Reasons for Homeschooling.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
" I wanted my kids integrated and socialized. I wanted their eyes opened to the realities of the world. I wanted the values we taught at home put to the test in the real world. But necessity drove me to consider homeschooling for my 2nd and 4th graders, and so I timidly attended a home school parent meeting last spring. Surprisingly it was full of doctors, lawyers, former public school teachers, and other professionals. These were not the stay-at-home-moms in long skirts that I expected. The face of homeschooling is changing. We are not all religious extremists or farmers, and our kids are not all overachieving academic nerds without social skills.... experts are predicting an exponential boom in homeschooling in the next 5-10 years. ...

Here are 18 reasons why we have joined America’s fastest growing educational trend:

1. We spend less time homeschooling each day than we used to spend driving. With four kids in four locations last year (including a newborn at home), school drop-off and pick-up took four hours, on a good day... Now we spend about four hours per day homeschooling, instead of four hours in the car.

2. We can’t afford private education. Even on a doctor’s salary, private education has become unaffordable, especially for larger families.

3. Our kids are excelling academically as homeschoolers. Homeschooling allows us to enrich our children’s strengths and supplement their weaknesses.

4. Homeschooling is not hard, and it’s fun! We bought a “box curriculum” from a major homeschool vendor, and all the books and the day-by-day curriculum checklist came in the mail. We have a lot of fun supplementing material through YouTube and online educational sites...

5. Use whatever public school services you like. Need speech therapy, the gifted program, or remedial academics? Homeschooled kids are still eligible for all these services.

6. I like parenting more, by far.

7. Our family spends our best hours of each day together. We were giving away our kids during their best hours, when they were rested and happy, and getting them back when they were tired, grumpy and hungry... Now, our kids have happy time together each day. At recess time, the kids are actually excited about playing with each other!

8. We yell at our kids less. Homeschooling forces us as parents to maintain a loving authority in the household.

9. Our kids have time for creative play and unique interests. Once my kids entered school, they seemed to stop making up their owncreative play together. They didn’t have time for creative play during their busy evenings. Now they build forts and crazy contraptions, play dance parties, and pursue their own unique interests.

10. We are able to work on the kids’ behavior and work ethic throughout the day.

11. Get rid of bad habits, fast.

12. Be the master of your own schedule. Homeschooling provides a great deal of family flexibility, which is a tremendous asset for our busy family. For example, we save a lot of money on plane tickets because we have the flexibility to fly almost any day of the week. Zoos, children’s museums, libraries, parks, etc., are far less busy on weekdays as they are on weekends. Scheduling anything is eons easier—doctor’s appointments, piano lessons, vacations, etc.

13. Younger children learn from older siblings.

14. Save money. Committing to homeschooling requires at least one parent at home for most of each day. Although you may lose an income with this commitment, you save (a lot) of money since younger children don’t need daycare and older children don’t need private school. We also save a lot of money on gas now that we drive less.

15) Teach your kids practical life skills. Homeschooled kids learn parenting skills, cooking, budgeting, home maintenance, and time management every day. Time management skills are learned out of necessity. Our kids have to keep their own schedules and budget their own time.

16) Better socialization, less unhealthy peer pressure and bullying. Our kids no longer beg for video games we don’t want them to have or clothes we don’t like, or junky snacks they saw at school.

17) Sleep! A research study by National Jewish Health released in March, 2013 showed that homeschooled students get more sleep than their peers who attend school. The result may be that homeschooled kids are better prepared to learn. Parents get more sleep, too! Now we don’t have to get up early to meet a bus schedule, prepare sack lunches, etc. Our mornings are great times together to snuggle with our children and talk about our plans for the day. No more “Hurry up and get your shoes on or you’ll be late for school!”

18) Teach kids your own values. According to the national center for education statistics, 36% of homeschooling families were primarily motivated by a desire to provide religious or moral instruction. Our family is not part of this 36%– we never objected to any values taught in either our public or private schools. Nevertheless, we’ve really enjoyed building our own traditions and living out our family values in a way that wasn’t possible before homeschooling."
18 Reasons Why Doctors and Lawyers Homeschool Their Children ? ChildrensMD
Don't homeschool kids turn into serial killers?

