Recreational Marijuana Measure To Be Put To Voters...

If they did it nationally they could eliminate 70% of the drug cartels profits and balance the budget with the taxes it would generate. Additionally, it would allow the agricultural exploitation of hemp in this country, and open up new avenues in pharmaceuticals, as well.

But they'd rather turn normal folks into criminals, supporting our record as the most imprisoned people on the planet, and continue allowing the cartels to make BILLIONS of dollars that can be used for the usurpation of the governments south of the border.

It also doesn't hurt that the CIA can move TONS of drugs surreptitiously and use THEIR profits for their black budget, illegal operations.

Besides all that, I am tired of paying through the nose for Hydro! the only reason it is high is because they can get away with it. Anyone could grow great weed these days. I don't need some other potential drain on my cash resources, which are low due to the traitors in Congress and Wall Street. I would rather just grow my own and not have to go outside my home to get my smoke.
.....The option that always BLOWS THE SHIT outta the whole criminal-element excuse the drug-warriors are selling.

The only problem I can see.....allowing people to all o' the DEA-agents we'd be putting outta-work.....especially the ones who'd MUCH-prefer goin' after Pot-busts....rather-than the hard-core illegal-drug industry. We're pretty-much $ub$idizing cowardice, than we are fighting drug-abuse.​
If you don't support Colorado's right to legalize marijuana, then you don't support state's rights.

OK, now I've publicly agreed with TWO flaming liberals on this subject. Does this mean I have to give up my 'Conservative's Club' membership card? :eek:
People have to be permitted to protect themselves. That goes without saying. We have plenty of murder in the streets as it is. Drug users die young. Many times as teen agers. Legalize the stuff and in a remarkably short time the problem will have mostly solved itself with just some peripheral law enforcement necessary.

People are ALREADY 'permitted' to protect themselves, unless you live in New York or something. Concealed carry permits are SKYROCKETING. You sound as if you'd support some 'extracurricular' vigilantism. You really do have control issues, where's your cry for freedom?

It seems like extracirricular vigilantism is a freedom!

If we had legalized drugs, we'd have more of this kind of comic relief

Naked Man Arrested After Fighting With Officers « CBS Sacramento
There are a lot o' people, out there, who are self-medicatiing (the best they figure, they can), who have serious mental-health problems.

Who knows what this dudes (actual) problem was? Seeing him as some form o' "entertainment" (when he might be having mental-health issues) seems kind o' fucked.​
If heroin or meth were legal would you go out and buy some?

You do realize that those drugs are just as easy to get as marijuana, don't you? All the folks that want to use them are ALREADY using them, legalizing them and treating addiction like the MEDICAL problem it is wouldn't increase the use of those drugs one bit.

I wouldn't take that shit if they were giving it away.

Medical problem my ass. Its a stupidity problem and you can't fix stupid.

I'm sure not interested in paying for some stupid fuckers rehab either.

Hemp with high CBD content for medicinal purposes, as well as job producing industrial uses is good for the country, and is a starting point for cannibis legalization.
What most are ignorant of is the fact that the plants with high THC levels, are not as good or effective, for medicinal use, but the DEA and government does not seem to distinguish between the 2.
That is why millions of tax dollars are wasted paying agents to pull hemp weeds that wouldn't get you high if you smoked a pound of it, but would actually be beneficial in many ways, such as have been stated in this thread already.

Feds' Pot Eradication Program Seizes Nothing But Ditchweed Hemp, Not Marijuana Focus of DEA Effort, Report Shows

[ame=]The Power of RAW Cannabis. - YouTube[/ame]

I think there is a big swath of generalities here. The studies show now, that because there is a choice and all the "refer madness" people are almost dead, among youngsters alcohol consumption is going down and pot is up. People know which is better when given a choice. Don't forget the suffergettes said the same thing about alcohol. If we were smart, we would have kept the prohibition on alcohol and legaized pot. I don't think anyone ever overdosed on just fall asleep. Not so with liquor...and it is much worse on the body than pot ever was. I have noticed nothing on is because we all know how deadly those sob's are! It's good we don't even have to mention it. We have come a long way baby.
If you don't support Colorado's right to legalize marijuana, then you don't support state's rights.

OK, now I've publicly agreed with TWO flaming liberals on this subject. Does this mean I have to give up my 'Conservative's Club' membership card? :eek:

Flaming liberal? Moi? :eusa_eh:

Can I interest you in a brand new 'jump to conclusions' mat perhaps?
If heroin or meth were legal would you go out and buy some?

