D-Tlaib Potentially Latest Dem Proving Dempocrats Are Above The law


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Freshman House Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., reportedly received payments from her campaign while running for office in 2016. While such unusual arrangements can be legal under narrow guidelines during the campaign season, Tlaib allegedly continued to take money from the campaign after the election, potentially violating federal law.

"(If Tlaib) converted campaign funds from Rashida Tlaib for Congress to personal use, or if Tlaib’s campaign committee expended funds that were not attributable to bona fide campaign or political purposes, then Tlaib may have violated House rules, standards of conduct, and federal law.”

The Board of the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) announced the House Ethics Committee is extending its investigation of Tlaib after finding "substantial reason to believe" she violated campaign finance laws. "The fact that the committee has agreed to expand the investigation indicates that these allegations are strong and they are serious."

'Rule of Law'?
'Equal Justice'?
'No one is above the law'?

"There will be no recommendation for action unless there is bipartisan support."

It must be nice knowing you can break any law you want with the confidence you aren't going to be held accountable unless several hundred of your co-workers agree to hold you accountable to the law...which is NOT going to happen because your party members will protect your ass no matter what you do...as opposed to what happens with the rest of us 'peasants' / 'slaves'.

Jason Chaffetz: Rep. Rashida Tlaib may test Democratic claims that no one is above the law

"Freshman House Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., reportedly received payments from her campaign while running for office in 2016. While such unusual arrangements can be legal under narrow guidelines during the campaign season, Tlaib allegedly continued to take money from the campaign after the election, potentially violating federal law.

"(If Tlaib) converted campaign funds from Rashida Tlaib for Congress to personal use, or if Tlaib’s campaign committee expended funds that were not attributable to bona fide campaign or political purposes, then Tlaib may have violated House rules, standards of conduct, and federal law.”

The Board of the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) announced the House Ethics Committee is extending its investigation of Tlaib after finding "substantial reason to believe" she violated campaign finance laws. "The fact that the committee has agreed to expand the investigation indicates that these allegations are strong and they are serious."

'Rule of Law'?
'Equal Justice'?
'No one is above the law'?

"There will be no recommendation for action unless there is bipartisan support."

It must be nice knowing you can break any law you want with the confidence you aren't going to be held accountable unless several hundred of your co-workers agree to hold you accountable to the law...which is NOT going to happen because your party members will protect your ass no matter what you do...as opposed to what happens with the rest of us 'peasants' / 'slaves'.

Jason Chaffetz: Rep. Rashida Tlaib may test Democratic claims that no one is above the law


How exactly is this "above the law"?
How exactly is this "above the law"?
Violating campaign finance laws....being told she was doing it...continuing doing it...and the admission that politicians found to be breaking the law are NOT held accountable unless 100% of politicians agree to hold the violating politician accountable.

When is the last time Democrats and Republicans agreed 100% on anything, especially to hold a member of one of their political parties accountable for a crime / violation?!

Do you seriously think if they find Tlaib violated campaign finance laws Democrats are going with Republicans in insisting she be held accountable?

I am of the belief that no one is excused from being investigated by the appropriate law enforcement agency and criminal charges filed if necessary just because they hold some elected position in local, state, or federal government.

Ethics violations, impeachments, removal from office can occur after the charges are filed.

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