a month sl? How much fatty food do you eat?

Dismissing all proponents of decriminalization as drug users is so 1960s. Have you never heard of simply having consistent principles?

Don't dodge. How can you coherently oppose marijuana's legalization on the grounds that it has potentially harmful side effects to the user but support the legality of alcohol and cigarettes and fatty foods? And your claim that most marijuana users are harder drug users is simply factually false, so that's out the window. By the way, numerous studies over decades have shown the biggest "gateway" drug of all, the drug more narcotic users started with than any other, is alcohol.

Covered most of this on the thread already, but here you go. I do not smoke or drink, at all. Personal choice. The body actually needs a certain amount of fatty foods to function properly. It is a nutritional component. Taking it in too large a quantity is bad, true.

Please show where I supported cigarette and alcohol. You sir are being dishonest. Honesty is also a principle. Thank you for answering my question. I felt it was only fair to reply to yours.

Then like me, you choose not to imbibe. But unlike me, you don't think all adult citizens should have the right to make what you accurately describe as a personal choice about what they consume.

You're suggesting or implying that you do not support cigarettes and alcohol being legal by calling me dishonest for asking how you could support marijuana's criminalization but cigarettes and alcohol's legality. I asked because you argued in favor of marijuana's criminalized status but did not mention adding cigarettes and alcohol for the same reasons, but that could have merely been an oversight on your part in which case it would have been an assumption on mine. But making an assumption (if it indeed was one and you want to outlaw alcohol/cigarettes) isn't the same thing as being dishonest. You posted incorrect information about marijuana users, but I didn't call you or think you dishonest for it, I simply corrected it and figured you made an honest good faith mistake (perhaps based on an assumption of your own). Since honesty is indeed a principle, can you give an honest and straightforward answer to the following question: Do you believe cigarettes and alcohol should be criminalized?

If you do then we disagree, but you're consistent and your logic holds up to internal scrutiny and we have nothing else to argue about. You simply want the government to legally prevent adults from imbibing potentially harmful substances. I'd also apologize for even suggesting you thought they should be legal. If you however think cigarettes and alcohol should continue to be legally available but marijuana should not, then your rationale for that stance breaks down.

So which is it?

I respectfully await your answer.
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We would have lots more DUI related costs if pot was legalized.
That would be a mistake.

You are NOT inTOXICated when you smoke pot.

Note the word TOXIC?

Marijuana does not have a level of toxicitiy. It is NOT a toxic substance


One cannot be intoxicated under its influence.

One can be intoxicated by aspirin, or cold medicine or even SALT, but one cannot be intoxicated by marijuana.

Some of us will not doubt think I am merely being pedantic by making this objection, but truly that is an important part of demystifying the whole issue.

Intoxication has a REAL meaning, folks.

One must be toxified to be intoxicated.
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First off, you will never see MJ legalized until there is a test the State Trooper can administer with instant results to see if you are over what ever legal limit would be designated.

And personally, I don't want the guy flying the plane, driving the train, or answering a 911 call to be like topspin. I would prefer that they could think in this world instead of dreaming of another.

I say your wrong babykiller, Cali is about to legalize in a couple weeks.

Good, you stay in CA and please invite all the other doped up dopers to come live there with you.

And it is so nice to know that you can say things on an anonymous screen instead of to someones face isn't it?

I'll say anything I write to your face babykiller, no problem when you conservatards throw around the socialist or other demeaning bs. fucking GED'r stay in your red state retardation land
First off, you will never see MJ legalized until there is a test the State Trooper can administer with instant results to see if you are over what ever legal limit would be designated.

And personally, I don't want the guy flying the plane, driving the train, or answering a 911 call to be like topspin. I would prefer that they could think in this world instead of dreaming of another.

I say your wrong babykiller, Cali is about to legalize in a couple weeks.

And it is so nice to know that you can say things on an anonymous screen instead of to someones face isn't it?
....Much like being in a herd o' 'Baggers (or, any group, for that matter).

All ya' gotta do is point to the group & say "I'm one o' them!!!"


There's no risk o' debate, justifying your position, or thinking.....whatsoever!!!

It's like being in a lynch-mob....the majority "rules", no individual can be blamed for the outcome!!

Yeah.....being a 'Bagger is great cover for someone who wants to pose (as being politically-aware), while still reserving the options of being lazy & politically-ignorant.....SOMEtimes.....

I say your wrong babykiller, Cali is about to legalize in a couple weeks.

Good, you stay in CA and please invite all the other doped up dopers to come live there with you.

And it is so nice to know that you can say things on an anonymous screen instead of to someones face isn't it?

I'll say anything I write to your face babykiller, no problem when you conservatards throw around the socialist or other demeaning bs. fucking GED'r stay in your red state retardation land

If you dont like the socialist label. Dont carry the signs at rallies.
I say your wrong babykiller, Cali is about to legalize in a couple weeks.

Good, you stay in CA and please invite all the other doped up dopers to come live there with you.

And it is so nice to know that you can say things on an anonymous screen instead of to someones face isn't it?

I'll say anything I write to your face babykiller....


C'mon...c'mon.....if you can't maintain control, why should you expect others to maintain?? :eusa_eh:
Good, you stay in CA and please invite all the other doped up dopers to come live there with you.

And it is so nice to know that you can say things on an anonymous screen instead of to someones face isn't it?

I'll say anything I write to your face babykiller, no problem when you conservatards throw around the socialist or other demeaning bs. fucking GED'r stay in your red state retardation land

If you dont like the socialist label. Dont carry the signs at rallies.
You've seen such signs carried, at a Pro-Obama rally, huh?? :rolleyes:

I think it's safe to assume you never saw that in any English-classes (you attend, infrequently). :eusa_whistle:
First off, you will never see MJ legalized until there is a test the State Trooper can administer with instant results to see if you are over what ever legal limit would be designated.

And personally, I don't want the guy flying the plane, driving the train, or answering a 911 call to be like topspin. I would prefer that they could think in this world instead of dreaming of another.

I say your wrong babykiller, Cali is about to legalize in a couple weeks.

I thought they were going to vote on that. Now they are just going to make it that way without a vote? Votes are tricky things. Good news though, you can roll yours upstairs instead of the basement then. Assuming Mom doesn't still enforce her home rule.
the polls show 52% in favor of legalization in Cali, and they have already decrimed. Ahh saving millions, pletny states to follow. Thanks for leading the retarded red states yet again Cali.
the polls show 52% in favor of legalization in Cali, and they have already decrimed. Ahh saving millions, pletny states to follow. Thanks for leading the retarded red states yet again Cali.

NOW you follow the poll's results? Interesting. You must be aware most reliable polls have a margin of error of plus or minus 3-4%?
saveBIGgovernment, it is happening and your redstate rednecks will have to adjust to what the smart people are doing.
the polls show 52% in favor of legalization in Cali, and they have already decrimed. Ahh saving millions, pletny states to follow. Thanks for leading the retarded red states yet again Cali.

NOW you follow the poll's results? Interesting. You must be aware most reliable polls have a margin of error of plus or minus 3-4%?

For some reason the ignorant fuck thinks by legalizing the hemp it will be the answer to all of Ca.'s problems. He just wants to smoke the stuff, he could care less about anything else.

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