Reagan beat the USSR so completely their only option was to takeover the Dem Party


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Reagan beat the USSR so completely their only option was to complete their stated takeover the Dem Party. Think about it.

Reagan sends the USSR to the ash heap of history and their empire collapses by the early 1990's. Their counterstrike was to let go of their European satellites and complete their takeover of their operations in the USA where they already made great strides in the Democrat Party, media and academia and made inroads in the Republican Party and their RINO's.

Clinton becomes the first Dem President since LBJ to try to takeover health care. Coincidence? This is the wet dream of the Statist, to have control over the very life and death of the American people. Clinton lines up all Democrats behind him and allows no deviation from the Party line, this is the exact moment Moderate Dems went extinct.

Al Gore then starts the political war by recanting his concession to Bush. This is unprecedented in US political history. This is the shot heard round the world. Was he was ordered to recant his concession? Who did he speak to between his concession call and his call to recant? Will we ever know who spoke to Gore and got him to recant? This is no small matter. The effect was to challenge the peaceful transition of Presidential Power and since them there has been no reconciliation possible with the Democrats. They want to destroy American as completely as Reagan destroyed their hometeam.

They want to destroy our Founding Principles and our Tree of Liberty by digging it out by the roots and with ObamaCare and now letting Illegals vote themselves the stuff produced by Americans (Comprehensive Immigration Reform) their work will be nearly complete.
Methinks the OP is rather simple-minded.
Reagan beat the USSR so completely their only option was to complete their stated takeover the Dem Party. Think about it.

Reagan sends the USSR to the ash heap of history and their empire collapses by the early 1990's. Their counterstrike was to let go of their European satellites and complete their takeover of their operations in the USA where they already made great strides in the Democrat Party, media and academia and made inroads in the Republican Party and their RINO's.

Clinton becomes the first Dem President since LBJ to try to takeover health care. Coincidence? This is the wet dream of the Statist, to have control over the very life and death of the American people. Clinton lines up all Democrats behind him and allows no deviation from the Party line, this is the exact moment Moderate Dems went extinct.

Al Gore then starts the political war by recanting his concession to Bush. This is unprecedented in US political history. This is the shot heard round the world. Was he was ordered to recant his concession? Who did he speak to between his concession call and his call to recant? Will we ever know who spoke to Gore and got him to recant? This is no small matter. The effect was to challenge the peaceful transition of Presidential Power and since them there has been no reconciliation possible with the Democrats. They want to destroy American as completely as Reagan destroyed their hometeam.

They want to destroy our Founding Principles and our Tree of Liberty by digging it out by the roots and with ObamaCare and now letting Illegals vote themselves the stuff produced by Americans (Comprehensive Immigration Reform) their work will be nearly complete.

Please provide a link to wherever you copy and pasted this from. You are too stupid to write something like this, and board rules dictate that you provide links.
Gee Frankie....

You haven't run this post in over a week...

What took you so long?
Reagan beat the USSR so completely their only option was to complete their stated takeover the Dem Party. Think about it.

Reagan sends the USSR to the ash heap of history and their empire collapses by the early 1990's. Their counterstrike was to let go of their European satellites and complete their takeover of their operations in the USA where they already made great strides in the Democrat Party, media and academia and made inroads in the Republican Party and their RINO's.

Clinton becomes the first Dem President since LBJ to try to takeover health care. Coincidence? This is the wet dream of the Statist, to have control over the very life and death of the American people. Clinton lines up all Democrats behind him and allows no deviation from the Party line, this is the exact moment Moderate Dems went extinct.

Al Gore then starts the political war by recanting his concession to Bush. This is unprecedented in US political history. This is the shot heard round the world. Was he was ordered to recant his concession? Who did he speak to between his concession call and his call to recant? Will we ever know who spoke to Gore and got him to recant? This is no small matter. The effect was to challenge the peaceful transition of Presidential Power and since them there has been no reconciliation possible with the Democrats. They want to destroy American as completely as Reagan destroyed their hometeam.

