Red Hen UPdate...

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trashing the bakers yelp page was stupid.
trashing the red hens yelp page was stupid.

The heterosexual baker story was totally different. The guys who say they wanted a Gay Wedding Cake picked this particular Christian baker because they knew he would not serve them. It was a "sting". If they baker had say "sure, when will you pick up your gay wedding cake?", they would have said "never mind."

Ms. Sanders and her party actually wanted to dine at the Red Hen, in spite of the fact it was dirty.

How do you know it was dirty? Just because the orange shitstain in DC said so? It has always had a high rating and never a ny violations. Unlike Mar-A-Lago, which has had how many now? Rust, mold, parasites..78 health violations in the last 3 years.

Our President has been involved in the hospitality business for decades, I think he knows a lot more about cleanliness that either of us.

The fact that leftist bureaucrats use their power to write citations to harass his lawful and clean business in Florida is irrelevant. Japanese Prime Minister "Honest" Abe didn't have any complaints when he and his old lady stayed there last year.
yea we need to quit thinking people always need to be punished. just livin in some drastic times
chick-fil-a was targeted, Hobby Lobby was targeted, it seems the only time there is an outrage is if the left is targeted. too fking stupid. why all the hate at a christian company. never saw this behavior from restaurants with obammy, why are you always backing the left? I thought you had more brains then that.

The only time there is an outrage? Aren't you guys throwing a wingding about this right now?

Chick-fil-a and Hobby Lobby took political stances and those stances were met with boycotts. In some cases there were also some assholes who did stupid things to like that guy who lost his job for being a dick in the drive through. But I don't see a problem with boycotting, Boycott the Red Hen, just stop treating this like some sort of national threat.
well yes we are, why do you supposed? have you even thought about that? I just posted the reason stupid.

You don't really have a reason. Did you cry yourself to sleep when Biden was told he wouldn't be served at an eating establishment?
You’re on the verge of understanding the love people have for Sarah and Trumps administration.

Who doubted that Sanders and Trump don't have fans? What's confirmed is they are a gaggle of assholes.
Adam Smith was the name of the "asshole" in the Chick Fil A drive thru.

But this man was just doing what he was egged on to do, by the Left.

Who 'on the left'? Give examples, be specific..

The LGBTQQAAI community, the legendary Gay Mafia, was encouraging everyone to protest against Chick Fil A for their homophobia.
chick-fil-a was targeted, Hobby Lobby was targeted, it seems the only time there is an outrage is if the left is targeted. too fking stupid. why all the hate at a christian company. never saw this behavior from restaurants with obammy, why are you always backing the left? I thought you had more brains then that.

The only time there is an outrage? Aren't you guys throwing a wingding about this right now?

Chick-fil-a and Hobby Lobby took political stances and those stances were met with boycotts. In some cases there were also some assholes who did stupid things to like that guy who lost his job for being a dick in the drive through. But I don't see a problem with boycotting, Boycott the Red Hen, just stop treating this like some sort of national threat.
well yes we are, why do you supposed? have you even thought about that? I just posted the reason stupid.

You don't really have a reason. Did you cry yourself to sleep when Biden was told he wouldn't be served at an eating establishment?
You’re on the verge of understanding the love people have for Sarah and Trumps administration.

Who doubted that Sanders and Trump don't have fans? What's confirmed is they are a gaggle of assholes.
tell us how you really feel.
Holy Shit are liberals going to lie and say the Red Hen didnt close down? Unbelievable! We have discussed this. The owner shut it down until, according to her, at least July 5. I doubt it will re open but who knows.

They are busy going through all their Yelp reviews and selectively deleting all the negative ones.
Adam Smith was the name of the "asshole" in the Chick Fil A drive thru.

But this man was just doing what he was egged on to do, by the Left.

Who 'on the left'? Give examples, be specific..