You do realize that those drugs are just as easy to get as marijuana, don't you? All the folks that want to use them are ALREADY using them, legalizing them and treating addiction like the MEDICAL problem it is wouldn't increase the use of those drugs one bit.

I wouldn't take that shit if they were giving it away.

Medical problem my ass. Its a stupidity problem and you can't fix stupid.

I'm sure not interested in paying for some stupid fuckers rehab either.

Hemp with high CBD content for medicinal purposes, as well as job producing industrial uses is good for the country, and is a starting point for cannibis legalization.

What most are ignorant of is the fact that the plants with high THC levels, are not as good or effective, for medicinal use, but the DEA and government does not seem to distinguish between the 2.

An educated-opinion!!!!!!


Well done!!!!
If folks want to smoke MJ, and there are loads who do, I really could care less.

I am more worried about that open door.

Once you legalize one drug how long before someone is pushing for legalizing heroin, meth or any of the other drugs out there??

That's a bit of a red herring argument.

Alcohol, tobacco and caffeine have been legal for a long time without hurling us over any slippery slope.

I donno, I started with tobacco back in the sixth grade......
I think it is incredibly naive to believe consumption would not rise if a drug were legalized. That is an expression of ignorance of human behavior, which is common among libertarians.

Until drunk driving punishments were made more harsh, there was a lot more drunk driving. That drunk driving declined with enforcement means there are people for whom the only thing stopping them from drunk driving is the law.

The law is a deterrent. People's behavior will change with the repeal of a law.

Believing that alcohol consumption figures for before and after the repeal of Prohibition is evidence that drug use won't rise is erroneous thinking because Prohibition was not enforced anywhere near the level drug prohibition is. Alcohol prohibition enforcement was a running joke.

Drug prohibition enforcement is an even BIGGER joke. After 40 years of the 'War on Drugs' they are cheaper, easier to get and there are more people using AND abusing than EVER.

Links please. In 1980, a dime bag of pot (half an ounce) was called a dime bag because it cost ten bucks. How much is a dime bag now? Do they still call it a dime bag?

An ounce cost 20 bucks in 1980.

How much does an ounce cost now in 1980 dollars?

A line of cocaine was one dollar in 1980. How much is it now?

What is the rate of increase of drug use compared to the rate of increase in population?

You made some big claims, they need big evidence to support them.
In '74, we were gettin' "bricks" for $135. (in PA). Eventually (later that year), we were gettin' good, spongy Colombian Red-Bud ounces, for $40....a price we thought outrageous....until we smoked it.

In '75, an oz was $13, in Colorado.

In '96, you could get good Mexican-ounces, in Austin, for $70.​
i could've done the illegal ones every day if i wanted to.

Key word, "could've".

Could have =/= did. As I said, the law is a deterrent. Just because you CAN do something does not mean you do.

Once the legal barrier is removed, you have to be pretty naive to believe usage would remain the same. You have to believe current law is not a deterrent at all.

Legal barrier isn't the only thing, tons more kids smoked weed in my high school and even middle school than smoked cigarrettes. It wasn't even close, marijuana was a very casual thing.

And it wasn't the legal barrier, i drank tons of times before 21. I just had never had the curiosity to get high.
It used to be great fun, gettin' people high (for their 1st time), back in the late-'60s/early-'70s.

More-often-than-not....after gettin' 'em "off".....they'd say "Is THIS all it is??!!!" After all the bullshit-propaganda they were fed, they were always expecting all kinds o' least....a few monsters!!!

I had a friend who'd done a tour in 'Nam....who never did get high, over there....and, when we finally got him "off" (his first time; early '70, right after he got back home), he was "kicking himself"....saying how much it would have helped his head, while he was over there.​
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Either way you're still paying for them. You're paying for an overreaching, unconsitutional, government-run "War on Drugs". You're paying to lock up thousands of people... feeding them, clothing them, and buying them porn. You'll pay much less if we take a more common sense approach to the problem and treat Marijuana like what it is, a drug. Nothing more, nothing less. We ALL should be free to make stupid mistakes, and free to face the consequences of those mistakes... personal responsability.

Drug users are coddled and protected too much. They cost way more than they should if they just died young. Increase the number of drug related deaths, decrease the number of users.

The War on Drugs was a feeble attempt to protect non-users from users. Time to end that nonsense. Let people protect themselves from users. It won't take long before the prisons and hospitals are half empty.

Nixon's war on Drugs was a war on the anti-war protesters. Carter wanted to decrminialize it and we still see the treatment the neo-cons give him.
To Raygun, it was all about big business. Has been ever since.

