Real Americans do not elect 79 year old socialists, but be careful as barely Americans may.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Remember, we are in new times...we have millions voting for Mexico’s best interests....we have a larger than ever Leftist led FSA (Free Shit Army) taught to believe they have a RIGHT to your bank account...Don’t sleep on these degenerates, start talking to everybody you know now.
Unfortunately we have many not only not real Americans, but not Americans at all, who will be voting for the very real socialist.
If ever a foreign country was to actually "interfere" in an American election, it would be to get someone like Sanders elected. That dumb bastard has sympathized with just about every country or bunch of people that hates us: Russia, Iran, China, Venezuela, Hamas, Hezbollah...
Bernie Sanders is solidifying his lead as the huge favorite to win the Democratic nomination, complicating Donald Trump's plans for re-election.
I don't expect Sanders to lose his lead again. It will very likely increase as he wins more and more states.
RealClearPolitics - Betting Odds - Democratic Presidential Nomination

This is awesome....Bern is the best the Mexicrat circus of filth has to offer. Those willing to vote for the commie are actually voting for his VP running mate as POTUS....hahaha

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