The LGBTQQAAI community, the legendary Gay Mafia, was encouraging everyone to protest against Chick Fil A for their homophobia.
shit man, an ESPN broadcaster that had the name of a confederate general was told he couldn't do a college football gig because of his name. the left are just fking evil assholes and that's how I really feel.
The only time there is an outrage? Aren't you guys throwing a wingding about this right now?

Chick-fil-a and Hobby Lobby took political stances and those stances were met with boycotts. In some cases there were also some assholes who did stupid things to like that guy who lost his job for being a dick in the drive through. But I don't see a problem with boycotting, Boycott the Red Hen, just stop treating this like some sort of national threat.
well yes we are, why do you supposed? have you even thought about that? I just posted the reason stupid.

You don't really have a reason. Did you cry yourself to sleep when Biden was told he wouldn't be served at an eating establishment?
and when did this happen?

In the past.
could you be a bit more specific?

Sure, 2012. Do you really need a link for this?
well yes we are, why do you supposed? have you even thought about that? I just posted the reason stupid.

You don't really have a reason. Did you cry yourself to sleep when Biden was told he wouldn't be served at an eating establishment?
and when did this happen?

In the past.
could you be a bit more specific?

Sure, 2012. Do you really need a link for this?

cause im seeing a lot of "fasley accused" baker crap.
well yes we are, why do you supposed? have you even thought about that? I just posted the reason stupid.

You don't really have a reason. Did you cry yourself to sleep when Biden was told he wouldn't be served at an eating establishment?
and when did this happen?

In the past.
could you be a bit more specific?

Sure, 2012. Do you really need a link for this?
nope never happened. post a link
The red hens secret sauce most likely comes from a bidet....

You complained about Obama, Michelle and even there children, for EIGHT YEARS. That wasn’t enough to sooth your tender soul?
Obama did his share of complaining.
Everything he did he gave a speech on designed for the express purpose of innoculating himself from guilt.
And all he did was bitch about racism and Fox News.
All I’m reading from you is excuses
. In some cases there were also some assholes who did stupid things to like that guy who lost his job for being a dick in the drive through. But I don't see a problem with boycotting, Boycott the Red Hen, just stop treating this like some sort of national threat.

Adam Smith was the name of the "asshole" in the Chick Fil A drive thru.

But this man was just doing what he was egged on to do, by the Left.

Who 'on the left'? Give examples, be specific.

And afterwards, after he got canned, the libs just threw this weak minded doofus under the bus.

There was no bus to throw him under, literally nobody cared about the guy.

The libs were the cause of Smith acting stupid, he thought he'd be celebrated.

Your post is on repeat.

Thrown under the bus, just like Buy-a-lick (the blonde who lied about the Pizza God Father, Herman Cain) and Levi Johnston ( the baby's daddy that turned on the Palins).

How far do you think you can throw that kitchen sink anyway? Is this where I come back with right wing assholes who have been fired from their jobs and then we can go back and forth on that edging further off topic? Douche.
heh this being mr "do you really need a link" in same thread. :)

You complained about Obama, Michelle and even there children, for EIGHT YEARS. That wasn’t enough to sooth your tender soul?
Obama did his share of complaining.
Everything he did he gave a speech on designed for the express purpose of innoculating himself from guilt.
And all he did was bitch about racism and Fox News.
All I’m reading from you is excuses
you mean facts are now excuses? LOL :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Red Hen laid a huge egg. Staff called owner asking what to do because a customer came in with her family and it was a well known customer. Now staff doesn't have a job any more for their stupidity. As I said before..I would have fired them all if I was the owner. But no. Owner is as stupid as her staff.
She has been punished enough for that stupidity. Leave her be. Maybe she will wake the fuck up.
yea we need to quit thinking people always need to be punished. just livin in some drastic times
chick-fil-a was targeted, Hobby Lobby was targeted, it seems the only time there is an outrage is if the left is targeted. too fking stupid. why all the hate at a christian company. never saw this behavior from restaurants with obammy, why are you always backing the left? I thought you had more brains then that.
Wow, chill out dude. Warm up a bottle.
Red Hen laid a huge egg. Staff called owner asking what to do because a customer came in with her family and it was a well known customer. Now staff doesn't have a job any more for their stupidity. As I said before..I would have fired them all if I was the owner. But no. Owner is as stupid as her staff.
She has been punished enough for that stupidity. Leave her be. Maybe she will wake the fuck up.
yea we need to quit thinking people always need to be punished. just livin in some drastic times
chick-fil-a was targeted, Hobby Lobby was targeted, it seems the only time there is an outrage is if the left is targeted. too fking stupid. why all the hate at a christian company. never saw this behavior from restaurants with obammy, why are you always backing the left? I thought you had more brains then that.