They want to destroy our Founding Principles and our Tree of Liberty by digging it out by the roots and with ObamaCare and now letting Illegals vote themselves the stuff produced by Americans (Comprehensive Immigration Reform) their work will be nearly complete.

Please provide a link to wherever you copy and pasted this from. You are too stupid to write something like this, and board rules dictate that you provide links.
Google search of the quoted text only shows USMB.

Here's a napkin so that you can wipe the egg off your face.
This is a great point... Like it or not the Democratic party is a group of Socialists who would love for the Government to take control of everything. Think about it... Can someone honestly tell me one thing that the Democratic party doesn't think the Government would do better than the private sector?
This is a great point... Like it or not the Democratic party is a group of Socialists who would love for the Government to take control of everything. Think about it... Can someone honestly tell me one thing that the Democratic party doesn't think the Government would do better than the private sector?

You got that right. It wouldn't suprize me if the democrats had their way they would bar code a number on your head and put you on a machine that does everything for you. That is the way these people think.
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Reagan beat the USSR so completely their only option was to complete their stated takeover the Dem Party. Think about it.

Reagan sends the USSR to the ash heap of history and their empire collapses by the early 1990's. Their counterstrike was to let go of their European satellites and complete their takeover of their operations in the USA where they already made great strides in the Democrat Party, media and academia and made inroads in the Republican Party and their RINO's.

Clinton becomes the first Dem President since LBJ to try to takeover health care. Coincidence? This is the wet dream of the Statist, to have control over the very life and death of the American people. Clinton lines up all Democrats behind him and allows no deviation from the Party line, this is the exact moment Moderate Dems went extinct.

Al Gore then starts the political war by recanting his concession to Bush. This is unprecedented in US political history. This is the shot heard round the world. Was he was ordered to recant his concession? Who did he speak to between his concession call and his call to recant? Will we ever know who spoke to Gore and got him to recant? This is no small matter. The effect was to challenge the peaceful transition of Presidential Power and since them there has been no reconciliation possible with the Democrats. They want to destroy American as completely as Reagan destroyed their hometeam.

They want to destroy our Founding Principles and our Tree of Liberty by digging it out by the roots and with ObamaCare and now letting Illegals vote themselves the stuff produced by Americans (Comprehensive Immigration Reform) their work will be nearly complete.

Please provide a link to wherever you copy and pasted this from. You are too stupid to write something like this, and board rules dictate that you provide links.
Google search of the quoted text only shows USMB.

Here's a napkin so that you can wipe the egg off your face.

This is a real post.

It was dictated by the other voice in Crusader Franks head
This is a great point... Like it or not the Democratic party is a group of Socialists who would love for the Government to take control of everything. Think about it... Can someone honestly tell me one thing that the Democratic party doesn't think the Government would do better than the private sector?

You got that right. It wouldn't suprize me if the democrats had their way they would bar code a number on your head and put you on a machine that does everything for you. That is the way these people think.

and this machine would have a mechanical hand,, which pocket do you keep your wallet in? :lol:
Please provide a link to wherever you copy and pasted this from. You are too stupid to write something like this, and board rules dictate that you provide links.
Google search of the quoted text only shows USMB.

Here's a napkin so that you can wipe the egg off your face.

This is a real post.

It was dictated by the other voice in Crusader Franks head

I had more origin ideas in a single post than in your entire oeuvre.
I'm quoting my own Facebook note on the subject... read and learn...Reagan didn't kill the USSR by himself.

Ok, here we go again.

In a desperate attempt to Jes-ify (don't take my word) Reagan, there's this myth going around that he ended the cold war single-handedly - or at least his unique policies did. WAKE UP FROM YOUR FANTASY.

Before I go further, I'm behooved to state that most of these notes have been on the liberal side and this is yet another one. Here's where I'm coming from: I live in Alabama where 99% of what I get to hear is conservative. And not just run-of-the-mill conservative talk, dyed-in-the-wool, throw reasonableness and rational-thinking out with the bathwater neocon-ness. And it gives me an itch that I just have to scratch.