People have alway used drugs as a form of entertainment and alway will. The only way to stop it is a hard line police state. Which is where we are going.
Well.....there ARE a few cops who finally "get it".

[ame=]LAPD Deputy Chief Asks Obama About Marijuana Legalization - YouTube[/ame]

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Drug prohibition enforcement is an even BIGGER joke. After 40 years of the 'War on Drugs' they are cheaper, easier to get and there are more people using AND abusing than EVER.

Links please. In 1980, a dime bag of pot (half an ounce) was called a dime bag because it cost ten bucks. How much is a dime bag now? Do they still call it a dime bag?

An ounce cost 20 bucks in 1980.

How much does an ounce cost now in 1980 dollars?

A line of cocaine was one dollar in 1980. How much is it now?

What is the rate of increase of drug use compared to the rate of increase in population?

You made some big claims, they need big evidence to support them.
In '74, we were gettin' "bricks" for $135. (in PA). Eventually (later that year), we were gettin' good, spongy Colombian Red-Bud ounces, for $40....a price we thought outrageous....until we smoked it.

In '75, an oz was $13, in Colorado.

In '96, you could get good Mexican-ounces, in Austin, for $70.​

Much more in line I think. $10 an oz for mexican. $40 for columbian in 75 - 77.

I think you can still get mexican for about $70 an Oz.
Drug prohibition enforcement is an even BIGGER joke. After 40 years of the 'War on Drugs' they are cheaper, easier to get and there are more people using AND abusing than EVER.

Links please. In 1980, a dime bag of pot (half an ounce) was called a dime bag because it cost ten bucks. How much is a dime bag now? Do they still call it a dime bag?

An ounce cost 20 bucks in 1980.

How much does an ounce cost now in 1980 dollars?

A line of cocaine was one dollar in 1980. How much is it now?

What is the rate of increase of drug use compared to the rate of increase in population?

You made some big claims, they need big evidence to support them.

Ha ha ha, I don't know where you grew up, but most folks I know weren't smoking that dirt weed in the 80's. It was the heyday of the Emerald Triangle. Ounces of Humboldt Sinsemilla were $200, Ounces of Colombian Red were $40.
.....And, WAAAAAYYYYYY too-much-COKE!!!!!!!

As for cocaine, I've never seen the cost breakdown per line, but back in the 80's an ounce of very clean Bolivian flake was about $2,000, grams were $125.
In Boulder (if you knew the right people), you could get grams for as little as $65.

One thing I learned, back then, was......everyone should do a little too-much Coke, to realize....after a isn't all-that-cool, anymore.....especially on Monday morning!!!!!
If you don't support Colorado's right to legalize marijuana, then you don't support state's rights.

OK, now I've publicly agreed with TWO flaming liberals on this subject. Does this mean I have to give up my 'Conservative's Club' membership card? :eek:
I don't know where the "flames" are supposed to come-from....but, it's a.....

.....once you tire o' the mold-and-mildew (so typical) of tradition.​
I wouldn't take that shit if they were giving it away.

Medical problem my ass. Its a stupidity problem and you can't fix stupid.

I'm sure not interested in paying for some stupid fuckers rehab either.

Hemp with high CBD content for medicinal purposes, as well as job producing industrial uses is good for the country, and is a starting point for cannibis legalization.
What most are ignorant of is the fact that the plants with high THC levels, are not as good or effective, for medicinal use, but the DEA and government does not seem to distinguish between the 2.
That is why millions of tax dollars are wasted paying agents to pull hemp weeds that wouldn't get you high if you smoked a pound of it, but would actually be beneficial in many ways, such as have been stated in this thread already.

Feds' Pot Eradication Program Seizes Nothing But Ditchweed Hemp, Not Marijuana Focus of DEA Effort, Report Shows

[ame=]The Power of RAW Cannabis. - YouTube[/ame]

I think there is a big swath of generalities here. The studies show now, that because there is a choice and all the "refer madness" people are almost dead, among youngsters alcohol consumption is going down and pot is up. People know which is better when given a choice. Don't forget the suffergettes said the same thing about alcohol. If we were smart, we would have kept the prohibition on alcohol and legaized pot. I don't think anyone ever overdosed on just fall asleep. Not so with liquor...and it is much worse on the body than pot ever was. I have noticed nothing on is because we all know how deadly those sob's are! It's good we don't even have to mention it. We have come a long way baby.
.....Primarily thru education.

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