Real politics of 2020, and why both partys are in a panic!


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
People really believe (depending upon which side of the aisle you reside on) that 2020 is just about getting rid of Trump, or keeping him. Nothing could be further from the truth, and here is why---------->

In 2020, we will have a new census. In that census, there are 2 takes, and they are opposite of one another.

1. REPUBLICAN SIDE---------------> Census is taken for total occupancy of country, BUT...……...illegal aliens only get federal dollars sent for occupancy. They do NOT count towards representation in the House of Representatives, since legally, they can NOT vote.

2. DEMOCRATIC TAKE------------> Everyone counts towards everything, period.

Why is this important?

Because, the population centers of the country are fleeing to greener pastures. It has been calculated, that California alone would lose 7 to 10 Representatives in the House under the Republican way of calculation. That does not count what would happen in New York, Illinois, and many of the blue states. And that was considered a LOW guesstimate, and could be much higher than that.

Now, you would THINK that this must mean that those seats would turn Republican, but that is NOT the case. Those Representatives could very well STILL be Democrats in other states; in fact, the odds are still at least 50-50. But that doesn't tell the whole story! Could a far Leftist get elected in say, Mississippi? Alabama? Either of the Carolinas?

Maybe, but far less likely. No, a more moderate Democrat would be the most likely fit for a Democrat. (think of Senator Joe Mansion) Think also of the fact that the jungle primary in California, would have faaaaaaaaaaaar less impact on the politics of the country because not only would their Representation in congress drop, so would their electoral college votes.

The Left knows this! 2020 is NOT about Trump, it is about the census. All Trump is to be honest, is the barrier. It could have been Cruz, or at least 13 of the 17 Republicans running. No matter who it was, THEY HAVE TO GO!

To be totally honest, Hillary was SUPPOSED to fix this. If she would have been elected, you would have had a 1 party nation, as far as national elections. Oh sure, we would have had our pockets of resistance, but if it ever got to close, just open the borders a little wider, then give amnesty, and walla………………………...the Left wins.

It is a very simple equation---------------> come here, and live BETTER doing NOTHING, then you ever lived before, and YOU Americans pay for it. What a racket!

So why are Republicans in congress panicking now?

Because the weak ones are sitting on the fence. Which way is the piñata going to fall? Do they have to kiss American a**, or soon to be voter illegal a**? Politicians are all for themselves for the most part, and getting re-elected is their number 1 priority; and that is the truth for BOTH political entities. They would rather be weak, and still have their cushy jobs working towards retirement, then fight for you; so they straddle the line.

Bottom line is simple---------------->politicians always say THIS election, is the most important election of your lifetime. They lie! But for Republicans, this one is! Control of how the census is taken will make, or break the direction of the country, for the next 10 to 11 years.

HEADS UP-------------> Do you see Obamacare? Today, most people think it has been a detriment. And yet, you can NOT rescind it! If you have 10 or 11 years of Leftist rule, do you think you will be able to change back that which they broke? Look at the Southern border, you think after 10 years you could fix that, when you are struggling so hard to fix it now? And you know what, as far as the Southern border, you have the VAST MAJORITY of citizens on YOUR side, and yet, it is STILL being litigated in the press, and everywhere a Leftist can speak, including here.

2020 is the end all, be all. Pick your candidates, and choose your vote wisely! Win, and you MIGHT be able to restore the equilibrium in this country. Lose, and it is Katie bar the door. And remember, it is NOT Trump, it is the power he gives you, and what he stands for. The more radioactive they can convince you he is, the easier it will be to force you to pay through the nose to support their voters.

Also remember---------->that if Trump runs unopposed and/or wins the Republican primary, even if you think he is an a**hole, he is the only thing between you, and you being fleeced to pay for people, who should not be here, the whole time, those people competing for YOUR job at lower wages, and sending the money back, to their country of origin.

HOW DUMB ARE WE? 2020 will tell us, now won't it!
Did I mention that MOST of the Leftists on here are socks of one another, and they are phony-e-baloneys!

But I will give a shoutout to Lesh. He did follow through, and while I do not agree with his politics, he at least backed up his statements. While I am not sure he will appreciate it, I will engage with him more with less vile, and maybe we can agree to disagree, or change each others minds on certain aspects of political views. THANK YOU LESH!
Leftists obviously do not want you to know what 2020 is all about, lol. If I was them, I wouldn't either-)
Obama's judge said "no" to the census citizenship question.
Hope they can get that issue to the USSC, the sooner the better.

p.s good luck with Lesh & Nat, they have partisan blinders on

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