The only time there is an outrage? Aren't you guys throwing a wingding about this right now?

Chick-fil-a and Hobby Lobby took political stances and those stances were met with boycotts. In some cases there were also some assholes who did stupid things to like that guy who lost his job for being a dick in the drive through. But I don't see a problem with boycotting, Boycott the Red Hen, just stop treating this like some sort of national threat.

Boycott whoever you want, the left and right do it all the time, I have no issue with it, however I don't think it is effective.

Except when they are.

Successful Consumer Boycotts: Ethical Consumer

Like I stated boycott who you want, I will spend my dollars where I want. To me the Red Hen is totally justified to not serve and people have a right to respond however they want. If that means criticizing, protesting the restaurant or boycotting it altogether, that is their right. What no one has a right to do is incite violence.
Red Hen laid a huge egg. Staff called owner asking what to do because a customer came in with her family and it was a well known customer. Now staff doesn't have a job any more for their stupidity. As I said before..I would have fired them all if I was the owner. But no. Owner is as stupid as her staff.
She has been punished enough for that stupidity. Leave her be. Maybe she will wake the fuck up.
yea we need to quit thinking people always need to be punished. just livin in some drastic times
chick-fil-a was targeted, Hobby Lobby was targeted, it seems the only time there is an outrage is if the left is targeted. too fking stupid. why all the hate at a christian company. never saw this behavior from restaurants with obammy, why are you always backing the left? I thought you had more brains then that.
Wow, chill out dude. Warm up a bottle.
just posting facts.
What the owner did was out of line, but what the rightwingers are doing is worse.

We're just getting started....did you notice Antifa got the living shit kicked out of them in Portland over the weekend? We're tired of your side's it's our turn.
Violence isn't the answer to anything that will be helpful.
awww look at you. where were you for the baker guy in Colorado? your only ok with it if it's for your side? see how hypocritical you are?
Anti-Discrimination against political viewpoints is not a law, so far as I know.
I can understand dropping Stephanie Wilkerson from the local business council, but the other actions against her are unjustified and uncivil. This is not the proper way to react to bigotry and intolerance. What those people have done to her is much worse than what she did to the Sanders.

You mean kinda like what ABC did to comedian Roseanne Barr for making a joke about a politician?
What the owner did was out of line, but what the rightwingers are doing is worse.

We're just getting started....did you notice Antifa got the living shit kicked out of them in Portland over the weekend? We're tired of your side's it's our turn.
Violence isn't the answer to anything that will be helpful.
awww look at you. where were you for the baker guy in Colorado? your only ok with it if it's for your side? see how hypocritical you are?
Anti-Discrimination against political viewpoints is not a law, so far as I know.
What the owner did was out of line, but what the rightwingers are doing is worse.

We're just getting started....did you notice Antifa got the living shit kicked out of them in Portland over the weekend? We're tired of your side's it's our turn.
Violence isn't the answer to anything that will be helpful.
awww look at you. where were you for the baker guy in Colorado? your only ok with it if it's for your side? see how hypocritical you are?
Anti-Discrimination against political viewpoints is not a law, so far as I know.
is in the DC area.
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