CDZ "Ratifying the Idiocracy"


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
Okay, up front, this piece is (a) a little wordy, and (b) a bit snarky a times. Stipulated. But if I were trying to boil this down to a few words, I'd try "the worst, shallowest, and most counter-productive elements of our society, from both ends of our political spectrum, are being enabled ("actively cultivated" in the essay) by elites whose motives are less than patriotic.

Below is link to the piece. Hopefully we can have a Clean Debate Zone-worthy conversation about it.

A taste of the essay:

Simply this: Our elites are actively cultivating idiocy, both in the Greek sense and in the modern moronic sense. The bases of both parties, each in their own ways, crave dumbed down “solutions” swathed in the gossamer of gobbledygook and rationalized by irrationalism. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is only figuratively talking out of her ass when she mumbles magic incantations inspired by the mumbo-jumbo of modern monetary theory. But she gets closer to literalism when she joins other elites at the Met Gala with “tax the rich” scrawled on her backside. I get that “tax the rich” is just a slogan—but it’s an idiotic one given that we do, in fact, tax the rich. But if you’re an idiot in the Greek sense, someone who doesn’t know much about politics or public finance, you might take that slogan literally and think we don’t.

When conservatives say we shouldn’t add trillions to the national debt, progressives respond, “You didn’t care about the debt when you were in charge.” And they’re right! But this response is sophomoric: You were horribly irresponsible with the credit card, so now it’s our turn to be horribly irresponsible!

The politicians—in both parties—who are the thirstiest for social media virality sound like Bart Simpson running for class president against Martin Prince. “He says there are no easy answers! I say he’s not looking hard enough!”

Donald Trump said last night, “Nobody has done more for Christianity or for evangelicals or for religion itself than I have.” Spare me your “take him seriously, not literally” garbage. That’s the intellectual equivalent of buying indulgences—it gives you permission to take very stupid things seriously rather than denounce the stupidity on display.

I honestly don’t think Trump or Ocasio-Cortez know better. But in a serious country we should want elites who do. And simply knowing the truth isn’t enough. Rubio knows that Biden isn’t pushing Marxism. Biden et al know that getting rid of drive-thru voting is not Jim Crow. J.D. Vance knows that most of his prattle is nonsense. I would like to think that Maxine Waters knows slavery was worse than a couple of border guys riding horses, but I’m not sure. (I’m also not sure which is more damning—ignorance or self-awareness.) Ron Johnson knows the election wasn’t stolen, and he says so when he thinks the cameras aren’t around. Good luck getting him to say it in public, though.
Okay, up front, this piece is (a) a little wordy, and (b) a bit snarky a times. Stipulated. But if I were trying to boil this down to a few words, I'd try "the worst, shallowest, and most counter-productive elements of our society, from both ends of our political spectrum, are being enabled ("actively cultivated" in the essay) by elites whose motives are less than patriotic.

Below is link to the piece. Hopefully we can have a Clean Debate Zone-worthy conversation about it.

A taste of the essay:

Simply this: Our elites are actively cultivating idiocy, both in the Greek sense and in the modern moronic sense. The bases of both parties, each in their own ways, crave dumbed down “solutions” swathed in the gossamer of gobbledygook and rationalized by irrationalism. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is only figuratively talking out of her ass when she mumbles magic incantations inspired by the mumbo-jumbo of modern monetary theory. But she gets closer to literalism when she joins other elites at the Met Gala with “tax the rich” scrawled on her backside. I get that “tax the rich” is just a slogan—but it’s an idiotic one given that we do, in fact, tax the rich. But if you’re an idiot in the Greek sense, someone who doesn’t know much about politics or public finance, you might take that slogan literally and think we don’t.

When conservatives say we shouldn’t add trillions to the national debt, progressives respond, “You didn’t care about the debt when you were in charge.” And they’re right! But this response is sophomoric: You were horribly irresponsible with the credit card, so now it’s our turn to be horribly irresponsible!

The politicians—in both parties—who are the thirstiest for social media virality sound like Bart Simpson running for class president against Martin Prince. “He says there are no easy answers! I say he’s not looking hard enough!”

Donald Trump said last night, “Nobody has done more for Christianity or for evangelicals or for religion itself than I have.” Spare me your “take him seriously, not literally” garbage. That’s the intellectual equivalent of buying indulgences—it gives you permission to take very stupid things seriously rather than denounce the stupidity on display.

