Rashida Talib latest Dem ignoring mask guidelines.

When will the lefties wake up and realize they are being played by their handlers?

The left doesn't have "handlers". People like you have handlers. They tell you what to think, and what to post. Do you honestly care what Rashida Talib does? What's your point in posting this, FuckBoi?
The left doesn't have "handlers". People like you have handlers. They tell you what to think, and what to post. Do you honestly care what Rashida Talib does? What's your point in posting this, FuckBoi?
Three points:

  • Dimwinger politicians are playing halfwit Sheeple like you for the fools you are.
  • Dimwinger politicians are ginormous hypocrites.
  • To prove halfwit Dimwinger Sheeple like you are easily triggered when their handlers are called out on their ginormous hypcrisy.
The left doesn't have "handlers". People like you have handlers. They tell you what to think, and what to post. Do you honestly care what Rashida Talib does? What's your point in posting this, FuckBoi?
Look ugly incarnate, She didn't wear a mask .AOC didn't era a mask at the "sit in". Neither Obambi or his "guest" wore masks. Newsome had a party, no masks. Nancy had her hair done , no mask. You truly are a revolting idiot.
She clearly hates America
I will help. I is old-----I encountered LOTS of muslims LONG ago and counting. ----(like in the mid 1960s right here in the USA----YOUNG muslims who knew WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN TOLD.) Here it
is........ EVERYTHING OF any value at all IS IN THE KORAN. Is there a MASK LAW in the koran?.
DOING WHAT ----lousy KAFFIRIN DO------is a lousy thing to do.
When will the lefties wake up and realize they are being played by their handlers?

HomO too...

The whole pro gay left wing anti white communist fascist sicko crowd knows Covid is a total fraud.

Covid delta fraudulent is not killing anyone, the fraud vax is...

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