I'll be the first to say, the same stuff happens on the left. Of course it does, we're all human and prone to the same behaviour). Obama has obviously been Jes-ified by more than just liberals, but now it seems today, by THE WORLD. Awards for promises without payoff.

Ok, now that I've tried to punch the "see where I'm coming from" and "let's be even-handed" tickets...back to our regularly scheduled note.

The idea to bring down the wall wasn't new policy by any means. Not only was it Reagan's policy much earlier, but it was American policy much earlier too. That speech didn't CAUSE the change in the Soviet Union, it was only possible because the Soviet Union had already begun to change with Gorbachev's changes. Imagine picking a fight with your biggest enemy and creating more tension! What that speech DID do...was allow him to start a dialog about how to slowly wind down and with more precision what was already happening thanks to a long history of U.S policy.

The bankrupting of the Soviet Union didn't happen in a few years of his presidency - it had been happening for decades (all sorts of leading economic indicators of the time bore that out).

SO let's get to this idea that Reagan was more peaceful than Obama: That's pretty weird as well. You do realize that the bloody military actions to suppress social and political change in El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Afghanistan all germinated from Reagan's office? And all Obama's done so far is say that we should a) get out of Iraq and b) take the fight to where it should have been - in order to seal the power vacuum and go after the real source?

Am I going to stop anyone from thinking anything? Nah. But now my itch has been scratched. ahhhhh
Margaret Thatcher and Pope John Paul helped, but it was Reagan stated goal and the USA did all the heavy lifting.
Al Gore then starts the political war by recanting his concession to Bush. This is unprecedented in US political history. This is the shot heard round the world. Was he was ordered to recant his concession? Who did he speak to between his concession call and his call to recant? Will we ever know who spoke to Gore and got him to recant? This is no small matter.

Is this some sort of joke? He was told he lost Florida so he resigned, then he was told it was really too close to call so he put his hat back in. It's that damn simple.

They want to destroy American as completely as Reagan destroyed their hometeam.

They're all cartoon villains I tell you, they're just evil for the sake of evil. If the USSR was powerful enough to infiltrate the white house and all the Democratic then how the hell did they collapse?

Lay off the weed.
What a stretch!!
So now we equate Universal Healthcare not with just socialism but communism. I suppose you consider all Europe, Australia, Canada, Mexico, and most of South America to be communist. All of these countries have universal healthcare. In fact just about every developed nation on the face of the earth has some form of universal healthcare with the exception of the US.
Take a look at:

Universal health care - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Al Gore then starts the political war by recanting his concession to Bush. This is unprecedented in US political history. This is the shot heard round the world. Was he was ordered to recant his concession? Who did he speak to between his concession call and his call to recant? Will we ever know who spoke to Gore and got him to recant? This is no small matter.

Is this some sort of joke? He was told he lost Florida so he resigned, then he was told it was really too close to call so he put his hat back in. It's that damn simple.

They want to destroy American as completely as Reagan destroyed their hometeam.

They're all cartoon villains I tell you, they're just evil for the sake of evil. If the USSR was powerful enough to infiltrate the white house and all the Democratic then how the hell did they collapse?

Lay off the weed.

It's isn't that simple. He knew it was close when he conceded.

Something happened between the concession and the retraction to change the course of American history and I seem to be the only person interested.
What a stretch!!
So now we equate Universal Healthcare not with just socialism but communism. I suppose you consider all Europe, Australia, Canada, Mexico, and most of South America to be communist. All of these countries have universal healthcare. In fact just about every developed nation on the face of the earth has some form of universal healthcare with the exception of the US.
Take a look at:

Universal health care - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many of those counties let their lawyers make a living suing their doctors?

Who was the last prominent US figure to abandon US medical treatment in favor of that of some other nation?

Where did Ted Kennedy go for his end of life care?

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