Jill Biden on Lindsey Graham: 'We Used To Be Great Friends, But He's Changed.' What Changed?

Joe Biden Talking About Lindsey Graham:

“I am disappointed, and quite frankly I'm angered, by the fact — he knows me; he knows my son; he knows there's nothing to this.”

Yeah....about that, Joe.....

I don't trust Graham.

If Graham wants to prove he has changed, he needs to win a great victory for me. If all he does is talk, he is just moving in for a "Bolton Maneuver", getting in position to back stab and do maximum damage.
He was extorting on behalf the Obama admin, the IMF and the EU. NOT HIMSELF.
....so you admit Biden is guilty of extortion, admit he was risking being discovered and losing everything for Barak Obama, but deny that he would ever due so to prevent his surviving son going to prison...?!

Lindsey has no spine. He will sell out his own grandma for Trump.

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