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Public School is best Gov't Indoctrination device there is. When kid graduate from H.S., he/she has spent more time with Gov't than their own parents!

We cannot let that opportunity go to waste!
Communist Goal #17:
Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
American kids love Socialism and Obama, plus they are stupid.

That is PROOF that Communist takeover of schools is complete.

Homeschool must be outlawed.
Reasons for Homeschooling.

The reason for homeschooling is pretty straight forward. The public education system sucks balls. It's not preparing kids for the real world. It's grossly expensive, yet turns out a piss poor product.

I'm lucky that I have a good enough income I can send my son to a private school, but most people can't. While I have a met a few homeschooled kids who were a little awkward socially, as long as they have regular interaction with other kids, like through community sports, etc. they'll be fine. More kids are being homeschooled today than ever since the start of the government education system and you have a lot of parents now who do group homeschooling where parents take turns hosting the classes and kids of several parents will all go and learn together.
HOME-SCHOOLING, much as with public education depends on the quality of the educators leading it.

I've known homeschooled kids whose educations were fabulous.

I've known homeschooled kids whose parents were wholly unsuited to the task.

But as to outlawing it?

That's just flat out wrong.

And I say this as somebody who still believes in PUBLIC education, too.
Homeschooling is a great option.

I continue to lean heavily towards sending my kids to Christian boarding school. I do like our small school...but I feel they're being overlooked. I think they (especially my son) will have a better chance of scholastic success in a school with more oversight, fewer distractions, and more instructor accountability.

My daughter got stuck with a new teacher who is only staying this year, and then is moving on....I'm tired of getting stuck with crap teachers because the principal isn't intimidated by me. I'm one of the parents who is told "oh you don't have a choice". As opposed to the parents who tell the admin what teacher their child will be placed with.
You may have heard already as reported earlier. But a German homeschooling family sought refuge in America so they can homeschool without persecution. A Tennessee judge gave them political asylum, but this was overruled by the current Department of Justice. The Obama's DOJ does not believe that homeschooling is a fundamental right. Please sign and share the petition to prevent the Romeikes from being deported. If they are deported, they face losing custody of their children because homeschooling is illegal in Germany. We still need 77,784 signatures in 21 days. We need this to go to a higher court because we don't want the government abridging our rights to our children's education. HSLDA | The Romeike Case
You may have heard already as reported earlier. But a German homeschooling family sought refuge in America so they can homeschool without persecution. A Tennessee judge gave them political asylum, but this was overruled by the current Department of Justice. The Obama's DOJ does not believe that homeschooling is a fundamental right. Please sign and share the petition to prevent the Romeikes from being deported. If they are deported, they face losing custody of their children because homeschooling is illegal in Germany. We still need 77,784 signatures in 21 days. We need this to go to a higher court because we don't want the government abridging our rights to our children's education. HSLDA | The Romeike Case

Homeschooling is a justification for political asylum?
Damn, if liberals pulled that shit, Limbaugh would be all over us

Maybe we need 12 million illegal aliens to claim they are homeschooling. Conservatives would welcome them with open arms
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My 14 year old goes to a top public school in Prague. I would never allow him to suffer a US public education because of the marginal education/indoctrination offered. The self-righteousness and very limited knowledge of what I assume to be the younger posters on sites like are a clear indication of the results
This is an update posting from the Doctor-home-school mom who wrote the OP:

"Four years ago, after I had my third child, I started working all night shifts as a hospital-based pediatrician. This schedule allowed me to be home with my babies and available for school pick-up for my older children. When we were expecting our fourth child, my husband resigned his full-time job a large company in St. Louis so that he could start his own business as an independent IT developer, and so that he could be more committed to our family life.

My husband does the homeschooling on the mornings when I am sleeping. On the mornings when I am awake, I do the teaching. My husband and I split the teaching about 50/50. We try to make sure that at any given time one parent is employed and one is teaching/parenting/running the home.

