
I'll ask again, oh king of debate. lol. DrSmith, please enlighten the room with the schedule of premiums we can expect form this legislation that will make health care coverage affordable and available to all. Until you can answer that one, any comment made by you is drool.

I thinking man could take information like, we are adding people who are at high risk of using their coverage and incurring high bills from medical institutions and conclude that premiums have to go up to cover that. Offering less to providers for services rendered to the elderly will mean some or many doctors will opt out of providing that service. You could also arrive at the result that with Democrats fracturing over abortion, cadillac plan definitions and inclusion or just plain seeing the bill for the piece of crap it is, will mean no majority in the House.

Feel free to drag your knuckles across the floor and out the door. Try not to breathe on anyone on the way out. We are trying to keep health care costs down here.

That may all be true, but now all that is irrelevant. The Dems have the ball, and they really do not care now what their opponents think, say, or do. Get ready for them to ram the bill down their opponents' collective throat. The fall elections will be the litmus test, nothing else.

He is asking me to respond while he has me on ignore. LOL

The fact is he is the one who brought up premiums so I asked him to prove his argument and in response he tells me I am on ignore and then asks me to present facts to support an argument about premiums that I never made even as he refuses to prove his own argument. LOL

saveliberty has an unbalanced personality as well as political philosophy, so don't respond to him. If he asks you to offer evidence for things that you have not stated, that means that he can't refute what you have stated. That's saves problem, not yours.
Speaking of the old MSNBC MB, I wonder how many post here under different 'names'. I've only posted under Wry Catcher, but I'm aware that some change their posting name as often - well, maybe more often - then they change their socks.

Personally I've only posted under my old MSNBC name, Vast LWC.

I've seen what you're talking about though.
Maddow really knows how to draw in the 792 k00ks who watch that show every night........

She knows damn well this bill hasnt a snowballs chance in hell........but she certainly doesnt want to take a show that according to cable news industry standards is "off the air" in the ratings talking about the fact that the House has zero chance of passing the Senate bill.

Look how you are proving her right. By lying like a rug. You want people to think that this bill has no chance. And by saying it, people will think it's true. But that is the right wing nuts that believe it. That doesn't work with everyone.

And you think that the House has zero chance of passing it?? You know that's not true. You're all wet!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Do the math Rinata. The House version passed by three votes the first time. Now they have to accept the Senate version which many don't like. Also, a dozen won't vote for it with the abortion language. Pelosi is way short on this one.

Let's not conjecture. We'll find out soon enough. :)
saveliberty clearly does not understand how a party's politics work, but will find out shortly.
Ya gotta love it. The government that gave us $500 hammers is now gonna give us 50 cent childbirth.

You guys are a hoot.
Never mind that the U.S. Government is the largest insurer in the world and all the insurance plans are BROKE and routinely deny care.

But, no worries... this one they are gonna get right!
Look how you are proving her right. By lying like a rug. You want people to think that this bill has no chance. And by saying it, people will think it's true. But that is the right wing nuts that believe it. That doesn't work with everyone.

And you think that the House has zero chance of passing it?? You know that's not true. You're all wet!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Do the math Rinata. The House version passed by three votes the first time. Now they have to accept the Senate version which many don't like. Also, a dozen won't vote for it with the abortion language. Pelosi is way short on this one.

Plus, President Obama has addressed the thorny issue of the bribery that has been used to get Congress-critters and Senators to support the competing versions of the legislation. Now, supposedly, the Administration is behind the effort to winnow OUT of the legislation any other such legal bribery. But if they can't BUY the votes of the members who have serious reservations, how the hell are they gonna compel the wayward Democratics to vote FOR it?

Unless, of course, President Obama's stated new position opposing such bribery is actually a green light to go ahead and offer such bribes as needed . . . .

You actually posted these kinds of statements with no proof at all??
It seems like that the demoCRAPS are going to try the reconciliation tactic after all.
It seems like that the demoCRAPS are going to try the reconciliation tactic after all.

Democrats need to ask themselves what the Republicans would do in this situation


Majority vote wins
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It seems like that the demoCRAPS are going to try the reconciliation tactic after all.

Democrats need to ask themselves what the Republicans would do in this situation


Majority vote wins

Yes, it will win and just what exactly will that win bring? Here's the thing. Say I'm a Democrat in a election situation in November. I represent a district that seems to not be in favor of this bill. If I vote against it, I might survive November. If I vote for it, I risk losing in November. Further, if my fellow Democrats don't pass the bill, but I voted for it, I lose and have nothing to show for it health care reform-wise. Double whammy. So I play along with Pelosi until the vote. She can't get back at all of us who voted the bill down.
It seems like that the demoCRAPS are going to try the reconciliation tactic after all.

Democrats need to ask themselves what the Republicans would do in this situation


Majority vote wins

Yes, it will win and just what exactly will that win bring? Here's the thing. Say I'm a Democrat in a election situation in November. I represent a district that seems to not be in favor of this bill. If I vote against it, I might survive November. If I vote for it, I risk losing in November. Further, if my fellow Democrats don't pass the bill, but I voted for it, I lose and have nothing to show for it health care reform-wise. Double whammy. So I play along with Pelosi until the vote. She can't get back at all of us who voted the bill down.

If the Democrats keep voting on what they see as the whims of the voters they don't deserve to be in power.
Republicans never gave a shit about the upcoming elections. They had an agenda to accomplish and drove it home regardless of the consequences.

Dems need to grow some balls
Democrats need to ask themselves what the Republicans would do in this situation


Majority vote wins


American people win .....

They already have..

Sent the GOP into exile for their miserable performance

Pull that reconciliation shit and the "exile for their miserable performance" will have been a stroll in the park compared to what has and will happen to the dems ...........
Democrats need to ask themselves what the Republicans would do in this situation


Majority vote wins

Yes, it will win and just what exactly will that win bring? Here's the thing. Say I'm a Democrat in a election situation in November. I represent a district that seems to not be in favor of this bill. If I vote against it, I might survive November. If I vote for it, I risk losing in November. Further, if my fellow Democrats don't pass the bill, but I voted for it, I lose and have nothing to show for it health care reform-wise. Double whammy. So I play along with Pelosi until the vote. She can't get back at all of us who voted the bill down.

If the Democrats keep voting on what they see as the whims of the voters they don't deserve to be in power.
Republicans never gave a shit about the upcoming elections. They had an agenda to accomplish and drove it home regardless of the consequences.

Dems need to grow some balls

YAAAA. How dare democrats consider what their constitutents want :clap2:

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