I honestly don’t think Trump or Ocasio-Cortez know better. But in a serious country we should want elites who do. And simply knowing the truth isn’t enough. Rubio knows that Biden isn’t pushing Marxism. Biden et al know that getting rid of drive-thru voting is not Jim Crow. J.D. Vance knows that most of his prattle is nonsense. I would like to think that Maxine Waters knows slavery was worse than a couple of border guys riding horses, but I’m not sure. (I’m also not sure which is more damning—ignorance or self-awareness.) Ron Johnson knows the election wasn’t stolen, and he says so when he thinks the cameras aren’t around. Good luck getting him to say it in public, though. and the article are wrong at the get to: we've ALWAYS cared about the debt, no matter who was in charge
Who gives the voters these candidates? On both sides.

Nice that you want to blame the voters instead of the establishment.
Yet you say nothing about it while Bush and Trump are President
MAJOR fk up by--you people keep fking up--I've been over this before---I DID talk about when Trump was POTUS--you are now discredited forever--BOOOM BABY---you LOSE
etc MANY links:
Yet you say nothing about it while Bush and Trump are President
Yet you say nothing about it while Bush and Trump are President
many exsmples:
Yet you say nothing about it while Bush and Trump are President
Sequestration occurred under Oblama forced by the GOP, yet when Trump is elected sequestration ends and the debt ceiling is nixed until Trump is out of office....Doesn't sound very responsible to me from either party.
Okay, up front, this piece is (a) a little wordy, and (b) a bit snarky a times. Stipulated. But if I were trying to boil this down to a few words, I'd try "the worst, shallowest, and most counter-productive elements of our society, from both ends of our political spectrum, are being enabled ("actively cultivated" in the essay) by elites whose motives are less than patriotic.

Below is link to the piece. Hopefully we can have a Clean Debate Zone-worthy conversation about it.

A taste of the essay:

Simply this: Our elites are actively cultivating idiocy, both in the Greek sense and in the modern moronic sense. The bases of both parties, each in their own ways, crave dumbed down “solutions” swathed in the gossamer of gobbledygook and rationalized by irrationalism. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is only figuratively talking out of her ass when she mumbles magic incantations inspired by the mumbo-jumbo of modern monetary theory. But she gets closer to literalism when she joins other elites at the Met Gala with “tax the rich” scrawled on her backside. I get that “tax the rich” is just a slogan—but it’s an idiotic one given that we do, in fact, tax the rich. But if you’re an idiot in the Greek sense, someone who doesn’t know much about politics or public finance, you might take that slogan literally and think we don’t.

When conservatives say we shouldn’t add trillions to the national debt, progressives respond, “You didn’t care about the debt when you were in charge.” And they’re right! But this response is sophomoric: You were horribly irresponsible with the credit card, so now it’s our turn to be horribly irresponsible!

The politicians—in both parties—who are the thirstiest for social media virality sound like Bart Simpson running for class president against Martin Prince. “He says there are no easy answers! I say he’s not looking hard enough!”

Donald Trump said last night, “Nobody has done more for Christianity or for evangelicals or for religion itself than I have.” Spare me your “take him seriously, not literally” garbage. That’s the intellectual equivalent of buying indulgences—it gives you permission to take very stupid things seriously rather than denounce the stupidity on display.

I honestly don’t think Trump or Ocasio-Cortez know better. But in a serious country we should want elites who do. And simply knowing the truth isn’t enough. Rubio knows that Biden isn’t pushing Marxism. Biden et al know that getting rid of drive-thru voting is not Jim Crow. J.D. Vance knows that most of his prattle is nonsense. I would like to think that Maxine Waters knows slavery was worse than a couple of border guys riding horses, but I’m not sure. (I’m also not sure which is more damning—ignorance or self-awareness.) Ron Johnson knows the election wasn’t stolen, and he says so when he thinks the cameras aren’t around. Good luck getting him to say it in public, though.

We are a society that is deeply divided 3 ways

Meaning ours, theirs and yours

So what else is new?

All you ever do is complain about the other guys
Bottom line neither party serves the interests of the average American citizen. Yet we fight tooth and nail to continue the demise of the working class. We have had complete idiots from both party's for ever. But now we scrape the bottom of the barrel promoting those who lie the best and scream the loudest .
The fence-sitters lack the courage to participate in political discourse or offer solutions of their own.