Now that we homeschool, everything has become a team effort in our house. Both my husband and I teach, do housework, and make money. Everyone does chores. Walking in each other’s shoes each day has made us more compassionate towards each other. We are less likely to criticize each other when things don’t go right, and we’ve learned to be better communicators. This is, perhaps, my favorite part of homeschooling, that our family is happier together."
18 Reasons Why Doctors and Lawyers Homeschool Their Children ? ChildrensMD
This is an update posting from the Doctor-home-school mom who wrote the OP:

"Four years ago, after I had my third child, I started working all night shifts as a hospital-based pediatrician. This schedule allowed me to be home with my babies and available for school pick-up for my older children. When we were expecting our fourth child, my husband resigned his full-time job a large company in St. Louis so that he could start his own business as an independent IT developer, and so that he could be more committed to our family life.

My husband does the homeschooling on the mornings when I am sleeping. On the mornings when I am awake, I do the teaching. My husband and I split the teaching about 50/50. We try to make sure that at any given time one parent is employed and one is teaching/parenting/running the home.

Now that we homeschool, everything has become a team effort in our house. Both my husband and I teach, do housework, and make money. Everyone does chores. Walking in each other’s shoes each day has made us more compassionate towards each other. We are less likely to criticize each other when things don’t go right, and we’ve learned to be better communicators. This is, perhaps, my favorite part of homeschooling, that our family is happier together."
18 Reasons Why Doctors and Lawyers Homeschool Their Children ? ChildrensMD

thanks PC, homeschooling is an interesting topic. my wife and I cut work hours and volunteered for shift work once we started having kids. once they started school we became very involved in the local school, to the point where we were even asked why we didnt homeschool. but we thought we were helping the community, and indeed we were. by the time the kids were moving through middle school we gave up and put them into a Catholic high school. I dont begrudge the time and effort we put into public education but it all seems rather meaningless now because most of the programs that we championed have fallen by the wayside due to parental and administrative apathy.

If I had it all to do over again I would homeschool through grade seven and put (more) time and effort into kids' sports. I would also recommend Catholic high schools because they are cheaper and even though I am not a believer I appreciate that they have proactive set of standards. you dont necessarily get better kids at private schools but you do get other parents who value education enough to pay for it.

oh, and like another poster stated; if you arent doing a lot of homeschooling even if your kids do attend school, then you arent much of a parent.
Reasons for Homeschooling.

The reason for homeschooling is pretty straight forward. The public education system sucks balls. It's not preparing kids for the real world. It's grossly expensive, yet turns out a piss poor product.

I'm lucky that I have a good enough income I can send my son to a private school, but most people can't. While I have a met a few homeschooled kids who were a little awkward socially, as long as they have regular interaction with other kids, like through community sports, etc. they'll be fine. More kids are being homeschooled today than ever since the start of the government education system and you have a lot of parents now who do group homeschooling where parents take turns hosting the classes and kids of several parents will all go and learn together.
We too are fortunate to be able to afford to send our daughters to private school, and they are thriving because of it....The quality of education they are receiving is far and above what they would be recieving in public school....One of the things we've noticed, is the difference in maturity level between our daughters and their friends who attend public school. Whenever they are interacting with one another, our daughters sound like young adults, where their friends sound like a bunch of Caroline Kennedy's. Every other word out of their friends mouth is "like.".....Our daughters are so far ahead on every level of curriculum, it's almost sad....The top prep schools in the country are already courting them, and the school has one of the highest placement rates to preps in the country.

Most people think, because in most cases they are completely uninformed, that private schools are mainly religiously based, or military type school based....Our daughters school is completely academics based. Religion plays no role whatsoever.

Fact of the matter is, this country's public school system is broken, on so many levels....And one of the main reasons, and our liberal brethren up here are going to howl at the moon over this, is the quality of teachers who are not being held accountable for their failures. Union protection of those who are failing to teach on a high level, is killing the quality of education......The "every child gets a trophy whether they deserve it or not", and the menatlity nowadays that mediocrity is perfectly acceptable is another contributing factor, along with downright lousy parenting.

The best thing this country can do, is get unions out of public education, period. Along with implementing a voucher and charter school system, where parents of those in the public school system can have some actual control over their childs education, instead of having to go with what's offered, while their child wallows, and is being failed on so many levels.
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