Ray Lewis rips Black Lives Matter for ignoring black-on-black crime


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Of course Mr. Lewis, former NFL defenser is now the prized jewel of white people.....because any time a nigga come out against black folk, their suddenly the apple of the white man's eye....provided he's not out at night and in his neck of the woods.....Mr. Lewis, is now out preaching the words of black on black crime and why BLM isn't focused on that. Mr. Lewis like soooooooooo many fail to understand that this movement couldn't possibly address why nigga ENJOY killing each other, no more than it can address why hillbilly poor white motherfuckers who get a gov. check each month, votes for a party that wants to take it away, ie the GOP. Its called an enigma, something that's unexplainable. BLM's came into form not as a movement, but as a social statement to society that killing us and allowing cops to go free, is unacceptable. That black lives, no matter how we fit on the social scales of society, our lives, our childrens' lives matter. To tack on black on black crimes, poverty, inequality, social ills all this on a movement simply asking for justice, is an unfair move on Mr. Lewis's part.

What Lewis fail to understand that its absent black men, perhaps not Mr. Lewis himself, who are the foundation for the ills in the black community. And instead of attacking what is considered a positive light that has broke through all the bullshit that engulfs the community, nigga's getting off of Becky for a few hours a day to protest is a good thang....just sayin!!

Tigerred59 you're an idiot.

Ray Lewis was born and raised in Miami slums and rose above it. And he did more charity work for the black folks of Baltimore than every Democrat city official there combined.

He's the greatest LB of all time and a great man.

tigerred59 you surely do know what a nigga is, you see one every time you lookin the mirror, and it's not cause your black on the outside, it's cause you are black on the inside.

Now, its the 7th, do you have any of your check left? or will you be bumming for the rest of the month again?
Of course Mr. Lewis, former NFL defenser is now the prized jewel of white people.....because any time a nigga come out against black folk, their suddenly the apple of the white man's eye....provided he's not out at night and in his neck of the woods.....Mr. Lewis, is now out preaching the words of black on black crime and why BLM isn't focused on that. Mr. Lewis like soooooooooo many fail to understand that this movement couldn't possibly address why nigga ENJOY killing each other, no more than it can address why hillbilly poor white motherfuckers who get a gov. check each month, votes for a party that wants to take it away, ie the GOP. Its called an enigma, something that's unexplainable. BLM's came into form not as a movement, but as a social statement to society that killing us and allowing cops to go free, is unacceptable. That black lives, no matter how we fit on the social scales of society, our lives, our childrens' lives matter. To tack on black on black crimes, poverty, inequality, social ills all this on a movement simply asking for justice, is an unfair move on Mr. Lewis's part.

What Lewis fail to understand that its absent black men, perhaps not Mr. Lewis himself, who are the foundation for the ills in the black community. And instead of attacking what is considered a positive light that has broke through all the bullshit that engulfs the community, nigga's getting off of Becky for a few hours a day to protest is a good thang....just sayin!!

He sounds just like a white person making that claim. Obviously he is ignorant of the multitude of groups and movements that are working to curb Black on Black violence. Its amazing he thinks that the people we pay to catch criminals should be immune from being pointed out for being criminals themselves. I guess when you live in the buffered zone of celebrity and forget your roots you get confused easily.
Of course Mr. Lewis, former NFL defenser is now the prized jewel of white people.....because any time a nigga come out against black folk, their suddenly the apple of the white man's eye....provided he's not out at night and in his neck of the woods.....Mr. Lewis, is now out preaching the words of black on black crime and why BLM isn't focused on that. Mr. Lewis like soooooooooo many fail to understand that this movement couldn't possibly address why nigga ENJOY killing each other, no more than it can address why hillbilly poor white motherfuckers who get a gov. check each month, votes for a party that wants to take it away, ie the GOP. Its called an enigma, something that's unexplainable. BLM's came into form not as a movement, but as a social statement to society that killing us and allowing cops to go free, is unacceptable. That black lives, no matter how we fit on the social scales of society, our lives, our childrens' lives matter. To tack on black on black crimes, poverty, inequality, social ills all this on a movement simply asking for justice, is an unfair move on Mr. Lewis's part.

What Lewis fail to understand that its absent black men, perhaps not Mr. Lewis himself, who are the foundation for the ills in the black community. And instead of attacking what is considered a positive light that has broke through all the bullshit that engulfs the community, nigga's getting off of Becky for a few hours a day to protest is a good thang....just sayin!!

just like how some blacks jump all over him for speaking out against that shit? Like you and racistpias just did? LOL moron
Tigerred59 you're an idiot.

Ray Lewis was born and raised in Miami slums and rose above it. And he did more charity work for the black folks of Baltimore than every Democrat city official there combined.

He's the greatest LB of all time and a great man.

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Bucs youre a idiot.

Ray Lewis played football. Thats how he rose above it all. Regardless of what he did his comment shows that he should confine himself to speaking on topics he knows about. Criticizing BLM for not addressing Black on Black crime is pretty retarded of Ray. What does Black on Black violence have to do with police brutality?
Of course Mr. Lewis, former NFL defenser is now the prized jewel of white people.....because any time a nigga come out against black folk, their suddenly the apple of the white man's eye....provided he's not out at night and in his neck of the woods.....Mr. Lewis, is now out preaching the words of black on black crime and why BLM isn't focused on that. Mr. Lewis like soooooooooo many fail to understand that this movement couldn't possibly address why nigga ENJOY killing each other, no more than it can address why hillbilly poor white motherfuckers who get a gov. check each month, votes for a party that wants to take it away, ie the GOP. Its called an enigma, something that's unexplainable. BLM's came into form not as a movement, but as a social statement to society that killing us and allowing cops to go free, is unacceptable. That black lives, no matter how we fit on the social scales of society, our lives, our childrens' lives matter. To tack on black on black crimes, poverty, inequality, social ills all this on a movement simply asking for justice, is an unfair move on Mr. Lewis's part.

What Lewis fail to understand that its absent black men, perhaps not Mr. Lewis himself, who are the foundation for the ills in the black community. And instead of attacking what is considered a positive light that has broke through all the bullshit that engulfs the community, nigga's getting off of Becky for a few hours a day to protest is a good thang....just sayin!!

just like how some blacks jump all over him for speaking out against that shit? Like you and racistpias just did? LOL moron
I'm not jumping all over him. He has a point. There should be more visibility on all the movements to eradicate Black on Black violence. However, him criticizing BLM for not addressing it when they are addressing the one vital and specific dynamic that would eventually help in getting rid of Black on Black violence is stupidity.
Ray seems to set up the same strawman the white boys have been using. You cant talk about police abusing their authority unless you ignore black crime.

Sure police abuse has NOTHING to do with black crime but why not bring up....thats what a Jigaboo does

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