Lying about ‘both parties’ being ‘the same’ does nothing to address the problems the country must deal with.

When the fence-sitters find the courage to get off of the fence and actually participate in meaningful political discourse, then they can be taken seriously.
Other than acknowledge we have debt, I see nowhere that you condemn Trump for running trillion dollar deficits during a strong economy

Why not?
Other than acknowledge we have debt, I see nowhere that you condemn Trump for running trillion dollar deficits during a strong economy

Why not?
you fkd up--stop trying to move the goal posts and double talk crap
Other than acknowledge we have debt, I see nowhere that you condemn Trump for running trillion dollar deficits during a strong economy

Why not?
ANOTHERfk up by you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA lovin it
here is your post:
'''Yet you say nothing about it while Bush and Trump are President''''
Okay, up front, this piece is (a) a little wordy, and (b) a bit snarky a times. Stipulated. But if I were trying to boil this down to a few words, I'd try "the worst, shallowest, and most counter-productive elements of our society, from both ends of our political spectrum, are being enabled ("actively cultivated" in the essay) by elites whose motives are less than patriotic.

Below is link to the piece. Hopefully we can have a Clean Debate Zone-worthy conversation about it.

A taste of the essay:

Simply this: Our elites are actively cultivating idiocy, both in the Greek sense and in the modern moronic sense. The bases of both parties, each in their own ways, crave dumbed down “solutions” swathed in the gossamer of gobbledygook and rationalized by irrationalism. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is only figuratively talking out of her ass when she mumbles magic incantations inspired by the mumbo-jumbo of modern monetary theory. But she gets closer to literalism when she joins other elites at the Met Gala with “tax the rich” scrawled on her backside. I get that “tax the rich” is just a slogan—but it’s an idiotic one given that we do, in fact, tax the rich. But if you’re an idiot in the Greek sense, someone who doesn’t know much about politics or public finance, you might take that slogan literally and think we don’t.

When conservatives say we shouldn’t add trillions to the national debt, progressives respond, “You didn’t care about the debt when you were in charge.” And they’re right! But this response is sophomoric: You were horribly irresponsible with the credit card, so now it’s our turn to be horribly irresponsible!

The politicians—in both parties—who are the thirstiest for social media virality sound like Bart Simpson running for class president against Martin Prince. “He says there are no easy answers! I say he’s not looking hard enough!”

Donald Trump said last night, “Nobody has done more for Christianity or for evangelicals or for religion itself than I have.” Spare me your “take him seriously, not literally” garbage. That’s the intellectual equivalent of buying indulgences—it gives you permission to take very stupid things seriously rather than denounce the stupidity on display.

I honestly don’t think Trump or Ocasio-Cortez know better. But in a serious country we should want elites who do. And simply knowing the truth isn’t enough. Rubio knows that Biden isn’t pushing Marxism. Biden et al know that getting rid of drive-thru voting is not Jim Crow. J.D. Vance knows that most of his prattle is nonsense. I would like to think that Maxine Waters knows slavery was worse than a couple of border guys riding horses, but I’m not sure. (I’m also not sure which is more damning—ignorance or self-awareness.) Ron Johnson knows the election wasn’t stolen, and he says so when he thinks the cameras aren’t around. Good luck getting him to say it in public, though.
One solution, a pretty easy one ironically, is to take a hard look at who is picking the candidates.
Conservatives are wrong on the issues, of course – they’re liars and demagogues.

But conservatives are better than the fence-sitters; they have their convictions and take a stand on the issues, unlike fence-sitting cowards.
Bottom line neither party serves the interests of the average American citizen. Yet we fight tooth and nail to continue the demise of the working class. We have had complete idiots from both party's for ever. But now we scrape the bottom of the barrel promoting those who lie the best and scream the loudest .
This goes back to our system and the incentives it gives these people. The politicians are motivated to pander to their base, and their bases are provided distorted input by their "information" sources, because those sources know that tribalism sells. It all feeds on itself.

I don't see how this changes as long as (a) we have only two relevant parties, and (b) the top priorities are always pandering, fundraising and re-election. The only folks who can change the system is We The People, and we clearly don't care enough to do so.

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